Turns Out I’m a Great Cultivator

Chapter 390: What might you misunderstand about acting

The Great Demon King's body retreated, his complexion sank, and he shook his head vigilantly, "Impossible! This gun is the foundation of my demons, and I never borrow it!"

The woman in the red skirt smiled slightly and said: "You said this by the demon lord back then. Now that the demon lord is dead, you have the final say whether to borrow or not, and...borrowing a gun is good for you and me."

The big devil's tone was firm, "If you want me to say it, don't borrow it!"

His brows frowned and he couldn't help but sigh inwardly, but he was a little undecided.

At this time, the importance of a good leader is reflected. When the Demon Lord was there, no matter what the Asuras said, the Demon Lord could directly refuse with confidence. After all, Lord Demon God has been in a deep sleep and has not awakened, so he cannot let Asura The family took the opportunity to grow.

But now... the situation has become too fast, the key demon's walk is really too abrupt, and there is no time to explain even a last word, which is really difficult.

"Master Demon King, the current situation is very unfavorable for your demons!"

The woman in the red dress chuckled and said, "Originally, Buddhism was destroyed, and the demon sect should have taken advantage of the situation. However, after finally waiting until today, there have been many accidents for no reason. Not to mention one after another, even the devil's death is unknown. Bai, what else can you do if this continues?"

In a word, the big devil was speechless.

The woman in the red dress saw that the big devil didn't speak, and continued: "So... it's better to lend us the Asura Spear to help our master break the seal and reverse the current situation, hello, and me too."

The Great Demon King showed hesitation, "What good will your master get out of trouble for us Demon Race?"

"My master and your demon gods are also considered to have a long history. Whenever you encounter something, you will definitely help one or two, and... now that your demon can't deal with people, only we can deal with!"

The woman in the red skirt paused, and then said: "Actually, this is the best way at the moment. You have a demon **** behind you. Are you afraid that we will deal with the demon race?"

The big devil's brain was muddled, his thoughts turned sharply, and finally he nodded and said: "Okay, you have a point! But I want you to help me teach the Qilin clan!"

At this time, the demons were weak, and he had no small opinion on the unicorns, and he had no choice.

The woman in the red skirt naturally agreed, and couldn't wait to say: "Hey, it's okay, of course, where is the gun?"

"It's a big deal. Come with me."


The next day.

The gentle sunlight poked its head out of the clouds, dispelling the darkness, and shed light on the earth.

Early, Ziye came to visit and invited Li Nianfan to visit the preparations for the annual meeting.

The location of the annual meeting is located at the east gate of Luoxiancheng and all the way to the east. There is a lot of open space here and it is very large. When Li Nianfan arrived, the place had obviously been cleaned up, the road had become clean and smooth, and many acquaintances gathered. They are all rehearsing in an orderly manner.

Seeing Li Nianfan coming over, everyone hurried up to say hello.

On the other hand, the orange suit handed over a piece of gold leaf paper with neat handwriting printed on it, "Mr. Li, according to your wishes, I have specifically listed some programs on it."

Li Nianfan looked at the content on the program list curiously, while the others were slightly tight, paying attention to Li Nianfan's expression nervously, for fear that the program he prepared here would not be in the eyes of an expert.

The number of shows is not too large, there are only eight in total, but Li Nianfan knows that there will be a ninth finale.

"The first show... the Hai Clan's three beautiful dances." Li Nianfan looked at Ao Cheng and said with a smile: "Old Ao, this is the show you prepared."

"I can't hide from Li Gongzi, it is us." Ao Cheng responded with a smile, and then said: "I brought all the actors here, and now I can show the show to Li Gongzi."

As soon as he waved his hand, more than twenty figures trot over. They were all sea women. They were extremely delicate and beautiful. Obviously, they were one of the best in the sea. Anxious, knowing that this is the stage of approval by a big man, he is too nervous.

Ao Cheng solemnly said: "Please be careful and show the dance well."

Immediately, more than 20 sea women formed their formation and began to dance.

The three sea women of different races have different styles, but they are all excellent in shape. They dance dexterously and seductively. In addition, they have very few clothes on them. They are really dizzying and worthy of the name of the sea. .

I have to say that this kind of lineup dance, no matter where it is placed, is definitely a big killer. If it appears in Li Nianfan's previous life, it will undoubtedly detonate the Internet.

But... Li Nianfan frowned.

But he didn't speak, and waited until the dance was over before he said: "Old Ao, I think your show is a bit inappropriate."

Ao Cheng's face instantly condensed, and he quickly said, "Who is Li Gongzi dissatisfied with? Or is he dissatisfied with someone?"

"The show is a good show, and everyone is beautiful, but the occasion is not suitable."

Li Nianfan paused, and said: "Your performance should focus on showing the aura of the Sea Clan, not to please anyone. I think it can be changed to the General Mobilization of the Sea Clan, showing the softness and at the same time showing the masculinity."

The public performance of this show is, bluntly speaking, a bit vulgar. Li Nianfan thinks that there may be any misunderstandings about Ao Cheng's performance. Can people like it with eyeballs?

Ao Cheng immediately promised, "Don't worry, Li Gongzi, I will definitely improve."

"The second program, the music "High Mountain and Flowing Water"."

"The third show, the performance of the battle of water and fire."

Next, Li Nianfan watched all the programs according to the program list, and occasionally made some suggestions.

In fact, these programs are impeccable for the world of immortality where the entertainment industry is scarce, especially for mortals. Each one is enough to make people surprised. Unless it is similar to Ao Cheng, the direction is wrong, and Li Nianfan generally does not What opinions need to be said.

At this moment, in the direction of Falling Xiancheng, several figures floated towards him, and the leader was black and white impermanence, and looked hurried.

"Prince Li, Your Majesty, Niang Niang."

Black and white impermanence came to the front and said straight to the point: "You don't know how to engage in such an important event at the annual meeting together. If it hadn't been told by Luo Xiancheng City God, we would have missed it."

Bai Wuchang turned his body sideways and introduced: "Young Master Li, what do you think of the ghosts behind us? All of them are good at singing and dancing. The first time we heard the news, we quickly screened them out and performed. We have to be on the list."

Li Nianfan looked at the group of pale-faced female ghosts, and couldn't help smiling bitterly: "Brother Bai, people and ghosts have different paths, this matter...it's wrong, there's really no way."

This time there are many mortals in the audience. Ghosts are willing to dance for mortals, but do mortals dare to watch it?

Thinking about it makes people panic.

"Prince Li, don't rush to refuse. The ghosts of our underworld are also very versatile." Hei Wuchang quickly remedied it, launching a ghost and said: "Perform a head-off technique for Li Gongzi."

Without saying a word, the ghost lifted his hand and took his head off.

Rao is Li Nianfan's well-informed. At this time, he couldn't help but was shocked.

He listened to Hei Wuchang and continued: "There is also this, perform a tongue-out."

Immediately, another ghost stood up with a mouth open, and a scarlet tongue stuck out directly from the mouth and dragged to the ground.

Heiwuchang is also a little complacent, "How about it, isn't this show new? It definitely makes people shine."

Li Nianfan couldn't help closing his eyes and looking straight.

This is a performance, not a ghost movie.

Seeing that Li Nianfan's face was wrong, the Jade Emperor waved his hand quickly, "Drag away, drag away quickly! What is this show?"

Heiwuchang is still fighting for it, "If these don't work, we can develop and improve it. Give it a chance."

Li Nianfan said, "There is no chance. I think your misunderstanding of performance may be much greater than Lao Ao. It's not appropriate, it's really not appropriate. This occasion is not suitable for you."

He was worried that the underworld would participate, and the mortals who watched the performance this time would be taken away by the underworld.

The black and white impermanence's eyes darkened uncontrollably, and he sighed in his heart, feeling that he could not help an expert. Are we ghosts born with no talent for acting?

But at this moment, Li Nianfan's heart moved slightly, and he said, "Your Majesty, Niang, I suddenly thought that no matter how big this annual meeting is, at most it can only attract nearby mortals to watch, right?"

At this point, the Jade Emperor was also quite helpless, "It is true."

Li Nianfan said, "Can you install a TV set in every place so that people in other cities can see it?"

"TV?" The Jade Emperor and Queen Mother said they didn't understand.

Li Nianfan explained, "It is to project our performances to other places at the same time."

The hearts of the Jade Emperor and the Queen Mother suddenly jumped, and they immediately opened up a new way of thinking. What followed was a burst of ecstasy.

"Yes! With our mana, this can be done!" The Jade Emperor laughed immediately, and then laughed, excitedly: "This way, too much time and effort will be saved. In a very short period of time, most people can believe in the existence of Tiangong! Wonderful, wonderful! Thanks to the mana of this body, I can't even think of this."

In this way, the effect that might have taken a hundred years to achieve was achieved in just one night.

After all, it could only be recognized by 10,000 people, but now it is directly recognized by millions.

The Queen Mother was also excited, and quickly and sincerely said: "Young Master Li, your method is really important to our Heavenly Palace, thank you."

"Niangniang is polite, but she just said casually."

Li Nianfan smiled slightly, "I also thought of it when I saw the talents in the underground palace. After all, many places now have city **** temples. Projecting through the city **** temple will definitely have a good effect, but I am afraid it will be troublesome for the underground palace."

Black and white impermanence suddenly turned from sadness to joy, and said: "It's no trouble, Li Gongzi rest assured, this matter is on us."

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