Turns Out I’m a Great Cultivator

Chapter 381: The new year is approaching, congratulate the master

Out of the gate of the courtyard, this time he did not choose to fly, but walked down the mountain.

The immortal has a very indifferent conception of time, and flying around all day, when will he calm down to look at the scenery along the way and feel the changes between heaven and earth?

During this period of flying, Li Nianfan discovered that the green along the way gradually became more.

Although the green grass is not as green, light green shoots have begun to appear, and the surrounding bare trees have begun to have a little greenery.

"How long is it, spring is coming?"

Li Nianfan was a little stunned, his ears seemed to reverberate with the rustle of falling leaves on the ground, and the popping sound of stepping on the snow. How come spring is here?

Yes, I went out and went around for more than three months...

"I really did the old saying, winter is here, can spring be far behind?"

Li Nianfan sighed and admired the scenery along the way. Although spring has not yet fully entered, the fragrance of soil and flowers has begun to appear in the air. Because it is early morning, there is still a trace of dew on the flowers and plants, and the air is somewhat moist. It feels fresh.

Spring gives people a feeling that everything is completely new. This is a season suitable for travel.

Before you know it, Luoxiancheng is just in front of you, and when you enter the city, it is a lot more lively than before. On the streets along the way, there are more vendors selling early, and bursts of heat slowly vacate into the air, full of smoke.

Li Nianfan came to the early street vendor by car and found out that just behind the vendor, the two stores are undergoing drastic renovations and have begun to take shape.

Seeing that the boss was very busy, he immediately smiled and said, "Boss, have you upgraded from a stall to a shop?"

"Yo, Lord Li." The stall owner smiled when he saw everyone, and quickly cleared the table for everyone, and said enthusiastically: "I also entrusted the blessing of Lord Li, but you haven't been here for a while, you have been busy recently. What? Sit, sit down!"

I went to the underworld and enjoyed the scenery of the eighteen layers of **** and the road of reincarnation.

Of course, Li Nianfan thought about this in his heart, saying it would scare the stall owner 80%.

Li Nianfan casually said, "Go out and have a fun."

"Going out again?" The small vendor said with admiration, "I really envy Master Li, free and unrestrained."

The world is so big, I really want to see it.

Li Nianfan laughed, "Why, do you want to go out too? I tell you, the outside is interesting, you may encounter monsters and beasts as you walk, and come out to surprise you."

The small vendor shrank his neck in fear, and shook his head in distress, "Hehe, then I don't have the ability to go out, I know that Young Master Li is extraordinary."

"It's done, Li Gongzi, your buns and bean curd."

Li Nianfan looked at this bun and suddenly smiled and said, "Boss, I will tell you how to do a new bun."

The stall owner's eyes lit up suddenly, and he said excitedly: "Also please teach me Li Gongzi."

The prosperous bun shop of his is inseparable from Li Nianfan's teaching. The method provided by Li Gongzi is definitely not ordinary.

Li Nianfan smiled and said: "There is a kind of crab with a shell on its body and eight legs in Jingyue Lake. It is steamed and then removed from the shell, and the meat inside is wrapped into a bun. The taste is unique. ."

Telling the stall owner this method is also convenient for Li Nianfan to eat next time. After all, it is impossible to cook by himself every day.

The vendor listened carefully and asked, "Does that thing still have a pair of tongs?"

Li Nianfan nodded, "Yes, that's it."

The stall owner didn't doubt at all, and said sincerely: "Thank you Li Gongzi for your advice. I really never thought that the thing could be eaten, so I will find a chance to try it."

In order to thank Li Nianfan for the method, the stall owner not only gave Li Nianfan an extra tray of buns, but also forgave the meal.

Li Nianfan was not polite, although this method was nothing to him, but its value to the stall owner...inestimable.

Just when he was about to leave, the stall owner suddenly remembered something and said, "By the way, I heard that this year's New Year's Day will be very lively. It seems that some immortal cultivators are discussing some big events and have fun together."

"Cultivators celebrate the New Year's Pass?" Li Nianfan was taken aback for a moment, "has this happened before?"

"I have never heard of it. Chinese New Year is always a matter for mortals. Occasionally there are cultivators who join in the fun. I have never heard of cultivators organizing the New Year. I don’t know what is going on this year.

The stall owner shook his head, with a glimmer of expectation and fascination, and couldn't help saying: "But it must be extremely lively, I don't know where it will be held. Li Gongzi, you go out a lot. If you are interested, you can go join the fun."

Li Nianfan looked at the way he yearned, and couldn't help but say: "Maybe it's here in Xiancheng."

The vendor immediately shook his head with a wry smile, "Impossible, how could a cultivator choose to be in a mortal city? At least it must be in the world."

Nun nun curled her lips on the side and couldn't help muttering: "Cut, what kind of annual meeting, how can a TV set look good."


Li Nianfan's face turned dark, and he slapped her slap on the head, "I know watching TV all day long. You are not allowed to watch TV for three days!"

Television is regarded as one of the few entertainment projects around Li Nianfan. For Li Nianfan, self-direction and self-acting are better than nothing, but for the daughters and daughters, it is simply an alien from the sky, shocking the sky.

Originally, Li Nianfan also showed some cartoons to them to relieve their boredom. However, when the release was out of control, the two little guys were directly fascinated and pestered Li Nianfan to watch TV for them every day.

Don't talk about them, even Daji and Huofeng are no exception. I don't know if it is an illusion. Li Nianfan always feels that the chickens he raises at home often seem to follow behind to watch TV.

Also, the world of immortality has no entertainment at all. This group of people can be fascinated by just listening to the story. What about watching TV?

"Huh?" Her mouth flattened, and she reluctantly responded.

Long Er expected: "Brother, me, am I okay?"

"It's the same with you. You are not allowed to see it for three days."

Suddenly, the smile on Long Er's face disappeared, and his head was dull and silent.

Everyone walked for a while before returning to the courtyard.

At the same time, at the foot of the Luoxian Mountains, two auspicious clouds arrived one after another.

When Gu Xirou saw the Xiangyun of the other party, she hurriedly said respectfully: "I have seen Princess Ziye."

Then he said to Qin Manyun beside him: "Man Yun, this is the seventh princess of the heavenly palace, hurry up and salute."

Qin Manyun said immediately: "Manyun has seen the Seven Princesses."

"It turned out to be Ancient Fairy, hello." Ziye replied, and then asked, "You also come to visit Young Master Li?"


Gu Xirou nodded and said with a smile: "In fact, my disciple-grandson came up with an idea and came here to invite an expert."

"Oh?" Ziye set his gaze on Qin Manyun.

Gu Xirou continued: "Seven princesses, speaking of it, my disciple-grandson has known an expert a long time ago, and I have been affected by her a lot."

"It turned out to be like this." Ziye's face suddenly became serious, and her attitude towards Qin Manyun couldn't help but become much better. "So, should you know something about an expert?"

"I don't dare to say that I understand, I just know a bit of an expert's preference."

Qin Manyun pondered for a moment, and said: "The master's cultivation is unfathomable, and he is walking in the posture of playing the world, but the master's mood is peaceful, and there is no need to compete with others if he doesn't like it. Therefore, …Since it’s a game, I like interesting activities. In fact, I have had the honor to participate in several activities with Gao Ren, and Gao Ren is very satisfied.”

"You are really right, the expert is actually..."

Ziye remembered what Cheng Yi had said to her, and the awe in her eyes could not hide, she finally swallowed the words back, and said: "The expert has already detached from this world and reached a real state of freedom. We don’t speculate about the behavior of the person, just remember one thing, don’t let it feel unhappy!

What are you going to do? "

"Gao Ren once taught us two divine songs, we have not played for the Gao Ren, the new year is about to come, we want to take this opportunity to hold activities, prepare a lot of wonderful content, and invite them to watch."

Qin Manyun paused and said: "We are here this time to see what an expert means. If we can, we will send out an invitation."

"This idea is really good." Ziye smiled and nodded, and then said: "Since you are going to perform for an expert, it must not be careless. If you count me, you must organize it!"

Gu Xiruan and Qin Manyun immediately smiled and said, "With the participation of the Seven Princesses, this event will definitely be even more grand."

Gu Xirou asked, "By the way, why did the seventh princess come to visit the master?"

Ziye replied: "Don't the experts like to collect seeds? I brought the flat peach seeds and the yellow plum seeds, and I hope the experts can see them."

Flat peach?

Huang Zhongli?

As expected to be the Seventh Princess of the Heavenly Palace, she is rich and powerful, even this.

Gu Xiruan Qin Manyun's pupils shrank, and his heart was surging.

Huang Zhongli and the others are still relatively unfamiliar, but the name of Flat Peach is really so thunderous and shocking.

Qin Manyun, in particular, still remembers that when he first heard "Journey to the West", he was extremely impressed with Pantao, especially fascinated by the effect of Pantao, only feeling the distance from him.

However, now that he appeared in front of him suddenly, it was like a child who grew up listening to fairy stories, and suddenly one day when he really saw the fairy, it was too dreamy.

All of this is given by an expert. Otherwise, it will be on your own, not to say whether you can come into contact with such strange things, just becoming an immortal is probably beyond reach.

Gu Xirou licked her lips and said, "That... Seventh princess, can flat peaches really live forever?"

"Yes!" Ziye smiled slightly, with a hint of ridicule in his tone, making Qin Manyun and Gu Xirou's hearts throbbing wildly, but when she heard her continue to say: "As long as you keep eating and eat enough, you can!"

The following sentence immediately calmed Qin Manyun and Gu Xirou a lot.

Ziye looked at their expressions and couldn't help saying: "Flat peach can make mortals get rid of the mortal body, and the way will rise in the future. In addition, it also has the effect of prolonging life. It can delay the five decay of the immortals, only delaying not longevity, otherwise, The flat peach meeting only needs to be held once, how can it be held every three thousand years?"

The way of heaven is orderly and the way of longevity is so easy.

Gu Xiruan and Qin Manyun nodded, expressing understanding, and exclaimed: "That is already very powerful."

For the immortals, the five decay of heaven and man is definitely a very terrible disaster. It is daunting to mention it. Many immortals can even do a lot of crazy things in order to survive. This shows the importance of flat peaches.

After all... the life of an immortal is so precious.

Gu Xirou couldn't help but said, "How long can it be delayed?"

Ziye smiled and said: "As mentioned in "Journey to the West", how many years of maturity can prolong life for as long as it can be picked up."

Gu Xiruan and Qin Manyun suddenly cried out, gaining knowledge.

As they spoke, the courtyard house slowly appeared in the vision of the three of them, and they immediately looked straight, showing reverence, and stopped communicating.

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