Turns Out I’m a Great Cultivator

Chapter 392: Stone hammer, there is a heaven in this world

On this day, the sky is dim.

The entire performance venue was crowded with people, and the queues to watch the theater surrounded the entire venue three floors inside and outside three floors. The crowd even crowded to the gate of the east city, blocking the entire city gate.

Some people simply gave up and chose to look at the Chenghuang Temple in Luoxian City. However, when they came to the Chenghuang Temple, they discovered that it was also crowded with people, and there was no gap left.

Poor Old Chenghuang with a few of his men is maintaining order.

He persuaded me in a loud voice, "Everyone, don't squeeze anymore, listen to me, this time the projection is made by the Houtu lady herself. The projection is very, very big, just like the moon in the sky. You can see it anywhere, you don’t have to squeeze into my little temple."

In the crowd, there was a sudden shout, "I don't believe it! Brothers, follow me in! Crush the Chenghuang Temple!"

Immediately, a group of people began to commotion in the crowd, "Go!"

However, this group of people quickly disappeared, because the imaginary script did not appear, the crowd quieted strangely, and even the eyes of everyone around them fell on them, staring at them with straight hair.

"Look at what I do? Charge in, speed!"

"Master Chenghuang, this is the person, he wants to squeeze the Chenghuang Temple!"

"And here, this person too."

"And him!"

Immediately, people from several places pointed out the screamer and kept their distance with disgust, which made the group of people embarrassed and fell into embarrassment for a while.

Chenghuang immediately waved his hand, "Come here, drag this group of people down."

The ghost chase who had been hiding in the dark soon showed up and led the group down.

Lao Chenghuang stood on the Chenghuang Temple with a smile, and said: "Thank you, everyone, what I just said is true. You can see it from anywhere in Luoxian City, without being crowded."

Everyone laughed back quickly.

"Master Chenghuang, we naturally believe in you."

"Hehe, the group of people is not good at first sight, and they are thinking about squeezing the Chenghuang Temple. Don't be merciful, Lord Chenghuang."

"Naive! Just because he wants to provoke our relationship with Master Chenghuang? It's so easy to make noises, when we are pigs?"


at the same time.

Those ghosts sent the souls of the group of people to the underworld, where black and white impermanence has long been waiting.

The ghost report reported: "Master Impermanence, this group of people is already alive and dead, but their souls are still sealed in the flesh, acting like puppets. We inspected the corpses and found that they had been bitten by mosquitoes on their necks. Mark of."

"I already know about this." Bai Wuchang nodded, his expression gloomy. "There are some similar phenomena in the city gods in some places. Who is calculating my underground palace?"

Hei Wuchang darkened his face, and said coldly: "It's okay to calculate my dignity. They are here to do things and affect the mood of the masters. That is the ultimate death!"

Bai Wuchang said fortunately: "Fortunately, the expert has explained to us that we must establish a good relationship with the masses. From the masses to the masses, the reputation of the local city gods is also very good. Otherwise, it will be difficult to suppress the real rumors. "

"Listening to the expert's words is of course beneficial and harmless." Hei Wuchang laughed, and then solemnly said: "Let people step up their inspections, especially near Luoxian City. Mosquitoes can't be let go!"



Except for the people underneath and overseas, there are also countless lights in the sky, like a shooting star across the night sky, and the light flashes continuously.

Some people came by the clouds and the fog, others came by the wind with the sword, and others were sitting in the spirit boat and parked in the air, leisurely and condescendingly admiring them.

As the first large-scale entertainment event in the world of cultivating immortals, there are also high-quality immortals participating in the performance. The popularity is naturally unimaginable. Even the old men who usually live in caves and can't get out of retreat are here.

Some enemies have not seen each other for thousands of years, but at this time it was an unexpected reunion. They set up the battle on the spot and started to work.

In addition to humans, there is no shortage of monsters.

At the east gate of Luoxian City, the green locust tree, which was as high as a person, had its torso slightly shaken, and then it continued to stretch and rise, and soon exceeded the height of ten meters. On its branches, a group of people from Luoxian City were also supported. The old man and the child looked around curiously with smiling faces.

Then the demons came to join in the fun.

The Great Demon King was surrounded by two magic envoys, one on the left and one on the right, mixing in the crowd, crowding along the team.

A magic envoy looked around vigilantly, then whispered: "Master Demon Lord, do we have any plans this time?"

The Great Devil was taken aback for a moment, "What plan?"

"Plan to rule the human race!" The magic envoy beamed his eyes and said, "This opportunity is rare in a lifetime. If so many people can develop into demons, then we will make a lot of money this time."

"Where are there so many plans? This time we just watched the play purely."

The big devil frowned slightly and looked a little unhappy, "Entertainment belongs to entertainment, work belongs to work, and scores are clear. Are you tired? And there are so many strong people here, I advise you to pay more attention to your hidden problems. If I was discovered, I would definitely choose to escape, and I cannot save you."

At this moment, among the clouds in the distance, several figures suddenly emerged, and at the same time, a majestic pressure poured down like a waterfall, mainly aimed at the group of people suspended in the sky.

The figures of Xiao Chengfeng, Ao Cheng, Ao Yun, Pei An and others slowly emerged in the air, with their faces full of stern expressions, acting as the job of stabilizing public security.

Xiao Chengfeng arched around and said cheerfully: "Everyone, my sword **** Xiao Chengfeng is solely responsible for the security of this annual meeting. Please also give me a thin face to the sword god. Don't make trouble, someone If you have grievances, please retreat to one hundred thousand miles away to solve it, and within...kilometers, don't hang in the air!"

Soon, the surrounding light disappeared one by one.

"Thank you, thank you for your cooperation!" Xiao Chengfeng immediately felt proud of the spring breeze, and his face was red. This is the highlight moment in his life. He continued: "If something happens, please call my name as soon as possible, please Look for it, there are three million sword immortals in the sky, and you need to lower your eyebrows when you see me, so is the sword **** Xiao Chengfeng!"

In the front row of the audience, in the golden viewing position, Li Nianfan looked up at Xiao Chengfeng who was blowing himself embarrassingly, and a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

Aside, the Jade Emperor couldn't help but smile and said, "This friend of Li Gongzi is also interesting."

Li Nianfan said, "Being handsome, probably this is the characteristic of Jian Xiu."

The Jade Emperor continued to smile and said: "The cultivation base is also very good, and he is fully qualified to be the general of my heavenly palace."

Li Nianfan raised his brows slightly, "Your Majesty has already begun plotting the development of Heavenly Palace?"

"Be prepared for a rainy day. If you want to develop, recruiting talents is a must." The Jade Emperor smiled and said: "This person likes to be handsome and prestigious. In fact, it is also conducive to erecting the image of my palace.

Speaking of this, the Jade Emperor gratefully said to Li Nianfan: "Recently this time, thanks to Li Gongzi, it's really just like what you said. It has created a plump heavenly image for everyone. In just over a month, the name of Tiangong has been widely circulated, and with the performance tonight, everyone believes that the existence of Tiangong is not difficult!"

In the past month and a half, in addition to arranging programs, Li Nianfan has naturally formulated other plans, the purpose of which is to plump the heaven in people's hearts. Only in this way will the impression be deep.

The first is the spread of some stories about the Tiangong. Under the vigorous propaganda of the Xia Dynasty, the stories of the Tiangong are well known to people one after another, and the characters in the Tiangong are becoming more and more full. Secondly, let the dragons travel in the name of the Tiangong. Clouds and rain, and let mortals "just" find out in many places.

The wave after wave of operations is breathtaking. There are also those stories, some are fictitious, and some are adapted based on real events, but without exception, they are all fascinating, with beginnings and ends, and some even make the Jade Emperor distinguish between them. Nothing is true or false.

Li Nianfan smiled and said: "The image of erecting a heavenly palace is really important."

The Jade Emperor showed a serious face, and said firmly: "That's natural. What is the slogan of my heavenly palace, which is to raise my heavenly majesty and my face is gone. What is the meaning of being alive?"

But at this moment, intermittent conversations came from the mortals behind him——

"Why hasn't this show started yet? I knew I brought my treasured "Baolian Lantern"."

"You also look at Baolian Lanterns? Chenxiang is really miserable. Grandma is the Jade Emperor, and my uncle is Erlang Shen. These two are so powerful, but they both want to kill him."

"Yes, these two people are too cold-blooded, they are inferior to animals!"

Someone on the side said, "I tell you that the book "How the Jade Emperor Was Raised" is beautiful. It says that the Jade Emperor can only become the Jade Emperor after ninety-nine generations of good people. But in every life, Bedwetting until ten years old, hahaha..."

"Is there such a thing? As expected of the Jade Emperor, he has a deep bedwetting skill."


Li Nianfan stopped talking, and the Jade Emperor fell silent.

The two looked at each other, and the Jade Emperor coughed slightly and waved his hands as usual: "In fact, I have a very good mentality, and I don't really value personal image. Fuyun, but Fuyun Er."

Li Nianfan approvingly responded, "Your Majesty is majestic, Your Majesty is open and bright."


But at this moment, right in front, the stage made of crystals suddenly burst out with a dazzling brilliance.

Immediately afterwards, around the stage, the night pearls that were originally placed larger than human heads also emitted dazzling light, illuminating Siye.

Everyone's heart jumped, looking forward to it, and staring intently.

In the netherworld, Po Meng placed a bead in front of her, and what was shown inside was exactly what was on the stage.

With solemn eyes, she smiled slightly at the corner of her mouth, raised her hand and pinched a magic formula, and then slightly pointed at the beads.

Suddenly, whenever there was a Chenghuang Temple, the Chenghuang felt a heart palpitations. Then, above the Chenghuang Temple, a huge floating in the air, what was shown on the stage.

"Tuk tuk-"

The loud sound of conch shells came from the stage abruptly, inspiring, with an inexplicable power, instantly refreshing everyone who had been waiting for a long time.

The sound of conch has a certain inexplicable rhythm, which makes people more and more passionate.

Li Nianfan followed the rhythm in his heart and read silently, "Canghai laughed, and the tide was surging across the strait..."

The magnificent opening music can instantly arouse emotions and refresh your mind. Isn't this more fragrant than watching beautiful girls who are scratching their heads?

Accompanied by the music, various sea people began to appear on the stage. In addition to beautiful sea women, there are also many strong sea people holding steel forks to show their sense of power by dancing.

Although I watched it several times during the rehearsal, the Jade Emperor and others still watched it with gusto. These programs... are so exciting. The masters are really versatile. There are too many places worth learning. Instead of being together, if not Without a strong psychological quality, a proper one will be ashamed to be autistic.

At this moment, regardless of location, wherever the performance was played, there was no sound. Everywhere in the city **** temple, the people who eat melon looked up blankly, opening the door to a new world.

The programs passed one by one, Li Nianfan also watched it very seriously, admiring the fruits of his labor.

Unknowingly, the eight programs passed one by one. When the performance was announced, everyone was awakening like a dream, all of them with unfinished intentions.

Undoubtedly, this annual meeting will definitely become the most colorful one in the history of mortals, and it will also be an enduring talk in the world of cultivators and even the world of immortals.

Just entered the state, is this over?

Just when everyone's hearts felt empty, an extremely majestic female voice suddenly came from the void, "Weaver Girl, are you convicted?"

Afterwards, the two lights formed a beam of light, which accurately illuminated somewhere in the crowd, like a spotlight, showing the figure of a man and a woman.

The live broadcast camera also turned around, frozen on the man and woman.

Just when everyone was at a loss, the sky was suddenly surging, and the wind was violent. There were phoenix and luna singing, and thousands of birds worshiped. A golden shadow slowly appeared in the sky, unable to see his face, but a noble aura. It is rushing to the face, and people can't help but want to worship.

The Weaver Girl who appeared from Ziye's true color immediately knelt to the ground, "Weaver Girl worships the Queen Mother."

"Hmph, as a fairy, you dare to fall in love with mortals and violate the rules of heaven, and your sin is unforgivable!" After speaking, she raised her hand and immediately grabbed the Weaver Girl and headed towards the sky.

The Cowherd, who was transformed from orange clothing, immediately shouted sternly, "Weaver Girl!"

Li Nianfan commented in his heart, exaggerated, his expression was slightly exaggerated, and the S card was no longer available.


But at this moment, a scalper suddenly rushed from a distance with tears in his eyes. This was the one who was beaten up and crying, "Cowboy, I am the cow you raised. I have cultivated to become a demon. Thank you, you ride up quickly, and I will take you to chase the Weaver Girl!"

Immediately, the Cowherd rode the bull, also soaring into the sky, catching up to the sky.

"A mere mortal, dare to chase it?" The Queen Mother sneered, pulled out the hairpin, raised her hand, and waved her hand. The mana was immense. Under everyone's gaze, the hosta turned into a Milky Way, while the power of the stars reversed in the sky. , The two stars are moving at a speed visible to the naked eye, standing at the two ends of the Milky Way, the Weaver Girl and the Cowherd are trapped in the two stars respectively.

Transform the stars and raise the palms of the stars. This wave of operation does not contain any performance elements. It is completely authentic. Not only Li Nianfan is dumbfounded, but mortals and many immortal cultivators are equally dumb.

In this wave, their minds only responded with one sentence: The stone hammer is gone, there really is a queen mother in this world, and heaven really exists!

"If you violate the rule of heaven, I will use the Milky Way as the boundary today, trapping you here forever, and you will never see each other forever!"

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