Turns Out I’m a Great Cultivator

Chapter 376: Your good fortune has been delivered, please go out

Nuan quickly took a deep breath, suppressing her restless mana, and she didn't dare to breathe in the rich Tao Yun around her.

Li Nianfan smiled slightly, "The flour can be kneaded like this, and it's barely enough."

Is this still okay?

Can you communicate happily?

Everyone had no interface, and chose silence.

"Next is to make buns!"

Li Nianfan lifted his hand and took off a white and soft dough from the flour. No wonder children like to play. The stickiness and elasticity are indeed easy to put down.

He pinched the dough slightly and squashed it.

Then I picked some dragon meat stuffing at random, with extremely flexible fingers, as if they didn't move much, a bun was squeezed, and the whole movement was done in one go, giving people a pleasing feeling.

Every movement seems to flow with Dao Yun.

Nun Nun stood by the side and was led by the Tao. Her spiritual consciousness was empty and could no longer be suppressed, she went directly to the Tao Xin torture.

For her, Daoxing torture is no longer a problem at all, because there are too many Daos around her, so much that Daoxing can't ask for torture, and she is in a state of persecution.

It's like a kindergarten teacher who is going to ask questions for a doctoral degree. The two parties are dumbfounded when they meet.

Isn't this trouble?

Li Nianfan moved very fast, moving clouds and flowing water, raising his hand and squeezing, one bun was completed, and then another bun was completed, and the round strands were round, the shape was regular, and the appearance was delicate.

Then arrange these buns neatly and put them in the steamer.

He clapped his hands, "You're done, just wait and eat."

Long Er's eyes turned into little stars, and she was so admired that she screamed, "Brother, you are really amazing. You can make a bun with one hand."

She didn't expect that the seemingly simple buns would be quite difficult to try on her own. Then she saw that Li Nianfan was so relaxed and casual, even the buns had traces of Tao, and she naturally admired them to no avail.

This is the real master. You can enter the Tao with a bun. Can a saint do it? Let them take a look?

The adoration of children can often satisfy people's vanity.

Li Nianfan smiled modestly and said cheerfully: "Small skills are not worth mentioning."


Without warning, a dark cloud suddenly appeared in the sky, and the sky suddenly became shaky.

It was early in the morning, but the surroundings were already dark.


In the dark clouds, a series of electric lights flickered, like a silver snake dancing wildly, bursting crazily, and flashing the sky as it moved.

The strong power of thunder and lightning makes people feel a tingling scalp even just looking at it.

"It's thundering?"

Li Nianfan raised his head and looked at the sky, frowning involuntarily.

what's the situation? Is it so obtrusive?

"Brother Nianfan..."

The girl pulled the corner of Li Nianfan's clothes and whispered: "I'm going to cross the robbery."

"Is this crossing the robbery?"

Li Nianfan was taken aback for a moment. He still knew something about the realm of cultivating immortals. Crossing the robbery was considered to be a very high realm in cultivating immortals, but it was obviously not the time to entangle this, but more worry.

"Are you sure?" He solemnly looked at the girl, then at Huofeng, "Can Du Jie ask someone for help?"

"Oh, brother, don't worry, I must be fine."

Nun Nun smiled slightly, and then turned into a body to escape, flew away towards the distance, and a relaxed tone came, "Go to the robbery!"

"Be careful!"

Li Nianfan reminded him that he was also riding the cloud, chasing after him, preparing to keep a certain safe distance and watch.


The clouds follow the nun and become thicker, as if covering the sky with a black quilt, but this quilt is very short, only covering a circle around the nun, it is a bit of a spectacle from a distance.

However, if you look closely, you can't laugh.

Because in the dark clouds that are not too big, there are dense flashes of electric light, like a silver snake, playing in the clouds, which is daunting.

Compared with the robbery of the sky, 囡囡 is still a child.

It's too small.

However, her aura is not weak at all. Her body slowly floats above the sky, looking up at the sky, her eyes are shining brightly, but a breath called fearless erupts from her small body.

Li Nianfan was flying in the distance, looking at her appearance, and suddenly felt that her daughter seemed to...grow up.

When following me, my daughter has always been like a little girl, whether it’s xinxing or action, it’s all the same, but when I walk away from home to cultivate immortality, I have encountered many changes, and I have gained a lot of insights with me, how can I still be a What about children?

"The young eagle... will fly to the sky after all."

Li Nianfan muttered to himself, "Unconsciously, her daughter is so powerful, too, she has found a different way and created that swallowing school. She should be the one and only peerless genius."

Long Er immediately began to compare, and said: "Brother, I am even more powerful, I have reached the realm of heavenly immortals!"

"Hahaha, Longer is also a peerless genius." Li Nianfan smiled and nodded, "I will rely on you to protect my brother in the future."

"Hmm!" Long Er nodded seriously.

"come on!"

Nunnun suddenly shouted, and the momentum of her body was raised again, her hands were raised, and a black whirlpool appeared on her head, and a strange suction spread to the surroundings.


Jie Yun was provoked, the electric lights became more dense, and his momentum also reached the peak.

Afterwards, with a sound of "Boom!", a flash of lightning cut through the sky, illuminating the four fields, and hitting the whirlpool above Nun's head straight.


A series of electric lights swayed in the vortex, and was soon swallowed.


Nun Nun's brows can't help but frown, this day of robbery... so weak...

The aura is really strong, but... really weak, it feels like she is... pretending to be.

Heavenly Tribulation is really too pure, she swallowed Heavenly Tribulation spiritual power, and suddenly felt that her mana had increased a lot, far exceeding her speed of penance.

I couldn't help but tilt my head, muttering to the sky with endless thoughts, "It's so weak, can it be more violent?"

"Boom!" Jie Yun scrolled, seeming to respond.

The next moment, another thunder and lightning shot out wildly, leaving more dazzling traces in the air, seemingly long-lasting.

The power has increased by...30%.

"It can be more violent!" The 囡囡 absorbed a wave, and the realm of crossing the robbery directly became stable. "I think it can increase by 50%."

"Boom!" Jie Yun responded.

The next moment, the third lightning fell, with no more power, just a lot...50%.

At this moment, I can be sure. This day the robbery is just pretending to be based on the needs of customers. It's too dedicated!

Other people are also confused. Has even Heavenly Tribulation become so friendly these years?

How is this crossing the robbery? For the daughters and daughters, this is clearly sending good luck!

"Ding, fellow daoist, your good fortune has been delivered, please go out to cross the robbery."

The Tribulation spoke again, taking care of the customer's feelings, "Boom! (How do you feel?

The girl nodded, "It's okay, come again!"

Lightning flashes, falling in turns, smashed on the nun's body, without exception, all were swallowed by the nun, without a little waste.

Her aura also became stronger and stronger, because she had accumulated a lot with Li Nianfan, and she didn't need to enlighten the Dao. Her strength was a matter of course and she kept rising. From the beginning of the Tribulation, it had already rushed to the mid-term.

"Awesome! I didn't expect that 囡囡 is so amazing!"

Li Nianfan couldn't help but exclaimed, "It feels like she is just taking a bath in the robbery, taking a thunder and lightning bath, maybe this is a genius, too capricious."

Daji and Huofeng met Li Nianfan for nothing.

Gangster, can you fake it a bit more? Who is it? Your ability to tell lies with your eyes open is too strong.

With you here, let alone take a bath with the Tribulation, open your mouth, and the Tribulation can be delivered to your mouth for you to eat, and you have to make yourself delicious, believe it or not?

In this way, there was no accident at all, and the nine heavenly thunders passed through it naturally.

Jieyun began to slowly disperse, leaving a little lingering sound, "Boom! (Give a good comment, dear

The girl blushed, and her cultivation base was almost on the verge of the end of the catastrophe. He drove the light back and looked at Li Nianfan excitedly, "Brother Nianfan, successfully crossed the catastrophe! This catastrophe is really good! , It’s very gentle, and it gives me strength."

Her aura has completely disappeared, and now she has become a lively and naughty little boy again.

"Awesome, awesome! Good job."

Li Nianfan rubbed her head and didn't say much. In his eyes, the 囡囡 was the child who looked at her grown-up. Let alone cross the catastrophe, even if she became an immortal and was invincible, she was still a child.

He smiled and said: "Go back quickly, the buns should be ripe soon."

"Yeah! Really, I'm hungry after crossing the robbery, so I go back to eat the buns~"

Obviously Jieyun is a frightening person, but he has played a dedicated takeaway. After delivering the takeaway, he quietly left, hiding his merit and fame.

Back in the courtyard, the steamer was steaming, and the time was just right.

Exactly: In ancient times, there was warm wine to cut Huaxiong, and now there is steamed buns to cross the thunder robbery, and it is just right.

Open the steamer, the heat rises into the air, the fragrance envelopes all directions, and the appetite is immediately opened.

In addition to the fragrance, the appearance is excellent, the shape is white and full, and it just fits the grip, which is pleasing to the eye.

Poke with your finger and it will bounce along with it, full of resilience, as if there is life.

"My son, the buns you made are really beautiful."

With the previous comparison, Li Nianfan's steamed buns instantly conquered everyone, and Daji made a secret decision to practice hard and make his steamed buns perfect.

After a beautiful meal, Li Nianfan didn't plan to engage in any activities anymore, let alone go out. Instead, he moved a deck chair and piled a pile of firewood beside him, letting the fire phoenix light the fire and act as a stove.

Then I went to the recliner by myself, warm and stretched again, oh~comfortable!

Days without work are cool!

The only drawback is the lack of entertainment industry. No, if there is, it is not developed enough.

Li Nianfan began to empty himself, recalling the dances of the ghosts from the underworld, the clam spirits from the Donghai, and the dancing girls from the Xia Dynasty.

In summary, apart from good looks, no matter whether it is dancing, pace or accompanying music!

Originally, fairy dancing should be a very pleasing thing. However, the hardware is perfect and the software is not good, which leads to unsatisfactory results.

Li Nianfan couldn't help but began to think, if there is a fairy dance in front of him at this time, and then there is a piano girl, by the way, with a few more songs, then he will be a winner in life.

Bah, baah, fell, fell himself.

Li Nianfan hurriedly adjusted his mentality. It was all because of not having a mobile phone. If he had a mobile phone, he would take out his mobile phone and read a novel properly. Who would want to watch beautiful women dancing? Is this what a real man should do?

Before he knew it, his brain began to empty gradually and fell into a false sleep.

Da Ji gently put a blanket on Li Nianfan, and then walked slowly toward the backyard.

When she came to the backyard, she took out the golden gourd and rubbed it in her hand.

Huofeng looked at the gourd and said, "This gourd can absorb the spirit of the fairy?"

"Yeah." Daji nodded, "I think it should be the demon banner used by the goddess Nvwa in the list of conferred gods mentioned by the son. You can give orders to the world."

Huofeng's eyes suddenly showed a trace of envy, and couldn't help saying: "The son is so kind to you."

"Yeah, there is no son, I am definitely still a little fox now." Daji's eyes had a trace of remembrance, very sweet, and then smiled: "No, I should have been injured and died..."

Huofeng looked at Daji and said, "What are you going to do?"

"The son said yesterday that the world is a little messy, so of course I have to solve his problems!"

Da Ji squinted her eyes and smiled happily, but her tone was unspeakably firm, "The reason why the son integrates the heavens and the underworld is to calm this troubled world as soon as possible. There is still a demon king, so I will integrate the demon. The family is ready!"

Huo Feng curled his lips and was silent for a moment. He was reluctant to say, "On behalf of the Phoenix family, I support you... fox!"

At the beginning of the world, the dragon, phoenix and unicorn tribe were the overlords, and the natural demon emperor was the emperor and the east emperor on the sun star. No matter how it was arranged, it could not be arranged on the head of the nine-tailed sky fox, but there is no way. People don't accept it.

"Thank you Sister Huofeng for your support." Daji smiled slightly and raised his hand to the golden gourd.

Suddenly there was a flash of enveloping light, and from the mouth of the gourd, wisps of smoke slowly drifted out, condensing in the air into a phantom of a unicorn and a dragon.

They looked at Daji together, and then said angrily: "Despicable! Even if there is a demon banner, don't think that if you get our soul, you can get our heart, and we won't succumb to death!"

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