Two as One Princesses

Later in the day when gossip Ein isn't here * Ciel Perspective

As soon as I get to my seat, the hot soup is brought in.

It's in a slightly thick plate that seems simple but expensive and seems kind of hard to eat.

I'm sure you have manners, and even though Ain't going to tell me when he's around, I don't know, but he actually tells me the least.

He said it wasn't absolute because manners vary from country to country, but it would be better than eating without thinking about it. Because Ayn said it was important not to offend them.

Not eating dirty and not making too much noise. He said he didn't seem confident that we should be aware of this.

So I alone can practice. I mean, I do it from time to time.

I feel kind of happy that I'm naturally able to do what Ayn taught me at the usual time. Because it does make me feel like Ayn exists.

That's how Fi stared at me drinking soup, and he laughed and started talking.

"Well, now, can you listen to me while I eat?

"You mean Ayn?

"Yeah, yeah. That's right."

"Tell me quickly"

If you're going to tell me about Ain, I don't mind running out of this soup.

Although I feel a little unwell because it tasted better than I thought it would be, some things are better compared to Ein's.

"Einsel's probably at the Supreme God's. Is it easy to understand where God lives, when it comes to being in the divine world?

"How can you say that?

"The place where this mansion is located also serves as a temple where the temple descends from the gods.

In other words, the power of the gods is easy. "

"Has a trust gone down to Ayn?

I can only understand that it is somehow a divine word, but is it okay to mean the word of God?

But I don't think it's going to take a day if we just listen.

No, did Ein go to a place called the Divine Realm?

"No. It's where God's power extends, so you could invite Ein to the divine realm?

"Right, I think so. I don't know how you can say that, but as I said earlier, I (I) am created and sent to the Supreme God, so I'm not convinced, am I?

Einsel, you have the same power as the supreme god. It's like she was sent to the Supreme God again. "

"Ain't no god"

I have asked many times, but never affirmed it.

So it shouldn't mean Ayn is the same as Fi.

"Einsel is not like us again.

We have a role to play in the first place, and we are made to be different from people.

But Einsel is probably just a soul of a man. And the supreme god gave him power... no, you anchored the power you were lending yourself. Though it didn't seem intentional. "

"I mean, is Ayn a person?

"For once, could it be someone who can handle one end of God's power? But with the same power from the Supreme God, we can call ourselves family.

Shall we return to that, then? How can you say Einsel went to the divine realm "

Yes. The important thing is where Ayn is right now, and if he's coming home properly.

I'd like to hear about the other Ayn, but now is not the time.

We need to make sure we have the right priorities.

"Einsel, with the power of the Supreme God, is simply easy to catch the attention of the Supreme God.

Besides, it's probably like the Supreme God sent it in. But Einsel wasn't aware that she had the power of God in the first place.

The Supreme God didn't explain anything to you when you sent him in. "

"So you're explaining now?

"Yeah, yeah. That's what I'm expecting. A one-way shrine is not a good place to explain.

Einsel himself should be used to God's power, so maybe it would have been easier to call the gods. "

You mean God took me? Mm-hmm... I'd like to complain, but if I did, Ayn might be annoyed.

But, but I wanted a word or so.

"Was it hard to understand, though I don't seem to be being construed?

"Yeah. I'm fine. More than that, is Ein coming home properly?

"Right. Right. They might be back as early as tomorrow.

Depending on what you're talking about with the Creator, it won't be that long, though I can't say. "

As long as I believe Fi's words, all I can do is wait.

But yeah. When I thought Ayn was gone before, I was a mess.

I was injured here and there, and I wonder if it was then that my hair became my current color.

A trembling voice that won't be a song. That's because Ayn broke my heart when he saw me worn out.

I guess that's what you thought hurting me for not being there.

I'm not complacent, because I'm going to understand that Ain takes care of me that much.

"Should I show Ayn how well I am?

"Right, right. So eat that soup."

Fi's tender gaze is kind of very ticklish.

But sure, you couldn't have seen Ayn yesterday with me.

If you look at me yesterday, I'm sure Ein blames himself.

But I'm sure if Ayn suddenly disappears again, I'll be in the same state.

I knew I couldn't do it without Ain.

Believe me, it's hard to wait.

I think I just happened to have Fi this time, so I figured it out.

So I remembered something.

"With that said, the line remains. Aren't you in the divine realm?

"I said that to explain it clearly, but it's like Einsel's asleep, to be exact. I go to God in my dreams."

"Ayn can use magic in his sleep?

"That's right. Maybe Ayncel's the only one who can keep her witchcraft with this precision while she sleeps?

That's all I want to protect you from. "

That makes me happy when they say that. So much Ain is trying to protect me. So much, he cares about me.

"Really! Yes, it is. Ain't Ain't that amazing?

You've been protecting me. And then, the song is good. "

"Yeah, yeah. Yeah. I wonder how many people can break that line.

Besides, you haven't been able to add or subtract it because you're unconscious.

You're probably the safest person in the world right now. "

"Oh yeah, wow, wow! I knew Ein was amazing."

"Besides, didn't Ayncel teach you how to eat?

"Yeah, yeah! Ein knows a lot. I didn't know how to do a tea party, but they told me if it was easy manners. Lots more."

I talked to Fi a lot, not realizing that at some point the language was the same as when I was talking to Ein.

It's a lot of fun to talk about Ain.

Praise me about Ain makes me happier than I am.

But I remember one. When Ayn disappeared earlier, I thought it was because I couldn't do anything to Ayn.

It's been years since then, but could I have done something for Ayn?

I wonder if Ein is still just protecting me.

But what would Ain want you to do?

If I was thinking about this at the tea party this afternoon, I would quietly grate the cup Fi had in his mouth and stare at this one.

Even I think it works beautifully to put the cup down.

"Ayncel said you went to the Supreme God to stay awake, but the truth is, there's one more reason why you're not awake."


"Yeah. She's very tired. Not physically, but mentally. Although I guess Einsel doesn't feel physically tired in the first place.

But I was just a little distracted, so I fell asleep. "

I was hacked when they said it.

I don't know where Ein is resting.

I just wasn't there for a day when I was 5.

You can't be tired.

There's no way he hasn't come.

I wouldn't last three days.

But Ayn did it.

For me, to protect me.

I should have known Ayn was mentally tired.

If so, I'll work for you when Ain returns.

Let me give you a break.

- But how?

- What am I supposed to tell you?

- I don't know.

What's so important?

That I'm gonna do something for Ayn?

I want to do something for Ayn.

I want to do something for Ayn at all.

But I don't know how.

I wish I could have done something for you.

But the important thing isn't if I do it, it's for Ein.

I'm sure Fi would know a good way.

If Fi has a good appreciation for Ein, I can take care of it.

Though that's kind of vain.

That's kind of regrettable though.

I need Ayn to get better first.

"Fi. I need a favor."

"I wonder what? What do you think it is?

"You can call me Ciel, could you cheer Ain up?

"Is that okay with you?

"... this is good. Something I don't know how to cheer Ain up."

"Yeah, yeah. All right, Ciel.

But you don't have to be so depressed. Because Ciel is not an adult yet.

No, no. Even adults have a hard time knowing how you feel, Einsel. It's hard for me to bring out her hidden truth.

So it's okay if Ciel can't do something about it right now. "

What a fii talk.

I'm a child. A child protected by Ein. Fi says that's good.

Probably Ayn would say something similar.

But next time, I want to be able to cheer Ayn up.

As he was renewing his determination, Fi looked a little troubled.

"But, yeah, you're in trouble."

"Could it be difficult after all?

"I'll figure out how to bring out what Ayncel really is. Though it's a bit cheating way.

But the trouble is, I'm sure Ayncel would be jealous to see me and Ciel getting along. "

"Jealousy, I don't know."

"It means you might get angry."

"Ayn won't be mad as much as I've gotten along with Fi. I wouldn't do that.

I'm not that narrow. "

"Of course you may not be jealous. Something you should know is smart.

But I'm not talking about being narrow-minded.

Have you ever thought that Ciel would be jealous, too, when Einsel's getting along with someone?

"I do. Because we can all make contact with Ein. But I can't help it."

I was kind of very jealous when Ain was taking a bath with Viviana.

I wanted to make contact with Ain, too.

I just managed to be patient, I was full of it. Because I knew I had no choice.

"That's jealousy. Ciel likes Ayn, so that's what you thought, right?

I see. Sure, then it's easy to understand.

If Ein looked at me and Fi and felt like me then, I'd feel kind of happy about that.

That emotion is hard, but still kind of.

I knew I was a bad boy to want to see Ayn like that.

"What should I do?

"Why don't you accept that, Einsel?

"That would be easy. It's easy."

If you suddenly get angry, I don't know, but if that's jealousy, that's also loving.

I was just a little excited to see what Ayn would look like.

But I'd like to see Ayn sooner than that.

If it's too late, maybe I'll be jealous of God, huh?

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