Turns Out I’m a Great Cultivator

Chapter 374: Purple Leaf's Conquest

In the heavenly palace.

Ziye is still talking about how high his second sister is in popular science.

What I said was a chaotic fall in the sky, whatever the words were, I stepped on the sun and the moon, looked at ten thousand years, a sum of chaos, in his description, the master is the creator, the so-called tribulation of heaven and earth, in front of the master, fart No, as long as the expert is willing to say a word casually, the sensible world should be gone.

The second sister was stunned for a while, thinking that Ziye was telling a fairy tale, but it was really wonderful, and she was a little bit reluctant to interrupt.

"Are there more oranges?"

The second sister spoke for the sixth time.

Ziye was talking about getting up, and had no choice but to stop, digging out his own pocket...nothing.

She couldn't help but said, "Oh, are you here to listen to the story or to eat oranges?"

"Both." In order not to make her Seven Sisters feel sad, she added empathetically: "Of course the main thing is to listen to the stories of Seven Sisters."

It's just that a trace of pity flashed deep in her eyes, and her throat flowed slightly.

Ziye smiled contentedly, and continued: "Sit quietly and listen to me. The point is here. Do you know what is in the backyard of an expert? Spirit roots are all spiritual roots! Up to the leaves, down to the soil, nothing One is not a treasure, let alone now, in ancient times, those are all robbed by thousands of immortals. The oranges for you to eat are just inferior."

The second sister opened her mouth slightly and exclaimed: "So powerful? Are you sure you are not exaggerating?"

She has been listening, and she has been amazed, but... what Ziye said is really too exaggerated, not untrue, but too untrue.

How can this world accommodate such an awesome character?

"Absolutely not exaggerating!" Ziye shook his head, and then added: "By the way, I ate at an expert, do you know what it is?"

The second sister raised her brows slightly, and she had already guessed, "What? Could it be a spiritual treasure?"

"Haha, Lingbao? Is that only your imagination?"

Ziye smiled coldly, and then said: "It's the best congenital spirit treasure! From the expert, the best congenital spirit treasure comes in a box. This box contains a fork, the other contains a knife, and even a drinking cup. , They are all the best innate spirit treasures!"

The second sister was silent for a long time, and suddenly shook her head, "I think this may be your hallucination, or you may be talking nonsense."

"It's definitely not an illusion! My mind is sober!"

Ziye's tone was determined, and he said: "Golden Flame Bee, do you remember? Back then, because we wanted to eat the Golden Flame Bee's honey, we urged the giant spirit gods to dig out their honeycombs, and they were chased by the Golden Flame Bee, and the Five Color Gods Cows, even Niangniang wants to drink milk, so they have to exchange it with a baby and discuss it, and they have become the pets of the masters. Whether it is honey or milk, you can eat whatever you want, and you can take care of it!"

"So amazing?" The second sister always thought that she would not be shocked anymore, but she still couldn't help being shocked, "Aren't the golden flame bees and the five-color sacred cow claiming that they cannot be subdued?"

Ziye's eyes were shining, like a stubborn fan, "Hehe, it is impossible for an expert to not exist."

"Oh, second sister, how can you be so calm?"

Ziye's mouth pursed. Is it because the story I tell is not shocking enough, or my rendering is not good enough, can't you "hiss——" it?

She quietly put away the photo beads, it seems that it is too difficult to keep the black history of the second sister.

It’s better for the eldest sister. If it were her, she would have jumped up at this time, and she might be excited about what she would be like, or what she looked like, just like clouds.

"I'm not calm anymore." The second sister patted her chest, "If there are such strange people in the world, then the pattern of the Three Realms will change completely. I have to go back and talk to the empress."

"It's just... what you said is really true?" The second sister confirmed again: "I admit that oranges are really good, but... this is not enough to make me believe so many outrageous things you said. This is not a joke. of."

"You still don't believe what I said? I'm your Seventh Sister!" Ziye's eyes widened and suffered a huge blow. Can you still be a sister happily?

She got up suddenly, the second sister's indifferent and elegant character aroused her eagerness, I must conquer you today!

"You wait! I'll call someone!"

After Ziye finished speaking, she rose up on the cloud and floated away from the heavenly palace quickly, "You wait, don't go away!"

The second sister stood on the stand, looking at her leaving back, couldn't help but smile and shook her head.

"This girl is still the same as before." She muttered to herself, her heart more cordial.

Over the years, this girl has indeed grown up a lot, but once she returned to her sister, all the disguise faded away, and she became that little girl again.

She couldn't help laughing. This was the long-lost smile for so many years.

She said loudly: "I'll wait for you, slow down and be safe."

Zi Ye flew out of the heavenly palace and flew in one direction excitedly.

Recently, I have been reselling leeks with everyone, and everyone has already met, so naturally I am familiar with it.

She soared through the clouds, and came to this black shop first.

At this time, in the black shop.

Ma Yunming was holding an old and worn-out scroll-like thing in his hand, stroking his beard while looking carefully.

The outside of this scroll is already a bit unbearable, covered with dust, and some wrinkles, and the light is restrained. It can no longer be described by ordinary. To some extent, it can be called garbage.

"Boss, this scroll was only obtained after a lifetime of nine deaths in an ancient secret realm. Don't look at it to look dilapidated, but in fact it is not invaded by water or fire, and it can't be damaged by any means!"

In front of Ma Yunming, there stood a couple. The man was an old man, bragging about his baby, "This is definitely a baby. Even a golden fairy can't open this scroll!"

Ma Yunming tried, but there was really no way to open the scroll, and there was no response to the force.

Suddenly narrowed his eyes, revealing light, and said: "Yes, it's worth ten leeks!"

"Have you made a mistake, only ten?" The old man suddenly became a little unhappy. "This is definitely an ancient treasure. Take a look."

"Ancient treasure?" Ma Yunming sneered coldly, "Who can use it? I have seen this thing a lot. Even if it is really ancient treasure, there is a high probability that it will never be used. Since it cannot be used, what's the difference with garbage? In other words, you can keep it in your hand and compare the lifespan with this magic weapon."

"This... why don't you go up again?" The old man said: "Two more leeks, make friends."


At this moment, Ziye rushed in and said: "Friend Ma, the leeks are no longer sold, come with me!"

"Okay." Ma Yunming didn't say anything else, and nodded immediately, clearly positioning himself very clearly.

"Boss, don't do it, why didn't you sell it all of a sudden?" The couple suddenly became anxious, "Ten roots, let's change them."

"What? Let me see." Ziye raised his brows slightly, took the scroll, and looked up and down, "What kind of tattered thing is this? At most five leeks, we can leave without changing it."

The couple looked at each other, the woman caught the old man, and finally could only grit her teeth and nod, "Change!"

After coming out of the black shop, Ma Yunming’s eyes flashed with deep thought, and then he felt a sense of realization. He couldn’t help but admire: “Seven princesses, how did you come up with this trick? It’s a business genius! My old horse started. A lifetime store, compared with you, it’s not a beginner at all."

He shouted in his heart that he learned it, and he will use this trick more in the future, it is definitely a bargaining skill!

"What is this trick? I have something to do." Ziye said: "Bring all the leeks, and then go to fight some monsters. I want to entertain my second sister. This wave will take you with you and let you know What is good fortune?"

"Good luck?" A hint of doubt flashed across Ma Yunming's face.

He has been with everyone for so long, and he has also noticed that this group of people seems to be the subordinates of a big man. No, he said that his subordinates are raising them, it should be said that it is the big man's licking dog.

All day long, the expert shouted, and from time to time there was a sentence: Everything is for the expert.

I don't know where this master is sacred.

However, the existence of such spirit root leeks, as well as oranges, golden flame bee honey and other things is absolutely extraordinary.

Soon, Ziye was anxious again and called Pei An and Gu Xirou up.

"Fairy Ziye, what's going on at this late hour?" Pei An asked.

"My second elder sister is here, there is still the hot pot base that the master gave you, take it to let my second elder sister increase her knowledge." Ziye is already a little impatient, "Hurry up, don't delay."

Everyone went up and down, driving the clouds straight to the palace.

"Second sister, I'm back!"

Seeing that her second sister was still in the same place, Ziye's eyes lit up, and he flew over and put down the pots and pans "cangdangdangdang".

The second sister smiled, "What are you doing, is it possible to cook for me?"

Ziye smiled slightly, "Almost, I hope my second sister and so on can maintain her current elegance."

The second sister looked behind her, "They are..."

The three hurriedly said: "Pan Dao Pei An, poor Dao Ma Yunming, little girl Gu Xirou, have seen the second princess."

"My name is Cheng Yi, and I have seen fellow Taoists." Cheng Yi nodded towards the crowd.

Ziye urged: "Friend Daoist Pei, quickly take out the hot pot base."


Pei Anyi reluctantly took out the hot pot bottom material.

He refused in his heart. This is the hot pot base gift given by an expert. Even for so long, he has not been willing to take it out to eat. Just looking at it every day can make him feel satisfied deep in his heart.

Hey, that's fine, these are two princesses, and... in the heart of an expert, they are 80% higher than themselves.

Anyway... Can you eat with me?

Build a pot, start a fire, and do it all in one go.

"Seven sisters, this is..."

Cheng Yi looked at the oily red soup base in the pot, her eyes wrinkled involuntarily, feeling that this kind of delicacy was a bit violent. Can you eat it?

"Hot pot, super delicious hot pot!" Ziye swallowed a mouthful of water and stared at the bottom of the pot, "This bottom material is given to us by an expert, and you absolutely can't stop it."

"Hot pot? That's it?"

Cheng Yi didn't think he would like to eat this at first, and felt that these people had been poisoned by the so-called expert.

But... as the bottom of the pot gradually boiled, the "gurgling" bubbles were tumbling, and when bursts of indescribable scent drifted into her nose, she had to admit that the saliva in her mouth... was about to overflow.

Ma Yunming's eyeballs can't wait to protrude, staring at the bottom of the pot, obviously he has been easily conquered by the smell, "This hot pot...cuckoo, how to eat it? Do you have a spoon, do you scoop it to drink?"

"Eat it hot, follow me and you will be able to eat it soon." Ziye picked up a piece of meat and put it in the bottom of the pot, with a sigh in his mouth, "Hey, we don't care about the bottom of the pot except for Whether it is the material or the food, it's a huge difference from an expert."

The meat roll of the expert, how beautiful, look at my side, it seems too sloppy.

In the hands of an expert, things are easy and pleasing to the eye, and when it is their turn to do it, they find it difficult, too difficult.

Perhaps this is the Tao.

Everyone learns everything.

Soon, the first wave of food was cooked.

Ma Yunming stretched his neck and couldn't wait to clamp a piece of meat. The meat was stained with red oil and it was flowing along, how he could have an appetite.

At the moment it was put in his mouth, Ma Yunming chewed slightly with his mouth, his pupils suddenly widened, and his entire face became stiff.

This this……

What are you eating in your mouth?

The food can be so delicious?

Unbelievable, doubting life!

He felt that his mouth had been filled with fragrance, and his pores all over his body were relaxed. The slightly spicy taste stimulated the tongue coating, which was a taste that he had never enjoyed before.

Not only delicious, but more like a fusion, combining all kinds of delicious food!

What a hot pot, what a bottom of the pot!

It's a pot of hodgepodge, but the taste... is really the ultimate enjoyment.

He chewed sloppily with his mouth for a few times, then he couldn't wait to swallow, feeling the food slipping through his throat and falling into his own power, so cool!

Then he got up quickly, picked up the second piece of meat and put it in his mouth.

It's delicious, so delicious!

His eyes were hot and he wanted to cry, feeling that his life was complete.

Expert, really a peerless expert!

I, Ma Yunming, are lucky enough to get this kind of luck and eat hot pot and other gods.

Orange clothing couldn't stand the temptation of the fragrance, and also slowly ate a piece of meat.

In fact, she still rejects this kind of red oil, and she always feels that this way of eating is not elegant enough.

But... when the meat tasted, she was really shocked. The taste of the hot pot soup with the scent of the meat itself began to interweave in the mouth. With chewing, the taste was improved to the best.


This word appeared in Cheng Yi's mind.

The long journey of cultivating immortals will eventually become boring. Before you know it, your horizons will be higher, and enjoyment will become more and more distant. Although you live a long life,...what is the fun.

However, the sudden intrusion of this hot pot really added a rich touch to her boring life, making her cheeks flushed and almost moaning.

Glancing at Ziye's direction, the Shadow Bead was secretly placed next to him...

This seven sister! ......Fortunately, I held back it!

Cheng Yi looked at the bottom of the pot again.

"Cuckoo" bubbles rolled and red oil was flowing.

The original feeling of rejection has disappeared, but now how I look at it, I still feel delicious.

Her face did not change, but in fact, the movements of her hands had accelerated, and the speed of chewing in her mouth had also increased, making her anxious.

No way, the people around even stood up and made a big profit in the pot, and I was really at a disadvantage.

"Seven sisters, you are such a big person, you are a princess, so what kind of decent appearance is it! Look, there is so much meat in the bowl, and you don't have to put down the meat in your hands quickly?"

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