Turns Out I’m a Great Cultivator

Chapter 383: Picking the stars

"Prince Li, let's... set off now?" Zi Ye took a deep breath, becoming too nervous.

"No hurry, wait for me to deal with things, please wait a moment."

Li Nianfan smiled slightly, looked at the steaming tray that was already steaming, and said casually: "By the way, if Fairy Ziye likes the dolls I pinched, this tray will be given to you, Xiaobai, help Zi Fairy Ye packed."

The so-called "coming and not going" is also indecent. The fairy Ziye sent herself two seeds specially, so she should have some excuses, but she can't be rude.

After the conversation, he took two seeds, and then entered the grocery room.

Not long after, he walked out of the grocery room with a small bottle and walked slowly toward the backyard.

Ziye and others looked at the vial. There was a transparent liquid sloshing in it. It seemed unremarkable and there was no flickering light, but their hearts were constantly beating.

It's hard to remember this thing.

A ripening agent, it is definitely a ripening agent!

People have a return to the basics, so naturally there are treasures.

This ripening agent can't feel the slightest extraordinaryness. It is placed outside, just like ordinary water, but... who would have thought that it is a **** that can reverse yin and yang.


I guess it won’t take long to eat peaches and plums.

Everyone was sitting and waiting. After a while, Li Nianfan walked out of the backyard with a satisfied smile on his face, "Okay, then... let's go?"

Ziye stood up suddenly, unable to contain his excitement, and said with a smile: "Hmm, you can do it anytime."

Li Nianfan sighed in his heart that she was really a hospitable Seven Fairy, and it was only comfortable to make friends like this.

Immediately, the clouds and mist were rising below everyone's feet, and slowly lifted into the air.

Ziye acted as a tour guide and said, "Young Master Li, where I am is the Bingyuan Immortal Palace in the Immortal Realm. There is also the Tianmen of the Tiangong. When we pick a place where we meet in the mortal world, we can rise Go there."

"The Ziye Fairy arrangement is."

Li Nianfan smiled. He stepped on the golden clouds and flew in one direction.

Looking up at the sky, as it rises, the sky slowly collapses like a big blanket. He is a little curious about where the so-called fairy world is.

However, before he had time to observe carefully, he felt a wave of fluctuations in the void, like floating out of the water while swimming, crossing an invisible film, and then poking his head out of the fairy world.

When it reappeared, it had already reached a vast plain.

The ground is covered with flowers and green grass, and there are trees in the distance, mostly small saplings.

Li Nianfan was a little surprised, and asked, "This is here? You don't need to fly to the fairy world?"

Ziye opened the mouth and said: "No need. Not even the Heaven Gate was gone not long ago. Now the barriers between the Three Realms are basically gone. If you have enough cultivation base, you can freely travel between the Three Realms.

"Oh, yes, this is much more humane, very good, very good."

Li Nianfan still remembered that before the immortal descended to the earth, he would encounter lightning strikes. That thunder might not be very useful. It seemed to be extremely difficult to smash and ascend anyway, but now the passage is wide open, which is convenient and quick.

The others glanced at Li Nianfan silently, and couldn't help but squeeze their mouths, and resisted not vomiting.

Of course you think it’s great. Isn’t it because of you that the world became like this?

Are you here to praise yourself?

Ziye interrupted Li Nianfan's act of pretending to be forced, and said: "Ahem, Li Gongzi, continue to fly upwards, and it's Heavenly Palace."

"You have to fly upwards?" Li Nianfan raised his head in surprise, "Does it go up to get the universe?"

Xiangyun continued to rise.

This time, I didn't feel the slightest barrier. I looked up at the sky and saw that there was a thick layer of auspicious clouds above it. The clouds were huge, like the sea, and could not be seen at a glance, overwhelming the sky!

Passing through this layer of auspicious clouds and looking again, everyone has appeared in front of a huge portal.

The door shattered, leaving only two standing pillars and a half broken plaque.

Li Nianfan's face moved slightly, "Nan Tianmen?"

Stepping into the Nantianmen, stepping on the arch bridge above the Tianhe, looking at the temples and the auspicious clouds surrounding them, his eyes suddenly showed endless complexity. He really saw the heavens. .

Li Nianfan shook his head and couldn't help saying: "The appearance is indeed roughly the same as imagined, but the momentum is really much worse, not grand enough."

Tiangong Qionglou, auspicious clouds paving the road, this is the basic operation, but the immortal energy and vision are gone, which makes the huge Tiangong extremely deserted, which is still very different from the imagined Tiangong.


But at this moment, the originally quiet pavilions suddenly emitted a ray of light, and the originally bleak Yuyu Qionglou seemed to be a light source at this time, illuminating this piece of heaven.

These rays of light shine into the void, and also form a vision, making the heavenly palace holy and noble.


Under the bridge, the galaxy water also began to flow faster, without waves, but... it contained endless stars.

The stars are like stars, dotted in the galaxy, the galaxy is circling, colorful and dizzying.

"Clang clang!"

In the void, there were bursts of Xianle, with a sky full of glow, and then, a rainbow arch bridge spanning the north and south of the Tiangong, around the rainbow, there are phantom cranes flying around.

Huaguang is vast, noble and auspicious, auspicious appears frequently, and fairy music surrounds the beams endlessly.

Like a pearl that has been covered in dust for a long time, suddenly the dust is completely gone, looking for thousands of miles away.

"This, this, this is..."

Ziye, who was by Li Nianfan's side, suddenly widened his pupils and took a deep breath. With excitement, his whole body was covered with goose bumps, as if he had seen the revival of the temple.

She has always felt that bringing an expert here will definitely bring hope to the heavenly palace. She never expected the surprise to come so quickly. Just a word from an expert will bring the lifeless heavenly palace back to life.

In fact, the entire heavenly palace is a treasure, born with the heavens and the earth. At first it was the demon court. Later, Hongjun gave it to the Jade Emperor to become the heavenly palace. After the catastrophe, this treasure also disappeared, and there is no more Guanghua is even more unlikely to be motivated.

However, at this moment, in order to welcome the arrival of the superior, is it starting to show off wildly?

"Hahaha, let me say, it turns out that this is what Tiangong looks like." Li Nianfan was taken aback, and then couldn't help but said, "This Tiangong is quite arrogant. It wouldn't be because I said a few words. Right?"

Ziye's scalp was numb by Li Nianfan's show, and he bit his scalp and said, "He...hehe, Li Gongzi joked, of course not...no."

In the distance, a beautiful orange shadow was flying towards here, and she was greeted by the many glowing rays of light that suddenly rose in the palace, her pretty face was full of shock, and her excitement was accompanied by disbelief.

What's happening here?

Tiangong has resumed business?

She hurried to the Nantian Gate and saw Qimei at a glance. Then, when she saw Qimei tremblingly with a man, her heart jumped wildly, her scalp burst, and she almost turned her head away in fright.

It's him, definitely that man!

It's no wonder that even a languishing palace has directly risen.

Seven sisters are also true. I don't know how to say hello in advance to bring back such an expert, so that I can be prepared!

She was a little uneasy, but when she saw Li Nianfan set her gaze on her body, she could only bite the bullet and continue on.

It's time to test on-the-spot performance.

Cheng Yi's face remained calm, while flying, like a nine-day fairy, jade-like arms sliding in the air, orange colored skirt fluttering with the wind, raising his hand, and glowing light surrounding him, holy, Elegant and noble...

"Seven sisters."

She fell generously in front of everyone, nodded slightly, smiled and said, "Bring guests here today?"

"Second sister." Ziye called out, and then introduced to Li Nianfan: "Master Li, she is my second sister, her name is Cheng Yi."

Sure enough, she was the second princess and saw the real person.

Li Nianfan already had guesses in his heart, and quickly folded his hands and smiled: "Li Nianfan has seen the fairy in orange."

Cheng Yi did a blessing to Li Nianfan, "Prince Li, I heard Zi'er talk about you, you are the Eucharist of Merit, just call me Orange."

This girl is worthy of Ziye's older sister, and she feels that Ziye is a little kid.

Li Nianfan was also not polite, and got closer to each other, nodded and said: "Girl Orange."

Ziye was on the side, and quickly said: "By the way, Li Gongzi, you can also call me Zi'er in the future, otherwise it's too much identity."

Li Nianfan smiled, "Hehe, then I'm disrespectful."

"I don't know that your guests will come today. I didn't have any preparations. It was really rude." Cheng Yi said, turning her body sideways. "Why don't I show Gongzi Li to see the view of Tiangong?"

"Very good."

Li Nianfan nodded and followed the orange clothes to walk on the auspicious clouds. Along the way, from time to time, there were colorful glowing lights like embellishments, passing around everyone, seeming to remind everyone that this is a fairyland on earth.

He couldn't help but smiled and said, "It's much more comfortable when you turn on the lights. It's bright everywhere."

Cheng Yi smiled and said, "It's good if Li Gongzi likes it."

Tiangong is very large, and many palaces and pavilions are either bridged by auspicious clouds or need to be driven by auspicious clouds to fly. The layout is very clever.

During the period, Li Nianfan was curious and visited the interiors of some palaces, and found that the people in them were all turned into stone sculptures, and their faces were peaceful.

The orange clothes led Li Nianfan to a spacious high platform, and said: "Li Gongzi, this is a star-gazing platform. There are star-gazing platforms in many places in Tiangong, but the view here is the most beautiful."

At this time it was dusk, and the world was enveloped by sunset clouds, and a red cloud covered the sky, spreading out.

Tiangong is called Tiangong because it lives high in the sky and overlooks the world.

Standing here and looking into the distance, the heaven and the earth are divided into two parts, one is the mortal sunset, and the other is above the sunset.

According to Li Nianfan's knowledge, it is the vast and boundless universe.

Many stars are flush with the heavenly palace, exuding brilliance, bright or dark, far or near, not far away, a round of cold silver spheres hang high, no introduction, Li Nianfan knows that it should be the moon, and it is also a myth. In the moon palace.

At this moment, whether it is from the sky or the ground, it seems to be within reach.

Holding the sun and the moon to pick the stars is nothing more than ears.

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