Turns Out I’m a Great Cultivator

Chapter 362: I'm cold before I appear

Rebooting started and said: "Miss Yun, if you are dead, your soul has nothing to do with you. The crimes in your lifetime will be judged by someone after you die, but you cannot be given."

Yun Yiyi asked: "How to judge?"

Rebooting answer: "Eighteen levels of hell."

"I believe in myself more! Give it to me?"

Reboot without answering.

A black light flickered in Yun Yiyi's eyes, and his icy momentum rushed towards rebooting like a tide, and finally he gave a cold snort and prepared to leave.

This time, rebooting stopped and said, "Miss Yun, since the enemy has already been punishable, it's time to let go!"

A trace of confusion flashed in Yun Yiyi's eyes, and he seemed very at a loss, but then he returned to the cold and bleakly said: "How to let go? Who can understand my pain? This world gives me the pain, I want to let Everyone feel it!"

"You stop and ask your heart carefully, will you be happy?"

Rebooting looked at Yun Yiyi. The two stood on the huge pillars of the mountain, with white clouds floating around, looking at each other.

"My heart?" Yun Yiyi looked at rebooting sarcastically, "Among so many people I have killed, some believe in Buddha. Before they die, they will still wait for the salvation of the Buddha. Has the Buddha come? Faith is just a deception. Human tricks, it won’t save anyone!"

Reboot and recite the Buddha's name silently, "But faith can save yourself. I beg you one thing, don't kill people, stop, okay?"

Yun Yiyi looked at the reboot, a little stunned.

Reboot slowly stepped forward, stretched out her hand, and looked at Yun Yiyi, "I can still marry you. How about giving me that lotus leaf as a dowry?"

Yun Yiyi's breathing suddenly became rapid, and the first reaction was joy. He dullly took out the lotus leaf and passed it to the rebooting hand.

At this moment, the lotus leaf had already turned black, exuding an incomparably evil light.

Just when rebooting was about to get the lotus leaf, the lotus leaf suddenly burst out with black light, and it made a very cold voice, jokingly: "Want me? You are dreaming!"

The lotus leaf abruptly merged into Yun Yiyi's palm. The next moment, a pitch black arm shot out from behind Yun Yiyi, like a poisonous snake, without a trace of defense, it directly penetrated the chest of rebooting. , Flying out like a cannonball!

"The buddhas of Buddhism are still a little bit too weak, and they can actually force me to do it myself!"

An unfamiliar voice came from Yun Yiyi's mouth, which merged with Yun Yiyi's own voice to form a duplication, which sounded extremely strange.

At the feet of ‘her’, the lotus leaf actually gave birth to two, two gave birth to three, turning into a black lotus flower, slowly blooming, and slowly supporting it.

An extremely strange and terrifying aura began to radiate from her body, drifting towards rebooting condescendingly.

At this time, the rebooting was knocked into a wall, and there was a big wound on the chest, blood rushing out like a pillar.

At the location of the wound, so many souls absorbed in his body seemed to have found a catharsis, with his mouth wide open, crying sternly, ready to rush out.

However, he could only rush out halfway, and his lower body seemed to be firmly locked.

"Oh? Not dead yet?"

"Yun Yiyi" looked at rebooting, with a strange color in his eyes, "Then it will become the nourishment of the black lotus."

She raised her hand and waved, and Hei Lian suddenly emitted a black light, moving towards the reboot mask.

Just when the black light was about to hit the reboot, a golden light slowly emerged, forming a shield.

This golden light is not strong, on the contrary, it is very light.

But... it easily blocked the black light.

The two colors of gold and black, like natural enemies, are very distinct from each other and do not blend in at all.

At this moment, those ghosts were sucked back into the rebooting body, and the wounds were restored again, but the growth was not meat, but golden paint.

Rebooting opened his eyes again and looked at the many black lotuses, their body as light as a feather, floating in the air, "This is, destroying the world... black lotus?"

Whether it's "Journey to the West" or "Post-Journey to the West", Yue Tu has naturally talked about rebooting and was deeply impressed, so rebooting will be recognized at first sight.

"Oh, there is some insight."

Yun Yiyi smiled coldly, "This magic weapon is born with the heavens and the earth. It is the innate treasure and has the power of the cholera world. Back then, the godless demon used this lotus platform to stir up your Buddhism. Give it to me!"

Rebooted and said solemnly: "Who are you?"

"I am a contemporary demon master!" The demon master's voice was faint, cruel and arrogant.

Rebooting said, "This is between us, you get out of her body."

The demon lord laughed, "Hahaha, why should I go out? Come on, come on, this is your sweetheart, are you willing to fight?"


Rebooting hands together, the golden light all over his body suddenly released, the dazzling Buddha light was like a laser, shooting wildly towards the surroundings, and there was an extra round of golden light on the back of his head!

At this moment, the surrounding world was shrouded in the light of Buddha, and from a distance, it looked like a golden egg.

Such a strong Buddha light made the demon master's face sink, and with a wave of his hand, the world-killing black lotus revolved, with the demon flame burning up, and the black air surging, forming a black dragon hovering!

Suddenly, the black and the gold stalemate with each other, forming a momentum of blocking and contending!

"This... how is this possible?!"

The devil's eyes widened, with an unbelievable expression.

He had never dreamed that a small monk could actually block the power of the Destroying Black Lotus.

This unscientific!

She calmly said: "What magic weapon do you have?!"

Rebooting did not speak, his hand slowly raised, the Buddha's light surged, forming a giant dragon, "Dawei Tianlong!"


The golden dragon was so huge that only a dragon head appeared. The golden dragon head covered the sky and covered the sun. It was the size of a village and had a mouth that contained the devil in its mouth!

Looking from afar, I saw a huge dragon head biting a cloud of dark smoke!

The devil's face became solemn, his arms raised, "Black Devil Dragon!"


The same is a giant dragon rising into the sky, the whole body is made up of black mist, and it surrounds the lotus platform. The next moment it bursts out of the dragon's mouth, entangled with the golden dragon!


At this moment, heaven and earth faded!

Within a radius of thousands of miles, the sun and the moon are dark!

Everyone looked up, and they could see that in the sky, there were two kinds of light intertwined, one gold and one black, and there was a booming sound, forming a spectacle!

Both the Buddha's light and the devil's energy form a pillar of light that soars to the sky, terrifying to the extreme, and even the immortal world has a feeling.


Above the void, a golden door slowly emerged, then opened, bursting out holy light!

The gates of heaven are open!

However, not long after, with a "click", a crack appeared on the golden portal, and then the cracks grew bigger and bigger, and the Tianmen did not appear for long. It was accompanied by a "knock", cracking like a mirror. .

At this moment, a certain restriction between heaven and earth suddenly lightened, the passage between the immortal world and the mortal world seemed to be completely free of obstacles, the restriction of the Jedi Tiantong was completely broken, and the immortal energy began to share.

"Amitabha." The rebooted body stood in the air, and the whole body had been coated with a layer of gold. Hands folded together, the Buddha light around the body was like a flashing light, dazzling and dazzling, "You don't come out, that poor monk I have to fight until you come out!"


In the rebooting arms, the golden Buddha statue slowly melted, and finally it was completely integrated into the rebooting body. The vast and boundless momentum surged, and in the void, there was a sudden voice of Buddha singing.

Behind him, a super huge golden Buddha image slowly emerged. Even if he was sitting cross-legged, his head was placed against the sky, his hands folded, and his face was solemn, which made people lose the desire to resist and even wanted to worship. .


In the void, the breath began to be extremely chaotic.

Rebooting sits cross-legged on the chest of the giant Buddha, as if chanting, and the giant Buddha slowly raised his palm.

This palm was so huge that it actually covered the sky, and then crashed down towards the master!

"Rebooting, do you really have the heart to start?" This time, it was pure Yun Yiyi's voice, mixed with pity and pleading.

However, rebooting was unmoved, and the palms fell quickly.

"What a monk, he killed his wife!"

The eyes of'Yun Yiyi' suddenly squinted, and the extinct black lotus spins frantically, the lotus leaf swells and closes a little bit, enveloping her whole person in it, a wave of black air turns into countless python , Facing the bergamot, roaring into the air!

The bergamot fell, and the powerful aura crushed the black pythons, like a huge mountain, crashing down on the black lotus!


The shockingly powerful air wave burst toward the surroundings. The soaring mountain standing under their feet didn't even have the qualification to collapse. It instantly turned into dust, and the surrounding mountain peaks were similarly wiped out from the world.

This piece of forest also dissipated, and the earth cracked and collapsed, creating a bottomless abyss of terror!

The billowing smoke dissipated, and the horrible vision disappeared. By the abyss, two figures were lying on the ground.

One is dressed in red, and the other is bald.

"Cough cough cough!"

The rebooting eyes were absent, the robes on his body were completely damaged, he stood up with difficulty, and walked towards Yun Yiyi bit by bit.

Fall down, climb up, and move it foot by foot.

Yun Yiyi lay weakly on the ground, her eyes quietly watching rebooting, two lines of tears slowly flowed out, and both of them were exhausted.

A pale smile appeared at the corner of Yun Yiyi's mouth, "Monk, it turns out that you can also speak sweet words."

Reboot and Yunyi rely on each other, "Everything is over."

"Yeah, it's over, I'm just not reconciled." Yun Yiyi whispered: "I was wrong."

The rebooting hand slowly raised, and several ghosts appeared on the palm of the hand, wailing.

"Don't you want to see the fate of the group of people who harmed your family? I refine myself into **** and let them suffer from the eighteen layers of hell!" The rebooting eyes drooped, "I... how can I be reconciled? "

"Then are you still a monk?"

"I think I am, I am."

"That's it, it's good."

"Yeah...very good."

The conversation gradually returned to calm.

In the abyss, two phantoms slowly appeared, one black and one white.

They wore high hats on their heads and held crying sticks in their hands. Both hands were shaking slightly, and they staggered forward little by little.

"Old Hei, or you should go, I'm behind, so I can take care of it if something really happened."

"Fart! Why didn't you go?" Hei Wuchang cursed, "Where is the power to fight here? Is it true death or fake death!"

"Hey, it's hard to make a ghost!"

The two of them were full of anxiety, and with great courage, they cautiously poked out a small head from the abyss.

With a nervous glance, he noticed the pair of figures leaning together.

"No, they caused this movement?"

Bai Wuchang swallowed a sip of water and floated over it a little bit, the astonishment on his face became more intense, "This, this is... the monk's body actually adsorbed a lot of souls, and he refined himself into a soul container. ?!"

"How can someone do this? How does this make us ecstasy?" Hei Wuchang was also shocked, and his eyes widened suddenly, as if he was thinking of something, and exclaimed: "Bald monk, woman in red, old white! Do you remember what an expert asked me to do?"

"By the way, the expert asked us to pay attention to a bald monk and a woman in red, paying attention to their situation, and even dragged several city gods along the way to help bring letters. Obviously, this matter is extremely important!" Bai Wuchang's eyes It lit up suddenly, "It's them, that's right!"

"Walk around, be careful, and bring it back to the underworld."




The demon lord sitting on the throne suddenly trembled violently and let out a muffled snort.

His eyes stared like copper bells, his eyes were bloodshot, they were filled with fear and inconceivability, and even more unwilling, there was a line of blood flowing from the corner of his mouth.

"How is it possible? How is this possible?!"

There was a huge wave in his heart, as if he had experienced the most horrible thing in the world, his body was trembling, his breath was crazily weakening, and his life was passing quickly!

"How can there be such a powerful person in the world, who is it, who can kill me across an impossible dimension only with the help of a little monk? Even the Black Lotus can't stop the world, who is it? ?!"

"I haven't appeared yet, I'm going to get cold? It's cruel!"

"Master Devil, save me, I'm not reconciled!"

The inner fluctuations gradually returned to calm, and the body of the demon master calmed down.

Amon and the queen demon stood by the door, their faces were extremely calm, and there was even a little bit of joy in their hearts.

After being frustrated many times in the mortal world, their mentality has collapsed. They are deeply aware of the terrible mortal world, and they don't dare to go to the mortal world anymore.

Therefore reduced to the goalkeeper of the gate.

At this moment, their brows wrinkled at the same time, and they looked at each other, and both saw a trace of suspiciousness in each other's eyes.

"What's the matter, isn't the devil lord's breath sighing?

"I felt it too, the demon lord seemed very excited just now, and then suddenly disappeared."

They looked at the door and didn't know what happened.

Amon felt a little dazed, "The devil said that he wants to remotely control the world-killing black lotus to harm the world, let us guard not to disturb people, this can't happen, right?"

The Hou Mo lightly stepped forward, took a deep breath, raised his hand and tapped three times, "Devil, are you okay?"

There was silence.

"Boom boom boom."

The sound is amplified.

"The devil, are you still there?"

Still no response.


The queen demon and Amon cautiously opened the door and entered, only to see the demon lord sitting on the throne at a glance. He was so frightened that he lost his soul and fell directly to the ground.

However, the expected scolding did not appear, and the demon lord stared at the front with his eyes widened like a copper bell, as if it were a statue.

The queen swallowed a mouthful of water, "Ma...Mahou?"

The two of them looked up, and only then discovered that blood was spilled from the corner of the devil's mouth!

Hastily stepped forward to explore.

This investigation caused their brains to burst with a bang, completely blank, and completely lost the ability to think.

Their breathing and heartbeat stopped at this moment, their bodies moved backwards, almost to death on the spot.

"This, this, this... the devil is dead?"

"The mortal! It must be done by mortal people. It's horrible. People can be killed while sitting at home, oh oh oh, is this giving people a way to survive?"

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