Turns Out I’m a Great Cultivator

Chapter 391: Layout, breakdown the current villains

In a blink of an eye, a month has passed.

During this period of time, Li Nianfan had a leisurely life. He played the role of the chief director of Tiangong, Haizu, Jifu and Terran, and was responsible for directing the work.

However, with his talents, even in the face of many gods and gods, he would be comfortable. He would go back to the courtyard to rest at night, and be responsible for guiding the work during the day. In his spare time, he would chat with the Jade Emperor and others about fun. It was really comfortable. .

Whenever watching the group of actors dignifiedly and carefully listening to their explanations, the sense of vanity made Li Nianfan secretly refreshed.

It is hard to imagine that I have actually gotten into this situation unknowingly. In terms of status alone, I can be regarded as a big man in this world.

Through the conversation during this period of time, Li Nianfan not only learned the interesting things about the gods, but also had a clearer understanding of the current situation.

In summary, it is the change of times.

Just like what Sun Wukong said in Journey to the West: "The Jade Emperor takes turns to sit and come to my house this year."

The changes in the world and the earth have exposed the forces that were originally hidden in the dark, or ambitious people have revealed their minions. Some people like peace and prosperity, which can make all living beings happy, but some people like troubled times, which can have more opportunities. Realize the ambition in your heart.

Today, the Jade Emperor, the Lower Mansion, and the Dragon Clan have become "remnants of the former dynasty" who want to restore the former dynasty. As for the villains, they are "firm supporters of the new era" and want to change the world.

In fact, to put it bluntly, once the Jade Emperor group is defeated, the remaining group can dominate.

Li Nianfan couldn't help but said with emotion: "The so-called general trend is nothing more than a fight."

Now, without knowing it, he has already fought fiercely with the "remains of the former", and he has chosen the camp inexplicably, but he doesn't panic.

First of all, Li Nianfan felt that the strength of the Jade Emperor was still very reliable. Combined with the myths and stories he knew well, after being enshrined, in addition to the saints, although there are countless strong people, the Jade Emperor Queen Mother is also regarded as the second highest strength in combat. He was still a Dao ancestor boy, as for the Hou Tu of the underworld, he should have retained a bit of strength.

Secondly, I still have a foundation for the Eucharist of Merit, so it is safe to protect myself, and I can sit and watch the show.

At this time, everyone was drinking at the place where they played.

The news that the annual meeting performance will be held here has spread. With the help of gods, the entire mortal world has exploded, and Fallen City is a sensation, but seeing that this place is blocked, no one dared to come and join in the fun, but They are all looking forward to it.

The Jade Emperor nodded, agreeing: "Li Gongzi said it is extremely true. In fact, from ancient times to the present, the great power of heaven and earth has been accompanied by various races, and the amount of calamity has also been caused by this."

Zhou Yunwu also said: "It is too difficult and almost impossible to have no struggle."

He is a human emperor, and what he has experienced can be regarded as a microcosm of a great world, not to mention the great world, even between human races, there is constant intrigue between human races, and there is no way at all.

Li Nianfan has already seen this a long time ago. Struggle is an immutable theorem. He cares more about how to better protect himself. He asked: "Your Majesty, do you know how much power there is in this world? generation?"

The Jade Emperor pondered for a moment, then shook his head and sighed slightly: "I don't know, after the catastrophe, Dao Ancestor once said that Jedi Tiantong was not allowed to enter the world above Daluo Jinxian, and then everyone was either sealed or hidden. But now... the era of Jedi Tiantong seems to be over. I have been sealed for so many years and I don't know who else is alive."

Li Nianfan's brows frowned, it was much more difficult this time, there were a lot of quasi-sages, not to mention Da Luo Jinxian.

The villains that can be determined today are the Mozu, the Nanhaihaizu, and the Qilin clan. These three factions alone are actually very difficult to provoke.

The demons are quite pitted, and the main goal is actually to deal with the human race, with Luohu as the backer behind them, and the background is so powerful that they are terrifying.

The Dragon King of the South Seas got those dragon soul orbs. It seemed that it was a treasure that could make great achievements in a very short period of time. It was a bit similar to the ultimate boss in the novels of the previous life.

The Qilin family does not know how awesome it is for the time being, but after all, it is one of the three strongest races in the prehistoric, not easy to provoke.

At this moment, two figures galloped from a distance on the clouds. They were tall and muscular, with the eye-catching bull's head and horse face, and they were easy to identify.

With a rough voice, he saluted everyone and said hello: "I have seen Li Gongzi, Your Majesty the Jade Emperor, and the Queen Mother."

Then, looking at the table in front of everyone, his eyes beamed, and saliva was about to overflow from the cow's mouth and the horse's mouth.

Hei Wuchang opened his mouth and said, "Old Niu Lao Ma, what are you doing here if you don't guard samsara?"

The bull's eyes glared, and he let out an angry "moo", and said in a buzzing voice: "Speaking lightly, why don't you guard reincarnation?"

"Black-and-white impermanence, you spend all day outside eating fragrant and spicy, leisurely content, let our two brothers suffer in the underworld, your conscience will not hurt?" Ma Mian pointed to the black-and-white impermanence, loudly denounced, "Look. Look at the beautiful and **** horsehair on my head, it's almost bulging out!"

While talking, he caressed the horsehair that sprang out on his head lovingly, like a braid, dancing with the wind.

They feel bitter in their hearts, even the work of reincarnation, but looking at the chic life of black and white impermanence, they feel even more bitter.

After holding back for so long, thinking of the delicious food here, Li Gongzi finally couldn't restrain the restlessness in his heart and ran out.

Li Nianfan smiled and said, "Two, since you are here, please sit down quickly."

"Thank you Li Gongzi, then we will be disrespectful." Ngau Tau Ma Mian was overjoyed immediately, and he was not polite. As soon as he sat down, he raised the wine in the glass, "Sorry, please do not take care of yourself, we will punish ourselves for a glass."

After speaking, with a "zi", he swallowed in one mouthful, and the eyes of the bull's face and the horse's face were narrowed.

Comfortable, this is the joy of life.

Li Nianfan smiled and asked, "If you two come out without permission, will nothing happen?"

"No, we have specially trained some ghosts during this period, and it has already achieved initial results. As long as it is not a difficult problem, it is generally fine."

Said this, Niu Tau looked at Meng Junliang and said: "Meng Gongzi, I know you are a contemporary Confucian, but you can train more Confucian students and prepare them. We can just wait for them to apply for the job below."

Ma Mian also said, "Dawang Zhou, Mengzi, here, Lao Ma, as a local government official, I have to remind you a few words."

Zhou Yunwu and Meng Junliang said at the same time: "I would like to hear the details."

"The way of heaven has its own laws. For mortals, birth, old age, sickness and death are the natural way. With your status, you can naturally ask for life-sustaining medicine from the cultivator, but it is actually a small ear, unless you leave the mortal womb and step into the cultivation of immortality. The way, otherwise, if you force your life to continue, it will leave a record in the book of life and death, then... it will be a karma and a stain."

Ma stopped for a while and continued: "The scholars died naturally and have the opportunity to be recruited by us. If they are forced to continue their lives, we will not only not recruit, but if the circumstances are serious, they will be treated as serious crimes."

Heiwuchang speaks more bluntly, and he said: "Nowadays, no matter whether it is our netherworld or Chenghuang Temple, there is an urgent shortage of manpower and many positions. This is an opportunity. Go and persuade those who want to apply. Come on, come on, come on!"

Zhou Yunwu and Meng Junliang bowed their hands with a wry smile, "Teached."

Ngau Tau Ma Mian raised his glass again, "Then we will respect King Zhou and Mengzi together!"

Li Nianfan saw that they were much more relaxed than before, and curiously smiled: "Is the operation of the underworld now formal?"

"It's all thanks to Li Gongzi. Let me tell you, Chenghuang Temple is simply a genius idea, otherwise, how could it be so easy?" Ngau Tau Ma Mian was full of gratitude, and raised the glass again, "We are two big bosses, not much to say thankful , Everything is in the wine, respect Young Master Li!"

Li Nianfan could have seen it, and that this **** came over to drink and toast in three words.

Putting down the wine glass, the bull head slapped his bull head, and said: "But then again, the Styx of the nearest underworld has started to be restless, and the group of Asuras don't know what they are doing, I am afraid that something will happen."

The Jade Emperor's eyes flashed slightly, "Stay?"

Li Nianfan was also moved in his heart, and naturally he was like a thunder for Styx's name, no less than Huang Quan.

In the mythology, Styx is transformed by a mass of dirty blood in Pangu. The most important thing is that there is a great power born in it, named Styx Patriarch, and is accompanied by two supreme swords. Named Yuantu and Abi, they left behind the rhetoric that the sea of ​​blood is not dry, and the river is not dead.

If the rhetoric is true, then the ancestor of the river is obviously still alive, this is a high probability event.

The probability of Styx becoming a villain is also...a high probability event.

Well, just now I was thinking about which powers are still alive, and here is a super power.

By the way, in addition to the ancestors of the Styx, Styx also bred a six-winged mosquito person, who was also a ruthless character, but unfortunately it sucked the third-rank of the twelfth-rank golden lotus that attracted the saint.

The same high probability is... the villain.

There are too many big bosses, and all of them have the power to destroy the world. No wonder the floods and disasters continue.

Niutou's face was solemn, "At the beginning, the underworld was shattered and it was impossible to throw the endless soul into the Styx. Now that the underworld is gradually recovering, the Styx seems to be unwilling."

The Queen Mother wrinkled her brows, and said solemnly: "The old ancestor of the Styx River was killed, and she tried to learn from Nuwa to make people holy, and eventually created the Asura clan, which can devour the souls of the six creatures, so it seems, They are already restless."

Once talked about the situation, the Jade Emperor began to become worried, "I don't know whether the Tiangong can be restored this time."

"It's up to you."

As everyone lined up, they were chatting, and it was another half a month.

The much-anticipated annual meeting...Grand opening.

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