Twisted Destiny

Chapter 71: Egg


After kissing for quite some time longer me and Sam are spooning on the sofa, quietly listening to the song our party mentioned back in Haurchefaud.

“Hey, it’s actually quite good.”

“Mhmm. It is.” I put my head on her shoulder while she pulls me closer to her.

“Love you my little Ami.”

“Love you too.” I kiss her on her cheek, making Sam giggle a little. “What’s so funny?”

“Nothing, I’m just so happy with you around me, you know? It’s just my internal happiness escaping.”


“It’s a bit like purring I guess. But less obvious.”

“Oh yeah.”

Sam smiles and moves her hand behind my ear, starting to softly play with it.

My body immediately starts reacting, making my soft purring grow louder.

“Such a cutie.” With her other hand she starts scritching me below my chin.

“Mmmm. Saaammm…” I purr.

“Want me to stop?”

“No…” I start rubbing my face against her shoulder.

“Alright then. You’re such a good girl.” She softly speaks into my ears, making shivers go down my spine, all the way up my tail.

“So unfair…”

“I know.” She smirks and hugs me close.

Close enough for me to be able to start rubbing my face against hers.

“Are you marking me with your scent, Ami?”

“Mhmm. Marking what is mine…”

“Such a good kitty.” She pats me on my head.

I nod while I continue purring. “Mhmm.”

We stay on the sofa for at least twenty more minutes with me softly purring before Sam pokes me in my side.

“I think we should slowly get to washing ourselves and going to bed so we don’t make our friends wait.” She kisses my neck. “As much as I would like staying with you like this.”

“Mhmm… you’re probably right…” I roll off the sofa and together with my girlfriend we head towards the bathroom to wash ourselves before bed.

It’s definitely nice to take a shower after having been sick in bed almost the entire day so it came to no surprise that I was purring quite happily when we came back into my room all clean and washed up. My sister had even changed the bed sheets so everything was smelling of floral fabric softener.

“Do you mind if I send Carol a message before we go to bed?” I ask Sam while I help her with her leg.

“Of course not.” She smiles. “You can do whatever you want sweetie.”

“Hehe. Does that include tickling Sam?”

“Maybe, if you ask nicely.” She winks.

I put Sam’s leg in it’s usual spot and sit right next to her on the bed with my phone’s messaging app open and send a private message to Carol. 

Ami: Hey Carol, I asked Veanya about the cat girl thing.

Carol: Oh? O.O What did she say?

Ami: It is definitely something she’ll look into, we would do it differently than how it worked for me so there’s quite a lot of preparation needed.

Carol: Is it risky?

Ami: Not particularly, we just need a heads up from you if you want to make it happen.

Carol: Oh! Thanks! I’m going to try it out this weekend together with Max.

Ami: OwO

Carol: Haha, OwO indeed.

Ami: Anyway, me and Sam are going to hop into Turn of Destiny now. Goodnight!

Carol: Have fun! And good night of course! :p

Ami: We will <3 

“Looks like she’s going to test out being a catgirl together with Max this weekend.” I close my phone and put it on my bedside table.

“Ah, so that’s what Max was talking about earlier today. I see now.” Sam starts laughing. “Yeah, I’m pretty sure we’re going to have two catgirls after the weekend.”

“I think so too.” I giggle.

“So, ready to jump into the game?”

“Mhmm.” I nod and get underneath the blankets, getting immediately cuddled by Sam. Apparently Mochi and Pocky had been waiting for that to happen as they quickly jumped on top of my bed too once we were settled.

“Good night Pocky and Mochi.” Sam smiles at them before putting on the headset.

“Good night kitties.” I do the same.

They both meow good night back to us.
That being the last thing we hear before we wake up to the chirping of the birds in our tent in Haurchefaud.

“I don’t think I’ll ever get used to going to sleep and immediately waking up again.” Sam sits upright in our communal bedroll.

“Mhmm. Luckily we get sleep too while we are here.”

“Yeah, otherwise I think I’d go a bit crazy.”

“But Sam is already crazy.”

“Cheeky... but I can’t argue with that.” Her ears twitch and her tail starts fwishing from one side to the other when she looks at me before she pounces me and starts tickling.

After a while we finally manage to get dressed and leave our tent.

Hilda is already there waiting for us with a big grin on her face.

“Ah, the love birds are finally up.”

“Shush…” Sam blushes and sits down next to her.

“Feeling better Ami?” Hilda turns her attention to me. “I heard from Nikki you got the cat flu or something like that.”

“Ah yeah, it was pretty much over by the evening.”

“Damn, I wish my sickness would be over that fast.”

“Mhmm. The goddesses said it was because of my magic that I healed so fast.”

“Well, I’m happy to hear that.” She looks behind her and starts grabbing something. “Would you two be interested in some egg sandwiches I made?”

“Oh! Definitely. Did the villagers give us some eggs too?” Sam gladly accepts one of the sandwiches, giving the other one to me.”

“Yeah, better to eat them now than let them go bad. They don’t keep as well as the dried meat.”

“Mhmm. Anyway, they taste delicious!” Sam takes another big bite from her sandwich.

“By the way, Ami, where’s your sister?”

“They went to bed before us. Said they were going to read before logging in.”

“Ah, so that’s what happened. Probably lost track of time because they were reading something gay again.”

“Do they do that a lot?”

“Before you joined our group? Quite regularly actually.” Hilda laughs. “Having you and your girlfriend join our group definitely was a nice change of pace.”

“And who’s the biggest perpetrator? Élise or Nikki.” Sam asks while she finishes the last bite of her sandwich.

“Definitely Nikki.”

“Oh, that’s unexpected.”

“I know, right?” Hilda giggles.

“We are up! Don’t worry!” My sister’s voice rings out from their tent.

“Ah, finally. We already thought you weren’t coming today.”

“Yeah, sorry, we were having the ‘just another page’ syndrome.”

“Well at least you are here now.”

My sister stumbles out of the tent, her plate armour in hand. "Can someone help me with my armour while Nikki is getting dressed?”

Hilda looks over to me and then nods. “Want to learn how to do it Ami? Sam?”

“Sure!” I jump of from my seat, sandwich still in hand

“Sounds good to me.” Sam follows Hilda as well.

Ten minutes later we’re done donning my sister in her armour.

“Doesn’t it take way longer in real life?”

“A good squire could do it in like twenty minutes, but that’s for a full suit of armour which I don’t have yet.” My sister gives me a head pat.

“My gear is actually still quite basic. But then again, with the superhuman abilities we have it shouldn’t take that much longer, especially for Nikki and Hilda who are like super dextrous.”

“I’m not that dextrous, I’m still a mage after all.” Nikki finally leaves her tent too. “Sorry for the wait.”

“You’re still a vampire though, babe.”

“I guess that’s true.” Nikki smiles. “We are indeed a dextrous race.”

“As long as she isn’t hungry.” My sister winks.

“Well, I got my blood bag right here, so that shouldn’t be much of an issue.” Nikki kisses my sister.

“Bestest blood bag on in Haurchefaud I might hope?”

“Definitely.” Nikki smiles and gives her another kiss.


“Anyway, you flirts, here’s some breakfast.” Hilda gives Élise an egg sandwich.

“Thank you very much.”
Having finished breakfast, Élise and Nikki start clearing up their tent. With Sam, me and Hilda deciding to do the same so we can continue our way to the port city of Skaok.

“I'm gonna miss this place.” My sister says while getting on her horse.

“Me too.” I say while Sam lifts me on top of ours.

“We are going to a new continent, who knows what we will find there.” Hilda is already on top of hers too.

“Oh, maybe we’ll find a cliff overlooking a forest or a jungle or something like that!” Sam hops on behind me and hugs me.

“Eeeeh? A cliff? I don’t know if I’m up for that.”

“Ami scared of heights?”

“Maybe a little... the thought of camping near a cliff sounds dangerous…”

“As long as you don’t need to pee in the middle of the night.”

“Élise, you are the only one in this party who has issues with that.” Hilda laughs.

My sister looks around at the group. “Ah, damn the goddess, y’all have darkvision.”

“Wait… isn’t Hilda human too?” My girlfriend looks a bit confused.

“No sweetie.” She brushes her hair away from her ears, revealing that they are slightly pointy. “Half-Langor you see, practically your typical half-elf.”

It came as a surprise to me as well since I never really paid attention to her ears. It's definitely cool to know! 

“Oooh. The more you know. Poor Élise.” Sam fakes a sad face and stares at my sister. 

“Hey! We humans are cool too!” My sister pouts.

“Yeah, they definitely taste the best.” Nikki giggles, making my sister pout even more.

In between the laughing Hilda calls out to the group. “Everyone ready to leave?”

“Yes! Let’s go!” The party replies all together, except for pouty Lise. She just grumbles a faint yes.
To Skaok!

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