Turns Out I’m a Great Cultivator

Chapter 396: I'm a sage of merit


The desertedness of the past is no longer there, the lights are turned on, and although the number of personnel is much less than before the catastrophe, they are barely able to be in place and start to enter the work position.

The few surviving heavenly soldiers patrolled the Tianhe with weapons in their hands.

However, if you look closely, you will find that this group of people, whether they are Celestial Soldiers or Celestial Officials, look at the South Tianmen from time to time, with an absent-minded appearance.

At this moment, the rugged giant spirit **** came slowly carrying a large white marble pillar, and said in a rough voice: "Don't gather the crowd, gather at this southern gate, and disturb the sage of merit. Are you up?"

A **** with a red cap on his head couldn’t help but said: "Giant Spirit God, why are you embarrassed to talk about us? If I remember correctly, you have seen this and the pillar go back and forth six times, right? What are you doing, morning exercise?"

He wears a pipe cap and a stilted mustache on his mouth. He is also wearing thick red clothes. He is fat, and his slightly arched belly is printed with a yellow "food" character. He looks like a greasy and kind fat man. .

When the giant spirit **** was said, he was a little bit ashamed and angry, "God of Cookery, shouldn't you study dishes in the kitchen? If you stay here early in the morning, you are dereliction of duty!"

The God of Cookery slapped a handful of his own eight-character Hu, "What about you, you should hurry up and install this pillar at the Nantian Gate, what circle!"

At this moment, a celestial soldier hurried to report, because he was too anxious, the helmet on his head was a bit crooked, and urgently said: "Don't talk! The sage of merit is here!"


Immediately, everyone looked straight and began to spontaneously enter the script they prepared for themselves.

In the distant sky, I saw a little golden light slowly appearing. The golden light was so dazzling, like the first light between the sky and the earth, a little bit magnified in the eyes of everyone.

Gradually, Li Nianfan stepped on the golden cloud of merit, surrounded by seven fairies, and descended.

The Nantian Gate is still that Nantian Gate, half of which has been damaged, and it seems that it hasn't been repaired yet.

Just landing at the door, I saw a big man with thick eyebrows and big eyes, walking step by step with a Tongtian pillar on his shoulder, and then placed the pillar next to the Nantian Gate with a "clang" sound, and silently wiped his forehead. One of the few beads of sweat.

Then, the big guy turned his head and looked like an "incidental encounter", "Ah, the seven princesses are back. This is the sage of merit, the little **** and the giant spirit god, lucky to meet."

"So you are a giant spirit god, hello."

Li Nianfan looked at the big bald head in front of him, which was the famous cannon fodder in the mythology, and then said: "You are... in the South Tianmen Gate?"

"Shengjun Zhennai's eyes are like torches, and he can see through it all at once."

The giant spirit **** grinned immediately, then raised his hand, picked up the giant pillar again, and began to fix it, his complexion was extremely serious, and he looked like he was working hard.

Li Nianfan nodded and praised, "As expected of a giant spirit god, strength is great."

"The holy monarch has praised, but you have saved our entire heavenly palace. You are a great benefactor, and the little **** also does some rough work of carrying, which is nothing."

Obviously, the lines of the giant spirit **** have been prepared for a long time, and it is a sincere and sincere statement, "Shengjun will directly greet me if he has any rough work in the future. I don't like much, so I love to do this!"

Li Nianfan felt his enthusiasm and smiled, "Thank you."

Friendly, really a friendly giant spirit god.

The other gods looked at them, and there was a black line at one end. If they want to be mixed in the world, they still have to pretend!

Hey, what's the use of this face? Cumbersome ears!

But at this moment, a fat red figure suddenly rushed over, holding a steaming bun in each hand, and said in a concerned tone: "Giant Spirit God, you have moved all morning, you must be exhausted, hurry up Eat some breakfast first and add some strength."

The Giant Spiritual God was stunned for a moment, and then quickly moved: "Really...Thank you so much!"

The God of Cookery spoke softly, and the two of them were passionate, "Hurry up and eat, you are welcome."

Friendly, what a friendly heaven!

Li Nianfan saw in his eyes, his affection for Tiangong increased again.

At this time, the God of Cookery "accidentally" also noticed Li Nianfan, and said respectfully: "Little God of Cookery, I have seen the Sage of Merit."

Li Nianfan smiled and said, "As expected of the God of Cookery, you are a good bun."

The God of Cookery said immediately: "Don't dare to be, don't dare to be, I have also heard of the cooking skills of the sage of merit, and it is really beyond the reach of the little god."

Li Nianfan felt that he had found a common language, and said, "Hahaha, I can learn one or two when I have time."

The God of Cookery was immediately refreshed, and was stunned by the surprise of this world, and nodded repeatedly, "Definitely, surely!"

Others immediately looked at the God of Cookery with envy, and they rushed to this sentence. The God of Cookery should be developed, almost like winning a lottery. After being lucky, he became rich overnight.

The giant spirit **** on the side is even more envious, jealous, and hateful, so why just discuss it with God of Cookery and discuss it with me. Isn't it fragrant?

"Mr. Li, please come with us. Your mansion is right next to the stargazing platform last time." Hong'er wore a red dress and took the lead, staring at the gods around him. They are all safe.

Along the way, Li Nianfan saw a completely different heavenly palace. The vitality was completely different. From time to time, there were immortals drifting nearby, which seemed quite busy. However, when I saw Li Nianfan and others, they would stop and greet them friendly. .

Moreover, Tiangong has not only become bright and popular, but also has background music. Accompanied by the enchanting vision, the sound like the ding-dong of spring water is really high-end.

After a short while, I came to the observatory. Li Nianfan saw the extra building here at a glance. The purple roof can be said to be completely different from other fairy palaces. It looks maverick, but it clearly gives people a more visual impact. Feeling, the three-story fairy palace seems to have a halo. The most important thing is that there are no other buildings around it. It is on the edge of the observatory, so it seems to be integrated with the distant starry sky. .

It feels like...a building standing in the sky, ethereal, mysterious, and noble.

Putting this in a previous life means building a single-family villa at the core of a national forest reserve.


As he approached, Li Nianfan could see the plaque above the fairy palace, the Hall of the Holy King of Merit.

He couldn't help but raised his brow slightly, and said: "I remember when I came last time, there was no building here."

Cheng'er smiled and said, "Young Master Li, this is the mansion prepared for you. Naturally, it will be built."

At the same time, the Jade Emperor and Queen Mother also came from a distance, and smiled at Li Nianfan and said, "Young Master Li."

"Your Majesty, Niang." Li Nianfan arched his hands, and then couldn't help but said with emotion: "You are really too polite. How can I let you build a fairy palace here specially for me."

Master, you really look at us too highly, it should be us, how can we build a fairy palace here.

This is exactly what Tiangong has grown for you!

The Queen Mother said with a smile: "Young Master Li, you are a saint of merit, and my heavenly palace can be restored, and most of the credit goes to you. This immortal palace is exactly what you deserve."

Li Nianfan still shook his head, "Nothing."

The Jade Emperor’s heartbeat suddenly missed a beat, and his face turned pale, and he quickly said nervously: "Where does Li Gongzi feel dissatisfied?"

"It's very good here, because it's so good, I feel ashamed." Li Nianfan glanced at the Hall of the Sovereign of Merit, paused, and said: "Actually, I can become the Eucharist of Merit, but it's luck to help. Heavenly Palace, there are also elements of misfortune, so your Majesty and Empress really don't have to do that."

The Jade Emperor and Queen Mother looked at Li Nianfan's sincere appearance, their mouths moved and stopped talking.

If it weren’t for the fact that we knew that the Eucharist of Merit was just a whim by you and forcibly plundered it from the Dao of Heaven, if it wasn’t for the group of steamed bun dolls that we saw you squeeze, they were actually innate spirits, then we would believe what you said just now. .

Expert, you are too alike to pretend, you are like this... it makes it difficult for us to cooperate in the performance!

Hey, being with an expert is really not an easy job, it's a test of mentality.

The Seven Fairies were also anxious, panicking a group, not knowing what to do.

"That... Li Gongzi." At the critical moment, the Jade Emperor bit his head and said: "You are a saint of merit, this is already a fact, no matter what, you deserve the title of saint of merit, please don't reject it anymore. "

"This..." Li Nianfan's eyes looked a little red when looking at the Jade Emperor. His sincere appearance was really irresistible, so he nodded and said, "Okay."

Immediately afterwards, he shook his head helplessly and sighed: "You are like this...but I am a little embarrassed. With the name of the sage of merit, there is no way to do anything. It's nothing to protect yourself, but it's useless to others. Look at that giant spirit god, he can still move the pillars. I have nothing except merit, but a mortal can't do anything."

The Jade Emperor and the others looked at each other, and they all saw a bitter smile on each other's faces, and the corners of their mouths were constantly twitching. Listen, is this talking human? This is killing our heart!

But no matter what, if an expert can agree to it, that is a great blessing.

Not far away, the giant spirit **** who had just repaired the Nantian Gate rushed over in a hurry, preparing to be closer to the expert, making it easier to lick.

Suddenly hearing the expert click his name, his whole body was shocked, first in disbelief, panic, and then a burst of ecstasy, his big mouth grinned, and his smile almost spread to the back of his ears.

"The master named my name? The master must be complimenting me! The master remembers my name anyway! Good thing, this is a good thing! The peak of my giant spirit god's life is about to begin at this moment ."

The Jade Emperor already didn't dare to neglect, he quickly turned his face straight, and said solemnly: "Today the heavens testify that Lord Li Nianfan is the first saint of merit between the heavens and the earth. "


As the Jade Emperor's voice fell, the mark of heaven and earth flickered on the center of his eyebrows, and a line of handwriting was shining in the air. Then, it sank into the heaven and earth. It seemed that there was a phantom similar to the imperial edict.

Li Nianfan looked at this scene, and couldn't help being amazed. The imperial decree generated by the Jade Emperor was much more advanced than the mortal imperial decree, and he gained knowledge.

Will I be an official from now on? Moreover, it seems that he is still a more detached... official?

The Jade Emperor bowed his hands and congratulated him: "Haotian has seen the sage of merit!"

The kind of immortal onlookers did not dare to neglect, and said in a very formal respect: "The little **** has seen the sage of merit!"

"Okay, it's nothing more than a nickname. Only a capable monarch of merit can be regarded as a true monarch of merit."

Li Nianfan waved his hand speechlessly, but the next moment, his brows suddenly raised, a golden light appeared in his eyes, staring at the Jade Emperor, he couldn't help but let out a soft sound.

The Jade Emperor couldn't help tightening his whole body, and said anxiously: "Young Master Li, what...what's wrong?"

"Don't move yet." Li Nianfan said, and then raised his hand, the endless golden light of merit burst out of his body abruptly, and the rich golden light instantly wrapped it like the ocean, flashing everyone's eyes. They couldn't help but hold their breath.

This feeling is like a beggar who suddenly saw 100 million in cash. This scene can't even be imagined.

It's worth seeing so many merits in this life!

Then, under everyone's intent and stunned gaze, Li Nianfan raised his hand and pointed slightly towards the Jade Emperor.

Suddenly, the water-like merits flowed towards the Jade Emperor, and a part of it went to the Queen Mother, and a smaller part went to the purple leaves and orange clothes who were also dumbfounded.

The four of them looked at the merits that slowly approached, and only felt dry and dry. The heart began to beat at the highest frequency, and the blood flow all over the body stopped.


Ah ah ah, the master has rewarded us with merit!

Ziye and Chengyi were so excited that they didn't know what to do, and they were screaming in their heads.

Happiness came too suddenly!

At this moment, the Queen Mother's hastily voice came, "Quick! Don't be in a daze, hurry up and temper the magic weapon with merit!"

Ziye and Chengyi only wake up like a dream.

Ziye quickly took off her hairpin and extradited her merits, while the orange clothes extradited her merits to the orange ribbon that floated on her body.

The Jade Emperor is holding a three-foot green front, and the Queen Mother is holding a golden bracelet, and the golden light of merit surrounds it for tempering.

Their hearts were so excited that they couldn't be more excited, even in their state of mind, their faces were flushed, and the smiles at the corners of their mouths could not be restrained.

Experts are too awesome, they will reward merits if they don't agree with each other, willfulness, this is willfulness!

Merit is too important and has many effects. Apart from the massive merits required for sanctification, there are three most common functions. The first is to enhance the mana, but this is the most wasteful, and it is generally only used as a last resort. It is too difficult and too difficult, but there are many ways to increase mana.

The second is to condense the golden body of merit. This requires a high cost. It requires constant efforts to collect merit. It is often too difficult and too difficult. The golden body of merit is naturally different from the eucharistic body of merit, but Once it succeeds, it is also a good amulet anyway, life guarantee is greatly improved, and it is the first choice for me.

The third is to integrate into weapons!

This method is the most cost-effective method, and it has the fastest effect. The magic weapon is no different from the second life for the monk. It is too important. Once the merit is incorporated, the power of the magic weapon will be greatly enhanced and become the magic weapon of merit. If the merit is sufficient, it can even be Becoming the treasure of merit, the power is not the same, and it can even kill people without karma! This is extremely abnormal!

The Abi and Yuantu swords of the ancestors of the Styx River are the spiritual treasures of merit and virtue, and they are jealous of murder without causation.

Not long ago, the Jade Emperor and Queen Mother had to work together to suffer from the ancestors of Styx, because the magic weapon is not as good as others, and now... the magic weapon has finally been greatly improved, how can they not be excited.

The surrounding gods looked in their eyes, and they couldn't wait to stare their eyes out and put them on, and their saliva would flow out.

Li Nianfan naturally saw everyone's reaction in his eyes, but there was a complex color in his eyes.

He felt a little guilty.

Actually... These merits were originally due to the Jade Emperor and Queen Mother. After all, they rebuilt the Tiangong and should be rewarded by the Tiangong. However...Because the heaven and earth merits have become their own golden fingers, the merits must be rewarded through their own hands. To reward.

In other words, I am just returning their own things to them, but they in turn have to be grateful to themselves, and then...if they want, they can even directly deduct their merits...

Damn it!

I, a meritorious monarch, can really show off...

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