Turns Out I’m a Great Cultivator

Chapter 394: I licked the person I should lick at the right time

"The world suddenly became quiet."

Li Nianfan felt extremely comfortable, and slowly put away the sprayer, giving him a five-star praise, authentic and good!

Da Ji and others closed their slightly opened mouths, took a deep breath, calmed their hearts.

They were all prepared to fight to the death, after all, they were two great beasts in the realm of Luo Jinxian!

The so-called Hongmeng fierce beast can actually be said to be the fierce beast of the same age as the dragon and the phoenix. When this world was formed, it had a positive side and a dark side. The Hongmeng fierce beast was born with the great fierce land. Powerful.

Daji and Huofeng, as well as the surrounding forces, are only in the realm of Taiyi Golden Fairy, fighting each other desperately, and the probability of winning is not high.

Mosquitoes...too difficult to get around.

At the same time, they didn't expect Li Nianfan to make a move. After all, the expert positioned himself very clearly, making a move is impossible. With the Eucharist of merit, they are not afraid of others making a move on themselves. They are purely a superior spectator.

Although very heart-wrenching, but...they themselves are not so arrogant, they feel that they are qualified to make an exception for an expert, willing to expose their extraordinary strength.

However, they never expected that the life-and-death crisis in their eyes would be resolved in this way?

Just holding something like that and spraying it twice, the other party has no room to resist, so they lie on the ground and get cold.

Daji curiously asked: "My son, what did you just spray mosquitoes with?"

"A insecticide is nothing but a good thing. The only effect is to kill mosquitoes."

Li Nianfan casually said: "This thing has been piled up in the warehouse, and it is usually not used. I also recently discovered that there are mosquitoes. And considering that I will be harassed by mosquitoes when watching a performance in the open air at night, I took it along. I didn't think it really came in handy. ."

Warehouse again...

Daji and Huofeng looked at each other.

It's really an awesome warehouse. The contents are piled up like **** by experts, and occasionally taking out one thing is enough to hang the entire prehistoric world.

In the sky, the Seven Fairies, who were still falling rapidly, seemed to have been caught in the hold technique, and froze in the air.

In particular, the other five people besides the orange clothes and the purple leaves opened their mouths into an "O" shape, looking like a ghost.

Having been sealed for so many years, has the times changed? How can I feel a little bit unreadable.

The eldest sister Xing Xing in the red dress glared, and suddenly realized: "My god! After being sealed for so long, I was actually dazzled. I just saw the two ordinary mosquitoes as the beasts of Da Luo Jinxian, scared to death. Me."

The four princesses in the long green dress blinked their eyes and said, "Sister, sorry, that should indeed be two beasts."

The eldest sister was taken aback for a moment and continued: "Then I am still dazzled, and I actually feel that the spray I just sprayed is very ordinary."

Lu'er's eyes continued to flicker, "That... the spray just now is really ordinary..."

The eldest sister felt that her brain was a little confused, and she organized some language to say: "A mortal, holding an ordinary spray, sprayed a beast of the great Luo Jinxian realm to death?"

The third princess Huang'er nodded, "It seems, it seems...this is indeed the case."

"Okay, don't talk!" Cheng'er said. After the initial shock, she felt it was reasonable.

Cautiously said: "That prince is the master who helped you lift the seal, and the reason why your majesty and the empress are able to get out of trouble is also relying on this master! Using spray to kill the beast is just a basic operation to converge your mind. , Wait, you must not speak easily!"

"So amazing." The fifth princess Qing'er showed a look of shock, and then said: "Suddenly he feels so handsome!"

"Tell me cautiously!" Ziye quickly patted Qing'er, "Certain yourself in front of an expert!"

The sixth princess Laner couldn't help shrinking her white head, and took two steps back, weakly said: "Seven sisters, or you go, such a powerful character, I...I'm afraid..."

Cheng'er took a deep breath and said, "The expert is ahead. It's too rude to go back now. Let's ask okay and pay attention to your own image!"

After the words, the seven-person colorful skirt fluttered, floating towards Li Nianfan with the attitude of a fairy descending to the earth.

They were too eye-catching. The seven long skirts of different colors, the temperament exclusive to fairies, and the beautiful face that was not shocked and cold, quickly attracted Li Nianfan's attention.

The seven people fell in the wind, and said in unison: "Hong'er, Cheng'er, Huang'er... have seen Lord Li."

Li Nianfan saw the orange clothes and purple leaves, and knew it in his heart. This is to announce the good news. He immediately smiled and said, "Congratulations to the seven fairies for breaking the seal.

He looked at the Seven Fairies, naturally he didn't have to say the value of their faces, their looks have their own merits, and they are very recognizable. They can be distinguished by the color of their skirts. At this time, he was smiling and looked at himself curiously.

Two of them left a deep impression on Li Nianfan. One was Huang'er in a yellow dress. Her eyes were very bright, as if she was spiritual. Seeing Li Nianfan look over, she blinked a few times. She was very lively. , And the other is Lan'er. She is a few steps behind the others and looks very cautious, like a little girl going out with her sister.

Surrounded by seven fairies, Yingying Yanyan, this kind of experience is really not for outsiders.

Cheng Yi bowed gratefully and said, "I also want to thank Master Li. If not, I'm afraid we will be hopeless forever."

Li Nianfan waved his hand and said, "To be honest, I didn't help much. I didn't expect that the so-called becoming light actually works, but it is a long knowledge."

Seeing that he didn't say anything about kneading the dough, Cheng Yi and Zi Ye didn't say much when they shook the pot cleanly. They also understood the meaning of an expert.

Ziye said sincerely, "No matter what, Young Master Li has helped us a lot this time. He is my benefactor of the Heavenly Palace!"

Li Nianfan smiled and said, "It can only be said that it was a blunder. It's fine if the temple is restored."

Cheng Yi knew that enough was enough, bowed, and said respectfully: "It's getting late, so we won't disturb Young Master Li's rest. When we finish dealing with the heavenly palace, we will visit the door to show our gratitude."

Li Nianfan arched his hands, "In that case, fairies, say goodbye."

On the other side, Styx stopped his gun and stood. Seeing that the Jade Emperor and Queen Mother could not be helped, he left a few ruthless words and left.

His complexion was gloomy, and he soon came to a place of chaos, and a cloud of black mist appeared not far in front of him. At this time, the black mist was a little trembling, and his mood was extremely unstable.

Styx felt a little displeased, and snorted: "Friend Mosquito, what's the matter with you? I fought Haotian with the Queen Mother, but I didn't want you to intervene. How could the damage be bigger than me?"

The black mist gradually dissipated, and a slender figure in a black cloak emerged within it, but with a black hood, hiding the appearance, only a pair of red eyes bursting out of blood, and that from A pair of sharp, fine teeth protruding from the lips.

"The other two first mosquitoes I evolved also died, and they died inexplicably!"

The voice was cold and deep, with incredible, "I witnessed their death with my own eyes, and was sprayed to death by that meritorious saint with an inexplicable spray. They died very decisively without a trace of struggle."

Before she fell asleep, she deliberately used her own blood to cultivate three first mosquitoes, so that her performance can grow and develop. Unexpectedly, now that she has just regained, the three first mosquitoes have died one after another, and no contribution has been made. This wave of losses was lost.

The ancestor of the Styx raised his brows slightly, "To be able to kill two Daluo Jinxian instantly, the spray must be at least the best innate spirit treasure. I have never heard of such a spirit treasure."

"The spray is very abnormal. It seems to be born to restrain me. It's terrifying." The mosquito path has lingering fears, and under the cloak, her eyes keep flickering. This is why she dare not act rashly, for fear that she will be peaceful when she moves...

"But it's no harm to lose a few men." The ancestor of Styx waved his hand indifferently, and then said: "Actually, my purpose in this operation is just to test. The Tiangong can be rebuilt, but it is also in my expectation. Besides, obviously, besides the Jade Emperor and the Queen Mother, there is another variable. I am afraid that the cultivation base will not be under you and me."

The mosquito person said coldly: "Because of your temptation, I lost the only two first mosquitoes left!"

"This is not what I want to see." Old Ancestor Styx paused, and then began to boast: "This plan is absolutely perfect. It includes the heavenly palace, the underworld, the dragon and the phoenix. If it went well, it would be enough to cause trouble for them. A small loss, and even if we fail, we can also know the depth of the opponent and see if there are any variables behind them."

The mosquito person said: "Huh, what are you going to do next?"

"If the palace is re-established today, the many seals between heaven and earth will definitely loosen. I believe that many people will not be able to bear the birth of loneliness. At that time, I will also take the initiative to help more people to be born, unite and strengthen myself!"

The ancestor of Styx laughed and continued: "There are many people who don't want the palace to be rebuilt. I just need to provoke it. It will definitely have a miraculous effect. Wouldn't it be beautiful to sit back and reap the benefits?"


Heavenly Palace, in the High Heaven Palace.

The Jade Emperor and the Queen Mother were greeting the immortals who were waking up one after another.

This group of people awakened like a big dream, and after a brief period of confusion, they all showed excitement.

Then one after another saluted: "The little **** worships your majesty and your empress."

The Jade Emperor raised his hand slightly, and said majesticly: "All Qings are exempt from gifts."

"Thank your majesty."

An old man with white hair, holding a whisk in his hand and a gleaming star on his forehead, immediately said: "Your Majesty, righteousness, so many years have passed, and he has not forgotten the little god, and is willing to do that for the little god. Heaven’s matter, help the little **** to break the seal, so how can the little **** be ashamed and guilty in his heart!"

While talking, he already moved himself and wiped tears from the corner of his eyes.

The other gods did not dare to neglect, they burst into tears quickly, and one more pious, "Your Majesty must have exhausted countless efforts to save us. I will feel that I will die for five years!"

Sitting on the throne, the Jade Emperor looked at the immortal houses below the stage, with complex expressions and ashamed heart.

Excessive reputation, everyone, too high reputation.

I didn't exhaust my countless efforts, I just licked the person I should lick at the right time.

Just laughed.

With a face as usual, he said: "You don't have to be like this. In fact, the reason why you can recover this time depends on an expert. This person is my noble person, and even the noble person of Tiangong!"

"There are such people in the world?" Taibai Jinxing was taken aback, and quickly said: "Then what are you waiting for, quickly canonize this person into the palace as an official!"

"Speak carefully, although this person likes to be low-key, he is actually much older than me. Being an official is definitely not good. I have already figured out how to do it."

The Jade Emperor looked solemn, and said with dignity: "I tell you, if you are to face the experts in the future, you must treat each other with courtesy, and there must be no slightest negligence!"

"The minister waits for the decree!" All the immortals looked at each other, believing and doubting.

The Jade Emperor waved his hand, then spread his palms, slowly facing the sky, and said: "Well, today's Tiangong is in short supply, I need to re-establish official positions and reorganize the Tiangong's order! If you dare, please... Tiandi Yin! "

There was silence.

The Jade Emperor's palm was just lying in front of him, and he couldn't get any response.

The scene was once embarrassed.

The so-called monarch power is granted by the gods, and the gods are naturally granted by the gods. Although the Jade Emperor can set the gods, he can only be officially organized and approved and blessed by the gods. However... the gods seem to have no place. Now, without the seal of heaven and earth, how is the palace different from ordinary sects?

None of the immortal houses spoke, they lowered their heads, as if they didn't know anything, and acted as ostriches.

"This..." Rao was the Jade Emperor's state of mind, and it was inevitable that he blushed and got cold at this time. Should the Jade Emperor himself announce the dissolution of the Heavenly Palace?

The Queen Mother was aside, with a flash of light in her mind, she whispered: "Jade Emperor, you might as well try to borrow the prestige of an expert?"

The Jade Emperor’s face turned slightly straight, hesitated for a long time, and then he slowly got up from his seat, and bowed in the direction of the Luoxian Mountains. “Haotian is helpless, today I dare to borrow the name of Li Gongzi. Please forgive me."

Then, he returned to his seat and said with a serious face: "I want to make Young Master Li Nianfan the sage of heaven and earth, please... Heaven and earth seal!"


In the sky, a burst of thunder suddenly appeared, with Z-shaped lightning piercing the sky, and the sky and the earth trembled at the same time. Then, a bright light shot out from the distant chaos, forming a seal, which was not in the center of the Jade Emperor's brow!

"This actually... really became?"

In the audience, all the immortals were dumbfounded, and there was no way to pretend to be an ostrich. It felt a little dreamy.

Before the Jade Emperor asked, the Heavenly Dao is not a bird at all, so the Heavenly Palace was disbanded directly. However, the Jade Emperor just moved out the name of a man, and Tiandiyin immediately appeared like a flattery. This is...for fear of the big Dissatisfied?

This feeling is like a common man rushing to give a gift to a big man. It is better to send it than not to send it regardless of what others are looking at.

Who is this person, is his name so good?

Taibai Jinxing trembled all over, and said with a trembling: "Your...Your Majesty, we are brave enough to ask...Is this person the...senior person you just mentioned?"

The Jade Emperor looked at everyone's horrified and inexplicable reaction, a smile was drawn from the corner of his mouth, and he nodded and said, "Yes."

"His-big man, big man!"

"Horrible, horrible!"

"It's no wonder that our seal can be unlocked. To be honest, I guessed that this seal cannot be unlocked by your Majesty alone."

"The hero sees the same."


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