Turns Out I’m a Great Cultivator

Chapter 386: Real undercover cannibalization plan, start

The Queen Mother nodded approvingly, "As expected of the Jade Emperor, she is rigorous in thinking, surprising in her thoughts, and very true to her words."

"Hey, why didn't I expect it? The expert must be disappointed in me."

Orange clothing frowned, just hating that time can't go back, so she missed the opportunity in vain. What a pity, what a sigh!

"I can remedy it. I will find another chance later and give the fairy palace to an expert." The Jade Emperor said, and then said: "What happened later?"

"Later we took Gaoren to the Seven Immortals Palace, and Gaoren drew a picture of the mountains and rivers and sheji, and then went to visit Pan Taoyuan..."

Orange Yi thought of something, her eyes suddenly became extremely solemn, her voice began to change, and she said with a hint of uncertainty: "I seem to have heard a way to lift the seal."


The Queen Mother and the Jade Emperor stared at Cheng Yi suddenly, "Are you sure?"

Orange shook his head, "Not sure."

After a pause, she continued: "This method was not said by the expert, but by the kid next to the expert casually. It seems to be a bit funny, and the expert was taught a lesson."

The Jade Emperor's expression moved, "Is there any way to hear it?"

"It seems to be... what kind of light?" Orange clothes frowned, wondering what this meant.

"Become light..."

The Jade Emperor and the Queen Mother both showed deep thoughts at the same time, but unfortunately they were equally puzzled, but their expressions became more and more solemn.

They looked at each other, took a deep breath, and said, "Orange, this is probably the real method!"

The Queen Mother said softly: "Being with the superior, under the influence of ears and eyes, naturally can understand a lot of things that ordinary people do not understand. The child's casual remarks must be because of what he has seen around the superior, but unfortunately the superior does not. Let it talk more."

The Jade Emperor nodded and said: "Back then, the Queen Mother and I were by Daozu's side. Although they were only serving tea and handing water, it was not the case. The advantage is that even a talented person who puts ten times a hundred times the effort is far better than nothing. Come on us!"

Afterwards, he solemnly warned: "Remember, you can't offend a master, and the same is true for those around you!"

"This orange naturally knows."

Cheng Yi nodded, and then said: "What do you do then, or let's start with the two kids and ask what exactly it means?"

"Never! Give up this idea quickly!"

The Jade Emperor hurriedly stopped, and said nervously: "If you do this, where do you put the superior? The meaning of the superior is the most important. If you calculate this way, you will only dislike the superior."

Cheng Yi suddenly woke up, and quickly said: "Your Majesty taught it."

The Queen Mother waved her hand and said, "Forget it, let's pick a good day and auspicious day to visit and ask for advice in person. Let's hurry up and see what the Tiangong is like now."

The Jade Emperor smiled expectantly immediately, "Hahaha, what the Queen Mother said is quite true, hurry up and leave this ghost place, I can't wait."


It was already very late when I returned to the courtyard from Tiangong.

Li Nianfan yawned, greeted everyone, and went back to the room to sleep.

After half an hour, Daji and Huofeng quietly walked out of the room to make sure they would not disturb Li Nianfan's rest. They looked at each other and started walking outside.

Daji waved, called the little fox from the forest and hugged it in her arms.

Then he nodded lightly and whispered: "I have already ordered, and the action has officially begun."

This operation is called...Operation True Undercover Nibble!

A very simple and rude action.

The content is, based on the first undercover, then gradually cannibalize and conquer the second undercover, and then develop the third...

By analogy, when people of the entire race are developed into undercover agents, they are naturally subdued.

The little fox nuzzled Daji's arms, changed a comfortable position, and said with enjoyment: "Sister, where are we going?"

Da Ji stroked the hair of the little fox and said with a smile: "Go and take the first step to becoming the Demon King."

The little fox's face opened and his ears moved, and he immediately admired: "Wow, my sister is amazing."

Daji picked it up by its tail, and couldn't help frowning and said, "Okay, don't sell cute, why don't you transform yourself?"

"Transformation is so dangerous. I specifically asked about it. Out of ten transformations, eight died of thunder. I think it's good to be a fox, but it won't change." The little fox was a little scared and weak. The weak dare not look into Daji's eyes.

"You can't do this."

Daji's brow furrowed deeper and deeper, "With me, you will surely be able to successfully overcome the catastrophe, not to mention the master's presence, the chances of the catastrophe will be reduced a little.

The little fox shrank his head, "Don't be afraid of ten thousand, just in case, the key is that I like to be a fox."

Da has a black line at the end, but when it's not about this, he can only helplessly say: "I will teach you later!"

Huofeng on the side said, "Are we the two?"

Daji opened his mouth and said, "To be on the safe side, I called Ao Cheng on, and we will meet later."

Huo Feng couldn't help but said, "It's a little too safe."

"The matter is very important. After all, the other party is the Taiyi Golden Immortal. There must be a lot of life-saving methods. It is not safe to be foolproof."

As they talked, Daji and Huofeng had already raised their legs and stepped forward, with clouds growing under their feet, heading towards the distant sky.

On the other side, the Nanhai Dragons.

The two figures walked out of the Dragon Palace quietly, probed their heads, and didn't alarm anyone.

It turned out to be Ao Feng and Ao Shu.

"Elder Ao, what is the chance? Don't be dumb, my heart is really itchy." Ao Feng urged, his eyes bright and expectant.

Ao Shu smiled slightly and said mysteriously: "The prince is not anxious, I will lie to you? That day, I was chased and ran away, but also got a blessing in disguise, passing through a secret realm, found a great opportunity! Would you like to share it with you alone, have you not spoken out?"

Ao Feng immediately said: "Am I like such a stupid person? What kind of chance is it? You mean!"

Ao Shu put his hand in his arms and drew it slightly.

When I took it out again, there was an orange in my hand, "What do you think this is?"

"Isn't this an orange?" Ao Feng took a closer look, and gradually discovered the difference. As soon as he was about to reach for it, Ao Shu quickly put the orange away. "You see, this orange is a spiritual root!" "

"It's actually a spiritual root?" Ao Feng was shocked, his eyes were green, "Elder Ao, did you find a heaven and earth spiritual root that can bear this orange fruit?!"

Ao Shu nodded, "Haha, good."

Ao Feng’s pupils widened, and while excited, he gave birth to endless guilt. He said ashamed: "Elder Ao, it is Feng'er that I am sorry for you! That day, I abandoned you. Now, you have the opportunity, the first thing that comes to mind is unexpectedly. It's to share with the trend, I am ashamed!"

Ao Shu's eyes were slightly moist, and he said affectionately: "Prince, don't say that! You are the future of my Nanhai Dragon Clan. In any case, the old minister is willing!"

Ao Feng also burst into tears with excitement, and moved, "Elder Ao, don't say anything, you will be my foster father from now on!"

"Well, Feng'er, it's not too late, hurry up and follow me to chance."

"Well, what the foster father said is quite true, but you can't let anyone preempt it!"

Immediately, the two speeded up, swimming farther and farther.

An hour later, the two came to an island in the sea, and then began to slowly surface.

"Foster father, are you here?" Ao Feng blushed with excitement, his eyes lighted, as if he had seen a spiritual root right in front of him.

Ao Shu nodded comfortedly, "Yes, Feng'er, it's here."

"Then what are you waiting for? Linggen, I'm here!"

Ao Feng shouted loudly, rushed out of the sea, set off a wave of waves, and then his heart jumped, only to realize that he had been trapped in a circle for some reason.

The four people stood hanging in the air in the form of four corners, and he just rushed out, just falling into the center of the four people, and the smiles on his faces disappeared suddenly.

Da Ji was holding the little fox in his hands, his face was cold, and the corners of Huofeng's mouth evoked a joking smile, red hair was flying, and Ao Cheng and Ao Yun were ready to take action at any time.

Ao Feng's eyes were about to split suddenly, and with a roar, he dived towards the sea, "Foster father, there is an ambush! Get out!"


However, as soon as he entered the sea, the sea burst into bursts, and the horrible atmosphere formed a tornado, rising into the sky, accompanied by the sound of a dragon chant, and then he was pushed out of the black face heavily by a force.

Then Ao Shu blocked the sea with tears and said, "Feng'er, I'm sorry, the foster father disappointed you."

Ao Feng's brain has exploded, and it is not enough to think about what is going on. He can only shout in disbelief, "Foster father! Why is this?!"

Ao Shu said, "Feng'er, I am doing this for you!"

"Why are you embarrassed to say? You clearly want to murder me!"

Ao Feng's body swayed and turned into a black dragon. With a long roar, his body swayed, and he was ready to flee towards the distance.

It is also very self-aware. Knowing this situation, it is impossible to fight against each other, and there is hope for desperate escape.

"Can you go?"

Huofeng licked his red lips, raised his hand and waved, the immortal rope tied out, like a spirit snake, winding towards Ao Feng.

Ao Feng knew how powerful the immortal rope was. He just turned his head in a panic. Then the dragon's mouth opened, and a piece of green dragon scales flew out of the mouth, swelling into the wind, and turned into a dragon scale shield, exuding brilliance, unexpectedly. Blocked the immortal rope.

Just when he was about to continue to escape, a huge hill-like imprint pressed against him in the sky!

Ao Feng's voice came out slowly, "Feng'er, advise you to give up for my father."


Ao Feng was not hit, but under his anger, he spouted blood.

At this time, Ao Cheng and Ao Yun shot at the same time. The huge waves were surging and gathered towards Ao Feng. In a blink of an eye, they formed a water polo, trapping Ao Feng in the ball, and letting the dragon struggle in the ball. , It is also difficult to break free.

Daji took out the golden gourd, the magic trick was drawn, and suddenly a ray of light shined, shining on Ao Feng's body, and forcibly absorbed his soul.

Aside, Huofeng took out an orange in his hand, waved it, and threw it to Ao Shu, "Hey, this is your reward this time."

Ao Shu laughed immediately, "Thank you, Fairy Huofeng."

In the water polo, Ao Feng saw this scene and wanted to stare out his eyes. He couldn't believe the facts in front of him, and his voice was terrible to the extreme, "Ao Shu, you sold me for an orange?!"

"Feng'er, I am doing this for your good. You will understand my good intentions in the future."

"I! Pooh! Do you want to point your face? You are simply not a human being, you are the shame of my Nanhai Dragon Race!"

At this moment, two unicorns were walking slowly. Seeing this scene, they all had a pause, watching everything that happened before them in shock.

One of the unicorns felt a little panicked, "No, Elder Linzhou, this situation seems to be a bit wrong! The chance you mentioned seems to have been taken first."

"Don't panic, as long as you are acquainted, chances are still there." After saying that, Lin Zhou lifted his forelimbs and patted the unicorn without warning.


The Qilin was caught off guard, and was immediately photographed near Daji and others.

There was a sneer on the faces of Ao Cheng and others, and the momentum instantly locked it.

The Qilin's face changed horribly, and he looked at Linzhou in disbelief, "Elder Linzhou, you, you..."

"I'm an undercover agent!"


this day.

An auspicious cloud floated from the sky and landed lightly at the foot of the Luoxian Mountain Range.

Then four figures slowly emerged, and it was the Jade Emperor.

They hesitated for a long time, and finally decided to mobilize the whole family and organize a delegation to visit the master.

It was mainly because they wanted to know how to break the seal so much that they couldn't hold back their hearts and rushed over.

Ziye couldn't help but said, "Manny, do you think the expert will tell us the way?"

The Queen Mother shook her head, "I don't know, try as much as possible, did I bring the things you prepared?"

Ziye nodded, and said with a smile: "Take it, I still have an idea. I can think of giving a gift like Qi Cai Xia Yi."

The colorful Xia Yi is a clothing woven from clouds in the sky. It is not ordinary clouds, but the clouds that have been illuminated by the first rays of sunlight in the world in a thousand years, and then carefully woven by many fairies, although not Shanglingbao, but integrating beauty, majesty, nobility and one, can show the temperament to the extreme, it is a symbol of status.

For girls, all defenses can be ignored, but beauty cannot be ignored, so... Qi Caixiayi's attraction to women is simply fetish level, and no one can resist.

But this time, after learning about the situation around Li Nianfan, the Queen Mother did not hesitate to take out the colorful Xia Yi from the Tiangong Collection, and she took out four sets, one set by Daji, Huofeng, Niannan and Longer. !

"Hehe, this is called a roundabout strategy. It is natural to look down on anything of us with the realm of a superior, but to gain the favor of those around the superior, it is equal to half of the success." The Jade Emperor smiled slightly, "The idea is I figured it out!"

"Your Majesty is wise."

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