Turns Out I’m a Great Cultivator

Chapter 384: Sorry, we can't cooperate with you in this section

Standing on this high platform, Li Nianfan fully felt the benefits of being a god.

Dotted all over, this is really dotted!

Thousands of stars are just chess pieces.

The gods of the year should be able to fiddle with the stars in the sky, although they will definitely be restricted, but thinking about it is enough to make people excited.

Li Nianfan asked, "Miss Zi'er, is this star controlled by humans?"

"Yes, there will be star officials on the stars, some are born with the stars, and some are hand-picked by the heavenly palace, in charge of the stars, time and the changes of the seasons."

Ziye paused, and then said, "The Daoist Xinghe is actually a star official."

Li Nianfan remembered what it was like to see Xinghe Road for a long time, and couldn't help but exclaimed: "Oh, that old way is okay, which star is in charge?"

Ziye raised his hand to point it out. After searching for a long time, he said awkwardly: "It's farther, smaller, and darker. I can't see it here..."

"Hehe, I understand."

Li Nianfan smiled. He glanced again at the part of the mortal world that was connected to the universe, criss-crossing, the immortals and the mortal dust were intertwined, and it was truly beautiful to the extreme.

Cheng Yi said with a smile: "Prince Li, this is only the sunset, in fact, the sunrise is more beautiful, the rising sun will pass through the heaven."

"That's really exciting." Li Nianfan nodded, then looked around and said: "As expected of the foundation of heaven, Tiangong is really a good place."

Orange clothing's thoughts moved, and even two blushes appeared on her cheeks, feeling that she had understood another meaning of an expert, and quickly trembled: "If Li Gongzi likes it, you can choose a palace to live in."

Ziye also quickly said: "Yes, Li Gongzi, there are so many vacancies in the palace today. My second sister and I can pick you up the best."

Li Nianfan smiled and waved his hand, "Hahaha, forgive me, I'm just a casual person, and I'm still a mortal, what do I do when I live in Tiangong? My name is not righteous! Thank you for your good intentions."

Cheng Yi and Zi Ye sighed secretly at the same time. The expert obviously liked it, so why refused. If the expert really likes the palace, the future of the palace will be settled. Alas, there is no way to send it to the palace. Send it away, wrong billion!

Cheng Yi continued to introduce it hard, pointing to the palace not far away and said: "Young Master Li, over there is our Seven Immortal Palace."

Li Nianfan laughed immediately, "Your Seven Immortal Palace is in a good location, right next to this high platform."

"Hee hee, we like to watch the scenery from the stands. The Queen Mother prefers it." Cheng Yi smiled slightly and took the lead to walk towards the Seven Immortal Palace, "Gong Zi Li might as well come to my Seven Immortal Palace to sit."

"it is good."

Li Nianfan nodded, and everyone entered the Seven Immortal Palace. The standard girly boudoir was fresh and elegant. The furnishings inside were neat and tidy, with a hint of sandalwood and rouge. At this moment, Li Nianfan suddenly became sober: "I am a man. It doesn't seem to be good to enter your boudoir."

Orange Yi pursed his lips and chuckled: "Young Master Li doesn't have to look outside. Our sisters are not so particular. If the five of them were not sealed, the seven of us could perform together for Young Master Li."

Li Nianfan waved his hand and smiled bitterly: "Ms. Cheng'er was joking. How can I, Li Nianfan, how can I have the Seven Fairies together?"

While they were talking, everyone saw the other five Seven Fairies who were reduced to statues. Their mouths were still smiling, as if they were still talking and laughing. The orange clothes and Ziye were silent at the same time, they all sighed faintly, and their eyes were dim.

Nun Nan and Long Er also put away their curious eyes, and said sympathetically: "Brother Nian Fan, they are so pitiful."

"As long as you are still alive, there is always a way." Li Nianfan comforted, and then curiously asked: "Girl Zier, are the Jade Emperor and Queen Mother also sealed?"

Ziye shook his head and said, "No, for so many years, the second sister has been with the Jade Emperor and Queen Mother, but she was trapped in one place."

The Jade Emperor and Queen Mother are still there? This is a big shot.

Li Nianfan nodded, slightly surprised, and his heart fluctuates inevitably.

His eyes were fixed slightly, but his attention was placed on the scroll on the Seven Fairies table, raised his hand to pick it up, and looked at it in his hand.

"what is this?"

This scroll is half an arm long, and looks a bit old. It looks like a scroll from the past.

"This, this is..."

Ziye and Chengyi were stunned at the same time, hesitating, not knowing how to answer.

This scroll was bought by Ma Yunming with leeks before, and it couldn't be opened or damaged. Just now, the orange clothes were being studied. Because of the sudden change in the palace, he placed it on the table.

Just as they were stunned, Li Nianfan had already pulled the scroll slightly, and then, under their dumbfounded gaze, opened it slightly.

In the scroll, the first thing you can see is the mountains, rivers, and mountains. The ink marks on them have already dried up. The scroll is very long and contains a lot of content.

In addition to mountains and rivers, birds and beasts, various plants, flowers and trees seem to be among them.

As it unfolded, the original ancient painting scroll began to flicker with a hint of halo, and a vast and boundless breath began to spread to the surroundings, making everyone's heart beat and a sense of awe.

This, this, this is...

The beautiful eyes of the orange dress stared at the content on the scroll blankly, his pupils suddenly widened, his breathing was short, his hands clenched uncontrollably, because he was too excited, the blue veins on his wrists were a little raised.

The picture of Shanhe Sheji!

It's definitely a picture of mountains and rivers!

She has been with the Queen Mother for so long, because it is too boring, so she often listens to the Queen Mother telling her about the things of the prehistoric world, including spiritual treasures, and the pictures of mountains and rivers are naturally the top priority!

This picture is the best innate spirit treasure, but its function is extremely special. It depicts all things in the prehistoric world. There is heaven and earth, everything, and...this picture is alive!

Not only can you follow the master's will to change the scenery at will, but you can also **** people into the picture, making you sleepy.

Among the major spiritual treasures, Cheng Yi has the deepest impression of the Shanhe She map, nothing else, because she is absolutely likely to help the Queen Mother and the Jade Emperor out of trouble!

The picture of Shanhe Sheji is also a seal and trapped people. If you send the Queen Mother and Jade Emperor into the picture, and then bring them out by yourself, isn’t it equal to rescue the Queen Mother and Jade Emperor in disguise?

This possibility...great!

For so many years, she has imagined countless times, and knows that after the catastrophe, it is almost impossible to get the pictures of the mountains and rivers, but... never expected, without a trace of defense, this picture would be in such an incredible way. Appearing in front of oneself, it was like dreaming.

She couldn't help but look at Li Nianfan, thinking about it, she didn't know how to describe her heart at this time, and she was in awe.

It is indeed an expert, something that is completely impossible for him, but he arranged it properly, everything followed the script, almost effortlessly, and Shanhe Shejitu took the initiative to appear in front of him.

"This is a hodgepodge of landscape paintings." Li Nianfan finally pulled his head, looked at it for a moment, and gave an evaluation, "Good painting!"

He looked at Ziye and Chengyi curiously, and asked: "The painter of this painting is very skillful and all-encompassing. I don't know who painted it?"

This painting is the best innate spiritual treasure, recording everything in the prehistoric world. It was born upholding the world and obviously cannot be painted by humans.

Her thoughts turned sharply, and she quickly thought of how to answer.

Cheng Yi squeezed out a smile and bit the bullet and said: "I don't know, we just... think this painting is very good, so I collected it."

"So that's the case." Li Nianfan nodded suddenly, and said for a moment, "No wonder, this painting has been left for too long, and there are already many defects in it, which made me feel a little bit tricky. I don't know if I can fill it up. ?"

The meaning of this sentence was well understood, and everyone was taken aback.

The picture of Shanhe Sheji was destroyed. Is Li Gongzi trying to perfect it with a pen?

Can such an operation really exist in the world?

"Naturally, yes, yes... yes."

Orange clothing’s lips are uncomfortable, let alone her, even if the queen mother is in front of such an expert, it is difficult to keep calm at all times, although she has been psychologically prepared for a long time, but the expert’s casual behavior is always subverting her. Cognition, it's hard not to be shocked!

Only unexpected, nothing impossible.

She hurriedly said: "Seven sisters, hurry up and prepare pen and ink for Li Gongzi to paint."

"Don't be so troublesome, I brought my own pen and ink, Xiao Daji, help me sharpen the ink."

"Okay, son."

Afterwards, Li Nianfan spread the scroll on a long table, holding a brush in his hand, and began to watch the scroll brewing.

He didn't rush to write, because this is not what he painted, but to refine it on the original basis. This needs to figure out the original thinking of the painter, otherwise it will only be nondescript.

Others did not dare to breathe. They felt that they were witnessing a miraculous moment, which was a miraculous moment for the entire prehistoric continent, and all the creatures including the saints could not even think of it!

Under their gaze, Li Nianfan's mouth suddenly curled up, and then he raised his hand and started writing...

Some mountains and rivers were blurred. Li Nianfan painted his pen and ink around the lake. A place in the lake was missing. Li Nianfan stretched out a swimming fish there. The pen was very soft, like dancing in a scroll, giving people a pleasing feeling.

With Li Nianfan's supplement, in everyone's eyes, the picture of the mountain and river shrine began to change. The original static picture seemed to be alive at this time, showing signs of flow.

A strange breath came from the pictures of the mountains and rivers. They felt that they were in a forest. The mountains were high and the sun and the moon hung in the sky. After that, they felt that they were in the river, with waves rolling. , The fish trembled, and after that, they appeared in the starry sky again, feeling the vastness...

Thousands of worlds, mountains, rivers, grotesque land, sun, moon and stars, flowers, trees, birds and beasts, bred hundreds of millions of living beings, and they are all between birth and death. Everything is available, as if this picture is a real small world of society.

Everyone's eyes did not blink, staring at the ever-changing world in the painting, almost losing themselves.

"Okay!" But at this moment, Li Nianfan closed his pen, making everyone come back to their senses.

Looking at the picture scroll again, the strange feeling disappeared. However, the content on the picture scroll was much plump compared to before. I don’t know if it was an illusion. I always feel that the ancient meaning on the picture scroll has also disappeared. , Giving people a completely new feeling.

Once the painting is done, the expert really painted the best innate Lingbao!

Shocking and terrifying!

Li Nianfan looked at his work with satisfaction, and said with a smile: "How?"

Cheng Yi swallowed a mouthful of water, and said in a daze: "Young Master Li's painting skills are truly extraordinary, so beautiful and spectacular. Cheng'er admires him from the bottom of my heart."

Li Nianfan laughed, and see, his talent was even impressed by the Seven Fairies.

Immediately, he said modestly: "Hey, it's just a little trick. It's not me. Although I can't cultivate immortals, I still know a lot of tricks."

Of course we know that you are not blowing, not only are you not blowing, you are too low-key.

Do you call this a strange trick?

Do you call it a cultivator?

Please stop hitting people again, okay? Let's be a trash in silence.

Li Nianfan put the scroll away and handed it to Cheng Yi, "Now, return this painting to you."

"Thanks...thank you." Cheng Yi did not refuse, raised his hand to take the picture, and bowed to Li Nianfan.

She firmly grasped the pictures of mountains and rivers in her hands, like a dream.

The picture of Shanhe Sheji is too important to her. It is so important that she is silently holding her in her hand at this time, producing an unreal feeling.

With this painting, the Queen Mother and Jade Emperor may be brought out, and he will be able to leave the Heavenly Palace!

From obtaining this painting, opening it, and restoring it, everything depends on an expert!

If it weren't for an expert, any one of these three links would be enough to suffocate oneself. However, it was solved so easily.

Looking at Li Nianfan's indifferent expression, Cheng Yi suddenly sore his nose and almost cried.

The expert may not care, but you must remember it! Such kindness is really nothing in return. If she hadn't known the taboo of an expert, she would definitely kneel down without hesitation, worship and thank you.

Cheng Yi wants to do more for the master, as long as he can make the master happy, and said respectfully: "Li... Li Gongzi, let Cheng'er show you other places in Tiangong."

"Then there is Lao Cheng'er girl." Li Nianfan smiled and nodded, and then he wondered for a moment: "By the way, where is the so-called Pan Taoyuan? Can you show us?"

Cheng Yi immediately smiled and said: "Naturally, there is no problem, Li Gongzi, please come with me."

Pantaoyuan is located behind the many fairy palaces, occupying a huge area, surrounded by snow-white jade walls, with small flower windows on the walls, and only an atmospheric arched red door as an entrance.

A plaque was hung on the door with the three golden characters of Pan Taoyuan printed on it.


Orange pushed the door in.

Li Nianfan glanced at him, but was stunned. There was nothing in the garden, only bare land, not even flowers and plants. There were also a few fairies holding baskets for picking peaches, ribbons fluttering, and laughing while covering their mouths. It's just that it is also turned into a stone sculpture.

Orange Yi said: "After the catastrophe, all the spiritual roots are basically wiped out. I heard the empress say that the current world situation, the Jedi Tiantong, is difficult for even the immortals to feed, and the spiritual roots are naturally even more impossible to feed. It was directly erased."

"Hey, it's a pity, this is the legendary flat peach!" Li Nianfan's eyes flashed a deep pain, and he sighed: "How to say it is gone, let me eat one! I think too Immortal!"

Everyone couldn't help but look at him, no one spoke, because they didn't know how to interface.

Sorry, we really can't cooperate with you in this section.

What a pity!

Tell me, what are you growing in your backyard?

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