Turns Out I’m a Great Cultivator

Chapter 387: Wonderful, this plan is wonderful

While they were talking, the four of them had already arrived at the courtyard house. They all agreed. They were all tight in their hearts. They quickly condensed their minds. They took out the scenes that had evolved countless times in their minds to evolve again, improving their mentality, and beware of accidentally revealing flaws.

Ziye stepped forward and knocked respectfully "dum-dum-dum" three times.


Li Nianfan's voice came, followed by a "squeak" and poked his head out of the door.

"Huh, girl Zier, girl Orange?"

Li Nianfan looked at the visitor in surprise, and then said in surprise: "Ms. Cheng'er can leave the palace."

He looked at the two men and women with extraordinary temperament that came with him again, his heart moved slightly, and a shocking thought came into being.

The temperament of this man and woman is too extraordinary, it seems that they are not very old, but their eyes are full of stories, there is a noble aura, it is obvious that they have been in high positions for a long time, and Ziye and Orange clothes suddenly became the roles of maids.

Cheng Yi said with a smile: "Young Master Li, we have chances and we are lucky to get out of trouble. This is the Jade Emperor and Queen Mother."

It is really Jade Emperor and Empress!

These two thighs are also out of trouble? And why did you come in person?

It's awesome, it's only a few days now, it's a collective relief.

You have to be steady. The more you are a big man, the less you can be too humble, otherwise it will only make people look down on me. Who am I afraid of?

Li Nianfan's pupils shrank suddenly, his thoughts turned sharply, and then he took a deep breath and smiled, "Rare guest, rare guest, Nianfan has seen His Majesty the Jade Emperor and Queen Mother, please come in quickly."

"Then it's annoying." The Jade Emperor arched his hand, and then said with a serious face: "Haotian has seen a saint of merit."

Li Nianfan was taken aback, and immediately said: "Your Majesty, you are too polite."

The Jade Emperor said solemnly: "Young Master Li, the saint of merit has been recognized by this world. He has never appeared in this world. Compared with me, the Jade Emperor, he is only high and not low."

Now Li Nianfan was a little ashamed, and embarrassed: "I was lucky. Actually, I was ashamed. I didn't do anything beneficial to the world. I have given me so many merits inexplicably, and I am also very helpless."

Li Nianfan was also telling the truth, he wanted to say that this was just my golden finger.

The Jade Emperor and Queen Mother were silent at the same time.

Although Ziye and Chengyi have repeatedly reminded them before coming, that experts like to pretend to be forceful, especially if they accidentally say something, they will be very heartbroken, but when they really face it, they know how heartbroken they are.

You have appointed the emperor, changed the Jedi Tiantong, reset the underground palace, and gradually restored the Tiangong. What do you say is that you have not done anything beneficial to the world?

Do not take you so humble!

Are you helpless for giving you merit?

I want to be so helpless, but I am so helpless!

The Jade Emperor suppressed his collapsed heart and said with a smile: "Hehe, no matter what, since Li Gongzi is a saint of merit, he naturally deserves the respect of the people of the world."

"It's too good, it's too good." Li Nianfan laughed, seeing this Jade Emperor immediately pleasing his eyes a lot.

People in high positions are not the same. They play a set of human relationships and sophistication, and get along with them comfortably.

He immediately led everyone into the house and said loudly: "Xiao Bai, the distinguished guest is here, hurry up, take out the latest milk tea and serve some fruit plates."

"Yes, my master." The little white-collar left.

Li Nianfan went on to say: "Sit, everyone sits, the humble house is simple and simple, not comparable to the heavenly palace, please take a look at it."

"Hehe, no, no, no." The Queen Mother and the Jade Emperor waved their hands at the same time, feeling a little collapsed.

No matter if your house is full of spirit treasures, the chairs sitting under our buttocks are all made of spirit roots. My Jade Emperor's throne is not as luxurious as yours. Tell me how simple?

How dare Tiangong compare with you here! Joked, laughed.

Soon, Xiao Bai took the tray and walked up with milk tea and fruit.

Compared with wine and tea, milk tea appears to be a lot less pure, too rich, not transparent, but with a gorgeous color, and there seems to be a little bit of bubbles tumbling inside.

Li Nianfan smiled and said, "This time it tastes of grapes and it is a little sour. I hope you can get used to it."

The Queen Mother took the milk tea, warmed her hands, and said with a smile: "Young Master Li's delicacies here make Zi'er full of praise, and she can definitely be used to it."

After the conversation, she looked at the straw in the cup. The straw was thick and looked a little imposing. She opened her mouth to bite it and took a slight breath.

The scent of the milk tea instantly brightened her eyes, an unprecedented smoothness wrapped around her tongue, the taste was silky, flowing in her mouth, dripping and fragrant, stimulating her taste buds.

It is hard to imagine that there are such rich flavors in the world, and it can be said that the deliciousness has been developed to the extreme.

Immediately afterwards, she couldn't help taking a second breath.

The second sip used more strength than the first sip. With one inhalation, there was a solid in the milk tea that slid into the mouth, soft and slippery, exuding a sour and sweet smell.

The open shell teeth gave a slight bite, ah, it was actually a grape.

This is not an ordinary grape, this is the spiritual root!

The queen mother's eyes lit up suddenly, with a surprise of winning the prize.

It's delicious, and the point is...very valuable!

If this cup of milk tea is put together with flat peaches, the Queen has no doubt that more people will choose this milk tea.

Good tea, good grapes, good milk!

Li Nianfan paid attention to the expressions of the Jade Emperor and the Queen Mother. Seeing that their eyes were shining, he knew that the wave was stabilized, and smiled: "How does it taste?"

The Jade Emperor said sincerely: "It's delicious, to be honest, I have been the Jade Emperor for countless years and have never eaten such a delicious thing. Li Gongzi is really a great talent!"

The Queen Mother smiled and said, "If I met Li Gongzi earlier, then before my flat peach banquet, I should let the God of Cookery learn from Li Gongzi."

Li Nianfan was in a good mood, "Hahaha, just like it, don't just drink milk, eat some fruits, they are just picked from the backyard, absolutely fresh."

The Jade Emperor and Queen Mother nodded at the same time.

Looking at the hospitality specifications, both of them couldn't help but feel ashamed.

I think back then, even if it was the most glorious occasion of the heavenly palace, entertaining guests was nothing more than jelly and jade dew. Compared with the specifications of Li Gongzi here, how sad it is!

Fortunately, I am still the lord of the heavenly palace, it is better to eat and drink really hard, life is hard!

Everyone got along well, the Queen Mother made a color on Ziye, Ziye suddenly understood, raised her hand to take out the colorful Xia Yi, and said: "Li Gongzi, this is a little bit of our heavenly palace, please Wan Don't refuse."

Li Nianfan stared at the clothes in front of him for a moment.

These four pieces of clothing are two large and two small, all exuding brilliance. The color seems to change with the halo, but it is like a colorful cloud in the sky, giving people a sense of etherealness, even for people who have no vision. , I can feel the clothes at a glance.

A full of compulsive grids spread out, showing the compelling grids.

The high-end atmosphere is obviously not enough to describe these clothes.

Li Nianfan's first reaction was to refuse, shook his head and said: "This is too precious, I can't accept it."

Orange Yi persuaded: "Young Master Li, it's just some clothes, not even Lingbao, not precious, and very suitable for Daji girls, they will definitely like it."

Li Nianfan raised his brow slightly and looked at Daji and the others.

Daji's eyes looked at Qicai Xiayi. Although it seemed that there was no fluctuation, it was pretentious to be indifferent and did not say clearly, but the ability to keep staring at it is already very clear. Huofeng's acting skills are not as good as Daji's. Long'er was different, their eyes were staring out, and their mouths opened into a wow shape, wishing to rush up to touch them.

Woman...it's trouble!

"This..." Li Nianfan was a little entangled. The so-called "reliance without merit", it is easy to collect things, but it will make my heart uneasy.

With a thought, he tentatively opened his mouth and said: "You are really too polite, but what's the matter?"

The Queen Mother sighed and said: "Young Master Li has a torch, we really have something to ask for."

"Prince Li, Zi'er and Cheng'er heard the children next to you say that there is a way to remove the seal..." The Jade Emperor swallowed a mouthful of water, and then said nervously: "I don't know if you can tell me what method is. ?"

After speaking, all the four of the Jade Emperor dared not breathe, their eyes dodged, and they didn't even dare to look at Li Nianfan.

They have also done enough ideological struggles before finally deciding that it is better to start straight.

"This one……"

Li Nianfan showed a faint look, and then he got more headaches, and couldn't help but glared at Nun Nan and Long Er.

These two little kids are not sensible! Talking nonsense specifically caused trouble for myself.

It is naturally extremely important for the Jade Emperor and Queen Mother to lift the seal of the Heavenly Palace. It is no wonder that they will come in person, and they also prepared a heavy gift.

But the problem is... That method is obviously nonsense!

He could only bite the bullet and said with a wry smile: "It's true that the two kids are talking nonsense about that method. It's not true. I'm sorry, it disappointed you."

Orange-clothed's small hand clenched a fist and looked at Li Nianfan nervously and said: "Young Master Li, no matter what method is used, we are willing to give it a try."


Li Nianfan had no choice but to ponder for a moment, and could only say: "Actually, this method...it...naun, you and Longer have caused the trouble, say it yourself!"

He is in second grade, he really can't tell, he can only throw the pot.

Nun Nan and Long Er couldn't wait a long time ago, and immediately began to interrupt.

"Sister Orange, there is only one way to restore the stone statue, and that is to become light!"

"Yes, as long as everyone believes in the existence of gods, there will be light!"

"It is because many people in this world do not believe in the existence of gods, that makes the world fall into darkness."


Li Nianfan closed his eyes in pain, pretending that he could not hear.

However, the four of the Jade Emperor listened extremely seriously, and their eyes were indeed widening, and even their breathing became rapid, and then their faces began to flush with excitement.

In my mind, it was even more like a divine enlightenment, and the clanging twilight bell rang.

"That's it, that's it!"

The Jade Emperor couldn't help nodding his head with an expression that had been taught, and finally couldn't help but tremble with excitement: "Wonderful, this method is wonderful!"

PS: Because there is a problem in the background, I missed the voice questions of many readers in QQ reading. I'm sorry, I will pay attention next time.

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