Turns Out I’m a Great Cultivator

Chapter 367: In theory, you can go to the back door to cheat

Li Nianfan was taken aback for a moment, "You... can you still modify it at will?"

Niutou said modestly: "It can only be changed slightly, and the nature remains the same. It is impossible to turn a pig into a dog."

Change from being reborn in an ordinary family to a rich family, do you call this a small change?

This is bigger than the gap between a pig and a dog!

A group of officials who don't understand people's livelihood and suffering!

Now Li Nianfan really wanted to take a look at this trial work.

With such awesome work, Niu Tau and Ma Mian are still pushing back and forth. Is this fair?

I don't know the blessing in the blessing, envious.

Li Nianfan was really fortunate that his relationship with the underworld was pretty good, it was very good, and the future was stable.

Seeing rebooting, they hadn't spoken for a long time, and there was a touch of sadness between his brows, so he almost wrote the word worry on his face, and he didn't even dare to say anything.

Suddenly he thought, and said: "Brother Niu, tell me honestly, how would you judge the three of them?"

"This one……"

Niu Tau looked at the three of Yue Tu, a little bit guilty, and whispered: "Two of them indiscriminately killing innocent people, and one illegal soul refining, but they are all serious crimes, and they may not be reborn."

The meaning of being unable to reincarnate is to go down to eighteen levels of hell.

Yun Yiyi's face turned white, smiled bitterly, and said: "Young Master Li, this is a young woman who deserves her sin and doesn't need to plead."

At this time, reboot began to speak, "The poor monk followed all the way, but she has the ability but did not stop it. The cause and effect of Miss Yun should be recorded on the head of the poor monk."

Seeing that the two of them were about to stage a fancy show of love and abuse of dogs, Li Nianfan quickly interrupted, "Ahem, Brother Niu, that...can you get along?"

"Theoretically speaking, it is not possible." Niutou said. The three words'theoretically' are very particular. Sure enough, I just listened to Niutou’s words. "However, the three of them, one set up Buddhism and the other became hell. , One to make up for the reincarnation, this is all common virtue, and you can intercede outside the law.

Li Nianfan smiled, "It's good to be able to intercede!"

The so-called intercourse, isn't this thing controlled by Bull Head.

Immediately, he took out the wine gourd and poured a glass of wine "by the way", "By the way, Brother Niu, Brother Ma, we met for the first time, you haven't tasted my own wine, although It's not as good as the so-called fairy wine, but the taste is definitely okay, try it soon."

"Mr. Li, you are out of sight. Based on our relationship, do you need to take care of these external objects?" Niutou and Mamian said in their mouths, but their eyes were staring straight at the victim, and they were about to protrude. Up.

After their recovery, the black and white impermanence often boasted in front of them how wonderful the master is, and the most mentioned, naturally, the food and wine of the master are a hundred times more precious than the so-called fairy dew syrup!

Whenever I heard it, I greeted the bull's head and the horse's face too much, and their saliva was dripping, and their other things were not good, just like this one!

Is this the wine of an expert?

Sniff the nose, um, it smells so good!

Li Nianfan smiled and said, "It's because of not seeing the outside that I invite you to drink, you are welcome."

Ngau Tau Ma Mian "gudong" swallowed a mouthful of water, "Then we are disrespectful."

After the conversation, I couldn't wait to take the wine glass and drank it all in one go.


Good wine, really good wine!

They smashed their mouths. Not only did they taste beautiful, it was also beneficial to the cultivation base. This wine... it was not like what the world could have.

Numerous thoughts surged in the heart of Ngau Tau Ma Mian, and his admiration for an expert soared. I didn't expect that not only was he out of trouble, but he was able to taste such a great wine. Such a creation is simply not a dream.

Li Nianfan took the wine gourd and smiled slightly, "Come on, there is one more after drinking this glass."

Of course, he didn't just drink Ngau Tau Ma noodles, but they were still beside the black and white impermanence. Naturally, they were also indispensable. They were also given a glass of wine along with the ghost guards here.

These ghostly eyes had been looking towards this side long ago. I thought I could smell the scent of wine and have a nasal addiction, but I didn't expect to be able to mix a glass of wine. I was flattered and thanked again and again.

As for the queue of souls, it was a bit miserable, and I could only look at it eagerly.

At this moment, an old man blurted out in protest: "Why don't we? Give one drop."


Bullhead was stunned for a moment, "This old man's thinking can be so clear, what's the matter?"

Ma Mian waved his hand, "It seems that I have some reservations, so drag it out and give me a bowl of Meng Po soup."

Everyone enjoyed a feast of grapes and wine, and their mood suddenly became happy.

Niutou’s face rose in red, and he patted his chest cheerfully and said: "Young Master Li, these three are your friends, that is, my Niutou’s friends. My old Niu has no other skills. I am a friend. I'm good at cutting it, it's on my body!"

Immediately, he raised his hand and waved, a dim light appeared on the life and death book.

The first thing that appeared was Yue Tu.

"The demons have killed countless people and sinned very badly. They should enter the sixteenth hell, sentenced to three thousand years, and then enter the pig fetus."

This is terrifying. You have to suffer for three thousand years in the sixteenth hell, and then you have to get into a pig fetus.

"Small things." Niutou smiled slightly, rinsed the brush in his mouth, and started writing.

"Nian Qifan repented, pioneered Buddhism, led people to benevolence, and established good causes. It is recommended to temporarily waive the punishment of **** and leave it for future observation."

The bull head scratched the bull head, and said: "Young Master Li, **** is free, but if you enter the cycle of reincarnation, I am afraid that you will have to go through the ninth life, and it is not necessarily a human being."

"Thank you so much." Yue Tu said sincerely, and paused: "Can you let me become a man?"

It seems that she is still counting on being a monk again in the next life.

"Hahaha, this one is the easiest." Niutou smiled slightly, and wrote parentheses, male, male, and male at the end.

Next to reboot and Yun Yiyi, their faces suddenly became a little nervous.

Not surprisingly, their sins also reached the level of hell, but they were much lighter than Yue Tu.

Niutou smiled, "You two are easier to deal with, and there is a great favor in my underworld, it's a piece of cake."

Yun Yiyi said in anticipation: "Can you arrange me and the monk to be married?"

Bull head said: "It's okay, but it's okay, but since you are guilty, you are destined to have no small setbacks."

Li Nianfan smiled and said: "Setbacks don't matter, the final outcome is good."

Niu Tau saw Li Nianfan speaking, so naturally he wouldn't say much, and he shook the brush in his mouth, "This... I'll try it."

"For the ninth generation of love tribulation, although it is difficult to do so many times, the road of love is bumpy, and the obstruction is like the sky, but..."

Niutou repeatedly weighed this sentence, and finally slapped his forehead, and simply wrote the words "successful ending".

Damn it, no matter what, anyway, I write here in the general direction. As for the specific destiny arrangements, love is so neat.

I am a rough man, I can only help you so much.

Yun Yiyi immediately said happily: "Thank you, Lord Bull Head."

The black and white is not common, and he smiled and said: "Okay, just go to drink Mengpo soup and you can reincarnate."

The three of Yue Tu glanced at each other and bowed to Li Nianfan together, without speaking, because words could no longer express the gratitude they and the others felt.

Li Nianfan laughed, "Okay, you should be thankful to the adults in the underground palace, and be a good person in your next life."

He pursed his mouth, feeling that his words were a little weird.

Black and white impermanence leads the way, "Please follow me."

For the three of Yue Tu, the prefecture naturally opened a fast track, without queuing, to ensure a quick reincarnation.

Returning to Naihe Bridge, the old woman who scooped the soup is still there, her face is kind, and it doesn't seem to have changed much.

He smiled at everyone, opened the back door, and scooped three bowls for the three of Yue Tu, "You are welcome, just drink."

She looked at Li Nianfan and the others again, and said with a smile: "Guests, do you want something?"

"No!" Nun Nu and Long Er trembled all over, hiding behind Li Nianfan.

Ziye couldn't help but said, "Mother-in-law, don't make a joke."

With a smile on her face, she remembered that when she came to the underworld, her mother-in-law would ask herself this question every time to scare her.

"Haha, it's Xiaozi." Po Meng's eyes showed kindness, "I haven't seen each other for many years, how is Tiangong now?"

Ziye's complexion was slightly bitter, and she opened her mouth, ready to tell Meng Po about the situation in the palace, hoping to get a solution.


Yun Yiyi suddenly retched. She took the bowl and suddenly smelled it unsuspectingly. Her stomach twitched and her face was full of panic.

Stinky and fishy, ​​drink this thing... will you die?

Looking at Yue Tu and rebooting again, the two of them had closed their eyes and seemed to be chanting, but the hand holding the bowl was trembling slightly.

Yun Yiyi quickly apologized, "I'm sorry, I'm a little...vomit!"

Li Nianfan couldn't help but said, "Um...mother, can you add some seasoning to the soup? Anyway, it can improve the taste."

Po Meng smiled and said, "If Li Gongzi has any seasoning, you can put it in the pot and try it."

"Good." Li Nianfan took out the seasoning bag he brought with him, tore a bag open, and poured a small half bag into the pot.

Po Meng stirred for a while, and the next moment, a strange fragrance suddenly appeared. Suddenly, those ghosts who had been full of nervousness suddenly twitched their noses and looked strangely at Po Meng Tang, even a little impatient.

The eyes of the black and white impermanence couldn't help being certain, looking at the pot of Meng Po soup, he couldn't help licking his lips.

Bai Wuchang couldn't help but said, "Young Master Li, what did you put in this? It smells so sweet!"

"Essence of chicken and cumin, these two are good things to improve the taste and flavor."

Bai Wuchang exclaimed: "I'm going, chicken essence? This is a fetish!"

Heiwuchang is full of curiosity for knowledge, "What kind of chicken is this fine? Grab more."

Po Meng started to give soup to the ghosts again.

In front of him was a middle-aged man, holding Meng Po soup in his hand, but he did not speak for a while.

Gui Cha's face suddenly sank, and he shouted in a low voice, "What's wrong? It's been improved for you, so why don't you drink it? Hurry up!"

With a pained look on the ghost's face, he said: "The grown-ups don't know, the villain and a woman fell in love and killed each other. The love is stronger than gold, and the world is moved. They imprinted each other deeply in their minds. I won't forget each other."

Guicha frowned, "What do you want to express?"

"A bowl of Mengpo soup...maybe not enough."

"Good boy, brave enough! I think you clearly want to cheat and drink!"

Gui Cha had already seen through everything, and beckoned, "Come here, bring him the original version of Meng Po soup, and let him drink to his fill!"

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