Two as One Princesses

85. Greetings, breakfast and important stories

Morning is here. It seems I was asleep again.

I did get drugged by Master Fiyanamia last night and threw up a lot.

It's somewhat neat because of it, but it's somewhat embarrassing to have to face Master Fiyanamia today.

He showed all that ugliness, not to mention the drugs.

But Lady Fiyanamia also called us family.

Is that why it's good? Like good, like bad. Just awakened consciousness is kind of blurred.

"Morning, Ein."

Good morning, Ciel.

Ciel spoke to me, so I return my greetings reflexively.

If you hear me, give it back properly, though sometimes I can't say hello without hearing it when I'm passionate about something. I mean, I think morning greetings are always from me.

Though Ciel gave it to me today because I was asleep.

It must be a casual greeting at all costs.

But today Ciel seemed kind of very happy, repeating, "Well, hehe, good morning".

The spirits also come by its pleasant appearance and circle around Ciel.

'You look happy, don't you?

"Because there's Ayn. Until yesterday, no matter how much you said hello, you didn't return it, did you?

'Eh, that's...'

I haven't had that much time because I was at the Creator God, but I've been away for three days.

I haven't greeted Ciel in the meantime, and naturally I wouldn't have returned the greeting I gave him.

Perhaps it is not an exaggeration to say that Master Fiyanamia said yesterday that Siel was going to close his heart in one day.

I'm sorry if it's loving, and at the same time I'm afraid to tell Ciel our future story. Because it might be hard for Ciel to make a choice.

"But, you know, it's good. Looks like Ein's feeling better."

With that said, Master Fiyanamia said yesterday that Ciel had asked me to.

I wasn't really sure how much I was being hunted down myself, but the fact that I was pretty light-hearted after yesterday may have been quite dangerous.

Ciel knew that, too, and I guess he asked Master Fiyanamia to do it.

It's unlikely that Ciel would have done it before. I knew Ciel wanted to do something for me, and I think this was a great opportunity.

But I don't think I could make a weak noise in front of Ciel. Even if you were drugged and talked about it, you shouldn't have felt lighter so far when you just woke up.

Perhaps Ciel has also had trouble coping, even if she was told about last night.

At least even if I were in the position of Master Fiyanamia, I don't know if I could have ended it as well as this one.

After realizing it, did Ciel ask for it?

That sounds a little lonely, but Jean and I seem to see Ciel grow.

I have no doubt that Ciel cares about me now.

Because he accepted so much that I was an ex-man and that I had come from different worlds.

"Thank you"

Ciel looks a little lonely in the words of gratitude that she has put in many different meanings even without trying.

"I'm sorry. No, thank you, Ein"

How well do I understand the thoughts in this response?

I don't know, but I think it's wild to ask, so I decided to keep it to myself softly.

I was not long ago called to breakfast, but it is very awkward to meet Master Fiyanamia face to face.

Though I am like hiding in the shadow of Siel, for Lady Fiyanamia knows my existence.

The fact that the maid called me and showed me is the room for the nobleman to eat, it feels like.

A table and plenty of space that seems to sit in dozens.

Only Siel and Lady Fiyanamia eat among them.

I guess I've already used this place a few times. Without getting lost, Ciel chose one of a number of seats.

"Yeah, yeah. You made it."

"Good morning, Fi."

"Yeah, good morning, Ciel"

Ciel smiles and greets Master Fiyanamia.

That's all I had yesterday, my heart broke chilli, but that's not happening today. Rather, I am so glad that Ciel is able to be able to forgive and converse besides me. Because I still can't talk to the Spirit.

But I want you to forgive me for missing you a little.

"How are you, Einsel?

"Thanks to you"

"I'm saying thanks to you.

Thanks for yesterday, Fi. "

"No, no. It's okay. Don't worry about it. Something I thought would be a little useful."

Master Fiyanamia creates a slight gap with his thumb and index finger to stir up Ciel.

Please don't. Please stop talking about it.

Although I wouldn't exactly be willing to talk about it.

"I wonder what, what? Did something happen with Ein?

"Oh, ugh. A secret."

"It's sloppy, it's sloppy!

I'm not trying to force myself to hear it out to see where Ciel seems to enjoy it.

I guess we both know that yesterday's story was something that Ciel didn't want to hear.

So I'm just jerking off. I think it would be nice because it seems fun, but when people talk about me like this, my heart gets so... irritated.

"Oh, you know. Would you like to have breakfast soon? Look, it looks delicious. '

So I decided to turn my diet away and distract myself.

I'm sure Ciel would turn to you. Because I kind of like eating.

Ciel said, "Well," as I had hoped, but then she laughed.

"Fi may have had something with Ein yesterday, but I don't know about Ein now. I don't care."

"Oh. Well, shall we make it breakfast?"

After an unintentional exchange, breakfast begins.

Salad in bread in soup. It's simple, but they all use good stuff, which is very tasty.

It's been a long time since this has been a meal, so when I was being made aware of the flavor, Master Fiyanamia spoke to Ciel, "By the way, by the way".

"What are you going to do today? Einsel's back, so why don't you go outside?

"Ayn, is there anything you want to do?

'Uh, I need to tell Ciel something, so can you give me some time?

"Looks like Ayn has something to tell me."

"You have to ask me what you talked to the Supreme God about.

Okay. Until we're done talking, I'll try not to call you anything I can. "

"Thanks, Fi"

Should I say I'm so glad I decided, or should I say I wanted to stretch it out a little bit?

Though it's nonsense because I've just postponed it and Ciel only thinks less time.

After breakfast, I came back to my room again.

I'm also telling the maids about my plans from now on, so they won't really get in the way.

Sitting on the bed, Ciel waits for me to begin the conversation.

I said in momentum that I was a man, but it really wasn't supposed to be more difficult to say.

That's how hard it is to say this time, but can I even think about it here with you? In the meantime, let's gauge the timing as we talk.

Ciel knows where I've been for three days, right?

"Fi said he probably went to the divine world."

'That's for sure. I was called by the Creator God to go to the divine realm'

"What was the divine world like?

'It was a beautiful place. Is it close to the garden of this mansion?

But there were many flowers I had never seen, and the sun was very soft.

That's where I was talking to God of Creation in a seat like a tea party. He was just a beautiful man. God...... is it?

At times like this, I often have a little trouble expressing myself.

It's like when you represent a cat raw, you say cat raw, or you say life.

Words are different, so it's hard to make a cat-like construct.

In the flow as it was, I thought I'd tell you a story I heard from the Creator, but Ciel said, "What did I just say?" She asked me, so I stopped.

'Which is it now?

"Didn't I tell you we talked in our seats?

'Right. We sat in a beautiful chair and talked.'

At odd eating, I doubt Ciel was the type to care about furniture or anything. Something else bothers me, but does it feel like I attacked you from here for now?

But Siel's words went diagonally up the imagination.

"You sat down? I mean, the gods have Ayn's body, right? Really?

"Uh, I think you have a body, or my soul was taking the form of a man."

"So if Ayn was alone, you'd say," This is what it looks like? "

"You will be."

Though I'm sure you'd be interested, I've often noticed just the information that you're seated (...) and (...) there.

I was hardly aware. I was sitting there.

"So what did it look like? I wonder!"

'It looked like Ciel. I'm using Ciel's body, so it looks like my soul has been affected.

But color was a color scheme from a previous life, wasn't it? Dark hair and eyes, light skin orange...... is it?

What color should I describe that skin of the yellow race?

When I say skin tone, it becomes the common skin color of this world, but I don't know the common skin color of this world. The color is quite different.

It will vary from race to race, and as a former Japanese with skin tone = yellow race skin color, I will have considerable difficulty.

"Fine, fine. I'd love to see that, too!

Somehow, can't we see Ein?

'Right...... Or do you mean a little related, let's get down to business'

Perhaps if you become God, you will also have the opportunity to see me.

But otherwise, I don't think we'll get a chance.

So let's talk about it.

But before I do, let's talk about me.

Oh, maybe Master Fiyanamia should have talked about this when we were together.

I have no choice but to tell Master Fiyanamia, even the next time she asks.

In the meantime, explain how I went to Siel and how I came to gain divine power. This time it's a no-touch about previous life or something.

While he was talking, Ciel looked serious and listened.

"I mean, that guy's experiment was about half as successful, right?

'You will. But you won't be able to fill the other half first.'

"Right. And you don't seem to know how well that guy was doing, either.

Nevertheless, it's probably because of that man that you can see the Spirit now. It's kind of complicated. "

"I know that."

"I knew Ain't more amazing than that. You were able to use magic!

"Thanks to you, I won't be able to use attack magic at all... I'll leave that to Ciel"

"Yeah, sure, sure!

That's it for the prefix.

Let's get back to business. What will become of us?

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