Turns Out I’m a Great Cultivator

Chapter 393: Innate spirit, annoying mosquito

The Queen Mother's voice is mighty, and it resounds leisurely between the sky and the earth, and the galaxy formed in the sky gives many mortals a strong sense of shock.

During this period of time, after receiving the influence of many stories about the heavenly palace, everyone was already skeptical about the existence of the heavenly palace. Once it appeared at this time, and appeared in a way that favored the story, it naturally went straight into the hearts of everyone.

This is naturally one of Li Nianfan's considerations.

If it was just the Jade Emperor and Queen Mother who stood up dryly to explain their identities, basically no one would believe it. Combining the heavens, characters and stories to shape this accident would be more convincing, and people From the bottom of my heart, I like this kind of gossip. I would rather choose to believe it is true.


At this moment, a strange wave suddenly appeared in the void, and a golden light suddenly lit up in the distant sky. Looking up at the sky, it was like a star suddenly lit up in the sky, flashing.

The Jade Emperor who was sitting next to Li Nianfan suddenly changed his expression. Looking at the place that suddenly lit up, he was both excited and uneasy. He arched his hands at Li Nianfan and said: "Prince Li, the heavenly palace has already appeared. Once the reaction is over, I will go back and have a look, and I will leave first."

Actually there is a reaction?

Is it really light?

Li Nianfan showed a look of surprise, and said with a smile: "This is a good thing, your Majesty, don't delay, go back quickly."

He thought in his heart, if the Tiangong is really rebuilt successfully, then his personal connections will really be in the sky and underground, and there will be nowhere to go.

The Jade Emperor nodded, then his body turned into a stream of light, and disappeared in an instant.

At this time, above the heavenly palace, the whole heavenly palace was trembling, and countless auspicious visions burst out, endlessly.

There are countless rays of light rising from the earth to the sky, pouring to every corner.

The Queen Mother, Ziye and Chengyi finished their performance and returned to the Tiangong for the first time. Seeing such a scene, all of them couldn't hide their excitement, and started to run around, opening the gates of each palace.

These lights surround the stone statues, just like sunlight falling on the earth.

The Jade Emperor showed his figure and said eagerly, "How is the situation?"

"It doesn't seem so good."

The excitement in the Queen Mother's eyes froze a little, and she frowned and shook her head: "Those lights surround the stone statue, but the two seem to be unable to blend together, and they have no effect at all."

The Jade Emperor’s face also changed for a while, but his eyes sank suddenly, his wrists turned, holding a pagoda, and the pagoda flew out, suspended in the sky, pouring down with brilliance, shining towards somewhere. !


There, in the original void, there was a red tide, and then a blood-red lotus bloomed out, forming a shield, blocking the glory of the pagoda.

Above the lotus flower, the figure of a blood-clothed Taoist slowly emerged, his eyes jokingly, hoarsely said: "Haotian, an old friend who has not seen him for many years, do it as soon as you meet, isn't it appropriate?

Haotian's face was calm, and he said with great majesty: "Styghe, this is the heavenly palace, not a place where you can come to the wild, get out of here!"

The old ancestor of Styx laughed and sneered: "Heavenly Palace? You don't say I almost didn't recognize it, where is the heavenly soldier?"

His gaze turned to the group of sealed stone statues, and he smiled and said: "Jade Emperor, Queen Mother, you are too naive, just doing this, it is impossible to succeed, because you lack the innate spirit!"

The Jade Emperor raised his brows and his heart sank, "Innate spirit?"

"Hehe, you are still a disciple of Taoist ancestor, and you don't even know this."

The ancestor of Styx began to show his knowledge, and said leisurely: "In this world, which one is not transformed by innate spirits, a powerful existence like ours is born with the heaven and the earth, and like the demon race, it is the heaven and the earth. Condensed by the essence of the space, like a human race, it is condensed by Nuwa with the nine-day breathing soil and supplemented by a ray of innate aura. Everything needs the innate spirit!"

The Queen Mother said, "How do you know?"

"Back then, I studied Nuwa to create human beings and created the Asura family. Naturally, I know." The ancestor of Styx smiled slightly, "However, I was born in Styx, and I was born with an innate spirit. Only this can create life. You still don’t want to break this seal, Haotian, you and I will join forces to bring the world back to chaos, let my Asura family replace the human race, and you can still be the emperor of heaven in the future!"

The Jade Emperor's voice was low and sneered: "Hehe, you wanted to learn from Nuwa Empress to make people holy. After failing, you still want to let the Asuras replace the human race as the protagonist of heaven and earth, and then ascend to the holy throne?"

There was excitement in Styx's voice, "This is not a delusion, but a possibility!"

The Jade Emperor sneered, "Hehe, a filthy creature condensed from dirty blood is unsightly and will never be the protagonist."

Styx's face turned gloomy, with murderous in his eyes, "Haotian, are you still back then? Back then, with the saint's intervention, my Styx clan can only be a corner, I dare not make too many calculations. The emperor is not counted, and he is not even qualified to have an equal dialogue with me!"

The Jade Emperor's eyes also showed anger, and the two men were confronting each other, but they didn't make any rash moves.

Ziye and Chengyi looked at the surrounding stone statues, and there was a sigh in their eyes. After all, did they...fail?


Accompanied by a sound of opening the door, followed by a series of slightly hasty footsteps, and some soft-spoken conversations, it seemed particularly harsh in this environment.

The Jade Emperor and the others teleported to the sound source at the same time, and everyone was shocked, with incredible expressions in their eyes.

Ziye directly raised her hand and covered her mouth with her hand, tears in her eyes burst into her eyes instantly, "Sister, you guys...I'm not dreaming, am I?"

Five young girls in various long skirts were looking around in confusion, and they were equally stunned when they saw the person coming.

Then hurriedly walked along and said: "See Your Majesty, Empress."

The Jade Emperor and Queen Mother were a little dumbfounded by this sudden surprise, and couldn't help but smile and said, "Good, good, good!"

"It's impossible!" Ancestor Styx's eyes suddenly widened, and he roared out inconceivably, "Without the innate spirit, how did you recover?"

Suddenly, a little white figure poked its head out of the Seven Immortals Palace, and then came out hopping around.

This figure was only half the size of a palm. It was a small white figure, but it seemed to have life. Under the stunned gaze of everyone, he walked and turned somersaults.

Although the figure is small, it affects everyone's hearts.

The light that came up from the mortal world began to surround the villain's body, as it entered a palace, and then, it was so submerged in a stone statue!

As the villain merged, the stone statue was like Dongxue meeting Xia Yang, and it began to melt at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"This, this, this..."

The ancestor of Styx rubbed his eyes vigorously, but saw another small white man slowly walking out of the door, seeming to carry a childlike laughter, and began to jump towards the surroundings of the heavenly palace. Away.


The ancestor of the Styx felt that his worldview had been impacted, "Impossible! What kind of flour is this that can actually knead the innate spirit? And...this flour has clearly been steamed?"

The Queen Mother and the Jade Emperor were equally surprised and happy, their hearts beating.

Ziye looked at those little people, his face flushed, and he said: "This is a gift from an expert some time ago. I saw these dolls are extraordinary, so I haven't been willing to eat them, and put them in the Seven Immortals Palace. In, it turns out... they are actually innate spirits."

Ziye's heart was fortunate, but fortunately, she was not like Lingzhu, so she had restrained it, otherwise... it would be too late to cry.

Experts do things, and it is true that the Buddha system, the good fortune of many places, if you do not pay attention, you will always miss it.

so far so good!

"So that's the case." The Jade Emperor nodded and couldn't help but give Ziye a thumbs up. "Zi'er, you really have grown up a lot. If you leave it before, the consequences will be unimaginable!"

In the void, Styx's eyes suddenly squinted, and between raising his hands, a blood-red light and shadow shot at one of the dolls!

No matter how you get this innate spirit, it is destroyed!


The Jade Emperor snorted coldly, and he had been wary of it. The light of the pagoda covered the doll. He only heard the sound of "clang", blocking the **** light, but it was an inch-long black sword.

It is the Xiantian Lingbao, Yuantu.

"The general situation of the heaven and the earth is set, Haotian, you are going against the sky to rebuild the palace, I advise you to stop!"

Styx's eyes flashed with the light of killing, his tone was urgent, and with a wave of his hand, Abi also took advantage of the trend, and together with Yuantu, turned into two fierce blood, chasing and killing the group of dolls.

The Jade Emperor calmly responded, and the Haotian Tower on the top of the mountain sent a series of rays of light, invincible defense.

The fierce light appeared in Styx's eyes, his wrists spread out, and a black spear appeared, and the sky was suddenly dark, and the killing air turned into a black cloud covering the fields.

The long spear pierced directly towards the Haotian Tower, but it knocked it out for several meters, and the aftermath made the real heavenly palace tremble, like an earthquake, making the Seven Fairies unstable.

Fortunately, this is the Heavenly Palace. If it were in the mortal world, within a radius of thousands of miles, it would collapse and turn into powder.

A shot stabbed, and Styx's second shot followed!

The Jade Emperor's complexion was solemn, and he had been wondering why Styx could get out of trouble, seeing the Killing Spear, everything became clear.

It's not difficult to break the seal with the help of Godkiller.

Compared with the first shot, the second shot was more menacing, and the starry sky was split apart, forming a black crack.

But at this moment, a picture scroll suddenly appeared in front of the spear, spread out, and the mountains and the earth suddenly turned out to form a small world that blocked the attack.

However, above the spear, the small world was shattered and was directly destroyed, and Shanhe Sheji Tu was also shot into flight.

On the side, the Seven Fairies tried hard to launch an attack towards the Styx, but those bombardments fell on the red lotus and couldn't make any waves at all.

The defense of the Twelfth-Rank Blood Lotus, coupled with the attack of the Killing Spear, is really incomprehensible, even if the saint is still in the period, it can be said to be the first person under the saint.

Even if Styx had only one person, the Jade Emperor and Queen Mother could cope with it together.

Styx sternly threatened: "Haotian, if you insist on going your own way, don't blame me for fighting with you and attacking the people in the palace!"

The Jade Emperor heard Styx's implication, his face changed drastically, and he quickly said: "Zi'er, Cheng'er, go to the world!"

Ziye and Chengyi did not dare to neglect, and rushed towards the mortal world with their sisters.

At the same time, the mortal crowds have begun to disperse, and they are still talking about what happened today.

In the darkness, two voices slowly emerged, but they were two old men with thin faces.

They looked in Li Nianfan's direction and licked their lips, showing bloodthirsty smiles.

"Remember, that man is the Eucharist of Merit, don't touch it, other people's blood... until it drains!"

"Hehehe, dragons, phoenixes, and nine-tailed celestial foxes, what a delicious blood, you can finally have a full meal today!"

"What is the dragon and the phoenix? Today, with our ancestors backing us, the world can absorb it!"


Their bodies changed for a while, and they immediately turned into two mosquitoes and rushed out, two out of four, four out of eight, and a group of mosquitoes came towards Li Nianfan.


The harsh sound resounded in the calm night sky, with a strange fluctuation, making everyone who heard it trance, even the fairy.

At this moment, the time and space here seemed to undergo weird changes, becoming extremely slow, extremely quiet, and even the speed of thinking slowed down.

A fierce and hostile atmosphere swept across the world, with a penetrating meaning of killing and killing, and the blood was solidified.

"Da Luo Jinxian!"

"Hongmeng fierce beast!"

The complexions of Daji and others became extremely solemn, their whole body mana surged wildly, and their eyes turned blue.

On Li Nianfan's shoulders, Huofeng's wings stretched slightly, and flames rose in his eyes.

In the sky, the face of the seven fairies who had witnessed all this changed, their falling speed accelerated, her long skirt trembling rapidly, and she came lightly.

Orange clothes and Ziye kept screaming in their hearts, "Quick, quick! We must not let those mosquitoes disturb the expert!"


As they approached, the eyes of the group of mosquitoes became blood red, becoming more bloodthirsty and brutal.

Near, here comes!


Abruptly, a spray shot out towards the mosquitoes without warning. The mosquitoes swayed in the air for a few times before falling to the ground one after another.

There are only two mosquitoes, still barely hanging in the air, dizzy, dizzy, poisonous, I seem...poisoned.

"Really, this group of annoying mosquitoes has just come out in the spring, what are you doing?"

Li Nianfan held the insecticide sprayer and frowned slightly, and then said in surprise: "Oh, the vitality of these two mosquitoes is really amazing. My spray insecticide is known as mosquitoes and cockroaches that die when sprayed. They actually resisted."

Then he raised his hand again.


After a while of spraying, the two mosquitoes fell to the ground peacefully in the wind...

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