Turns Out I’m a Great Cultivator

Chapter 379: Re-feel the joy of being alive

Moving forward, in this picturesque world, a hut appeared not far in front.

A very ordinary hut, but it complements the surrounding scenery, giving people a very warm feeling.

Carrying a pile of things, the orange was rushing towards the hut.

Outside the hut, more than a hundred meters away, a man with a goatee, a hair crown and a brown robe stood on the edge of the stream with his hands behind his back, a sad expression between his eyebrows, but he pretended With a light and breezy appearance, he looked at the stream as if nothing had happened.

Cheng Yi was walking in happily. He suddenly looked straight when he saw the man. He hurriedly sorted out the big pot and small basin in his hands, and then said respectfully: "Orange has seen your Majesty."

"Okay, I have told you how many times, these etiquettes are unnecessary."

The man waved his hand, then smiled and said, "What did you find when you went out this time?"

A smile appeared on the corners of Cheng Yi's mouth, "I met Seven Sisters this time."

"Little Seven?"

The man was taken aback for a while, and said in amazement: "How did you meet? Can you leave the heavenly palace or can she enter the heavenly palace?"

"Orange, ignore him, come and talk!"

Suddenly, a majestic voice came, and the man and the orange shirt were shocked at the same time.

"Your Majesty, the orange shirt retires."

"Ahem, go go." The man waved his hand, his face seemed unchanged.

In front of the hut, there is a pavilion in which is a woman wearing a golden rosy robe and hair cape.

The first impression of this woman is elegance and nobility. In terms of temperament, it is actually somewhat similar to the orange dress. It should be said that the temperament of the orange dress is learned from her.

In addition to these, this woman has an extremely beautiful face, but she does not dare to be blasphemous, and she exudes the atmosphere of the mother's ritual world, majestic, and she dare not disrespect.

Orange clothes lowered his head and said respectfully: "Orange clothes have seen the Queen Mother."

The Queen Mother smiled and nodded, "Sit down!"

Cheng Yi sat down and said in a very low voice: "Mother Queen, are you having a conflict with Your Majesty Jade Emperor again?"

She feels a little tired, how long has she been away now, what is the reason for the two of them...

For so many years, there was a big quarrel for three days and a small quarrel for two days. Her little head couldn't figure out how to make so many quarrels.

"Humph!" The Queen Mother snorted coldly, "I see that this game of chess is about to win. He turned defeat into victory with despicable means, something with no conscience!"

Cheng Yi looked at the chess game in front of him, looking from left to right, but did not see where the queen mother's so-called superiority was, um...the loss was a bit miserable.

The Jade Emperor was also true, and he didn't know the Queen Mother Jean Yiran.

Cheng Yi couldn't help thinking a little divergent: By the way, the last quarrel seemed to be caused by the Jade Emperor letting the Queen Mother.

In the words of the Queen Mother, with my chess skills, do I need you to make it? Do you look down on people?

Hey, the Jade Emperor... It's really difficult.

"Okay, stop talking about this."

The Queen Mother raised her hand and pointed, and the chessboard was gone. Then she looked at Cheng Yi and said, "Cheng'er, have you seen Zi'er? Where did you see it?"

The Jade Emperor was still looking at the stream, as if it turned into a statue, but he listened with his ears up.

Cheng Yi immediately said: "Niang Niang, we met in the Tiangong, Qimei broke the seal of the Tiangong."

"Break the seal?"

The Queen Mother's brows frowned slightly, and she couldn't help but shook her head and sighed: "This girl is a bit nonsense, forcibly against the general situation, there will be problems sooner or later, have you persuaded her? Let her stop."

"Sister Qi has grown a lot for so many years." Cheng Yi paused, and said: "I talked a lot with Qimei this time. She said that an expert appeared in this world. It was also changed by this expert. Not only did Buddhism be newly established, but also the emperor was established, and even the underground palace was rebuilt and perfected by him."


The Queen Mother was stunned, and the Jade Emperor was dull.

After a long time, the Queen Mother took a deep breath and said solemnly: "Are you sure you are right?"

Cheng Yi nodded, and then said: "Seven sisters shouldn't be joking, and...the two big Luo Jinxians who guarded the Tiangong were killed by the expert."

The Queen Mother's eyes showed deep thought, "Yes, just relying on your Seventh Sister, you are definitely not the opponent of Da Luo Jinxian, has it really happened some kind of change?"

She couldn't help looking at the Jade Emperor to discuss, but seeing that the Jade Emperor was looking at her at the same time, her face suddenly sank, and she gave a proud snort and turned her head away.

He said to himself: "If this is the case, that expert may not be easy."

The Jade Emperor couldn't help but shook his head with a wry smile. In this case, he could still bear to ignore me.

At the same time, their hearts are thinking about who it is that has such a big hand to do this kind of thing.

"By the way, Niang Niang, Seventh Sister asked me to bring you some good things!"

While talking, Cheng Yi began to place the pots and pans in his hands, neatly arranged on the table bit by bit.

The Queen Mother looked in her eyes and couldn't help but shook her head amusingly, "You, you, but the most stable of the Seven Fairies, why are your Seventh Sisters fooling around with you? What are you doing with these things?"

She actually noticed when Cheng Yi came back.

I thought it was a good thing. After all, it was rare for Orange to carry the big and small bags regardless of the image, but when I saw it, I was completely disappointed.

It's nothing more than a variety of meats and vegetables. What good stuff is this?

Can my grandmother of the heavenly palace see these things?

The Queen Mother glanced at the meat again, her brows couldn't help but frowned, a little disgusted.

Since becoming the Queen Mother, I have basically bid farewell to these common things. All I eat are the roots of the heavens and the earth, and I drink all the jade liquid. It is impossible to eat meat. The grade is too low and the extravagance is too low. The essence of Dragon Liver and Wind Marrow is gone, but I'm already tired of eating it.

"Niangniang, this is what Qimei finally asked from an expert. It is called hot pot. It is the most delicious thing that Chenger has ever eaten in her life."

While talking, Cheng Yi started to make arrangements, starting a pot and making a fire.

The queen mother couldn't help but shook her head, and said in disbelief, "Could the master eat these things?"

The evaluation of the superior in her heart was suddenly lower, and the superior who ate these things might not be much higher.

After all, let alone saints, they are ordinary immortals. They basically say goodbye to their appetites and eat them when they find them. If they don't have it, they don't need to eat them. The so-called grains are nothing more than what the secular people eat.

"Niangniang, this hot pot is absolutely delicious, it is really a kind of enjoyment that the gods do not change."

Cheng Yi naturally praised the hot pot. She swallowed her saliva in anticipation, and said: "Manny, you have been stuck here for so long. It is very boring. Cheng also knows that you are bitter. You have to say anything about this hot pot. Tasting it will definitely make you feel the joy of being alive again."

The Queen Mother was taken aback for a while, and suddenly felt her eyes hot, and her tone was complicated and said: "You silly boy, what kind of sensational things are you talking about? We have survived endless years. There is no difference between living and death. It is fun. I’ve long been left behind."

Cheng Yi was accompanied by the Queen Mother, and she knew her nature extremely well.

The Jade Emperor, who has been watching here, stroked his beard, smiled and shook his head and said, “Hey, Orange, it’s just as boring everywhere for us. You bring these foods up here. I want to add a bit of color to our lives, and we have our minds, but...even if we eat, I and your mother are very determined. Are these people who are addicted to appetite?"

Cheng Yi immediately said coquettishly: "Oh, try it, this hot pot is very fragrant, maybe you like it?"

The queen mother helplessly smiled and said: "Well, it's rare that you and Xiao Qi are interested, then try it, I'll be watching."

The Jade Emperor and Queen Mother sighed in their hearts at the same time, and shook their heads secretly.

They couldn't help but look up, looking at the surrounding scenery, the sadness in their eyes was even worse.

No matter how beautiful the surrounding scenery is, it’s just such a small place, living here for a whole tens of thousands of years, and you’ve long been tired of staying there. In fact, it is equivalent to a seal.

I can't see the outside scene, and I can't get in touch with the life of the outside world. If someone with a lack of temperament is here, I am afraid I will be crazy early.

Why do they quarrel from time to time? In fact, they all know in their hearts that it is not to add a little fun to life, otherwise... how boring life is.

But this hot pot...obviously can't make them fluctuate.

Xiao Qi is still naive. The expert I met was 80% unreliable, so she had to pay attention to it, but don't be fooled by this expert, it might be calculated by others.


While thinking about it, the red soup in the pot began to boil, and bubbles appeared, and a trace of heat rose up and began to spread around.

The heat turned into smoke, slowly drifting past the noses of the Queen Mother and the Jade Emperor, causing their bodies to shake at the same time, their lips became dry, and their mouths began to secrete water.

This smell...

Incense, incense beyond imagination!

They looked at the pot at the same time, the red oil pot bubbling because of boiling, inside, there are various condiments drifting, and a layer of grease floats on the surface of the pot. There is a world of difference in carefully crafted cuisine.

However, it is this seemingly random appearance, coupled with the fragrance of the sky, but it can arouse people's appetite.

Yes, it is appetite!

The Queen Mother and Jade Emperor took a deep breath at the same time, suppressing the restlessness in their hearts.

How many years, I can’t remember it. I remember that the last time I had an appetite, it was a long, long time ago. When I first tasted flat peaches, my curiosity about flat peaches arose. However, the feeling after eating flat peaches is... You.

Unexpectedly, after endless years, I can actually have an appetite, and, unlike the last time, this time it is because of the fragrance that I have the most instinctive appetite.

It's like people wanting to eat when they are hungry. Being hungry is a trouble, but don't these troubles give people happiness in a disguised form?

After becoming an immortal, I lost too many worries, and what I lost at the same time was the heart that was easily satisfied!

Now, the original instinct has actually returned, and they... want to cry.

Neither the Jade Emperor nor the Queen Mother resisted this feeling, but felt more cordial.

Unexpectedly, their breathing began to speed up in silence, and their chests rose and fell. Naturally, the purpose was to smell the scent more. It was too fragrant. Just smelling it seemed to give people a sense of happiness.

The Queen Mother's eyes couldn't help but fall into the pot, still exuding the brilliance of the mother's world, sitting there, seemingly unmoved by the scent, just looking at the orange clothes with a spoon, gracefully scooping it out of the pot. Meat rolls and vegetables.

Cheng Yi smiled secretly in her heart, put the bowl full of food in front of the Queen Mother, and continued to act coquettishly: "Wonder Mother, please give me and Qimei a good face. Can you taste it?"

The Queen Mother pondered for a moment, and then she adjusted her clothes, kept her image, and said calmly: "Well, since you have prepared everything for me, then I will reluctantly taste it."


Suddenly there was a sound of swallowing drool.

The Jade Emperor's face jerked, and he turned around awkwardly, turned his back to the two of them, and let out a light cough in his mouth, "Cough cough."

Cheng Yi immediately understood it, and ran over to pull the Jade Emperor over, "Your Majesty, there are too many hot pots, let's have some together."

The Jade Emperor sat down with a face as usual, and raised his sleeves, "If you are kindly invited, then I have to be disrespectful."

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