Chen Fan looked at the familiar faces, and saw that they were now wearing neat and tidy clothes. He felt a sense of satisfaction in his heart.

He even felt a little ashamed.

After his rebirth, he only cared about taking in Old Man Song, who had the best relationship with him, and forgot about the other people in the village.

Although their village was a well-known poor and remote place, the people were very simple.

They had always taken special care of him.

After his adoptive parents passed away, he had always been asking for food from one family and clothes from another.

It was just that Old Man Song lived next door to him, so he got the most.

The people in the whole village were very afraid of Old Man Song, but most of them were very nice to him.

Aunt Fat from next door squeezed in wearing an apron, her chubby face full of a loving smile,"Fanfan, I'm Aunt Fat! When Shufen was still alive when we were little, I held you in my arms. Later, when Shufen suddenly passed away due to illness, I found it very strange. Shufen was as strong as a bull on weekdays, and she had no illness or pain. How could she suddenly die of illness..."

When Chen Fan heard Aunt Fat mention his adoptive parents, his heart skipped a beat and he was stunned,"Aunt Fat, you said my mother...she was in good health before?"

Aunt Fat nodded,"Yes, your mother was as strong as a bull, but suddenly she said she had kidney failure... can't tell at all. You can ask them. Shufen used to be the hardest working one. In the middle of winter, we all wore coats, but she only wore a thin cotton coat and still felt hot. I never saw her have a fever.……"

Others nodded.

"Yes, Shufen... Shufen's pregnancy was quite strange. Didn't they break up at that time? Suddenly they got married and had a child... This is very strange."

"Oh, it seems that's what happened. Shufen and Zhigang had already returned the betrothal gifts and moved to the city. But she came back a few months later, and the two families got married, and she brought you back.……"

Auntie Pang sighed and said,"Shufen used to have a good relationship with our family. Anyway, they were acting weird during that time. After Shufen left, your father……"

Auntie Fat covered her mouth with a gloomy face.

Chen Fan looked at her strange expression and asked curiously,"What happened to my father?"

Auntie Fat whispered in his ear,"Your father...

I don't know if he offended someone.

Your father came to my house one night and said he would entrust you to me.

I saw that he looked like he had offended some debt collectors.

He said he would go to hide for a while and asked me to lock you up at home.

At that time, your father also said he would give me a sum of money...

Your father is so poor on weekdays, and I don't know where the money came from...

But there was no news about your father afterwards...


She paused, and then suddenly remembered,"By the way! Your parents also left me something. There was an address on the note. I don't know what they meant..."

Auntie Fat's words made Chen Fan's heart skip a beat.

He always felt that there seemed to be... something he didn't know.

He left Auntie Fat a mobile phone number,"Auntie, this is my mobile phone number. Can you go back with me in a few days so I can see what address Dad left behind..."

Originally, he had never thought of investigating his godparents.

But now, Auntie Pang's words seemed to have opened up his Ren and Du meridians.

If what Auntie Pang said was true... then maybe his godfather and godmother must have known something about it.

Auntie Pang nodded,"Okay!"


After the evaluation of the hot pot restaurant was completed, it officially opened two days later.

The day before the official opening.

In a residential area.

A young man brought a lot of small hot pots, carrying several bags of large and small bags.

The mother who was sweeping the floor next to him was stunned by the things in his hands,"Son, why did you buy so many small hot pots? We buy as much as we can eat. There were still a lot of unfinished at home last time. You buy so many now that they will last for several months, right?"

Two big shopping bags were full of small hot pots from the Dafu Food Factory.

The young man didn't care and said happily,"Mom, you don't know, if you spend more than 500, you will get a free queue ticket! The hot pot restaurant will open tomorrow! We must go tomorrow!"

Free queue ticket?

Queue so long just for a ticket?

The mother who was sweeping the floor glared at him angrily,"You little brat, you don't know how expensive firewood, rice, oil and salt are until you run the household! Why did you buy so many small hot pots? We have meals at home every day. Even if you eat them as midnight snacks, you will have to eat them for several months! Just for a ticket to skip the queue? No, you'd better return it to me immediately! Where's the receipt?"

More than five hundred yuan, which is almost enough for a month's living expenses!

The young man hurriedly picked up the ticket to queue,"Mom, is it fishing for the moon in the bottom of the sea? Don't you know fishing for the moon in the bottom of the sea?"

"What’s with the"fishing for the moon in the bottom of the sea" and"monkey fishing for the moon"? Give it to me!!!"

The mother angrily confiscated the whole bag,"Take it back now and return it!"

The young man exploded,"I don’t!! Mom, didn’t you say that you would reward me if I got first place in the exam? I want to eat"fishing for the moon in the bottom of the sea"!!!"

The mother was shocked,"Didn’t you say you wanted a pair of sneakers?"

"I don’t want sneakers, I want to eat Haidilaoyue." The young man held the ticket for skipping the queue with a vigilant look on his face,"Let’s go eat tomorrow, tomorrow is the first day of business, maybe there will be a discount! I have been wanting to eat this hot pot for a long time, and now the boss has finally opened it, mom, if you don’t accompany me, I will use my pocket money and go by myself!!"

The mother was helpless,"Okay, okay, go, go, I want to see what Lao Yue hot pot is so delicious."

Everyone in the flooding area was also like crazy.


【Damn! Haidilaoyue will open tomorrow! Anyone want to go? Brothers from City C, if you have a free coupon, can you take me to share a table? Please PM】

"The host will not grind his teeth or smack his lips. He will be a well-behaved member of the shared table. I only ask the brothers who have free coupons to take me with them. I can pay for the drinks and the dishes! Please, please, brothers and sisters, is there anyone who needs to take me with them? I live in Yuhua District."

"The OP gets off work at 6pm, so the queue will be very long. I beg the brothers and sisters who have the free queue tickets to take me with you when the time is right!!" There are even more than one post like this

【Haidilaoyue has free coupons, come and pay for it】

"I'll give you a free coupon, I can buy a quarter of the bill, and someone can buy the other three quarters."

Chen Fan was shocked when he saw this post.

This can't be possible, can the free coupon be used like this?

No one should be willing to be the scapegoat?

He scrolled down, and his eyes almost popped out when he saw the comments below.

"Me, me, me! Look at me, I am a qualified pendant, I provide pick-up and drop-off!!"

"Look at me, host. I not only provide pick-up and drop-off, I also provide drinks!! As long as you have a free coupon, it's fine. And I'm alone, I'm absolutely a well-behaved pendant. You can drink as much as you want, I have no problem with that!!"

"OP, I not only provide drinks! I can also play games with you after Legend is launched! I was so good at playing Red Alert Empire before! Look at me!"

"I, the host, can do everything listed above, and I can also warm your bed!!"

"Damn, the upstairs is so disgusting! Who wants you to warm the bed?!"

"Hey, after reading the answers above, I think I should just ask for leave and wait in line."

"That’s right, I take a morning off early in the morning, then queue up in the morning, eat at noon, and then go back to work in the afternoon after eating. It’s so nice!!"

"Envy, I can't take a leave, so I can only go to eat on the weekend, woo woo woo, waiting for your feedback after eating... But I think it should be delicious."The topic below suddenly went off track.

But from their comments, it can be seen that everyone seems to be very interested in the bottom of the sea fishing for the moon.

After reading such comments from everyone, Chen Fan basically had a plan in his heart.

This time, the hot pot restaurant should be a success without any surprises.


Looking at the messages from people online, Mr. Song was also very nervous.

In the evening, for the first time ever, Old Man Song did not cook dinner at home.

After Chen Fan finished typing the code, he looked at the empty table and called Old Man Song,"Little old man, aren't you coming back for dinner today?" It was very noisy on the other end of the phone, and Old Man Song hurriedly said,"Oh!! Just eat something, don't we have a self-heating hot pot at home? You cook one, I'm in the hot pot restaurant! Hang up!!"

After that, he hung up the phone.

Listening to the beeping sound on the other end of the phone, Chen Fan was speechless.

Good man, the old man is a little too career-oriented now...

If the hot pot restaurant becomes popular in the future...

Will he never be able to eat at Old Man Song's restaurant again ?���He touched his chin

, it seems that he still needs to find a professional store manager.

Looking at the empty and dark house, Chen Fan sighed and resigned himself to opening a small hot pot restaurant.

————————————Off topic————————————

I hope everyone will continue to support this book!

The new book will be available at 11:00 pm tomorrow.

I hope everyone can support the new book and collect it while supporting the old book.

The theme of the new book is also urban.

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