Twisted Destiny

Chapter 129: Phonecall


Carol and Max hang up the phone a little bit later as they still have to prepare their stuff before uni which is actually something Sam and I should start to do as well. 

“I am totally not surprised that’s going to happen.” Sam laughs as I help her put her leg on. 

“Is anyone truly going to be surprised about that?” I reply back. 

“Probably not, no.” With a click Sam’s leg locks in place. “Are you going to call Veanya?” 

“I’ll do so when we are ready for uni. She’s a Goddess, she’s got plenty of time, right?” 

“Hmmm… you are a Goddess and you don’t.” 

“Well, isn’t that because I’m more like an… intern of some kind?” 

“Ami the Intern Goddess? Sounds like some kind of manga doesn’t it?” 

“Don’t give me new ideas.” I pout. “I still need to finish the one I was working on for uni first.” 

“I’ll get you a piece of paper so you can write it down.” Sam gives me a wink as she pulls her shirt off. “But first, can you give me a sports bra from my bag?” 

Her boobs are in full sight and my brain malfunctions a little bit. It’s definitely not the first time I’m seeing them but every time I do… I still get the blushies… 

Sam laughs. She must’ve planned this all along. “Amiii, stop staring at my tits.”

“Whose fault is that!?” I fake some anger and quickly turn around to look through her bag. 

Sam chuckles once more. 

“Here’s yer stupid bra, ya idiot.” I throw her sports bra in her face. 

My girlfriend just continues laughing. She definitely has the giggles now. “Haha. And where did that accent suddenly come from?” 

“Grrrr.” I pout some more and stare at the opposite wall for a bit. 

“Awh, don’t be angy, little kitten, or I’ll get very, very sad.” Sam, now clothed in her sports bra, hugs me from behind.  

“I’ll never forgive you.” I hmph. 

“Oh? And after I’ve given you some kissies?” She kisses my cheek a couple of times. 

“I’ll think about it.” 

“Really?” She turns my shoulders a little bit and bends slightly over so she can look at my face. “After another kiss?” She then kisses me on the lips. Of course I let her. 

“Okay, but next time will not go over that easily!” 

“Hehe.” She chuckles. 

We both get dressed and move towards the living room with bags in hand. Nikki and my sister haven’t arrived yet so Sam and I decide to give the cats their food already. This time they chose duck for breakfast. Such a luxury.

“I’ll cook up some eggs with bacon, you can call Veanya in the meantime.” Sam gives me yet another kiss on my forehead. “I’ll make some for Nikki and Élise too.” 

“Okay.” I smile and sit down at the dinner table with my phone in hand. With Veanya behind a speed dial it doesn’t take long for me to get a hold of her. 

“Hey, Amicia. How are you doing?” She greets me casually. 

“I’m pretty good, thanks. How are you?” 

“Just saved a couple of guys from getting hit by a truck and sent to another world. So I guess you could say I’m doing pretty well. Any specific reason why you’re calling?” 

“Well, you asked me to call you after I got an answer from my friend, right?” 

“Oh, please do tell.” 

I explain the situation to Veanya while Sam is struggling a bit with one of the eggshells, almost dropping it on the floor by accident. 

“Alright, I’ll go make some final preparations with Gamma then.” Veanya replies after the entire explanation. 

“How long will that take?” 

“Not too long I assume. A couple of days at most.” 

“I’ll relay the message.” 

“I’ll contact you once we are done. But now I need to go and do something else.” 

“Need to save some more people?” 

“No, I’m just hungry, I haven’t eaten since yesterday evening. See you later, Amicia.” 

“Uh, what, why?” Before she can explain she just hangs up on me. She must be really hungry.

“Speaking about hungry… Sam, how’s the food going?” 

“It’s almost done.” She smiles back at me with a big grin. “There might be a bit of egg shell in there somewhere though… for some extra crunch.” 

I giggle. “I thought you were good at cooking?” 

“That was just one particularly annoying egg, okay?” She laughs as she turns the heat off from the stove. 

“Ah, that smells delicious.” My sister walks in right on time. Nikki walking in while yawning, right behind her. 

We all can have our breakfast together with some good milk for me and orange juice for the others. While we are eating Sam and I explain what had just transpired and even they weren’t terribly surprised at the outcome. 

“Would you want to be a vampire if you could, Nikki?” Sam asks. “I wouldn’t be surprised if Ami could make that happen as well.” 

“I… don’t think I would.” She replies and then eats a small piece of bacon. “I like me as I am now. And if I need a bit of a switch up I can just go into Turn of Destiny.” 

“That’s fair.” Sam nods and eats some egg. 

“I assume she’ll get a choker like yours as well, Ami.” Lise asks, drinking from her orange juice. 

“I think so. I actually didn’t ask. You’d think they’d have thought about that, right?” 

“Are you sure? This is Veanya and Gamma we are talking about.” My sister looks at me sceptically. 

“Veanya gave me my choker, didn’t she?” 

“There’s this old saying that a broken clock tells the correct time twice a day.” 

“You don’t like Veanya that much, Élise?” Sam asks.

“It’s not that I don’t like her, she’s helped my sister a lot after all… It’s just that whenever I’ve met her, she hasn’t really given me the impression of being very competent, that’s all.”

“That’s… fair.” I chuckle. Veanya does not always come across like an omnipotent Goddess. But at least she still has more ‘class’ than Gamma does. 

“The only thing I’m saying is that you should probably mention it once or twice to them, just to make sure.” My sister clarifies herself. 

“I’ll definitely do so.” 

Sam and I quickly finish our meals as our deadline to leave the apartment for uni approaches. Before we get up from the dinner table we do also mention that the both of us are going to take a small break from ToD, at least for the day. 

“Alright, I think Nikki and I will still log in to decorate our house a bit and just hang around.” 

Nikki gives my sister a nod. “Yes, and that way you won’t hear us arguing about it either.” 

“Unless we don’t manage to figure it out.” 

“We have three days for that, that should be enough, wouldn’t it?” 

“Eeeeeeh.” Lise shrugs. 

“I guess we’ll have to wait and see.” Sam laughs as she puts on her shoes. 

“By the way, before you two leave. What would you like to eat today?” My sister asks just as I want to open the door, choker already around my neck. 

“Uhhh…. good question.” Sam scratches the back of her head. 

“I don’t know either.” I quickly shake my head as well. “There’s so much good food out there, it’s hard to decide.” 

“How about I get us some quality shrimp croquettes from the fish store nearby?” Nikki proposes. “I heard from some neighbors that they are really really good. We can do that with some fries, potentially a couple of fried snacks beforehand and some accompanying salad.” 

“That sounds very good.” Sam nods. 

“I agree.” I do so as well.

“Okay, then I’ll go buy some salad after work together with a couple of snacks while you go to the fish store?” Lise turns herself towards her partner. 

“Yep, let’s do that. Maybe I’ll get our cats some good fish as well.” Nikki’s clearly looking at me when she says that. But you don’t hear me complaining when there’s fish to be had. 

Sam just giggles and puts her hand on mine to open the door. “We’ll be off then. See you this evening.” 

“See ya.” Nikki and my sister wave us off as we leave.

“Do you have a lot of courses today, Ami?” Sam asks when we arrive at the tram station. The info board says the next tram will arrive in five minutes.

“No, not really. We have one from nine to twelve and from two-thirty to four.” 

“Pretty big gap there.” 

“Mhmm.” I nod. “But we’ll spend it by teasing Carol so it’ll probably go by fast. What about you?” 

“Sports from nine to twelve and anatomy from one to four.” She replies. “I’m happy I don’t have any lessons after four this year.” 

“Did you used to get those?” 

“Last year was packed with those. It’s annoying to finish uni at seven.” 

“I can imagine.” 

“And now that I have a cute catgirl girlfriend it would even be more annoying.” She gives me a kiss. “I want to spend my entire evenings with you rather than in class.” 

“Me too.” I kiss her back. 

We are so enthralled by one another that we almost miss our tram… 


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