Twisted Destiny

Chapter 70: Porridge


After my sister’s very obscure strategy game reference it’s time for Veanya to leave.
“Looks like Amicia is feeling a lot better now so I’m just going to leave now. Don’t forget to message me if you know more about your friend, ok?”

“I will, I will!”

She gives a nice long head pet and says goodbye to the others after that.

“So you talked to Veanya about Carol?” Sam asks after Veanya has walked out of the front door.

“Mhmm. She thinks she knows a way to do it, different than how it happened to me.”

“I guess she doesn’t want to create another goddess by accident, huh?”

“Yeah.” I giggle but that quickly turnes into coughing instead.

“Take it easy sweetie. Here, drink a bit more.” Sam pats me on the back and offers me a glass of water.


“Are you sure you can play today, Ami? Don’t overexert yourself, ok?”

“It’ll be fine.” I smile. “I just had to cough a little.”

“Alright then. Just to be sure I’ll make some of my world famous rice porridge for you.” My sister stands up.

“World famous?”

“Famously bad.” Nikki clarifies.

“Hey! That’s not true!” Élise protests and walks to the kitchen.

“It is actually quite good, she makes it for me when I’m sick too.”

“See? I can do stuff too.”

“Mhmm. You can, but there’s still a lot you need to learn, my student. The first time you made it you forgot to add the sugar, and last time you almost forgot the rice, remember?”

“Rice porridge without the rice?” Sam starts laughing.

“I thought I added it already!”

“Well, luckily she noticed it in time.”

“Ami. Defend your sister against all the bullying, please!”

“Yeah! Her chocolate milk was really good too!”

“Hah.” Now we all start laughing while Élise makes the porridge for me and Nikki also starts preparing dinner for the others.
“Do you want me to make enough for you too?” Nikki looks over the counter at me.

“No, I think I’ll have enough with the porridge.”


“Want to play something while we are waiting, Ami?” Sam grabs my hand and rubs it gently with her thumb.

“Mmm, not really. If you want to play I will gladly watch though.”

“Are you sure?”

I nod. “Yeah.”

“Alright, but you pick the game for me then.” She kisses me on the cheek and hands me the controller so I can look through the game library.

“Do you have any recommendations?” I look over my shoulder at the kitchen.

“A game for Sam, right?” My sister puts a pot on the stove and then leans her shoulder on the counter. “What about Eternal Darkness? It should be in the library somewhere?”

“That sounds waaaaaay too scary for me.” Sam chuckles nervously.

“Oh, it definitely is. But that’s what makes it funny to watch.” My sister grins.

“Ami, please no.” Sam looks at me with puppy dog eyes, in a way that I can’t deny her requests.

“There’s no way I could do that to Sam! Look at her, she’s too precious!”

Nikki giggles. “What about a dating sim? There’s a couple really good ones we have of those.”

“Eh? But isn’t the gameplay boring for those?” I look back over to the screen.

“The ones we have generally aren’t because we don’t like the ‘normal’ gameplay of those either. But if you look up Hitting it Off, that would be a good example of what I mean.”

“Huh…” I start scrolling down the long list of games until we find it.

“Hitting it Off is a beat ‘em up romantic comedy dating sim. You play as Sakura Lilly, a delinquent girl who suddenly finds herself in the crosshairs of several love interests. Will Sakura find the love she’d always been yearning for in secret?” Sam narrates the game description.

“Wow, that does sound pretty good! Let’s play that one Sam!”

“Yes, I’m all for it!”

“Have fun.” Nikki smiles and gets back to cooking. 

In the time before dinner Sam manages to get quite far into the relationship with one of the main character’s classmates. The last mission she plays has her defending the girl from hordes of jock monsters who try to get to her.

“This game is so random.” Sam laughs while bashing two zombies against each other. “I love it. You picked well, babe.” She kisses my forehead while I'm cuddled up next to her.


“I’m glad you are enjoying it.” Nikki puts pots and plates on the living room table, signalling we should probably help a bit.

“I’ll do the cutlery.” I get up from the sofa as Sam pauses the game.

“And I’ll do the glasses and the drinks.” Sam follows me over to the kitchen.  

“Thanks for the help, sweeties.” Nikki smiles.
My sister soon follows with my rice porridge as we all sit down to eat.

“Have a nice meal!” We all say before we start eating.

My sister waiting to take her first bite until I tasted the porridge. The smell of the porridge definitely isn’t bad at all, which makes me confident enough to quickly taste a first spoonful. Élise waits nervously on my verdict.

“Mhmm! This is really nice!” I quickly take another spoonful. The aroma is great, it’s sweet, rich in flavour and that hint of vanilla just rounds off the taste of the porridge perfectly.

Lise lets out a sigh of reliefs. “Phew, I did taste it before serving it to you but I didn’t know if it was going to be to your liking.”

“Nono! It’s really good.”

“Awh, now I want to try the rice porridge too!” Sam laughs while taking a bite from some peas and carrots.

“There’s still a bit left so if you want to you can have a bowl after you’re done eating.”

“Thanks, but don’t you and Nikki want some too?”

“Nah, I will eat an ice cream for dessert I think.”

“And I’ll just eat the leftovers. I think there should be plenty for at least two and a half more bowls.” Lise smiles. “And what we don’t eat today we can always take to work tomorrow, or eat as breakfast. Thanks for thinking about us though.”

“Alright then. Just wanted to make sure I didn’t inconvenience you.”

“Sam, you never inconvenience us, it’s fine.” Nikki reassures my girlfriend.

“Thanks.” Sam smiles and continues eating.
When we were done with dinner my sister and Sam both took some porridge as a dessert and together we started watching the first episode of a new scifi series on the tv.

The episode was a bit soso, especially according to Sam who had read the books.

“Ugh, I can’t help but feel annoyed how they changed it. The original concept was so good. And don’t get my started on making that one character straight. Like what the heck? You would think that having gay characters wouldn’t be controversial anymore in 2060, right?” She angrily put a spoon of porridge in her mouth.

“Amen.” Nikki takes the remote and turns off the tv

“Guess we’ll go to bed already.” My sister sighs and gets up, taking her empty bowl with her.

“Already? Aren’t you going to have a stomach ache if you lie down like that?”

“Don’t worry, we’re just going to read a book until the time we have agreed to meet with Hilda.” Nikki pats my head.


“You two can continue to watch the tv… I should probably have asked that before turning it off, shouldn’t I?”

“It’s fine, Nikki, we will probably just cuddle up on the sofa a bit longer. We still haven’t listened to that song after all.”

“Oh right! Have fun then, don’t forget to turn off the lights before heading to bed.”

“Yes, yes!”

“And I’ve already fed the cats so don’t worry about that either.” My sister gives us a wink. “See you later.”

Nikki and Lise go to their room and leave me and Sam behind in the living room, with the quiet crunching of kitty food coming from the kitchen.

“So we’re just going to cuddle then?”

“Mhmm.” Sam grabs hold of my waist and squeezes me tight. “Unless you had something else in mind.”

“No, cuddling is good.” I gently smile while I softly start purring. “And maybe I should also warn Carol about the cat disease.”

“That might not be a bad plan, but she might have already figured it out.” Sam giggles as she pushes me over so I’m flat on my back on the sofa, with Sam on top of me. She puts her chin on my shoulder and breathes in strongly, tightening her hug even more. “You know, I was super worried about you all day? Max had to stop me or I’d have sent messages constantly...”

“Awh… Sam…” I hugged her back tightly against me too.

“Next time I’ll just get sick too.”

“Oh, but then I’m going to be worried as well!”

“Hmm, you have a point there.” She kisses my neck. “I’ll figure something out.”

Sam stops squeezing and lifts herself up so she can look me straight in the eyes.

Her confident and loving smile makes me feel incredibly warm inside.

“I love you, Sam.” I purr at her, making her blush a little.

“Love you too, Ami.” She lowers herself back down on me, embracing me and while doing so robbing me of my breath with a long, passionate kiss. “You are the best thing that has ever happened to me.”

“You too.” Now it was my turn to kiss her. And kiss we did.


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