Turns Out I’m a Great Cultivator

Chapter 378: No need to explain, we believe you


Suddenly, an afterimage swept across, turned into a heavy whip shadow, and landed heavily on the **** of Black Dragon and Mo Qilin.


The primordial spirit of the two of them was trembling and wailing constantly.

Heilong's body was weakened by the pain, like a small snake twitching, and he said sharply: "You are still unreasonable, why are you beating people suddenly?"

Dryad sneered, "It's your blessing to be able to do things for the master, so you dare to ask for it?"

Numerous branches have already been lifted, surrounding Mo Qilin and Black Dragon, especially near the buttocks, gathering a lot, squirming flexibly, with an appearance about to move.

Mo Qilin saw his liver and guts cracked, and was terrified. He felt helpless to the extreme, and trembled: "If you have something to say, the gentleman speaks but doesn't move!"

"Little fox, isn't it okay for everyone to talk peacefully? It doesn't need to be like this." Heilong looked at the branches vigilantly, panicking, "Even if you mean something!"

"You, including the race behind you, are at most a non-staff members of my master. As for the future, it depends on your own performance."

Daji looked at them and said coldly: "As for the benefits? The **** my master throws away is a great benefit to you!"

"I can promise you."

Mo Qilin groaned for a moment, and sighed heavily, "Hey, nothing! I never thought that there would be such a worldly expert in the world. I am not betraying the race this time, but saving the race from the fire. Maybe I'm still trying to find a chance for the race. After many years, the race will understand my good intentions!"

Heilong nodded aside, "My thoughts are the same as those of Daoist Mo Qilin."

"It's for your own good not to use force. After all, you can't bear the master's anger. The soul is placed in the demon banner. I hope you can do it for yourself."

Daji nodded, and then raised her hand, the golden gourd emits a glowing light. Aside, the gourd vine also began to move with the wind, and the soil on the ground slowly moved with the wind, surrounding the black unicorn and black dragon. whole body.

The soil is just a little bit of gravel on the ground, not worth mentioning, but... just such a little bit of gravel, it is actually two, two, three, gathering more and more, and then submerged into the black unicorn and black dragon spirit, and began to condense a little bit .

Mo Qilin and Heilong were somewhat stunned at first, then suddenly recovered, their pupils widened and looked at their bodies.

"This is... Nine Heavens Breathing Soil?!"

They already knew that this yard was extremely extraordinary, but naturally they didn't pay attention to the soil. They never thought that this soil was actually the soil of nine heavens!

This is the nine-day breathing soil that Nuwa used to create human beings to become holy. The reason why human beings are called the primates of all things and the protagonist of heaven and earth is because they were made by the nine-day breathing soil, and they are made of heaven!

Horrible, horrible!

How is this a yard, this is clearly a small world condensing all the essence of the prehistoric!

"Are you sure that your master made this yard?" Mo Qilin was a little unbelievable, "Could it be... just a lucky place that you found by chance?"


The eager dryad finally waited for the opportunity, the branches lifted up, and the buttocks covering them were twitched fiercely, letting them enjoy what is sourness.

"Dare to question the master, you should fight!"

"Oh huh~"

Heilong felt that his **** was so hot and sore, his face was crooked, and he couldn't help crying: "It's questioning, why should he hit me?"

"There is no excuse, you must have the same idea as him, I understand."

With the nine days of breathing soil, coupled with the help of the demon banner, their physical bodies were quickly condensed and completed.

Daji waved her hand and said, "Okay, go back quickly. I will contact you through the enchantment banner."

The complexion of Mo Qilin and Heilong said, "Okay, goodbye!"

Immediately, they left with the cloud.

Mo Qilin caught up with the black dragon and asked, "Father of the black dragon, where are you going?"

Heilong sighed, "I'm afraid that the owner of that little fox is really a remarkable person, and he really can't offend him, and now the soul is controlled by others, and he can only act on orders."

"Have you ever thought that the great changes today are actually related to their so-called master?"

Mo Qilin's face was solemn, and he opened his mouth to analyze and said: "Since the so-called master is preparing to unify the order of people, gods, and demons, there is no reason to clean up our demons. Other places must also start, Jedi Tiantong Many restrictions have been broken, and the heavenly palaces and the underground palaces have also undergone changes. All these... are too strange, obviously not achievable by ordinary means."

It looked at the black dragon, but saw that it was biting its own arm. It could not help but was slightly taken aback, and wondered: "What are you doing?"

Heilong was slightly startled, and hurriedly concealed his **** arm, and smiled coldly, "Stupid! If I go back without injury, it will definitely arouse people's suspicion. Now my body is recovering, although it is a good thing, but... must You have to injure yourself a little! You don't have to worry about me."

Mo Qilin suddenly realized, "So that's it, I thought you were eating yourself."

"You bullshit, I didn't!"

Heilong immediately shouted, "Okay, stop talking, leave!"

With a flick of its dragon's tail, it sprinted down, sank into the sea and disappeared.

"Huh? It's weird. Shouldn't my meat be very fragrant? Why is it so unpalatable? Is it because the body created by the nine days of breathing soil affects the taste? Or is it only delicious when it is made?"

The speed of the black dragon in the water is naturally very fast, entering the South China Sea, heading straight to the Dragon Palace, and quickly attracted the attention of others.

The shrimp soldiers and crabs are unavoidably stunned, "You, you are... Elder Ao Shu?"

Ao Shu panted rough, angered and said, "Hurry up and report to the Dragon King. Ao Shufu is dead, and I have escaped by a fluke!"

Soon, a group of dragons with horns on their heads filed out. Seeing Ao Shu, they were all shocked and shocked.

Ao Feng stepped forward quickly, tears down, and said angrily: "Elder Ao, who is it? Who the **** is it? You are so cruel and hurt you like this?!"

Everyone looked unbearable, and said in grief: "Cruel, too cruel! There is nothing in your whole body intact. Every part of your body has a part of the flesh missing. Is this human?"

"Even the dragon's horn is missing one, who is the murderer?!"

Ao Feng was full of guilt, and said: "Elder Ao, I am sorry for you, I shouldn't leave you behind!"

Ao Shu immediately said: "Prince, don't say that. It is the value of my Ao Shu that I am proud to be able to help the dragon clan."

"well said!"

At this moment, the Dragon King of the South China Sea spoke. He stepped forward and hugged Ao Shu, showing his approval and sympathy, "Ao Feng, you have suffered!"

Ao Shu responded, "Dragon King, Shu is not bitter!"

The South Sea Dragon King sneered and said: "Just come back! We have already obtained the Dragon Soul Orb, and I have recently begun to absorb its power. When I become a master, who else in this world can stop me? I will definitely give you revenge! "

Ao Shu explained with tears: "Dragon King, the reason why I was able to escape back is really..."

Nanhai Dragon King directly raised his hand to interrupt, "You don't have to explain, just come back!"

Ao Shu was a little dumbfounded. I deliberately prepared a line along the way, and also conceived a desperate world, a tear-jerking escape story. You told me you didn't listen?

"No, I think it's better for me to talk about it." Ao Shu strived for a performance opportunity for himself.

"No, the process is not important, what is important is the result!" Nanhai Dragon King laughed loudly and announced in a magnificent manner: "Hurry up and pick a batch of high-quality seafood. Tonight we will have a banquet to celebrate Elder Ao Shu's escape. !"

On the other side, Mo Qilin stepped on auspicious clouds and returned to Qilin Cliff.

I was stunned when I arrived at the door.

However, he saw that the Great Demon King was talking to the Qilin clan, showing guilt and constantly apologizing.

Once the two looked at each other, they were immediately stunned.

The big devil was stupid, thinking he had hallucinations, and exclaimed in disbelief, "Are you still alive?!"

Aside, the unicorns of the unicorn family were equally dumbfounded. On the high platform, there was a surprise voice, "Uncle!"


Mo Qilin responded excitedly, stepping forward two steps, and then reverently saying: "Linzhou pays homage to Lord Demon Emperor!"

"Uncle don't need to be polite." The Demon Emperor hurriedly stepped forward and said excitedly: "It's really you! The demon came from the demon clan and said that you had been tricked, and unfortunately died away. I have never believed it."

The great devil was stunned for a moment, and hurriedly said: "Master Demon Emperor, this matter is absolutely weird. I have seen it with my own eyes, it must be impossible to survive! There is only one truth... this person has a problem!"

"Master Demon Emperor, there is a problem with the Demon Race!"

Lin Zhou burst into tears, and said in grief and indignation: "I did get the trick, but it was the trick of the demons! They tricked me into attacking a sage of merit, causing me to be seriously injured and dying. Fortunately, I am very lucky. , This was able to survive, the demons have problems, they want to harm our Qilin family!"

"Is there such a thing?" The Demon King looked at the Great Demon King with a bad expression.

The big devil was shocked, and shook his head quickly, "I don't have one!"

Lin Zhou asked, "Why didn't you tell me that it was a saint of merit?"

"I... this, I forgot."

Suddenly... an uproar!

"The monks of my generation generally have good brains. Can you forget this?"

"There is a problem, the Mozu has a big problem!"

"Fortunately, Lin Zhou is back, demonstrating the true face of the demons!"

The big devil was anxious, his red eyes flickering, "Listen to my explanation, I really forgot, there is a reason..."

Master Demon Sovereign waved his hand and said coldly, "Enclose!"

"What are you doing?" The great demon king and the demons behind him changed their expressions and said with extreme vigilance, "Do you still want to go to war with my demons?"

"Dare to deal with my uncle, unforgivable!" The Demon Emperor narrowed his eyes, domineering and awe-inspiring, "My unicorn clan, under my leadership, when invincible in the world, the devil is dead, what is your demon clan?"

The Great Demon King stepped back silently, and said: "Master Demon Emperor, your uncle has a problem properly. If you don't deal with it, you will deal with the other self instead?"

Lin Zhou's expression remained unchanged, and he said, "Master Demon Emperor, I can explain to you."

"Uncle, no need to explain!"

The Demon King directly raised his hand to interrupt, disregarding the big devil, "Joke, I don't believe my uncle, can I believe you?"

He sneered, his vigor burst out, and shouted: "Kirin clan, listen to my orders, go!"


at the same time.

Somewhere outside the sky.

The mountains and rivers are beautiful and green.

Not only is there the gurgling stream, but also this pavilion, a world of birds and flowers.

It gives people an unreal feeling, still in the painting.

At this moment, waves of ripples suddenly rippled in the void, as if the surface of the water had been pushed aside, and then a slender jade leg stepped in slowly, followed by a jade lotus root arm.

The silk ribbons of the long skirt slowly emerged, the skirts fluttered, and the orange clothes came out of the ripples.

She held a big pot in one hand, close to her delicate body, and placed a red bag in the pot, which was the bottom material.

The other hand held a wooden barrel filled with various meats and vegetables.

With a look of excitement, he walked in quickly...

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