Turns Out I’m a Great Cultivator

Chapter 397: It seems I still use it

The more excited the Jade Emperor and Queen Mother were, the more guilty Li Nianfan felt.

What is our slogan? No middleman makes the difference.

Obviously, the Jade Emperor and the Queen Mother didn't know this slogan, otherwise... it should be a trouble.

Forget it, everyone had a friendship, I still won't deduct...

Soon, the vision gradually subsided, but it was the hearts of the people that could not be calmed for a long time, the Jade Emperor and Queen Mother, those who did not get the merits were more inexplicably excited and inspired! The role model is right in front of you, and you are naturally inspired!

The four queen mothers quickly and sincerely thanked them, their voices trembling with excitement, "Thank you, the saint of merit."

Li Nianfan waved his hand and said with a smile: "Hahaha, don't thank me, you rebuild the heavenly palace, this is the award that you should have received."

Li Nianfan was only telling the truth, but it was different in everyone's ears.

What is the mind? This is the mind. The merits given to us can still be said so calmly. Who can do it in this world?

They finally understand why an expert would plunder the merits of the heavens on himself. Is he really just for the so-called self-protection? Obviously not, he is clearly for everyone!

Jedi Tiantong, the heavens are hidden, the merits will not fall for a long time, and the experts can't see it. In order to be able to distribute the merits to everyone, they first plundered it! We are... ashamed!

The Jade Emperor and the Queen Mother looked at each other, and they both saw the touch in each other's eyes, and solemnly said: "Li Gongzi, don't say much, we all understand!"

The orange shirt on the side said: "Young Master Li, it is an extremely rare thing that you can bestow such precious merit on us. We thank you as it should be."

"Ahem, really unnecessary."

Li Nianfan touched his nose and said, "Actually, I don't want to show off anything, but I just felt it. This merit is basically a tastelessness to me. Even if it is sent out, I can still regenerate here. It’s a waste. If I can, I’m even willing to send you one set."

Can it be regenerated?

What does it mean?

Everyone was stupid. It was a very simple sentence, but their brain capacity couldn't hold it at all, and they became completely blank. Cautious liver jumped and almost choked.

Too cruel, too unreasonable!

Faced with this situation, what should we say and what expressions should we adopt to respond?

Everyone felt that their faces were stiff, and they could no longer control their facial expressions.

This is the virtue of heaven! Even the saints must be cautious of the virtues of heaven, how can they become...renewable virtues in the hands of experts?

It turns out... it's weakness that limits my imagination.

Just when everyone didn't know how to answer the conversation, the third princess Huang'er blinked her eyes, and said with an anticipation: "That... Sage, can I have merit?"

Li Nianfan looked at her and shook his head, "I'm sorry, no."

"Huang'er, don't be fooling around!" The Queen Mother repeatedly scolded, "What do you think merit is? Those who have made great contributions to heaven and earth are not available! You can meet but not ask for it!"

The Jade Emperor was taken aback, and he said in a deep voice, "Huang'er, don't ask these questions that shouldn't be asked in the future!"

Experts are willing to give us merit, that is ours, do you want to be honest? I'm not sensible!

"It's okay." Li Nianfan coughed slightly, his gaze lifted slightly, and he began to patrol the crowd, but as the Queen Mother said, merit is not something that everyone can have. Obviously helping grandma to cross the road cannot form merit, the main thing is that it is right. The meaning of heaven and earth, Li Nianfan wanted to send it, but couldn't send it out.

All the immortals' hearts throbbed, and they stood at attention quickly, expecting too much.

At this moment, Li Nianfan raised his brows slightly and said with a smile: "Giant Spirit God, come here."

"I... I?" The Giant Spiritual God was visibly taken aback, and when he saw Li Nianfan nodding his head, he walked out nervously. His big body is walking catwalks, trying to control his light pace.

He said in a daze, "Holy Monarch, do I have merit too?"

Li Nianfan did not speak, raised his hand and pointed, a golden thread of merit slowly drifting towards the giant spirit god, naturally not as thick as the Jade Emperor, even half thinner than Ziye, but... merit is Merit, the eyes of the other immortals are straight and green!

The eyes of the giant spirit **** were staring like copper bells, and he was so excited that he was so dizzy that he was smashed by the pie falling from the sky. He quickly removed the two axes tied to his waist and tempered him with merit.

His axe is just an ordinary Houtian Lingbao. However, after the baptism of merit, it has been improved by more than ten times in all aspects. Although it is not comparable to the acquired treasure, its power is no longer weak in the Houtian Lingbao.

The giant spirit **** looked at his two axes and laughed so that his chin was about to fall. Fortunately, he still knew the severity, and said with a steady heart, "Thank you, Holy Lord."

Li Nianfan waved his hand casually, "You are good at repairing Nantian Gate, don't thank me."

Repair... Nantian Gate?

This also counts? !

Even the Jade Emperor was stunned for a moment, his eyes staring, **** it! If I knew I would fix it too, this is simply a waste of money!

The giant spirit god’s big mouth grinned and slapped his chest, “Master Shengjun, it’s not me who blows, but in terms of it, I am professional! In the future, if you have a rough job, leave it to me, you’re welcome, Don't be polite!"

Li Nianfan nodded, then turned around, looked at the Hall of the Sovereign of Merit and Virtue, and said: "I really didn't expect that getting the title of Sage Sovereign of Merit would allow me to have such an ability. It is also interesting. It seems that I am still useful. of."

The Jade Emperor silently wiped the cold sweat on his forehead. The expert really loved to joking, and said with a smile: "It's more than useful, it's so crucial!"

"Then you fairy palace..."

The Jade Emperor hurriedly interfaced and made a please gesture, "Shengjun joked, this is your fairy palace, well deserved, please, please!"

"Thank you Yudi." Li Nianfan arched his hand and raised his leg to step up.

Regarding this fairy palace, Li Nianfan said that it was fake that he didn't like it. This is the abode of the gods. Standing here, you can overlook the starry sky and the earth and enjoy the happiness of the gods.

Entering the Hall of the Holy Monarch of Merit, the layout inside is described in one word, and there is noble and grand.

Everything is ready, you can move in directly with your bags, sit north and face south, the ventilation effect is excellent, there is the Tianhe passing by, you can see the vast chaotic world outside through the windows, and there is a viewing attic on the top, which can be foreseen. At night, the stars must be shining, and the beauty is beyond words.

In the past, everyone pursued a lake-view room and a sea-view room, so I should be regarded as a...star-view room? Or... Tianhe View Room?

Nun Nan and Long Er have already begun to play in the Hall of Merit.

The Jade Emperor didn't bother anymore, saying goodbye, and left with the immortals.

When they walked out of the Palace of the Holy King of Merit, the Jade Emperor and the Queen Mother breathed a sigh of relief at the same time, and the emotions of excitement, anxiety, shock and so on were finally able to be completely vented.

The Jade Emperor opened his mouth and said, "Huh-the expert finally accepted the Hall of Merit and Virtue."

The Queen Mother asked her doubts, "Jade Emperor, can the title of Sage Sovereign of Merit give people merit?"

"Hehe, you haven't figured out this question. Where is your usual savvy?"

The Jade Emperor shook his head with a wry smile, and then said: "How is it possible? The title of meritorious monarch is specially customized for the superior. It has never been before, how could it have such a powerful effect."

"That, that..."

"You think about what the expert said before."

The Jade Emperor paused and reminded: "The expert said that his own merits are not beneficial to others, and he feels that his title of meritorious monarch is nameless and rather tasteless."

The Queen Mother's pupils shrank slightly, and said with an incredible vibrato: "So...this function was purely added by the master himself?"

"Do you think so?" The Jade Emperor said with excitement, "In the realm of a superior person, what effect does he want the sage of merit to have, that is not a matter of thought, does it need a reason?"

The Queen Mother couldn't help but nodded, "What you said makes sense."

Cheng Yi pondered for a moment, and then said: "Your Majesty, Niang Niang, in fact, I think it's because our actions make the master happy, so he is willing to give us a chance to gain merit."

The Queen Mother and the Jade Emperor both showed thoughtful expressions, "Oh?"

Orange Yi analyzed: "The master should be quite satisfied with the title of the sage of merit and the palace of the sage of merit, but he is very particular about the four words of righteousness and righteousness, so he thought that he should not let this title be named or not. When I feel good, I simply endow this title with an ability, and it is also a reward for us to please him."

"This statement... makes sense!"

The Jade Emperor suddenly enlightened, "Senior people act entirely by their own minds. To put it bluntly, they are to make them happy. We can do this step because of some inconsistencies. Luck is indeed luck! If you give up a little bit in the middle, you may just follow The great good fortune of this day has been missed. This should be regarded as a test for us by an expert."

The Queen Mother took a deep breath and said: "No matter what, the master has given us great gifts by doing this. With the merits he bestows on us, we should work harder! The construction of the temple requires hurrying. To get on the right track, we must also restore order to the Three Realms as soon as possible, so that the superior can be more satisfied."

The Jade Emperor nodded, "That's right, the heavenly palace is in the beginning, and there are still many things to do. We all have to stand up!"

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