Twisted Destiny

Chapter 128: Vol-Au-Vent


Our dinner, prepared by my lovely sister and her great partner Nikki, was probably the highlight of the evening. Everything was just perfect, from the temperature to the amount of newly acquired salt on the fries, it was just splendid. 

“How did you prepare this?” Hilda asks, taking a bite from one of the crunchy fries. 

“It’s a trade secret, Hilda, my friend.” Lise laughs with a smug look on her face. 

Nikki shakes her head in disapproval. “She didn’t really do much. I had some points left from leveling and I decided to put them into cooking. That combined with the tons of Ami synergies we apparently collected so now I’m supposedly a ‘cook of the divine’.” 

“Wow. Are you serious?” Sam asks. 

“Yep, dead serious.” 

“Do you think it transfers to real life as well, like those special abilities we got?” Hilda asks as well.

“I don’t know.” Nikki taps the table with her index finger while she’s thinking. “This skill mainly involves me suddenly knowing a lot about cooking… so I suppose it could transfer to real life as well.” 

“That means take-out will no-longer be necessary.” My sister smiles but that smile quickly disappears when she sees Nikki glaring at her. 

“If you think I’ll be cooking all the time, you are sorely mistaken, babe.” 

“I… I was just joking.” Élise quickly backs down as not to unleash the wrath of Nikki Heat.

The rest of us just chuckle at their little fight and continue eating the delicious food that was served to us.

After dinner we all go to our own rooms as it’s already quite late and it’s getting time to log out of the ‘game’ and return to ‘real life’. Back in our bed Sam almost immediately turns me into the little spoon as she embraces me with her strong arms.

“Is it okay if I stay on the other side for a bit longer than just one day?” Sam asks as I start purring against her. 

“What do you mean?” I ask, turning my head to look over my shoulder. 

“Well… I kinda want to spend a bit more time in our own world. Don’t get me wrong, I like this place a lot and the adventure is fun. But I do miss my own body.” 

“Oh, right.” I look back in front of me and give her a nod. 

“You don’t need to do so as well.” Sam clarifies. “We’d both wake up at the same time anyway… Damn, that’s still weird to think about… but you know what I mean, right?” 

“Yeah, I do.” I nod once more. Apparently my ears tickled Sam a bit as she twitched a little as my ear touched her neck. “But I think I’ll take a bit of a break too. This will give Hilda some alone time like she was talking about as well. It might also be better to get away from this for some time too. Plus, I would miss you a lot if I were here without you.” 

“Awwhhh.” Sam awhs and squishes me into a big hug. “Come here you ginormous cutiepie.” 


Sam then proceeds to kiss me on the top of my head. It’s at that point that she starts heavily purring herself. 

“Are you sure you don’t want to have that body for a couple of days? I kinda like it.” I giggle. 

“Eh, I’m pretty sure it’s already easy enough to know when I like you even without purring.” She gives me yet another kiss. 

“That’s true.” I quickly turn around to give my beautiful girlfriend a smooch of my own. 

We then continue smooching each other for quite a while, so long that we both get a message that our D3u5XMachina is about to run out of battery power.

“Well, I guess that means our time is up. See you on the other side sweetie.” Sam gives me one final kiss. 

“I’ll be right behind you.” I give her a final kiss back as well and then close my eyes. And in a flash I feel the world shift around me. Since I can feel Sam moving already together with a ball of warm fluff on my chest it only confirms that I’m back in my own world. 

“Pocky has really made herself at home on your boobs, Ami.” I can hear Sam chuckle as i try to take the D3u5XMachina off my head. “Wait, let me help you with that.” She then helps me take it off and puts it on my bedside table. It’s then that I can see that Mochi has taken up a spot next to Sam, seemingly undisturbed by Sam’s moving around. 

“Good morning you two.” I smile and start petting Pocky and Mochi. They both say hi back with a short mewl. 

“And a good morning from me too.” Sam smiles and does the same thing. Pocky gets up from my chest and walks over, closer to Sam, so she can pet her more easily. “Oh, you little enjoyer, aren’t ya?” 

I laugh and watch how Mochi comes closer to Sam as well. She’s currently being flooded by cats and it’s incredibly amusing. This lasts until my phone, which is also on my bedside table, starts vibrating, sending Mochi and Pocky off the bed and into play-mode as they start wrestling with each other. 

“Who could it be?” Sam asks, curious about who’s calling me. 

“Let me look.” I take my phone and with a quick glance I can tell it’s Carol who’s calling me. I don’t waste anymore time and pick up my phone. “Carol?” 

“Hey Ami.” Carol’s voice chirps over the line. She sounds very happy. 

“You sound happy.” I giggle. “Oh, right, you had that date with Max didn’t you?” 

“Oh! Can you put her on speaker? I want to hear this too.” Sam prods my side, which almost makes me drop my phone. 

I glare at her for a second before replying. “I’ll ask…” I then put my attention back to my friend on the other side of the line. “Hey Carol, is it fine if I put my phone on speaker so Sam can hear this too?” 

“Sure.” Carol replies. “I’ve been having my phone on speaker as well so Max can listen in too.” 

I put my phone on speaker while I look slightly confused. “Max is there?” 

“Max?” Sam asks. 

“Yo, Sam, Ami.” I can hear Max’s voice now as well. 

“Max ended up asking if I wanted to stay over and play together at her place… so I did.” Carol sounds slightly shy. 

“Ho ho ho.” Sam teases her a bit but my prod into her thigh stops that short in its tracks. 

“Oh.” I vocalize. “So, how did everything go?” 

“The world is amazing.” Max quickly replies. “It was quite breathtaking to be honest. The forests are so huge and full of life.” That sure does sound like the first impression I had, minus the sudden body difference. 

“It was very fun.” I can imagine Carol nodding. “We’ve done a lot. But Ami… I also caught some rumours about some pink-haired Goddess and how she’d recently defeated an entire army and some kind of ghost monster. Would you happen to know something about that?” 

“You probably know the answer to that…” 

Carol chuckles. “I want to hear the entire story during break at uni, okay?” 

“I’ll try…” 

“And don’t leave any details out!” 


“Speaking about details…” Sam saves me from further embarrassment. “Didn’t you play the game to find out something about yourself?” 

“Ah… yeah… that’s why I’m calling.” 

“Now she’s getting all shy because she doesn’t want to say what she feels.” Max clarifies. 

“It’s just… embarrassing… okay?” Carol replies.

“And you were so full of confidence five minutes ago.” 

“Shut up, Max.” I can hear the pomf of a pillow through the phone. I assume Max just got pelted by one. 

“What do you want to say?” I ask Carol in an even friendlier tone than I normally do. 

She doesn’t immediately reply but I just give her some time so she can formulate what she wants to say. It takes two minutes for her to reply, her voice’s volume quite a bit lower than we are used to. “I think I want to take your offer…” 

“That being…?” I need to make sure that I don’t misunderstand my friend. 

“I want to be a catgirl as well…” Her volume drops even lower. 

Sam just stays silent while I do the talking. “Are you sure about this? It’s a big change.” 

“I’m 150% sure, Ami.” Her voice gains a bit of volume again, now also with conviction. “When I got into the world in my new body, everything just felt so much better. It’s a bit hard to describe.” 

“No, I think I’m pretty sure I know what you are talking about.” I smile and gently reply. 

“And when Max… well… let’s just say that it feels like fate that I’ve gotten this opportunity thanks to you.”

“I just want to make sure of something before we continue. You want to continue looking like yourself, right?” 

“Yes, but just with the… you know… cat parts…” Yeah, Carol’s definitely blushing. 

“She just copied herself in the game as she looks in real life, just to make sure about that.” Max comments again after her long period of silence. It sounds like Max is completely behind Carol’s decision. 

“Alright. In that case I’ll contact Veanya about it and tell her what you decided.” I give a nod, even though they can’t really see that. 

“Thanks.” Carol says. 

“Oh, one more thing.” Max stops us from ending the conversation. “Carol and I are now officially girlfriends by the way. Just wanted to let you guys know.” 

“That was pretty apparent already, Max.” Sam chuckles. 

“Well, but now it’s officially official!” Max laughs back. 

-Thinking about it, we are probably the first people who they’ve mentioned this too… Apart from Hailey maybe…-  


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