Turns Out I’m a Great Cultivator

Chapter 389: Discuss the annual meeting, borrow a gun and use it

The four Jade Emperors immediately looked forward to saying: "I can't ask for it."

Li Nianfan smiled slightly. There are too many fairy tales in his mind. Any one can be used as a script, but there are very few that can be used for performance and make a deep impression.

"Your performances are different from general performances. Your strength must also be revealed. It is your true character." Li Nianfan paused and said, "This story is called Cowherd and Weaver Girl..."

Immediately, he told the story of the Cowherd and the Weaver Girl. Not surprisingly, he reaped another wave of tears.

What everyone has to do is to show the story in its entirety, to show it truly.

Li Nianfan asked, "By the way, do you have any objections to the process of unplugging the hairpin and turning it into a galaxy? Can it be done?"

The Queen Mother was taken aback for a moment, and she said: "Objections? It's not difficult, right? Can there be any objections? Is there anything else to pay attention to?"

Well, it's weakness that limits my imagination.

The Milky Way has changed.

The gods are awesome!

Li Nianfan was too envious, and coughed slightly, "No, I just asked casually, it's all right."

The Jade Emperor stood up and said, "Young Master Li, thank you for helping us to solve the puzzle. It's getting late, and we won't bother you to rest and leave."

Li Nianfan also got up and smiled in return: "Walk slowly on the road."

After a pause, he smiled and said: "By the way, if it is really set, tell me, let me also see how the annual meeting is prepared and arranged, and participate in the participation by the way."

Li Nianfan is not surprised that the Jade Emperor and Queen Mother can easily decide and change the direction of the annual meeting. There is no one who dares to refuse to accept the identity and strength.

The Jade Emperor immediately solemnly said: "Don't worry, Li Gongzi, sure, sure!"

Walking out of the courtyard, the Jade Emperor and the others naturally didn't need to rest, but they kept running and headed towards Linxian Dao Palace.

Not long after, it appeared in the sky above Linxian Dao Palace.

At this time, the Linxian Dao Palace was still brightly lit, and was very busy.

There was also a burst of vocal music from it. Many disciples were gathering on the square, neatly arranged, with the piano in front of them, and they were playing hard. The melodious music of the piano was undulating and wafting into the ears, like a spring breeze. The Buddha face gives people the enjoyment of flying.

Next to the piano team, Gu Xirou, Yao Mengji, and Qin Manyun are patrolling and directing. They are all dignified and responsible for screening and elimination. At the same time, they will guide and point out the deficiencies in the piano sound.

Yao Mengji's words came, and solemnly said: "You must pay attention, this activity must be more serious than cultivating immortals and fighting skills! It is a great honor for you to perform for such a big man!"

"Usually work harder to ensure that you don't make mistakes on stage, invest, pay attention!" Gu Xirou also said from the side, "This song is a masterpiece, and the master can pass it to us, it is trust in us! We must not let it be covered in dust!"

At this time, Qin Manyun suddenly said: "Change the music!"

"Keng Keng!"

All the disciples raised their hands at the same time, their fingers clanging, and the sound of the piano suddenly changed from melodious to heavy, as if there was a murderous atmosphere condensing around, making people solemnly correct.

Ziye flew in from a distance and greeted with a smile: "Gu Fairy, it's so late, still rehearsing."

Gu Xirou, Yao Mengji, and Qin Manyun were shocked at the same time, and then they rose into the air and greeted them.

"Don't stop, continue to practice yours, pay attention to be careful!"

Gu Xirou scolded, then greeted Ziye: "Fairy Ziye, why come here so late?"

She looked at the Jade Emperor and the others, and suddenly felt a coercion rushing toward her face, and the horrible aura suppressed her breath, as if a mortal had seen the emperor, a look of shock suddenly appeared in her eyes.

Ziye smiled and said, "Don't panic the ancient fairy. They are the Jade Emperor, the Queen Mother, and the elder sister. They were able to get out of trouble because of the help of an expert."

The three of Gu Xirou panicked suddenly, and hurriedly said respectfully: "I have seen your Majesty, I have seen my mother!"

This is the former Lord of Heavenly Palace, who is in charge of gods and has a Pan Taoyuan. Although it is not as good as before, it is still not what they can imagine.

If you can ask for a weave, then for ordinary monks, it's no different than reaching the sky in one step.

"You don't need to be polite." The Queen Mother spoke lightly, glanced at the band below gracefully and calmly, and said: "Your Zongmenxiu's music is really extraordinary, and the music you play is refreshing."

Gu Xirou opened the mouth and said: "Niang Niang, these two songs, one "High Mountain and Flowing Water", and another "Ambush on Ten Sides", are all luck and they were given by an expert."

"So, it's no wonder." The Jade Emperor and the Queen Mother nodded suddenly, and said casually: "Being able to get a gift from an expert is an affirmation of you from an expert, and it is also your good fortune."

"The empress is right, thanks to the love of the master."

The ancient fairy said cautiously: "Your Majesty, Niang Niang, do you want to sit in the sect?"

The Jade Emperor nodded, "Also, it just happens that there is something to discuss."

Everyone took the seats one after another, Gu Xirou's eyes showed a trace of pain, and she gritted her teeth and took out the most precious treasure of Linxian Taoist Palace.

It is...the limited fruits and teas given by an expert.

"Hehe, we just came from an expert, so the ancient fairy doesn't have to bear the pain of giving up." The queen mother immediately laughed, and then said: "I heard from Zi'er, you are preparing an annual meeting for the expert?"

Gu Xirou nodded, "Hui Niangniang, exactly!"

The queen mother said: "We have just received guidance from an expert, and we are going to make some adjustments to the annual meeting, and we will discuss it here."

"Say the empress." Gu Xirou and the others immediately sat in distress. This is a matter of Gaoren and Jade Emperor, how dare you to neglect.

Immediately, everyone began to publish their watchlists at the annual meeting, their faces were all solemn, the atmosphere was even more tense, the specifications were extremely high, and those who didn't know thought they were discussing major events about the changes in the world.

In the end, the Queen Mother issued a final summary, "First, the previous annual meeting was too low-grade. Most of the performers are ordinary monks. It is certainly not enough. This aspect needs to be improved. I will contact me. Second, if the finale is We played in the temple and planned well. Thirdly, in terms of site selection, the advice given to us by an expert is that it is best to be in the mortal world."

"We were negligent before choosing the site."

Captain Yao Meng sighed, and suddenly began to reflect, "Superior people regard themselves as mortals. The annual meeting is originally an annual meeting for mortals. We should be held among mortals. It is unwise to be maverick!"

Gu Xirou asked, "Mengji, where do you think you should choose?"

Yao Mengji said, "Naturally, it should be centered on immortals. I think it can be near Luoxian City, but not in the Luoxian Mountains, because the Luoxian Mountains are a place for the masters to cultivate, so you can't lose."

Ziye nodded and said: "This proposal is not bad, and with our ability, it is not difficult to dig out a place for performance near Luoxian City. How does your Majesty feel?"

The Jade Emperor nodded and smiled: "Yes, and the expert said, he still wants to participate in the annual meeting arrangement, just set it up not far away, and it will also facilitate communication."

"The expert is still preparing to participate in the arrangement of the annual meeting?" Gu Xirou was surprised and delighted, and hurriedly said: "Then I have to make everyone better prepare! It's better to have results tomorrow!"

"Then the preliminary plan has been decided like this, and we will see the meaning of the master later." Niangniang smiled and said: "Don't delay, we will also contact other people to make the performance more colorful."

"Send your majesty, empress."

Leaving the Linxian Taoist Palace, the Jade Emperor and the others kept coming straight to the East China Sea.

"What? Holding an annual meeting for Gaoren?!"

Ao Cheng's eyes suddenly glared, and he jumped straight from his seat. "Such a big thing, why didn't you say it earlier? It must be counted for us. The rest of my sea clan is in the talent for acting. It is definitely related to Born."

"Prime Minister Tortoise, Prime Minister Tortoise!" Ao Cheng has already begun to make arrangements. "Hurry up and order to hold an emergency meeting of the marine clan. The clam, mermaid and snake will quickly hold a draft contest. Don't let the singing and dancing fail!"

Ao Yun stared at the side and couldn't help sighing in his heart.

This means that my Xihai Dragon clan is gone, otherwise, I would have to arrange a wonderful performance for the master no matter what.

Then, the Jade Emperor and the Queen Mother visited the Emperor who they trusted.

At this time, Zhou Yunwu and Meng Junliang were discussing about the annual meeting, various performances were being screened in full swing, and at the same time thinking about how to invite experts to participate.

Suddenly receiving this news, he immediately overturned the original plan, and joined in violently.


Tonight is destined to be a restless night.


The big devil knelt in a place, facing the faint black hole in front of him.

He still has wounds on his body, and his face is still a little shabby, and he is crying and complaining, "I have no intention of disturbing the Lord Demon God, but now... the devil is dead, the Qilin clan has swelled, and all dare to do it to us! And the world of heaven and earth Great changes have taken place in the meantime, my demon clan has both internal and external troubles, please demon lord for advice."

After speaking, many demons quietly waited for a response together.

It's just... there is no movement.

"Master Devil's sleep quality is really high. I have shouted several times, and there is no sign of waking up."

The Great Demon King couldn't help sighing and stood up, "It's all gone, it's failed again, Lord Demon God is still sleeping."

At this moment, a demon envoy hurried over, "Master Demon King, someone from Ashura is coming to visit."

The big devil raised his brows slightly, "Take them to the hall."

Soon, he came to the hall, and a woman in a red dress stood in the center, looking at the big demon with a smile, and said with a smile: "With the devil, the big devil becomes the first person of the demon clan. It’s so gratifying."

The big demon king showed a look of caution in his eyes, and said coldly: "Don't be it! You **** people come here, what's the matter?"

The woman in the red skirt leaned over, wrapped her slender arm around the big devil, and said in a charm: "My devil, please... borrow a gun!"

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