Turns Out I’m a Great Cultivator

Chapter 380: A character like Pangu

A hot pot meal was filled with smoke, and each of them turned red, secretly enjoying themselves.

Of course, the Queen Mother and the Jade Emperor still pay great attention to image. Even if the food is in front, they still maintain the elegance and nobleness. All the food is put into the bowl by the orange clothes for them, and then they re "Reluctantly" start eating.

Halfway through the meal, the Queen Mother suddenly said, "Jade Emperor, have you eaten anything?"


The Jade Emperor who was feasting for a moment was taken aback, stretched out his chopsticks and flipped through the pot, "In addition to delicious, what else is in this pot?"

The queen mother's pretty face sank, and she said majesticly: "You don't pretend to be a fool, yes!"

Cheng Yi's face was blank and couldn't help but ask: "There is... Tao?"

"It does." The Jade Emperor took another piece of meat and put it into his mouth. After chewing for a moment, his complexion suddenly became serious. "There are three thousand avenues. Eating is related to the continuation of thousands of lives. It is naturally a avenue. The God of Cookery walked this way, but compared with this hot pot, the God of Cookery’s path should be turned off, turning the food away into shit."

The expressions of Cheng Yi and Queen Mother changed at the same time, and silently put down the vegetables in their hands.

The Queen Mother's eyes glared sharply, and she scolded: "Jade Emperor! Put down your chopsticks, you are not allowed to eat it!"

"Don't, I was really wrong." The Jade Emperor began to beg for mercy without any image, and then quickly changed the subject and analyzed: "The so-called esophagus is not as powerful as the other three thousand avenues, but... ...But it is also a very, very scary road."

Cheng Yi was stunned, and didn't feel anything.

Curiously asked: "How scary is it?"

The Jade Emperor narrowed his eyes slightly and said with a smile: "How did you feel when you ate this hot pot?"

Cheng Yi remembered hard, "Very satisfied, very happy, and...it seems..."

The queen mother added: "Do you think the people who make this kind of food are very good, and you really want to be close to them and make friends?"

"It seems like this." Orange Yi's pupils suddenly widened, and then said in horror: "I mean, what does the empress mean, eating these will affect people's thinking?"

"This is just a small aspect."

The Jade Emperor shook his head, and then said: "The reason for this is that the person who makes this kind of food has good intentions, so the Tao contained in it is not aggressive but friendly, but... once this person makes the food The content contains killing intent. Although the taste is equally delicious, people who eat it become tyrannical. If the food contains desire, then... it is very likely to become a puppet of the cook!"

Orange Yi gasped, and said in disbelief, "Is it so scary?"

"It's much scarier than this! This kind of Tao can directly affect people's Taoism!"

Wang's mother tongue is complicated and said: "Eating is an innate desire of human beings. Once this desire is infinitely amplified, then in order to eat a bite of this delicacy, he may agree to any request of the cook! This person's Tao has reached one This is extremely terrifying, if we really make hands and feet, the Jade Emperor and I have already learned the truth."

The Jade Emperor nodded, "Yes! My way is not worth mentioning in front of this person, and it will be easily defeated. I don't know if the saint back then can stop it."


The meat in the orange clothes fell to the ground with fright, his scalp numb, "this, this, this..."

She knew that the master Qimei met was very extraordinary, but her vision limited her imagination. At this time, after listening to the analysis of the Jade Emperor and the Queen Mother, she did not expect that there would be such a big one just by eating. The doorway was suddenly shocked, and his heart throbbed.

"Don't worry, if it comes out, this person is obviously not malicious, not only is it okay, but it is of great benefit to us." The Jade Emperor laughed, calmly took a piece of meat and ate it.

The queen mother was surprised in her eyes, "I never thought that someone in this world could actually walk out of the way of eating. When did such a saint appear in the world?"

Cheng Yi was stunned for a long time, and then bit her scalp and whispered: "Manny, this expert is probably not just eating Dao."

The Queen Mother said strangely: "Why are you saying this?"

"I heard Seven Sisters say..."

Immediately, Cheng Yi told the story of Zi Ye again. She thought that Zi Ye was exaggerating before, but at this time she believed it a little.

Following the description of the orange dress, the faces of the Jade Emperor and the Queen Mother were constantly changing. They were a little unbearable because of their state of mind. They felt the hairs on their bodies standing upright, and finally took a breath.


Achieve the sacrament of merit casually, refining and destroying the world black lotus into reincarnation, carving Buddha statues into eighteen levels of hell, setting up human emperors and Buddhism, setting off fireworks and setting off Daluo Jinxian, especially the terrifying backyard and Nacheng The best innate Lingbao for wholesale boxes!

All this shocked the hearts of the Jade Emperor and Queen Mother. Even if they were extraordinary and well-informed, they would not dare to dream such a dream because it was too unrealistic and completely out of imagination. .

This is more than just eating Dao, this is simply doing what you want.

After taking a breath for a while, the Queen Mother stood up and tremblingly said: "Are you sure his backyard is full of spiritual roots. Oranges and apples can become spiritual roots?!"

Cheng Yi nodded, "It's true. Seventh Sister even ate a few oranges for me. It's definitely Linggen!"

The Queen Mother looked at the Jade Emperor, even if she tried her best to restrain it, she could still hear the trembling in her voice, "Jade Emperor, do you think Dao Ancestor can inspire spiritual roots?"

"Obviously not!"

The Jade Emperor shook his head. He also stood up and started pacing left and right. Obviously he was extremely restless. "The spirit root and fairy fruit are all born from the heavens and the earth. They are congenital things. In other words, they are born with the creation of Pangu, unless... …This person is like Pangu Great God and has the ability to create things!"

In other words... a figure like a Pangu **** has arrived in the prehistoric world?

Terrible, no solution!

The three looked at each other, and none of them spoke, trying to digest the shock in their hearts.

Even the Queen Mother, there are some six gods at this time, and she said: "Jade Emperor, Dao...Where is Dao Pao? Does he know about this?"

The Jade Emperor shook his head, "You don't know, he has left five years ago and has never come back, and the contact has been interrupted."

The Queen Mother asked with concern: "Did your Seventh Sister say how his relationship with the expert is? She is so reckless and didn't offend others, right?"

"Seven Sister thinks she has a very strong relationship with an expert, and she dare not offend her at all."

Cheng Yi shook her head and paused, "But I heard Qimei mentioned that the master is interested in special seeds and asked her to help pay attention and want to plant them in the backyard."

"Special seeds? I have!"

The Queen Mother raised her hand without hesitation and turned it over. Two seeds appeared on her hands, with a trace of nostalgia in her eyes, she said, "These are the seeds of flat peach and the seeds of Huangzhongli. Yes, it has to be sent to him quickly."

Cheng Yi was taken aback for a moment and hesitated, "Manny, this..."

She knew that Niang Niang often looked at these two seeds in a daze. It can be said that these two seeds are the carriers that carry Niang Niang's memories, and their significance is self-evident.

The Queen Mother waved her hand and did not give up at all. She urged: "There is nothing to hesitate, such as an expert, there are not many opportunities for us to show good things. It is one thing that we are happy to be able to give away. You quickly take it to your Seventh Sister!"

"Yes!" Cheng Yi nodded, took the seed, and walked away.

Looking at the back of Cheng Yi leaving, the Jade Emperor and Queen Mother looked at each other, and both saw Caution in each other's eyes.

The Queen Mother couldn't help but said in awe: "It's amazing, this expert that Zier knows may turn this world upside down."

"Turning the tide of the world...I don't know if it is a blessing or a curse."

The Jade Emperor sighed and sat down again, his eyes fell on the hot pot in front of him, "The meat is almost the same, and the vegetables are not wasted. Huh? There are also leeks, I have to taste it.


Time is like water, another five days in a blink of an eye.

Falling fairy mountains.

early morning.

As always, Li Nianfan got up early and opened the door. When he saw the lively scene in the yard, he couldn't help but shake his head and laugh.

Da Ji is leading everyone to make buns.

During this period of time, they have also made up their minds. They will get up early every day for the purpose of making buns.

However, progress is indeed there, and it is great, at least on the outside, it looks good.

"Brother, brother, look at me."

When Long Er saw Li Nianfan coming out, his eyes lit up, and he trot over with a dough, and excitedly said, "Guess what this is?"

Naturally, her hand is not a bun, but has begun to divergently knead the dough into other shapes.

Li Nianfan smiled slightly, "This is a little snake."

"Dragon, this is a dragon!" Long'er was anxious at once, "Look, it still has four legs."

"Brother Nianfan, look at me." Nuan also walked over with a dough.

Li Nianfan shook his head and said honestly: "It's not like, at least I have never seen anyone whose face can be flattened like this."

Afterwards, he glanced at the steamer and found that the steamed buns hadn't had time to cook, he breathed a sigh of relief and quickly said: "It's been a long time since I went to Luoxiancheng. Let's go to Luoxiancheng for dinner this morning."

During this period of time, every morning to eat the steamed buns made by Daji and others, although it is not unpalatable, but it is not delicious. The taste has never changed. The key is not to eat less. After eating for so many days, Li Nianfan really I need to improve my food.

Long Er was a little entangled: "Go to Luoxian City? I was thinking about steaming this little dragon, but I don't know how it tastes like?"

The girl nodded and said: "Yeah, I want to taste the villain I pinched too."

"Okay, just what you squeezed. The taste is 80% and it won't improve. When I get back, I will teach you how to squeeze."

Li Nianfan smiled and rubbed their heads, "If Empress Nuwa pinched people like you, I'm afraid the boundary between humans and monsters should be blurred."

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