Turns Out I’m a Great Cultivator

Chapter 368: Groundbreaking conspiracy theory

The three of Yue Tu thanked Li Nianfan again, and Yun Yiyi leaned on the rebooting monk, stood on the bridge and watched a wave of scenery. They sprinkled a piece of dog food, and the two of them drank Mengpo soup contentedly. , Samsara has gone.

As the three of them left, Li Nianfan's eyes flashed with emotion. This time, I don't know when I will see each other again. Even if I see each other, I don't know each other.

Black and white impermanence put his head in front of the pot and swallowed, "Mother-in-law, this Mengpo soup...were there any problems after drinking it?"

Po Meng smiled kindly: "No problem, don't delay, drink quickly."

Suddenly, the two fiery hearts of black and white and impermanence were extinguished, and they moved away from the pot, and said with a serious face: "In fact, it doesn't matter whether you drink or not, we still have some self-control."

Li Nianfan couldn't help but look at Po Meng. He didn't expect this little old lady to be quite black.

"Little Zi, how is the situation in Tiangong?"

Po Meng put down the soup ladle in her hand, handed it to a ghost chase, wiped her hands, "Let's go, or else you can go to the underworld again to sit and accompany my old lady chatting?"

Li Nianfan nodded, "Then bother."

Just when everyone was about to leave, the ghost servant who took the spoon finally couldn't stand the temptation and took a bite by himself.

Black and White Impermanence suddenly beamed his eyes, staring expectantly, "How?"

The ghost smashed his mouth, looked blankly at the black and white impermanence, then shrugged his nose, "Huh? Why is there a pot of soup here, it looks so delicious."


After a while.

"Huh? Why is there a pot of soup here, it looks so delicious."


"Huh? Why is there a pot of soup here, it looks so delicious."


"Don't drink it. Drinking it again will make your brain worse."

Black and white impermanence quickly stopped, "Hurry up and drag on. After all, this colleague couldn't resist the temptation and send it to reincarnation."

In a blink of an eye, an excellent ghost chaser was taken away, and he walked more peacefully, but he was still full of reluctance for the pot of soup before he left.

Back in the hall, a female ghost came up to pour tea immediately.

Naturally, Li Nianfan didn't drink it. With the precedent of Meng Po soup, he reminded himself to wake up, and in the future...try not to eat anything from the underworld.

He took out the wine gourd, and then took out a lot of fruits, "Everyone still drink from my bar, and some more fruits, I also bring my own tea, the taste is still good."

"Young Master Li, this is really embarrassing."

While apologizing, General Blood Sea got up and respectfully took the things from Li Nianfan's hands, "Hey, come to my prefecture as a guest, and bother the guests to bring their own drinks. Guilty, we are guilty!"

"Prince Li, there is a serious shortage of food in my underworld. After the catastrophe, it's... hey, let's not mention it." Bai Wuchang waved his hand, "Anyway, thank you so much for your gift, and we will accept it brazenly. ."

"It's really thick-skinned." The girl snorted proudly, and stuck her tongue out at the black and white impermanence, "Slightly..."

"Naughty, don't be rude." Li Nianfan quickly smashed her little head and rubbed her little head. The little girl didn't know that the sky was high and the earth was thick, and she didn't understand the way of life, and she couldn't afford to die after offending people.

Everyone drank wine, ate fruit, and chatted again, and their feelings quickly heated up.

Finally, the topic returned to the subject.

Po Meng drank a sip of Li Nianfan's tea, and immediately felt relieved. The wrinkles on her face disappeared a lot. She kindly said, "Xiao Zi, how many people are there in Tiangong?"

"There's no one left." Ziye shook his head bitterly, "I was the youngest back then. I was taken care of by my sisters and everyone. This was a fluke that escaped. Not long ago, I was able to return to the Heavenly Palace, only to find... Everyone turned to stone."

As soon as she talked about this, her voice became hoarse, and there were tears in her eyes.

"Sure enough." Po Meng sighed long and calmly said: "This is the original soul has been sealed, and it is a permanent seal. It is not difficult to guess who can use such a masterpiece?"

Ziye was very nervous, and asked the question she cared most, "Is that group of people still saved?"

"It's too difficult." Po Meng gave Li Nianfan subconsciously. If an expert is willing to take action, it will only take a minute to save it. It's like turning around, because the expert unblocked it, and it was just a matter of time. Diudiu was unblocked.

Of course, she couldn't say this directly.

"If it were my heyday, with the help of the power of reincarnation, they could still be awakened, but it would take a long time." Po Meng sighed softly, and then said: "The only good thing now is that this is just a seal, life. It still exists, and it can be saved if there is a chance."

Ziye breathed a sigh of relief when she heard that her life was worry-free. This was good news, and there was a way.

Li Nianfan heard their conversation, but his expression moved. He remembered that in the mythology, there were legends that Po Meng was a ray of soul from Houtu Empress. Could it be... Is that true?

He couldn't help but asked, "Dare to ask the mother-in-law, but the great virtue?"

Po Meng shook her head and smiled bitterly: "Young Master Li, with the reincarnation broken, where is the great virtue?"

It's really a great place!

Li Nianfan's heart jumped suddenly, a little surging, this is a saint!

Although he had planned to meet the big bosses in myths and legends a long time ago, he didn't expect it to be so sudden.

Although the black and white impermanence is familiar, it is at best a silly trick in the wild world, and it is naturally different from seeing the protagonist.

Li Nianfan's face suddenly straightened, and he said: "Houtu Empress can evolve into reincarnation at the expense of herself, and bless countless creatures. No one in the world dares to forget! Li admire!"

Among the many saints, there were two saints who really impressed and admired Li Nianfan, one was Houtu Niangniang and the other was Nuwa.

But they are also the only two women among many saints.

It is not an exaggeration to say that Li Nianfan grew up listening to the story of Nuwa repairing the sky and fabricating people. He has great grace to the human race, and even Monkey King is a stone left in the mortal world when Nuwa repaired the sky. By.

As for the Empress Houtu, as one of the ancestral witches, the ultimate courage to incarnate in reincarnation also impressed Li Nianfan. These two are Li Nianfan's idols.

"Young Master Li praised her absurdly." Po Meng chuckled and waved her hand modestly, but she laughed from ear to ear.

She could hear that Li Nianfan admired it from the bottom of her heart. She was able to get such a high evaluation from an expert. It is hard for her to be unhappy. An expert understands me!

But Li Nianfan's next sentence made her feel what it means to be caught off guard.

"Houtu Niangniang has immeasurable merits in this world!"

The smile on Po Meng's face gradually disappeared.

Boundless fart.

If this is said from someone else's mouth, I believe it, from your mouth, I feel a strong malice.

You are the Eucharist of merit. The merits I get are compared with you. That is a hair. I dare you to praise me for so long, just to show off your awesomeness. I want to cry. This is too bullying!

This is like a local tyrant who said to a conscientious beater: "Wow, you made five hundred yuan with such hard work. It's amazing. I admire it."

Then the local tyrant eats more than five hundred for a meal...

Is this compliment?

I can’t think about it anymore, my heart hurts.

Ziye was more concerned about Tiangong's affairs, and continued to ask: "Mother-in-law, why did this catastrophe happen?"

Po Meng's tone was filled with emotion, and she said quietly: "I didn't intend to talk about the Great Tribulation, but now that the underworld has become perfect, some things really don't need to be kept secret anymore. It's a long story."

Everyone suddenly looked serious and listened.

But when I saw that, Po Meng picked up the kettle on her own and helped herself to fill up the tea with a "wow", and then slowly brought it to her mouth, took a few sips, and whipped everyone's appetites. , Then put down the teacup and continued to speak.

"The reason why Buddhism was destroyed at the time was because an extraordinary figure suddenly appeared in the heavens and the earth, and his cultivation was still above the saints!"

With a trace of heart palpitations in Houtu's eyes, he took a deep breath and said in a very low voice: "This person is also the man behind the scenes that caused the First Tribulation of Longhan, named Luohu, and he is at the same level as Daozu."

Huofeng's brows moved slightly, and he said in amazement, "He caused the first robbery of the Dragon and Phoenix?"

She couldn't help but look at Li Nianfan. Not long ago, in the story told by Li Nianfan, the first robbery of the Dragon and Han Dynasty was initiated because the three clans were fighting for control of the predecessor, and there was a deviation between the two statements.

"Don't look at me, what Houtu Niangniang said is indeed right." Li Nianfan shrugged, "The struggle between the three races is the direct cause, but behind the scenes, it was indeed Luo Hu who instigated him. Luo Hu tried to kill him, wishing to disturb the world. It's bloody, the more people who die, the better."

Hearing the name Luo Hu, Li Nianfan was finally able to string together part of the plot. The so-called Demon Race was obviously created by Luo Hu. It looked like a horrible roar, but it was actually just a piece of Luo Hu’s chess piece. .

He still remembered Luo Yu's two famous magic weapons, one was the Killing Spear and the other was the Twelfth-Rank Destroying Black Lotus, a big man from the same period as Hongjun.

Houtu was a little excited, and said expectantly: "Young Master Li knows about Luo Hui? What kind of existence is he?"

Although she was an ancestor witch, she naturally didn't know what happened after Pangu opened up the world.

Li Nianfan pondered for a moment, pursing his mouth and said, "This...I will start talking about it before the beginning of the world. Of course, I also heard it accidentally from the story, and the truth is yet to be verified."

"We all understand." Everyone nodded unanimously, one holding an orange in his hand, with bright eyes, as if he was about to eat and listen to the story.

The master has started to tell the story, so everyone quickly takes notes.

What a magnificent scene!

Everyone's hearts were lifted, and their breathing slowed down.

Houtu was even more excited than the others. This 80% is the story of God the Father! Unexpectedly, the expert is actually a figure of the same age as God the Father. No, it may be a figure older than God the Father!

Horrible, horrible!

Li Nianfan cleared his throat and said, "Speaking of which, the world was still in chaos when the world was not open at the time. Three thousand demon gods were bred in the chaos, and each demon **** represents a great road!

Pangu, Luohu, and Hongjun are one of the three thousand demon gods. One day, Pangu used his strength to prove the Dao and his cultivation reached its peak, and he was ready to split the chaos with his strength and create a world to make his cultivation even further. To the opposition of other demon gods. "

Li Nianfan spoke very simply, and his tone did not fluctuate, but the original scenes appeared in everyone's minds, as if sinking into it, feeling the vastness and fear of chaos.

But Li Nianfan continued: "Pangu's strength is very strong. Although he was besieged by three thousand demon gods when he opened the sky, he still easily killed most of the three thousand demon gods with his own power!"

Hou Tu said nervously, "Young Master Li, what happened then?"

Li Nianfan shook his head with regret, "Unfortunately, Pangu was exhausted and he could only choose to transform his body into a part of the new world. With a single thought, he condensed the mountains and the earth, the sun, the moon, the lake and the sea, and the spirit was transformed into Sanqing. The three saints of Lao Tzu and Tongtian, the flesh and blood are transformed into the twelve ancestor witches, Houtu Niangniang is one of them, and there are countless innate magic weapons.

Except for Hou Tu, everyone else's eyes widened, only feeling numb on their scalp and goose bumps all over their body.

Ju Shi couldn't help but raised his head and looked around, but he was filled with respect and enthusiasm.

What kind of existence is necessary to create the world and create all souls!

"This world was actually...created by people." The girl took a breath, with yearning in her eyes, "This is too powerful."

"The Pangu Great God is naturally powerful. Whether it is strength, mood or character, it can be said that he was born for the creation of the world, but it is a pity..."

"What a pity?"

"It's a pity that I just made someone else's wedding dress." Li Nianfan waved his hand, with some feelings, "Pangu is like everything, this is a brand new world, like a baby, and the three thousand demon gods are not all dead. It naturally began to compete for control of this world."

Houtu's heart sank suddenly, she faintly realized something, and said in a low voice: "The Li Gongzi said Hongjun and Luohu?"

"Not only, but they are left to live until now." Li Nianfan nodded, "However, Hongjun should be the biggest winner. He has become a Taoist ancestor after being integrated into the Tao of Heaven."

Hou Tu cursed in a low voice: "Stealing the fruits of the Father God, he is a thief! It's a pity that I didn't know before, otherwise I will be incompatible with it!"

She couldn't help but feel a little sad, thinking of her brothers. If she had the right to say this at the most glorious moment of the Twelve Ancestral Witch, now... there was nothing left.

Li Nianfan said, "It's normal if you don't know. Not only does he dare not let you know, but it will even weaken your strength. After all, you are all transformed by Pangu, which is equivalent to the incarnation of Pangu."

As soon as he said this, Houtu's pupils suddenly enlarged, his brain roared, and he sat there blankly.

Many things are in the game, and often only a word from an outsider can awaken the dreamer!

"The First Tribulation of the Dragon and the Phoenix, the War of the Lich, and the Conferred God's Quantitative Tribulation, I understand, that's how it is!"

Whether it is a dragon, a phoenix, a qilin, an ancestor witch, or a great demon, these are all transformed by Pangu's body. Hongjun set up a situation behind him, letting Pangu's direct line kill each other, weaken its strength, and reap the benefits.

In the end, he did it.

Not only did he do it, he even took the Sanqing illusioned by the Pangu Yuanshen as a disciple, and he fits his body and wants to replace the heavens. All these operations indicate that he basically steals all the results of Pangu!

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