Turns Out I’m a Great Cultivator

Chapter 373: are you a pig? Even believe this?

Ziye stood in the hall, looking around with eager eyes, like a child, suddenly hearing news from his family when he was helpless.

"Second sister, you must be there, come out and meet me."

Ziye's voice was very soft, but with determination, "When I returned to the Temple of Heaven, I found that everything here is too familiar. Whether it's sisters or other gods, they still maintain their previous practices. The posture when he was sealed is obviously not like this. You adjusted it, right?"

There was still silence around.

"Tables, chairs and benches, as well as the layout of the Tiangong, everything around is still the same, and our sisters' hobbies, the eldest sister plays the piano, and the fourth sister plays flute. Only you are familiar with them, putting them in the happiest appearance before."

Ziye said slowly, she didn't know that the second sister was still there, she was more like talking to herself, "I secretly put my hair on the door frame. You cleaned it. I know it's you. If you are there, come out. Is it difficult to meet?"

As soon as her words fell, her face suddenly condensed, and then her body turned into a patch of purple leaf grass, disappearing in place, and when she reappeared, she had reached a stand above the eaves of the Seven Immortals Palace.

Here, there is a woman standing in an orange dress. Two lines of tears have been shed on her cold face. There is a ribbon around the dress, like a tail, rippling against the night wind, making her look like she wants it anytime. Return by the wind.

Compared with Ziye, she appears more mature and dignified, cool and elegant.

Ziye's face suddenly showed joy, and said in surprise: "Second sister!"

The second sister looked at Ziye, with petting eyes in her eyes, and said softly: "Seventh Sister, you have really grown a lot, and you know you are playing with me."

"Second sister, since you have not been sealed, why don't you go to me?" Ziye looked at the second sister aggrievedly, with questions in her eyes.

The second sister shook her head, and sighed: "Fool, what can I do if I meet? And I'm lucky to be able to visit Tiangong occasionally. It's impossible to communicate with the outside world. The meeting may cause unnecessary trouble. "

Ziye continued to ask: "Where have you lived for so many years?"

The second sister hesitated for a moment, and said, "Actually...I'm by my side."

"The empress is still there?" Ziye was very surprised, and then quickly said: "No, I didn't mean that, I mean the empress is still alive? No, I..."

"Okay, I know what you mean."

The second sister shook her head and smiled, and then said: "Niang Niang and Jade Emperor were the boys by Dao Zu's back then. For any reason, they have kindness, so naturally there can be nothing to do, so they are just forbidden."

Ziye bit her lip and said: "I have seen Houtu Empress. I already know a lot about the Great Tribulation, Daozu..."

"Well, there seems to be another hidden story in this matter. Don't just talk about it." The second sister interrupted: "My main body is Forgetfulness. The empress specially rescued me and brought me to her side. Well, she obviously doesn't want to care about this matter."

"What's the secret?"

"I don't know, but I've heard Niang Niang say that the general situation of heaven and earth changes suddenly, and Dao Ancestor is also forced to do so."

Ziye didn't worry too much about the above problem, but opened the mouth and said: "Second sister, let's think of a way together, plus Niangniang, it is estimated that it will not take long to restore the heavenly palace."

Her eyes were bright, her face was excited, and there was something called hope in her tone.

"Too naive, how easy is this to talk about?" The second sister shook her head bitterly, and then said: "But you can actually unlock the seal of the Heavenly Palace, which really surprised me, how did you do it?"

"Second sister, do you know that the underworld is now complete, and it's all because we met an expert."

"Is the underworld actually perfected?" The second sister frowned slightly, "That is really unexpected."

However, Ziye changed her conversation, as if she was a child offering treasures to her elders, and said mysteriously: "Second Sister, if you stay with your mother, can you still eat flat peaches?"

The second sister shook her head and couldn't help rolling her eyes at Ziye, "Are you still the same as before? Many innate spiritual roots have returned to chaos. Why, are you greedy?"

Ziye's eyes smiled more, "I often have spiritual roots to eat, it should be your greedy mouth."

The second sister said silently: "I think you eat in your dreams every day."

"Hehehe, now, here you are."

Ziye's eyes curled with a smile, and suddenly he took out an orange and handed it to the second sister.

"What's this, orange?"

The second sister raised her brows slightly, and took it from Ziye's hand, and then a surprised look appeared in her eyes, "This orange...you won't tell me it is Linggen, right?"

She peeled off the orange peels, but saw that the oranges inside were as sparkling as jade, the meridians were not distracting at all, and the size of each petal was also the same. The appearance of these fruits far exceeded those in the previous heavenly palace.

"How can oranges grow like this?" The second sister felt that her knowledge had grown.

Slowly tore off a piece of orange and elegantly put it into his mouth, squeezing his mouth lightly when chewing.

With a light bite, the plump and juicy oranges seemed to have broken the seal, suddenly bursting out countless juices, splashing into every corner of her mouth.

As a result, a golden juice overflowed silently from the corner of her mouth, but she had no time to wipe it.

Because a sweet and sour taste has burst in her mouth, the wonderful taste and the sweet and sour taste stimulated her taste buds, and her whole person temporarily lost the ability to think.

"This is... really Linggen? And how can it be so delicious?" She opened her eyes wide, and did not continue to stuff oranges into her mouth, but squeezed her lips as if she was tasting.

Even the flat peaches of that year, although they are innate spiritual roots, in terms of deliciousness, they are far from this orange.

To put it bluntly, she has grown up so much that she has never eaten such delicious food, which refreshed her knowledge of delicious food.

Ziye has been watching from the side. The second sister has the quietest mind, and her personality has always been cool and graceful. She originally expected to see the second sister lose her temper, and then recorded it with the photo-taking beads as a black history in the future. ...A bit disappointed.

But letting the second sister, who has always been elegant, be like this is enough to show the strength of this orange.

The second sister looked at the photo bead that Ziye took out in her hand, and quickly stretched out her tongue to lick the orange juice at the corner of her mouth, and said vigilantly: "What do you want to do?"

"It's nothing, just want to see if the photo-taking beads are broken suddenly." Ziye's expression was calm, and calmly put away the photo-taking beads.

The second sister solemnly said: "This orange... was the expert in your mouth given to you?"

"That's right." Ziye nodded, and then said excitedly: "Second sister, that expert is really super super powerful, you can't imagine it, I feel that as long as you serve him well, you can do whatever you want!"

Serve him well? What do you want?

The second sister's gaze at Ziye suddenly changed a little, "Is this orange you bought for him?"

Ziye nodded.

"It really hurts you."

The second sister touched Ziye's head with pity, feeling a little sad.

Think of our dignified seven fairies. Although they are not the true daughters of the Queen Mother, they are also righteous. Once upon a time, they were also unattainable fairies, synonymous with beauty, grace, and goddess.

Today, the youngest Seventh Sister actually fell to... fell for an orange.

Although... this orange is indeed a rare treasure.

Thinking like this, she put another orange in her mouth.

"By the way, I remember that there are two big Luo Jinxian guards in this heavenly palace. Didn't you embarrass you?"

"Well, they also said that I was a remnant of the heavenly palace and wanted to arrest me." Ziye continued with a smile: "But it was blown up by an expert with fireworks."

The second sister was taken aback for a moment, "Fireworks? What is that magic weapon?"

Ziye opened the mouth and said, "Listen to me slowly..."

at the same time.

South China Sea.

Ao Feng twisted the dragon's body with an eager face, and soon swam to the South China Sea Dragon Palace, then transformed into a human form and continued to move inward.

A lot of people gathered in the Dragon Palace, one of whom was standing in the middle in a meeting, wearing a black long gown.

Seeing Ao Feng coming back, he smiled and asked urgently: "Feng'er is back? Did things go well?"

"Huh? Where are the elders with you?"

Ao Feng said with a sad expression: "Father, this time the situation has changed, the elder may not be able to come back."

Everyone frowned and said in disbelief, "What's the matter?"

Ao Feng said: "Ao Yun was caught in the Dragon Devouring Gu and he didn't die. Originally, this wouldn't affect the overall situation, but... I never expected that at the last moment, a few Taiyi Golden Immortals would intervene, even the sea eye There is a problem, so I don’t spray anymore!"

The old man frowned and asked the most critical question, "Have you brought the Dragon Soul Orb back?"

Ao Feng took out the Dragon Soul Orb and said with a smile: "Bring it back!"

"That's fine." The old man smiled, then sighed, and said in a deep voice: "This matter is also my negligence. I should send more people. The situation has changed recently. Even the demon lord of the demon clan has changed. died!"

Everyone was taken aback and couldn't believe it. "The devil is dead? This...is this news accurate?"

This is Da Luo Jinxian, and it is not an ordinary Da Luo Jinxian, 80% of it has reached the peak.

"How did you die?" someone asked, doubting.

Nanhai Dragon King shook his head, "The cause of death is unknown. It is rumored that the Demon Lord was just sitting in the Demon Realm, and then suddenly died. The two Demon Envoys who were currently guarding the Demon Lord have been controlled."

"There is such a way to die in the world?"

"Could it be that you can't think about it, suicide?"

"Apart from saints, who else can do such a thing without knowing it?"

"Okay, if you die, you are dead. There is no need to discuss this matter too much!" The Dragon King spoke, and solemnly said: "Nowadays there are many variables inexplicably, so we must be careful in the future!"

Everyone nodded.

Ao Feng moved his heart, and said: "Father, I heard Ao Cheng said that the ancestor of the Dragon race is still alive. Should we pay attention?"

"Oh, absurd!"

Nanhai Dragon King shook his head and sneered disdainfully, "Are you a pig? You even believe this?"

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