Turns Out I’m a Great Cultivator

Chapter 375: Three thousand avenues, both rigid and soft

The next day.

The sky is bright.

Li Nianfan started later than usual, after all, stayed up late last night.


Opened the door, stretched out to face the rising sun, and then yawned, how refreshed he was.

"My son, early."

"Brother Nianfan, early."

In the yard, Xiao Daji and others were already very busy, all smiling, obviously in a beautiful mood.

"Oh, you guys are in a good mood, what are you planning to do?"

Li Nianfan glanced at them and found that they were busy driving around the kitchen.

Daji was holding a dough and seemed to be wrapping the buns, while Nun Nu and Long Er were making noodles on the side, adding water for a while, stirring in the flour for a while, a little messy, but she seemed very happy.

Even Huofeng was too embarrassed to be idle, holding a kitchen knife, chopping meat.

"Boom boom!"

She was dressed in red, and her face was fiery and beautiful, but she was holding a kitchen knife in her hand and chopped the meat very violently, which instead formed a sense of beauty with great visual impact.

The most idle ones in the yard are Da Hei and Xiao Bai.

Da Hei was lying next to the rockery, half-squinting his eyes basking in the morning sun, his figure looked a little lonely, his eyes faint.

The host didn't take me for so long this time. He was unhappy.

Humph, but I was not idle either. I took the time to go to the fairy world to play around, command a wave of dog monsters, and get a king of dogs Dangdang, which is also excellent.

Xiaobai stood beside him, like a statue.

Facing Li Nianfan's gaze, he explained aggrievedly: "Master, listen to my explanation. It's not that I want to be lazy, but they said they want to make breakfast."

Daji smiled and said, "My son, although the food you cook is very delicious, we can't just eat and cook. We have to learn and cook for you in the future."

She pinched a little with her hand, and a fat bun appeared in her hand, offering a treasure: "My son, how is my bun?"

Li Nianfan laughed loudly, "Hahaha, delicious, absolutely delicious!"

He feels very relieved, maybe this is the feeling of home.

The girl said immediately: "Brother, the noodles were made by sister Longer and I."

There was flour on her cheeks and nose, which was lovely and joyful, and her hands were holding sticky flour on her sleeves.

Ryuuji can't be too much, the two children are fake, and most of them play.

Li Nianfan averted his gaze and looked at the meat under the Huofeng Sword. He couldn't help but raised his brows, "This is... dragon meat?"


"Actually... using too much force will affect the texture of the meat." Li Nianfan gave a suggestion.

He felt that Huofeng was avenging his private vengeance, and it was not easy for the old dragon of other people. They were all dead, and you would whip their corpse.

"I'm taking revenge!" Huofeng's strength increased a bit.

Li Nianfan didn't persuade him. He glanced around and said, "Xiao Bai, go and treat the hairy crabs. Pick out the sea yellow and use it to make crab buns."

Xiaobai nodded immediately, "Received, my honorable master."

Li Nianfan said, "Long Er, you can only eat crab buns."

"Oh, okay, brother." Long Er nodded sensibly.

After all, dragon meat comes from the same source as her. Although it is normal to eat meat and swallow souls in the world of immortality, even for fairies, eating meat of the same kind can increase their cultivation, but Li Nianfan will obviously deliberately let those around him People to avoid.

Li Nianfan smiled and said, "Don't worry, crab buns are 80% more delicious than dragon meat."

"Really?" Long Er's eyes lit up, full of expectation.

Li Nianfan nodded, "True!"

At this moment, Daji said excitedly: "My son, the first batch of buns seems to be ready."

"Ah, take a look, I want to eat!"

Nuan and Long'er were suddenly excited, even Huofeng, who was addicted to chopping meat, couldn't help but stop, looking at the steamer, eyes full of expectation.

"It's boiling!"

Daji opened the steamer, and everyone's brows suddenly wrinkled, they were stunned, and their faces were bitter.

However, in the steamer, those steamed buns can no longer become steamed buns, because they have already bloomed. Some lucky ones are half blooming and they can still be eaten. For the unlucky ones, the gravy in the steamed buns all flowed out and was fried. It is out of shape.

Daji's mouth was pursed, she was about to cry, and said sadly, "How could this happen? When I put it in, it was all fine."

Like many people cooking for the first time, the greater the expectation and the greater the disappointment.

Moreover, Daji wanted to express herself in front of Li Nianfan, and she was working hard to lean in the direction of a good wife and mother. This time she started the organization for breakfast, which was self-defeating, which made her unacceptable.

"Because the way of making noodles and the way of making buns are wrong."

Li Nianfan smiled and scratched Daji's nose. "It's nothing to be uncomfortable. It's actually difficult to make buns. It's the first time you do it. It's not easy to make buns like this."

While talking, he raised his hand and took out a fairly complete bun from the steamer, blew it, and then bit it on.

To be honest, the feel of the bun is a bit poor, it is not elastic, it is a little drooping, and its shape becomes a little deformed.

If you are not careful, the soup will still flow out.

"Well, it's delicious!"

Li Nianfan nodded while eating, and soon a bun was solved by him.

Fortunately, they don’t know how to put seasonings, so in terms of taste, they are not too exotic. They are completely supported by the original flavor of dragon meat and the original flavor of flour. With these two good things laying the foundation, it is not Make Li Nianfan wronged himself too much.

Da Ji and others' complexions improved, but their interest was still low, and they felt a little ashamed, and they had begun to dislike themselves.

Li Nianfan waved his hand, "Okay, no matter what is taught without a teacher, let me teach you."

He first walked to Long Er and Nun Nun, kneaded his hands on the original flour, shook his head and said: "The noodles are not made overnight. You need to slowly add water or flour according to the situation, as well as the technique of kneading. Just hard work is enough, and you must pay attention to both rigidity and softness."

While talking and demonstrating, the movements were very slow.

When everyone looked at his movements, they didn't feel profound. There was an illusion that they would be seen at a glance, but whenever they recalled, they found that they had forgotten the last action.

It's Daohen!

There are three thousand avenues, and everything is the way.

The master's cooking skills have already entered the Tao!

It’s no wonder that the delicacy made by the son has exceeded the limit that can be defined by deliciousness. Let alone cooking with the roots, even if the meal made with ordinary materials is eaten by a mortal, it may be possible to prolong life or even step into immortality. .

And there are three thousand avenues, different routes to the same goal!

Even looking at the master’s cooking, the benefits to everyone are immeasurable!

The so-called Tao, cannot be said, can only be understood.

Everyone is smart, no longer constrained to watch Li Nianfan's actions, but to feel free to understand.

In Li Nianfan's body, the way of rigidity and softness continued to flow, and at the same time it affected everyone's hearts, causing their perception to rise suddenly like riding a rocket.

She has the lowest level of cultivation and the deepest feelings, her small face looks like congestion, flushing.

She is only in the fit period, if it is an ordinary monk, she has long been unable to hold such a terrible Tao Yun, and has to withdraw or even stay away, but she is different, she cultivates the Tao of Devouring, and can magnify her limit several times!

"That's it!"

Li Nianfan smiled slightly, and in front of everyone, he raised his hand and pulled it slightly on the dough.

Suddenly, under the stunned gaze of everyone, a long facial mark was pulled out, and then with a strong shake, the facial mark flew out, and then Li Nianfan pulled it back again. It was really like a whip, and the flexibility was refreshed. Three views of everyone.

With a trace of recollection in Li Nianfan’s eyes, he couldn’t help sighing: “Back then, I was learning how to make face, but I spent three days and three nights and dragged my face around the courtyard three times before I could leave. Being a chef...bitter!"

Li Nianfan shook his head, then shook his head suddenly, and said with a smile: "Nanny, go and continue!"

"Okay, Brother Nianfan!"

The 囡囡 immediately flew out, catching the end that was thrown out.

As soon as she started with the elastic flour, she didn’t even mention the touch, she felt a strong and soft way suddenly following the flour to her, and between Li Nianfan and Nuan, there was a long drag. The flour noodles are still beating up and down flexibly.

Every time it beats, there are endless avenues radiating out, surrounding everyone.

Even if the way of swallowing the daughter and daughter, in front of this rich avenue, there is no time to digest it.

Because it is too much, too rich!

It's like a child going to drink water from a river.


She let out a muffled snort, feeling that she could no longer suppress the restlessness in her body, as if something was about to spray out.

It seems... it's going to cross the robbery!

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