Turns Out I’m a Great Cultivator

Chapter 395: Hall of merits, or you will lick

A black line flashed across the Jade Emperor’s face, and he coughed awe-inspiringly: "Everyone, immortals, no noise is allowed in the Zixiao Palace!"

Everyone stopped unfinished.

Taibai Jinxing hurriedly helped round the field and said: "Your Majesty, everyone has just broken the seal and has not spoken for a long time. It is inevitable that there will be more words. Please do not blame your Majesty."

The Jade Emperor waved his hand, and then cautiously said: "Well, now the top priority is to choose a mansion for the masters, what good ideas can the public have?"

He also feels a headache. The gift must be given, but what to send, how to send, this is quite particular, it is really a difficult problem.

There are many immortal palaces in Tiangong, and one must be the best to send, but... a good immortal palace must have its owner, such as the Jade Emperor’s Taiwei Yuqing Palace, the Queen’s Mother’s Jade Lake and so on.

"This one……"

All the immortals were naturally aware of this, and they all had trouble.

Taibai Jinxing suggested: "The Emperor has a shortcoming, how about changing the Ziwei Palace to the Mansion of Desheng King?"

The Jade Emperor's brows wrinkled slightly, and he thought about it carefully, "I'm afraid there is something wrong with this move, but... it can only be done by no means."

Sending a second-hand palace to a second-hand palace eventually failed. Moreover, changing the palace without authorization is not good for reason or reason. The key is... the Tiangong itself probably won't allow it.

The Jade Emperor finally let out a long sigh, and said in distress, "Hey, I never thought that the fairy palace of my heavenly palace would not be able to deliver it!"

He thought of the quadrangle courtyard where the master is in the mortal world. That is low-key luxury and connotation. It is much more powerful than the Tiangong. Comparing the two, the Tiangong is just superficial and prosperous on the surface. In addition to being shiny, it doesn’t Others have been used, but they are far behind.


But at this moment, the entire palace was trembling, a vision rushed straight into the sky, with dragons and phoenix shadows flying into the sky, and cranes humming, brilliance like pillars, and layers of purple gas burst out suddenly in the chaos in the distance. Coming out, converging towards somewhere in the heavenly palace!

Purple air is coming from the east, auspicious like tide.

Even the Zixiao Palace burst out with bursts of light, and began to tremble violently like an earthquake.

What's wrong, Tiangong earthquake?

This is unprecedented and impossible to happen.

All the immortals rose up and walked out of the Purple Cloud Palace in a panic.

But I saw that, not far away, beside the observatory, it was originally nothing but a part of it protruding outwards. The entire Tiangong site was stretched out, and there was such an extra piece of land.

Then, the ground began to change, and under everyone's stunned gaze, something seemed to grow on the smooth ground.

The stars on Venus Taibai’s forehead were shocked and began to shine, and the white hair stood up. He looked at the scene in disbelief and began to doubt life, "This, this, this is..."

The other immortals also froze, only feeling that there was an electric current rushing out of their hearts, rushing straight to the heavenly spirit cover, horrified to the point that they could not speak, and they were unable to speak, "Heaven, the heavenly palace from...self...it, it grows A new fairy palace?!"

What is the Tiangong? It was the former demon court, the most precious treasure that accompanies the heaven and the earth. The palace horizontal and vertical are arranged in the number of Tiangang and Earth evil. There are 108 main buildings in the Tiangong and Treasure halls.

But at this moment... changed?

Just changed it?

Is it so casual, without hesitation, so unethical?

Not long after, a palace appeared in front of everyone. Unlike the gold bricks and gold tiles of other fairy palaces, the roof of this palace is purple. This is the color of hongmeng and purple, and it is definitely the most inferior and luxurious color. It goes without saying.

Moreover, the jade colored glaze used on the pillars is carved with various auspicious patterns, and even circulates with the halo of a beast. Judging from the craftsmanship alone, it is many times more exquisite than other fairy palaces.

In such a comparison, the other fairy palaces are like a draft, only this one was built with heart...


Numerous immortals coincided with each other, with their mouths wide open, and their chins were about to fall to the ground.

In the end, at the highest point of the fairy palace, a door plaque with a purple background was hung in the air, and five hot golden characters were written: Hall of the Holy King of Merit.

"Niu, niu... awesome!"

The celestial families no longer knew how to describe their inner heart at this time. They did not expect that they had just broken the seal and their worldview would be shattered to pieces.

The Jade Emperor stared blankly at the Hall of the Sovereign of Merit, pursing his lips, ashamed to say: "You still know how to lick it!"

The Hall of the Sage Monarch of Merit is located in the observatory. Living in the hall, you can see the stars and the lights of the mortal families outside. On the side, there is the water of the galaxy flowing by, the stars are shining.

This place is the landscape protection zone of Tiangong, and at this time... an exception was built for a house!

In addition, the general fairy palace has only one and two floors, but the Palace of the Holy King of Merit has three floors, and the top seems to be a viewing tower.

Standing on it, you can not only see the sea of ​​stars, but also have a sweeping view of the fairy palace in the heavenly palace.

Taibai Jinxing’s brain was blank, her lips trembled, and she strode tremblingly, “In order to provide a good fairy palace to the master, it’s obvious that Tiangong has taken great pains.”

"Stop! What did you do?"

With a stern shout, a huge figure stood in front of Taibai Jinxing, and solemnly said: "The mansion of the sage of merit, please step back and keep a distance of more than five hundred meters to appreciate it. Don't come close!"

Taibai Jinxing frowned slightly, "Giant Spirit God, what do you mean?"

"The Lord of Merit and Virtue has not moved in yet. Let me take care of this place. Go back and go back quickly. Don't stain this place!"


The next day.

Li Nianfan slept beautifully. As soon as he opened his eyes, he saw the seven fairies neatly lined up at the door, and suddenly smiled and said, "Seven fairies, morning."

The Seven Fairies said at the same time: "Young Master Li is early."

"Xiao Bai, steam more buns."

Li Nianfan greeted, "Since you are here, let's have breakfast together."

"Thanks...Thank you Li Gongzi." Cheng Yi felt a little embarrassed.

They rushed over early in the morning, thinking about inviting Li Nianfan to the heavenly palace. They didn't think too much. They felt like they were here to eat...

"You're welcome, you can just sit there." Li Nianfan smiled, "I'll go brush my teeth first, and let me be out of company."

Then something embarrassing happened to Li Nianfan.

Seven pairs of beautiful big eyes, just staring at himself brushing his teeth curiously, it was sour and refreshing... He couldn't say anything, and he couldn't express anything. In the torment, he finally finished brushing his teeth.

When he made it to the table, Da Ji and Long Er also gathered around, and the steamed buns had been neatly placed in front of the crowd. In addition, they were just white rice porridge and a plate of pickles.

Li Nianfan said, "Breakfast is a little bit light, please let the fairies take a moment."

Orange Yi shook his head repeatedly, "It's okay, it's great!"

They picked up the steamed buns in front of them, their hands felt soft, and their eyes could not help showing complex colors.

This steamed bun is just a...innate spirit!

Isn’t it just relying on the puppet bun to get out of trouble? At this time, let yourself wait for someone to eat it, how can you bear it!

Thinking like this, they opened their mouths together and took a bite.

Well, it's delicious...

Li Nianfan smiled and said, "Seven fairies rushed over early in the morning. Is something wrong?"

"Li Gongzi, it's like this."

The eldest sister Hong'er was still biting a large piece of steamed bread in her mouth, and quickly took a sip of white porridge, then shrank her neck, swallowed the steamed bread hard, and then said: "Young Master Li has great grace in our heavenly palace, and it is also a merit The Eucharist, according to its name, should be the sage of merit between heaven and earth. We have arranged a fairy palace for you in Tiangong, and we specially invite you to visit it."

"Holy monarch of merit? Me?"

Li Nianfan was taken aback for a moment, a little dazed, and some surprises, even the fairy palace was ready.

"I know the Jade Emperor wants to thank me, but I am a mortal, it would be a waste to ask for a fairy palace."

Cheng Yi hurriedly persuaded, and solemnly said: "Young Master Li, this is not a simple gratitude, this is what the saint of merit deserves."

Li Nianfan pondered for a moment, then smiled and said, "The Jade Emperor is very polite."

Of course he knows that merit is very important, very important, and the status is detached!

However, he has no merit and no cultivation. To others, it is really tasteless and polite, but if the Jade Emperor can do this, 80% of them also take mutual friendship into account.

If one's own merits can influence others, or can develop other uses, then the status is really very different.

Such a thought flashed in Li Nianfan's mind, and he said: "It's done! The hospitality is hard to beat. I will go to the Tiangong and visit the restored Tiangong by the way."

PS: Master readers think...Does the protagonist need to be stronger?

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