Turns Out I’m a Great Cultivator

Chapter 372: Li Nianfan’s plan, someone came

Heilong's request was met, and soon fell into peace and walked without pain.

Li Nianfan looked at Ao Cheng and curiously said, "Old Ao, are you strife?"

"Made Li Gongzi laughed, I only recently learned that they betrayed during the catastrophe, causing the entire world to suffer heavy losses."

Ao Cheng shook his head bitterly, and then said, "Unfortunately, the Dragon Soul Orb was taken away by them. I'm afraid it will be in trouble later."

He frowned, worried.

Long'er's eyes flickered, and said innocently: "Father, what is the purpose of the Dragon Soul Orb?"

"You just saw it. Just under this water, there is a black hole called the eye of the sea, which can also be called the eye of the four seas!"

Ao Cheng paused and continued: "In the eyes of the sea, there is endless sea water. Once it loses its suppression, the sea water will flood and flood the entire world, causing people to be unhappy, and the lives of all creatures. The dragon soul beads are used Suppress Haiyan."

"Is it so scary?"

Li Nianfan's face suddenly changed, and he couldn't help but look at the water, "Didn't the Dragon Soul Orb be taken away? Why doesn't the sea eye react at all?"

Could there be a delay?

"This one……"

Ao Cheng glanced at Li Nianfan cautiously, "Probably... Now the sea eye is calm, there is no need to suppress it anymore."

He was mentally clear that the reason why Sea Eye did not explode was purely because of an expert.

The saint of merit alone is not enough to make Haiyan do this, but...is the expert only the saint of merit? It's just a superficial appearance.

The presence of an expert, a word, is enough to make the whole world bow!

Li Nianfan suddenly breathed a sigh of relief, "That's good, I really hope that this sea eye can be stable forever, so that people don't have to worry about it."

A trace of ecstasy flashed in Ao Cheng's eyes. With such a word from an expert, he felt that the sea-eye problem was 80% stabilized, and it was more effective than any magic weapon.

The expert Jinkou Yuyan said that since he has said that he should always be stable, he must always be stable. Does Haiyan dare to mess around? Obviously dare not.

"The problem with Sea Eye shouldn't be big anymore." Ao Yun also sighed in relief, and then worried: "However, there is too much power in the Dragon Soul Orb, and it will definitely cause big trouble in the future. "

In order to suppress the sea eye, in addition to the dragon clan, since ancient times, I don't know how many big men have been thrown into the sea eye, and the dragon soul orb has condensed the power of so many big men, which is shocking.

The Nanhai Dragon Race captured the Dragon Soul Orb, and its ambition was simply terrifying.

Li Nianfan said that he was helpless and could only verbally comforted him: "The boat will be straight at the end of the bridge, and there will be a way."

"I have accepted the good words of Young Master Li."

Ao Cheng nodded, and then said: "Young Master Li, thanks to you arriving in time today, otherwise Brother Yun and I would be more ill-fortuned."

Ao Yun also nodded again and again, and said sincerely: "Yes, Li Gongzi, you saved my life again."

"It just happened to be the meeting, and I was just joining in the fun. It was them who really helped you." Li Nianfan pointed at Huofeng and Ziye.

Immediately, Ao Cheng and Ao Yun said in unison: "Thank you, Fairy Huofeng and Princess Ziye."

Ziye waved her hand, "You're polite, but it's just a matter of raising your hand."

Ao Cheng invited: "It's getting late today. Why don't you just stay here? Recently, I have specially selected a lot of hairy crabs. The quality of the meat can definitely be called the top grade."

Li Nianfan smiled and shook his head, "Forget it, it won't take long to go back from here."

"I should go back to Tiangong." Ziye also shook her head, with a sigh in her tone. She had been thinking about ways to break the seal, but unfortunately she had no clue, and there was always a faint sadness between her brows.

Li Nianfan couldn't help but comforted him: "Fairy Ziye, now that you have found the heavenly palace, you will definitely be able to find a way to crack it after you come. Anyway, you have waited so long, so why rush it?"

Ziye's heart moved a little, and suddenly he was awakened, "Thank you Li Gongzi for reminding me that I am too persistent."

During the recent period, her heart is too restless, she often complains about herself, is absent-minded, and is in a trance. For an immortal, this phenomenon is extremely terrifying.

If you still can't wake up, there will be a demon barrier in the path of cultivation, and the life and death will disappear in a single thought.

When Li Nianfan was awakened by a word, his whole body was shocked in a cold sweat.

In the end, Ao Cheng went as fast as possible to pack a bunch of hairy crabs for Li Nianfan and let them take them away.

Li Nianfan was not polite, thanked him, and left.

This trip to the sea is not a trivial harvest, not to mention all kinds of seafood, but also harvested dragon meat, plus so many hairy crabs, you can not go out for a long time.

On the way back, there was no hurry, but the sea breeze was slowly blowing in the air.

Li Nianfan couldn't help but said with emotion: "Unconsciously, nearly three months have passed since going out this time."

This is the longest time and furthest away from home since Li Nianfan's crossing.

Daji looked at Li Nianfan, and asked with concern: "The son thinks this trip... is happy?"

Li Nianfan looked at Daji and asked with a smile, "What do you think of Daji?"

Daji's eyes were like water, and she said softly: "As long as I can follow the son, I am happy anyway."

"Hahaha, me too." Under the moonlight, Li Nianfan stretched out his hand and held Daji's hand.

She had a very soft little hand, and she felt boneless in her hand. Moreover, unlike Daji's cold temperament, her hand was surprisingly warm because it was different from the ice spell.

Li Nianfan didn't want to do anything at all, but with this grip, he immediately felt that he couldn't put it down, and his heart was shaken, how could he feel comfortable.

He couldn't help looking at Xiao Daji, but saw a blush rise on her cheeks, and her small head was slightly lowered, like a mimosa, out of touch.

The model of Daji was born beautifully. At this time, with the night as the background, there was the gentle sound of the waves slapping behind him, almost like a fairy in the moon, as if his body was glowing, and she was not beautiful.

He suddenly felt overwhelmed, but he couldn't help but feel a provocative thought in his heart, and continued to hold Xiao Daji's hand, and made a light stroke on the palm of her hand.


Da Ji suddenly snorted, and couldn't help but slumped in Li Nianfan's direction.

Huofeng, Long'er, and Nanny were overwhelmed, and they kept thinking about seeing no evil in their hearts, their faces were expressionless, their eyes were not squinted, and they seemed to know nothing.

While teasing Xiao Daji, Li Nianfan said in a serious manner: "I am happy to come out this time, but I have experienced a lot of things."

First arrived in the Xia Dynasty, then switched to Buddhism, and then went to the underworld. Today, people are still in the East China Sea.

Along the way, I encountered siege, witnessed the struggle between Buddhism and the demons, and the internal struggle between the dragons, experienced the death of friends, and learned the specific content of the catastrophe.

Full of harvest and full of feelings.

"Yeah." Da Ji's voice was very low, obviously absent-minded, and the deer bumped randomly.

"This world..." Li Nianfan took a deep breath and suddenly didn't know what to say.

This is the extension of the mythical world that I am familiar with, and at the same time, it is a world full of peril, calculating each other, and full of killing.

Daji asked concerned: "My son, what's wrong with this world?"

Li Nianfan smiled, "It's nothing, but it feels better to be unified. Now it's really messed up, obviously not on the right track."

He felt that in the world after the Great Tribulation, there was a sense of coexistence among the lords and the princes fighting for hegemony, with constant internal and external struggles, lacking restraint.

It was mainly rebooting and the death of Yun Yiyi, which made him feel too deeply, and just now, Ao Cheng almost died.

When I think about myself on the road, I was still ambushed by Qilin, and everyone around me seemed to be targeted.

This is very unpleasant.

When these things do not happen to me, I still can't feel them, but when they happen to me, they feel different.

Daji said, "My son, that day will definitely not be far away."

Li Nianfan smiled, "I hope, I just felt it all of a sudden, it's getting late, go back and rest quickly."

He looked at Daji, his heart moved slightly.

Obviously, he and Daji are in love, and the probability of success in confession is absolutely 100%.

But...now it's not in modern times, confession is so low, wherever there are boyfriends and girlfriends, it is enough to propose directly.

He is ready to pick a suitable time to marry Xiao Daji.

From the bottom of his heart, he hopes the wedding is the best... to be a little grander.

After all, I know a lot of people, and all of them are big bosses.

at the same time.

Ziye returned to Tiangong.

Standing blankly on the sky bridge for a long time, in the huge palace, there was no light, and it was deserted.

Finally, she sighed, "I can't come here until I find a way."

Every time she came here, she would be touched by the scene, and her Dao heart would be damaged.

Li Gongzi is right. I have waited for so many years. If the palace has appeared today, are you afraid to continue to wait?

Not in a hurry, not in a hurry.

She calmed down, walked down from the bridge, through the multiple palaces, and was going to the Seven Immortals Pavilion to say hello to her sisters. She won't visit them often in the future.

However, when she came to the door of the Seven Immortals Pavilion, she was about to push the door and enter, but her pupils shrank suddenly, and the whole person froze in place.

Her complexion kept changing, sometimes excited, sometimes nervous, and even her breathing became quicker.

When she left, she deliberately took off one of her hair and sandwiched it between the cracks in the door, but now, this hair... is gone!


She pushed the door in a hurry, tears were already overflowing in her eyes, and she ran around quickly, and finally stopped next to the stone statues of the other five sisters, her voice trembling, and she was extremely expectant: "Second sister, is that you?"

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