Turns Out I’m a Great Cultivator

Chapter 371: Dragons... never slaves

At this moment, the distant sea water formed waves and slowly separated to the two sides, giving way to a road.

A gleam of golden light suddenly lit up at the end of the road, making Zhu Cheng and Ao Yun stunned, the dragon's eyes widened and the dragon's mouth opened slightly, staring stupidly.

That, that is...

Their hearts began to tremble.

This golden light was so cordial, like a rising glow, suddenly piercing through the dark night, and it appeared suddenly.

Ao Cheng and Ao Yun rubbed their eyes and looked intently again. A warm current suddenly emerged from the bottom of their hearts, and their eye sockets were moist.

Here comes the master!

Ao Feng and the black dragon were stunned, staring at the golden light, their eyes widened, as if they were facing an enemy.


Someone can step on the merits?

Their hearts are full of doubts. They didn't expect that there are still people in the world today who can have merits, but...what about merits?

Will the eruption of the sea eye depend on whether you have merit? Obviously not.

Ao Feng couldn't help but shook the Dragon Soul Orb in his hand, repeatedly confirming that this is true, and so is Sea Eye.

Why doesn't it spray? Out of water?

This is not scientific.

At this moment, Li Nianfan had come to the front, and at first glance he saw the three-headed dragon present.

A black dragon, flaring its teeth and claws, staring at him, and two other dragons, lying on a black hole, are also staring at him blankly.

On the other side, there was a middle-aged man holding a bead with a stiff smile on his face, thinking that the big laugh just came from his mouth.

"Be careful to protect me!"

Li Nianfan silently stepped back for a certain distance, and reminded everyone.

But even though it was the first time he saw a dragon, he had already seen the world, so he was not too surprised.

The situation is obvious, and the two sides are fighting here.

With the sudden arrival of Li Nianfan, the fighting method temporarily stopped.

At this moment, the two dragons lying at the sea's eye rose into the air, transformed into Ao Cheng and Ao Yun, and said to Li Nianfan, "Master Li."

"It turned out to be the two old men." Li Nianfan breathed a sigh of relief, then he indulged for a moment, and said, "The two were originally dragons."

The surname is Ao. This is the surname of the dragon in the myth. Li Nianfan could not care about it before, but he just ran into their dragon body. It was basically certain.

Obviously a dragon, don't you say you are a carp spirit? What hobby?

"Yes... it's a dragon." After hesitating and sighing, he sighed, "But it's not wrong to call a carp. In fact, in the whole dragon clan, except for the original dragon clan, a large part of the dragons are acquired. Come, although I don’t want to admit it, I really go back. Our blood ancestor was a carp."

"So that's it." Li Nianfan nodded, he still knows something about this.

The so-called Leaping Dragon Gate is actually a gift from the ancestor dragon, because the carp found an extraordinary fit with his own bloodline, and also for the purpose of strengthening the dragon family, so as to give blood and inspire its dragon.

This is also very common in Qilin and Phoenix.

After all, these three tribes were born to be extremely powerful, and they came into existence at the right time, which also made it extremely difficult to give birth to offspring. Otherwise, they would have been extinct long ago, and they would not even have blood.

Otherwise, why is the dragon in the fairy tale so weak?

Nezha could cramp and peel the third dragon prince after learning a little skill, and even the strength of the Four Seas Dragon King could not match the sky.

The ancestral dragon is so powerful, and the dragon clan cannot be like this no matter how weak it is. It turns out that the problem lies here.

Thinking of this, Li Nianfan suddenly wanted to take Ao Cheng's attention with admiration.

Obviously they have already turned the dragon, but they still don't forget their roots. They are humble, not proud, and self-proclaimed as a carp. This is really not easy. Few people in the world can do it.

If it's a different person, let alone admitting that it is a carp, it will not work if someone raises the mouth.


Ao Feng on the side suddenly gave a cold cry, looked at Ao Cheng contemptuously, and scolded: "Our dignified dragon clan, how can a small carp be comparable, your words are simply depraved! You are not worthy of being called a dragon clan at all!"

Li Nianfan looked at Ao Feng, which was a counterexample.

Ao Cheng smiled coldly, shook his head and said contemptuously: "Ignorance, you know what a fart!"

"I don't understand? Hahaha..."

Ao Feng laughed as if he had heard the funniest joke, "Boil it, who do you understand? Being a man...No, you have to look forward to being a dragon. The carp is already in the past, and the dragon is Dragon! You have been looking backwards, this is also doomed to do nothing in your life, sooner or later you will be eliminated!

And our Nanhai Dragon Race has always wanted to be one step closer. This Dragon Soul Orb is the ladder of our progress! You wait, it won't take long for us to transform into a real ancestor dragon! "

"Haha, ignorance." Ao Cheng still said, "You know what a fart!"

He looked at Ao Feng, his eyes were as calm as water, and he even wanted to laugh.

There are some things that I can’t tell you face to face, let alone a carp, even as an earthworm, my future is much broader than you!

Do you know who this is around here? The real Zulong can be raised in the pond in his backyard.

The expert is in front of him and doesn't know it, and it's awesome, hey, it's funny, ignorance is terrible.

The black dragon turned into a human form, landed beside Ao Feng, and reminded in a low voice: "Prince, don't talk to them anymore, the dragon soul orb is in hand, the wind is screaming!"

He expressed that he was very tired.

Watching Daji, Huofeng, and Ziye watchfully, judging from the breath of these three people, at least they are in the realm of Taiyi Golden Fairy, and the situation should not be too dangerous.

If you don’t run quickly, you still have time to pretend to be forced by others, and talk about your ideals. Is your mind showy?

Ao Feng's brain circuit finally turned back, his face darkened, and he nodded silently, "What he said is quite true."

"Boil it, you will be your carp essence, we will not accompany you!"

He smiled coldly, and as he spoke, his body had already turned into a dragon, and together with the old man, he swayed the dragon and rushed towards the water.

"Where to go?"

Zhucheng and Ao Yun drank at the same time, without delay, the same Hualong chased after him.

Ziye also frowned slightly, and went away without forgetting to say hello, "Young Master Li, Haiyan is very important, I will help!"

"I'll go too!" Huofeng spread his wings and dashed out!

After finally being able to fight Long, she expressed her excitement.

Daji didn't go, but stayed with Li Nianfan.

Li Nianfan also followed, but at a slow speed and kept a safe distance at all times. "Little Daji, let's quickly find a safe and good place to watch the battle."


The four dragons rushed out of the sea at the same time, setting off huge waves, and the water splashed into the sky, forming an extremely spectacular scene with the dragon.


The dragons swayed, bumped into each other, opened their mouths and spit out, spewing out various elements, stirring up the entire sea.

Within a radius of thousands of miles, you can hear the blasting sound, mixed with roars, making many ordinary people and immortal cultivators feel uneasy and frightened.

"Success, do you really dare to do it to us?" Ao Feng's face was gloomy, and his body twisted anxiously, "My father is still alive, and he has already broken through the limits of the Dragon Clan of the Four Seas and achieved Da Luo Jinxian. Do you dare to move me?!"

After making a cold smile, a dragon wagging its tail towards Ao Feng's face, "If you can't beat it, you are ready to fight father? The dragon ancestor is still alive, do you want me to call it to fight the ancestor? "

Ao Feng cursed: "I'm serious! What are you talking about with me?"

Zulong is alive? Do you think I will believe this?

At this time, a bright light suddenly pierced the sky, with a screaming sound, piercing towards Ao Feng!

Ziye's cold words came out, "Put down the Dragon Soul Orb!"

Ao Feng kept looking for opportunities to escape, "Huh, it's impossible!"

"Kill them directly!" A rope appeared in Huofeng's hand, and he threw it away. It suddenly swam out like a spirit snake, and continued to grow in the air, winding towards Ao Feng.

Ao Feng was so scared that the souls of the dead were suddenly scared, and said in horror: "Tie the fairy rope?!"

At this moment, accompanied by the sound of a dragon chanting, the black dragon's body swelled a little bit again, and suddenly slammed open the immortal rope, the dragon body swept, blocking everyone.

He opened his mouth and vomited, and the golden seal turned into a mountain that covered the sky and sun, and then fell, slamming toward everyone.

The black dragon roared loudly: "Prince, you go quickly and leave me alone!"

"Okay, come on, I will come back to avenge you~"

The sound seemed to come from a long distance. Heilong turned his head to look, only to find that Ao Feng had already twisted the dragon's **** and walked away without looking back.

There was a blockage in its heart, a trace of sadness flashed in its eyes, watching everyone's eyes cracking, the body began to swell rapidly, the mana surging throughout the body, the breath began to boil like boiling water, and loudly roared: "I It's dead, don't think about it!"

"Come on, come on! I want to explode! Hahaha—" It roared ferociously, already bulging into a ball.

Gritting teeth, decisive attitude, even with a touch of sacredness, this is my last dignity and unyielding.

Dragons... never be slaves!

His gaze swept toward everyone, abruptly, that golden touch broke into its field of vision, causing its heart to beat suddenly, and its aura weakened by a half.

It took a deep breath and spoke to Li Nianfan with a ball-like body: "This son, I'm going to blew myself up. It's very powerful, or... you go farther?"

Li Nianfan shook his head, and kindly persuaded: "Don't, you blew yourself up, isn't it a pity that you are a dragon flesh? If you want to do everything, don't be so extreme."

Heilong's face changed from black to purple, his whole body trembling, he almost vomited blood, and finally, like a frustrated ball, his body began to deflate quickly.

With tears, he humiliated the ground and said, "Come on, please give me a good time..."

PS: A new month has begun, and it is also the last month of this year. This book was opened in July this year, and it will be half a year in a blink of an eye. Thank you readers for your company and support.

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