Turns Out I’m a Great Cultivator

Chapter 370: Haiyan, what about the tsunami?

"Water monster fight?" Everyone was taken aback.

The black and white impermanence is a little strange and said: "Generally speaking, large-scale fighting must have something to do with war. How can this be? What does the Sea Clan eat?"

It is unavoidable that some little demons make small noises, but gathering people to fight, this scene is still very magical.

Luo Xiancheng Chenghuang smiled bitterly and shook his head and said: "More than that, the flooding is also serious. Although it did not cause a tsunami, it has been unfailing and has flooded many surrounding areas. The fishing boat must be unable to go out to sea to fish."

Bai Wuchang nodded and said, "You really can't manage this kind of thing, I'm afraid you have to count on the immortal cultivators around you."

Luo Xiancheng Chenghuang said: "There is indeed a cultivator who wants to intervene in this matter, but he was quickly driven back, I am afraid it is not a trivial matter."

The black and white impermanence frowned, "This matter... is a bit strange, it is likely that the aquarium is fighting within."

They are the priests of the underworld, and they are in charge of the things in the underworld and the disaster of ghosts. In fact, they are not too concerned about this kind of flood, and they can't manage it.

Li Nianfan smiled and arched his hands and said, "Thank you for the two impermanent adults. Would you like to go to me for a drink?"

"No, no, Li Gongzi, let's say goodbye, as long as you have any needs, just contact us directly through Chenghuang, don't be polite." Black and white impermanence bowed his hand in return.

They could naturally hear that Li Nianfan was talking politely. Although he really wanted to drink two glasses, he still held it lightly.

Li Nianfan regretfully said, "That's a pity, next time, next time!"

Walking out of the Chenghuang Temple, Li Nianfan couldn't help but look at Longer, curiously said: "Longer, do you know why this is? Has this happened before?"

The Ryuuji family's influence in the East China Sea is obviously not small. There are countless seafood in the family. When such a turmoil is encountered, it will definitely be affected.

Long Er tilted his head, as if using his small head to think, then shook his head, worrying: "I don't know, but my father should be fine. With him, how can Donghai be messed up?"

She knew in her heart that her father would definitely not allow this phenomenon to happen. After all, the expert lives not far away. If this happens, would it affect the expert.

Li Nianfan opened the mouth and said, "I'll know if I go and see it. It won't take long anyway, and it can satisfy my curiosity."

He yawned, suppressed his sleepiness, drove up Xiangyun, and drove everyone towards Jingyue Lake.

My work and rest are still very regular. Today is my first time staying up late, I'm not used to it.

However, whether it was for Ryuuji or the surrounding environment, he had to take a look.

Not long after, a golden auspicious cloud appeared in the territory of Jingyue Lake.

Under the night, Jingyue Lake was silent, and the color of the water surface was deeper than the ground, like a bottomless deep pool, reflecting some moonlight from time to time, making waves a little.

The lake is very calm at this time.

Everyone continued to march toward the depths, but at this moment, they saw a sudden bulge on the surface of the lake, and a column of water rose up, and then two figures appeared, both holding pliers high, pinched together, and stalemate with each other.

Li Nianfan looked intently, but it was a hairy crab essence and a swimming crab essence. The physique of these two crabs was naturally much larger than the normal physique, especially their pair of tongs, which were obviously specially tempered. , Is surprisingly big, half the size of their body, and shining coldly, with jagged teeth inside.

If it is caught... I can't even think about it.

Li Nianfan couldn't help licking his lips, and secretly said: "Such a big tongs, there must be a lot of meat, and it's more enjoyable than eating chicken legs."

Long Er couldn't help saying: "Brother, the hairy crabs are not our Donghai opponent, I have never seen it."

"That's called a swimming crab." Li Nianfan analyzed: "It seems that a monster from a different area is fighting with a local monster."

Regardless of these two fairies, who were holding the pliers while blowing bubbles in their mouths, continued to move toward the depths.

Soon in the sea.

The movement here is much larger than that of Jingyue Lake. From a distance, you can hear the sound of "screaming" water waves. The waves seem to be tumbling non-stop, and in many places they will rise up from time to time. The three-meter-high water column is obviously abnormal.

Not long after, there was a figure on the sea drifting to everyone's eyes along with the waves.

It was the corpse of a huge king crab. Although it lost its life, it still retained its freshness.

Li Nianfan said in a deep voice: "You can eat it when you fish it, and you can't let it die in vain."

The 囡囡 offered a treasure on the side: "I know, I know, this is a good death, and it is worth the money!"

The deeper the waves become, the more turbulent the waves become, and the number of seafood corpses begins to increase, so much so that Li Nianfan has no time to pick them up one by one, so he can only choose the big ones. As for the small ones, he has to cut his love. .

During the period, they even saw various seafood battles.

Aolong vs. Anchovy, Salmon vs. Tuna, Squid vs. Squid...

It can be called a seafood chaos, and the sea is disturbed, and the vitality dedicated to seafood makes Li Nianfan greedy, and can't help but imagine the sea as a big pot. This pot of soup is... fresh!

Daji suddenly pointed in one direction and said, "My son, look at that fish. The color is so gorgeous."

Li Nianfan also froze for a moment, and said, "Oh, it's the Emperor's Star Spot, and it's refined!"

That fish was very big, covered with tiny yellow spots all over, and had obvious dark bands. It was extremely expensive seafood in the previous life, and most people couldn't buy it, let alone such a big one.

At this moment, it was shaking its tail in the sea, at a very fast speed, constantly changing its position, and when it opened its mouth, it spewed out a powerful jet of water, hitting a king crab, and slamming it back. , Fainted in the water.

"This spray skill is violent enough!"

Li Nianfan exclaimed, then added: "This kind of fish, used to make sashimi, is absolutely unique."

"I'll catch it!" Long Er raised his hand, and suddenly a water ball wrapped the Emperor's star spot, slowly pulling it up.

The Emperor Star Spot was still flaunting his might, and suddenly found himself out of the water, and was still rising slowly, a trace of confusion appeared in his eyes.

When did I learn to fly?

Nun Nun's eyes lit up slightly, and she said, "Brother Nian Fan, look over there, that crab is so big and big!"

"It's the Red King Crab." Like an encyclopedia, Li Nianfan casually introduced: "This crab can be regarded as a giant among crabs, and it is also very destructive. Of course, the delicious meat is also among the best."

Long Er: "Don't miss it, catch it!"

"Wow, that fish is actually covered with barbs."

"Catch it."


"Catch it."

As everyone went deep, Li Nianfan gave them the meat of various types of seafood.

A big seafood chaos suddenly became a food screening meeting, so that in the end, the group of seafood spirits had to pay attention to the group of people in the sky. They were so flustered that they didn't even dare to do their best for fear of being noticed. .

Li Nianfan suddenly recovered, "By the way, we don't seem to be here to catch seafood."

Da Ji reluctantly retracted his gaze from the sea, and said, "My son, this situation is obviously abnormal. 80% of the monsters from other seas have invaded the East China Sea, and... the battle is very fierce."


At this moment, there was a sudden roar in the distance, and a column of water rose into the sky, like a giant dragon flying into the sky. It reached a height of one hundred meters. The entire surface of the sea shook madly for several times, and the sea was like a tide and began to surge. .

"Boom boom boom!"

After the first sound, several roars followed, like a spring thunder, which caused countless waves of water to bloom.


Affected by this, the waves rose to the sky, forming a raging wave, and the waves were higher than the waves and began to beat.

Long Er's face changed suddenly, and she quickly said, "It's my father who is fighting against others."

"Go over and take a look."

Li Nianfan's face was a little dignified, according to this kind of movement, it will only happen sooner or later that the tsunami will be triggered.

Everyone speeded up and rushed towards the direction of the explosion.

Daji raised his hand and immediately condensed a blue light mask around him, covering everyone inside.

As they approached, the monsters they encountered began to change. There were already human monsters appearing, and monsters rising into the sky, unconsciously trying to attack Li Nianfan and others.

It's just that he hasn't waited for it to get close, and it either turns into a popsicle or to ashes.

At the same time, the confluence of sea areas.

In the depths here, at the center where the sea water intersects, a black hole actually condenses.

The black hole is two people tall and extremely strange. It is obviously wrapped in sea water, and there is sea water in and out of it, but it does not merge with the sea water, and has no attachment to it. It is so abruptly embedded in the sea water.

If you look closely, you will find that in the black hole, there is a light blue bead slowly rotating, shining brightly.

The two figures stood in front of the black hole, panting slightly, their faces solemn.

It is Ao Cheng and Ao Yun.

Opposite them, there were also two figures standing, one was an old man with not much hair and all white hair, with a single horn on his forehead, his hands behind him, looking at Ao Cheng and Ao Yun, His complexion was calm.

The other is a middle-aged man, with a thin face, with a cold face, a slightly raised eyebrow, and a wicked smile at the corner of his mouth, "Curious, too strange, Ao Yun, you are not dead?"

They originally thought that this action would be tenable, and they could even kill the Dragon King of the East Sea easily, but they didn't expect to encounter an impossible change.

Ao Yun was not dead!

That was Dragon Eater Gu, an existence that had been unsolvable for countless years. Although Ao Yun had broken an arm, it survived. This can be described as a miracle.

"You scum of the dragon race do not die, how can I die?"

Ao Yun stared at the two coldly, with an ugly expression. The remaining hand opened slightly, and a purple gold hammer appeared in his hand, with electric lights flashing on it, jumping uncertainly.

Ao Cheng asked Shen Sheng, "Ao Feng, why betray the Dragon Clan?"

"You are too ignorant. Our Nanhai Dragon Clan is not a betrayal, but is catering to the general trend and fighting for the last line of life for the Dragon Clan."

Ao Feng smiled and shook his head, and then said: "If I am like you, then the result now can only be to die together. Our Nanhai Dragon Clan will be better alive than the Dragon Clan."

Ao Yun smiled sarcastically, "Betraying his own race and living, where is your face, it's better to die."

"Sound-sounding, you don't even blush when you say this." Ao Cheng's eyes were full of wise and he could see through everything, "You Nanhai Dragon Clan just want to dominate the world."

Ao Feng's winning ticket is in hand and said: "It is useless to say more, letting go now will give you a chance to survive."

Ao Cheng's face was solemn, and he hissed: "The sea eye is a place guarded by dragons for generations. You are crazy, and you will pay attention to it!"

"Guardian? Are you stupid? The world has changed, so what kind of guardian do you mention?"

Ao Feng’s tone was full of disdain, then his tone was full of bewilderment, and he whispered: "Ao Cheng, Ao Yun, don’t say I didn’t give you a chance, the world today is very different from the past. This is Our dragon has a chance to rise again! And this dragon soul orb is the opportunity given to us by the dragon ancestors!"

Ao Yunning said: "When the dragon soul orb is lost, the sea eye will definitely fall. The endless sea water will spread to the world, which will flood most of the world and cause the people to lose their lives. Do you think we might let it?"

"It's really ridiculous, we are the Dragon Clan, why should we protect the weak human race?" Ao Feng looked at Ao Yun and Ao Cheng contemptuously, "The Heavenly Palace is gone, and the heavens have no time to take care of us, even if we kill all the human races, No one is in charge! The Dragon Soul Orb is about to be ordered by the South Sea Dragon Race!"

The old man on the side said: "Prince, it has been a long time, don't talk nonsense with them."

"Huh, the one who blocks me will die!"

Ao Feng let out a low cry, stretched out his hands, and a crystal spear appeared in his hand.

The spear shot out like a dragon, swiftly swirling in the water, and immediately set off endless waves, and a huge water dragon surged out.

Ao Yun's face sank, and he jumped up, holding a purple gold hammer, electric light surrounded his body like countless silk threads, and hit the head of the water faucet.


Endless flashes of electric light, shooting along the water flow towards Ao Feng and the old man!


The old man sneered, and the dragon body appeared very simply, but it was a black dragon with a length of one hundred feet. His eyes were filled with indifference and arrogance. With a slight flick of his tail, the whole area of ​​the sea was overwhelmed, and the waves were overwhelming. .

The huge dragon claws grabbed towards Ao Yun, and the dragon's tail swung towards Ao Cheng!

Ao Cheng and Ao Yun were helpless, both of them turned into dragon bodies, uttered a dragon chant, and fought with the old man.

For a time, the three dragons were flying and circling in the sea, and even rushed out of the sea. There was no need to pinch the magic tricks. The collision of the flesh could arouse the surrounding elements, and the magic would fill the sky.

For a time, the explosion continued.

Heilong said: "Prince, I will hold them, you go get the dragon soul orb!"

"Only you?"

Ao Cheng sneered, and the dragon shook, ready to attack Ao Feng.

But here, Heilong's mouth opened, and a golden big seal was spit out from it. The big seal swelled in the wind, and soon it was like a big mountain, pushing away the endless sea and pressing it down towards Ao Cheng!

The mighty power not only blocked Ao Cheng's path, but also crushed it so that it was difficult to escape.

Ao Yun's face changed suddenly. He wanted to stop Ao Feng, but he was dragged by the black dragon.

Ao Feng chuckled at Ao Yun and Ao Cheng, swaggering towards the eyes of the sea as a winner, and after a short while, he came to the blue bead.

Ao Cheng was so anxious that he sternly said: "Ao Feng, you think it over, once you take it out, the consequences are not something you can bear! You can't take it, you really can't take it, stop and listen to me!"

Not to mention other things, just to make an expert dislike, that is a heinous sin!

Ao Feng naturally turned on deaf ears.

"The human race has been the protagonist of the world for so many years. It's time to withdraw from the stage of history. Today, I will see my Ao Feng and drown the human race with pearls! Setting the foundation of the dragon race's prosperity will surely become a good story for the dragon race, and it will last forever."

There was excitement in his eyes, the corners of his mouth opened, he raised his hand without hesitation, turned into a dragon claw, and took off the dragon soul orb.

"Do not--"

Ao Cheng and Ao Yun's eyes were about to split, and their entire bodies surged. They got rid of the black dragon, and rushed towards the sea eye frantically.

Ao Cheng's tone was painful, and he did not hesitate to say: "Brother Yun, goodbye, I will use my body to block the eyes of the sea, and the Dragon will rely on you in the future."

"What nonsense are you talking about, I am fatter than you, and the job of blocking the eyes of the sea is naturally more suitable than you. You should go aside and don't get in the way!"

"You fat ass! There is only one hand left, why do you block it? Get out of here!"

The two dragon bodies didn't give in to each other, and together they surrounded the black hole, preparing for death.

Ao Feng was holding the Dragon Soul Orb, and laughed at Ao Cheng and Ao Yun with sarcasm, "So touching, they are really two fools, hahaha, hahaha..."

It's just that, gradually, his laughter became stiff and then began to disappear.

He stared at the sea eye, then looked at the Dragon Soul Orb in his hand, showing a look of confusion.

Brother Haiyan, what's the matter with you?

What about the said tsunami?


Ao Feng and Ao Yun lay on the sea's eyes, and they were equally stunned, staring at them with big eyes.

Could it be that this is a fake sea eye, or... is that a fake dragon soul orb?

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