The interview between Song Meijuan and Zhang Dahai was soon published in the newspapers.

The newspapers in the entire C city were flooded with these news.

【Bai He who took over Xu's company turned out to be Zhang Li's biological father】

【The secrets of a wealthy family! Zhang Li is actually the son of the richest man!】

【Zhang Li changed his name to Bai Li!】

【Bai He invested in Zhang's family, and the Bai family and Zhang family formed a community. 】

Bai family, this is the richest Bai family!

Even Xu Weiwei sent him a message after seeing the newspaper.

【Xu Weiwei: Is everything in the newspaper true?】

【Chen Fan: Yes, it’s true.】

【Xu Weiwei: Your parents are too much. What they said in the interview, are they the kind of parents that other people would say? What kind of parents are they!

Xu Weiwei knew about his family and the relationship between Zhang Li and him.

The news on TV yesterday was a big deal, so she naturally saw it.

【Chen Fan: It's okay. Now that Zhang Li is a member of the Bai family, Zhang Dahai will naturally cling to him. It's normal. 】

Chen Fan didn't take this matter to heart and just regarded it as a small episode.

After all, he didn't plan to have any contact with them.

Although Bai He took over Xu's now, if he didn't develop new products, Xu's would still be the same as before.


In the afternoon,

Chen Fan and Qin Susu were formulating the company's annual meeting rewards.

"Ah! Why are you so stingy? Our factory has achieved such great performance this year! The first place winner should be awarded with a house at least. Look how generous Xu's annual meeting was before!"

Qin Susu glared at Chen Fan with her hands on her hips,"Hurry up, change it! The first place winner will be awarded with a house! The second place winner will be awarded with a car!"

Chen Fan sighed, feeling very distressed,"Isn't a house for the first place a bit too much? The rewards for the top three winners will be reduced by several million or tens of millions!"

At this moment, suddenly -


His cell phone rang.

A name flashed on the screen - Zhang Dahai.


The ghost is still lingering.

He hung up directly.

After hanging up, Zhang Dahai sent him another message.

【Zhang Dahai: Xiao Li is now a member of the Bai family. You should know this. So, Xiao Li is the key to the rise of our Zhang family. You should not mind Xiao Li this time, right? This time when you go back to the Zhang family for the New Year, I can take you to meet the Bai family. 】

Zhang Dahai said that very rationally.

Chen Fan laughed when he saw this message.

He replied directly

【Chen Fan: No need. 】

Meet the Bai family?

The Bai family has nothing to do with him, why should he meet the Bai family? But

Zhang Dahai still called tirelessly.

【Zhang Dahai: You should take a long-term view. Besides, our company now has the investment from Bai's. I heard that the food factory you founded defeated Xu's this time? 】

The fact that Dafu Food Factory defeated Xu's is basically known to anyone in C City who pays a little attention to the news.

【Chen Fan: It has nothing to do with you. This is a matter between me and Xu. 】

He knew Zhang Dahai very well.

Zhang Dahai was just a person who put profit above all else.

For him, profit was his best choice.

In order not to see Zhang Dahai's message, he also directly sent a message to Zhang Dahai.

【Chen Fan: Take good care of your son Zhang Li. If you keep bothering me, I will block you.

After sending this message, Zhang Dahai stopped sending messages.


At such a time, the Legend was developed!

Feng Qingxue called him excitedly.

"The game is finished, and we can enter the internal stage. You can come to the company to take a look. Regarding the game charging, several team leaders have different opinions."

Hearing that the development of Legend was completed, Chen Fan instantly felt refreshed and energetic,"Okay! Wait for me, I'll come over now."

When he arrived at the company, everyone in the company seemed to be gathered around the Legend project team to watch.

"Holy crap, this game is so awesome, was it really developed by our company?"

"Of course not. Our company is so awesome. How many fans will this game gain after it goes online?"

"Still need to do internal testing?"


"But I heard that the top management has different opinions now, and everyone seems to insist on paid games. But I heard that Brother Chen in our company, you know him? He told Sister Qing that he wanted a free game model."

When the people around heard about free games, they were shocked,"Can free games make money?"

"That’s right, free games… stand-alone games still require money to be purchased, so for games that can be played for free, we probably won’t be able to get back the money we invested, right?"

"You don't know how awesome the game console the boss brought back is, I guess the main server alone costs a lot of money."

As soon as Chen Fan walked into the company, he heard people discussing in a low voice.

When the people next to him saw Chen Fan, they immediately bumped into the other person with their arms.

""Hello, Brother Chen!"

Chen Fan hummed,"You guys continue to be busy, don't worry about me."

Another smart person came over and said,"Brother Chen, Sister Qing and the others are in the meeting room, I'll take you there."


Chen Fan followed him into the conference room.

The conference room was full of familiar faces.

Almost all the people in the conference room were people he met in the game company on weekdays.

When they saw Chen Fan, they all stood up,"Hello, Manager Chen!"

In the game company, he was holding a sinecure as a game company manager.

Feng Qingxue saw Chen Fan coming and smiled,"The game development phase is over. Now that the game development is completed this time, we still have to ask you to come over for acceptance. If you think there is no problem, we will proceed to the next step of internal testing."

Chen Fan had not been in the company for a long time, so when the people heard this, they felt unhappy.��

A team leader over there liked Feng Qingxue very much, so when he saw Chen Fan, he raised his eyebrows and said with hostility,"Manager Feng, Manager Chen is a sinecure after all, and he is not in our technical department. Isn't it a bit hasty to let him decide whether it is free or not?"

Someone else also agreed,"Yes, this is our technical department, he is just a sinecure in the company, it's not good to let him manage the affairs of our technical department"

"that is!"

"I think so too"

"I think Manager Feng is right."

Everyone's eyes were fixed on Chen Fan.

Chen Fan didn't get angry when he heard everyone's doubts. He said calmly,"Free things are the most expensive. Only by attracting more users can we make more profits."

Team leader Xu Changsong stood up and said,"Manager Chen, we are professionals. We all agree that the point card model can make us earn the first money. After all, this is a professional thing. You can't do anything if you don't understand it."

Feng Qingxue frowned helplessly,"Changsong, this is Manager Xu."

Xu Changsong snorted,"What about Manager Xu? He doesn't know how hard it is for us to develop this game. He only knows to simply say that it should be developed for free. If it is developed for free, where will the money come from? He didn't explain it clearly."

Xu Changsong's face was full of hostility,"Qingxue, I think if it is an internal matter of our project team, we should not let outsiders interfere too much. Besides, Manager Chen doesn't understand these things. What if Manager Chen's interference really limits our game development?"

The people next to him naturally stood on Xu Changsong's side.

"I think what Team Leader Xu said makes sense."

"Yes, professionals should do professional things, this is what our boss has always said!"

"that is!!"

"Only people in our project team know how much effort we put into this game. Alas, outsiders can only say a word."

"That is, if this project doesn’t take off, wouldn’t all our efforts be in vain?"

"It's even more inward, how can you make money if it's all free? Do you really think the company is doing charity?"

Everyone was very dissatisfied.

Feng Qingxue didn't mean to explain, but just stared at Chen Fan. Xu

Changsong over there was very proud, and said lightly,"Manager Chen, professionals do professional things. I think you'd better not interfere in the affairs of our project team. I will tell the boss whether the point card is free or not." The obvious hostility in the eyes made Chen Fan speechless.

Chen Fan said helplessly,"Although the point card game may make money for a while, the free game can also find a way to get everyone to recharge more."

"For point card games, if there are more players, we can set up first-time deposit rewards."

First-time deposit reward?"

When everyone heard this word, their eyes flashed over.

"Yes, it is the first charge reward. The first charge reward means that no matter how much money you recharge, you will get an equipment in the game as a reward."Chen Fan was very confident,"After the players recharged, we can guide them to make other recharges. Free does not necessarily mean that you can't make money. Your thinking is too limited."

The more players there are, the more money you can make.

Otherwise, why is King of Glory so profitable even though it is free?

This is the same reason.

Xu Changsong over there was stunned when he heard the term first charge reward,"But even if there is a first charge reward, if there is no other means of recharge, the equipment in our game can be obtained by the players themselves. In this case, won't there be a gap in the future? Even if everyone only recharges the first charge reward, they can't make much money."

The people around him also echoed

"That is, even if you get the first recharge bonus, you can't make too much money. If you only recharge a few dollars, then everyone can get their own equipment, so you don't need to spend money at all."

"That means we are playing our game for free. How can we make money from our game?"

"I feel it is unreliable, it is better to charge for game point cards"

"I think so too"

"Well, it turns out that professionals should do professional things."

When Chen Fan heard his words, he smiled mysteriously.

Make money?

Chen Fan's eyes were very calm,"The positioning of our game has never been to make money from those free players. A good game is never just for krypton gold players. Think about it, why do players spend money?""Why spend money


Everyone looked at each other.

Feng Qingxue's eyes flickered, with a few traces of admiration in her eyes.

Chen Fan smiled and said,"The reason for spending money is to be better than everyone else, but if this is a game that not many people play, would you still be in the mood to spend money?"

Chen Fan paused,"The existence of free players is not without reason. The existence of free players is precisely to let krypton gold players find a sense of existence from them. If a game has free players and krypton gold players at the same level, it will collapse sooner or later."

Chen Fan talked cheerfully.

The others all stared at Chen Fan, and seemed to be shaken in their hearts.

It seems... there is some truth.

If that's the case... then free... maybe you can really make money?

Feng Qingxue also figured out the key, staring at Chen Fan with her beautiful eyes and said,"If what you said is true, there are more free players, and our equipment can be obtained by the players themselves, how should we make money?"

Chen Fan smiled mysteriously,"How to make money? There are many ways to make money. For example, you can set it up so that equipment needs to be upgraded, and upgrading requires gems, and the gem explosion rate is low. In this way, players who want to recharge will naturally recharge, and players who don't want to recharge will rely on brushing gems in the game every day. This not only increases the daily activity, but also takes into account the ideas of RMB players."

Feng Qingxue's eyes lit up when she heard this.

It seems to make some sense.

"What else?"

Chen Fan smiled,"Not only gems, but also fashions, exclusive sets, and other things specially designed for RMB players. Although there are no point cards,���But as long as there are players, and everyone's desire to compete is there, it can stimulate the recharge of local tycoon players."


Feng Qingxue was stunned for a moment, and then hurriedly asked,"What do you mean by fashion?"

Chen Fan said lightly,"Girls do like fashion more. Fashion refers to installing light effects on current equipment. Some players like it very much."

Hearing this, Xu Changsong suddenly interrupted disdainfully,"What's the use of light effects? Who would spend money to buy a light effect?"

Spend money to buy a light effect?

Have too much money to burn?

Xu Changsong was extremely jealous.

Feng Qingxue is the person in charge of their group.

They are the technical leaders.

Why should they listen to Chen Fan's opinions on everything?

But Chen Fan over there didn't react at all.

————————Off topic——————

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