Two as One Princesses

90. The Magic of Washing, Bathing and Ayncel

There was nothing like a shower in the large bathroom that Ciel and I were still going to let people in even though we went in.

There are faucets and buckets instead, so you should use them to wash your body.

Not all baths were showered in previous life, nor is it uncommon.

Rather this way, though it's rarer to have something like a shower.

Ciel, who pulled me away, let go of his hand and said, "Shall we say wash up?" and shake his neck.

With that said, I remember making that promise.

Surely when you took a bath with Mr. Viviana, you promised Ciel that you were stubborn.

I didn't expect it to happen so soon then. No, I didn't think it would happen.

Though I'd like to thoroughly shine Ciel to do it, it's probably more certain to have her as a maid of honor.

If we say it's enough to sweat in our case, so be it.

"You mean wash each other's bodies, right?

"Right. Hair, by way of example, flushes dirt with hot water."

"Okay. Well, first you need me to wash Ayn."

When Ciel is convinced, he stores hot water in a barrel.

Let's keep Ciel warm by magic so he doesn't catch a cold. Since it will not be an offensive sorcery, should I also use the appropriate fire attribute sorcery?

Okay, Ciel, but someone made me so good at making soap bubbles.

Though I am still better at it, I will be caught up in it.

In the meantime I sit and wait in the chair provided.

"... hiccup"

I waited relaxed and my back was stroked.

I know it was Ciel's fault, but I'm embarrassed because I got a weird voice.

"I knew Ain's voice was cute."

"... I think it's the same as Ciel"

"Really? Ein is a singing princess. Wouldn't Ein have a better voice?

"If you ask me, I might be."

I tried to be a little obstinate by accident, but that doesn't matter when I'm talking to you.

I do think Ciel is right about her voice.

I'm probably not as able to dance as Ciel.

Talking, Ciel's hand slips through my body.

Honestly, I'm pretty ticklish, so I'm desperate to put up with the sound of my voice, but maybe it sounds like Ciel.

This is why my body is so tight.

I decided to leave it to the latter because I don't know if the light on my body was because of the embarrassment or the bath, but I don't know.

Ain't got no skin.

"That doesn't change Ciel either. Probably."

"Right. If so, does it not change the size of this place?

With what I say, Syel's hand stretches out to my chest.

I was ready, but I couldn't stand the moment I touched it to "hiccup" and leak my breath.

After all, there are a lot of unfamiliar things about feminine sensations.

Ciel's hand feels like she's purely enjoying the feel, and the quality is so poor that it's hard to stop.

"You're not big, but you're soft. I wonder what that is? It's gonna be a little bit of a habit."

"I hope it's not a habit on the part of being..."

Ciel would not respond to my words, but instead moved his hand to another place.

Washing was a strong enemy.

Even after washing all the way through, for almost the first time in contact with people, Shiel liked the feeling of my body, touching my arms and stuff with Funihuni.

That's the first time I've bought a low-repulsion pillow, like a child, and the behavior itself has no heart.

Sometimes I touched it differently, but the basics seemed to confirm people's warmth.

I don't know what to say, I laugh like a prank every time I react, but the basics were hectic and I wanted to watch Ciel from the side if I could.

Anyway, I focused on polishing Ciel up shiny.

When my hand touched me, I kind of got serious because Ciel seemed comfortable.

And now, I'm on the hot tub alongside Ciel.

Although it may be a good idea to apply the hair to the water, there is no dirt on the hair or hot water due to the junction coating, so there are two of them in there without worrying.

Thanks to this, my hair widened and a white and black marble pattern was born between Ciel and me.

Beautiful, but without a bond, each other's hair would have been tangled up and in big trouble.

I was in there holding hands, shoulders to shoulders, but Ciel, who had let go of his hand to the lid, placed me on his own lap.

And he hugs me from behind.

I suppose you want to imitate what you did with Mr. Viviana before, and the motive was predictable, so I did not resist either, and it was delivered in Ciel's arms.

But just on my knees, Ciel seems heavy, so I sit in such a way as to get between my legs.

Then I put my hand on it to the point of touching Ciel's arm.

Would you call it a back hug, an image of a man embracing from behind, but it's not a bad idea to be taken from a woman (Ciel) this way.

Even if you did it from me, though you would look like a girl. I don't know what's in it. Honestly, I only have the image that I was originally a man.

Amphibious or asexual? But my body pulled me, and I wonder if my consciousness as a woman is stronger.

If I had any idea, Ciel would put his head on my shoulder.

As I stroked that head, I decided to talk to him and tell him that it would be better to talk about it.

"Actually, there's something I haven't told Ciel."

"What could it be? Originally male, coming from another world, on the way to being a god, maybe something else we haven't talked about?

What's more like it now when you say so?

But it would be a story that Ciel has been concerned about for a long time. Continue the conversation while combing Ciel's hair with your hands.

"It's from Einsel."

"You're gonna talk to me, aren't you?

"Yeah, because I don't need to keep my mouth shut anymore"

"You are. Then would you tell me?

"Yes. Einsel comes from the fairy of the world where he was - is it like a prank-loving spirit?"

"There was a spirit in the world where Ayn was, wasn't there?

"No, as far as I could tell. It's a fictional existence that's only in the story.

The fairies are mostly portrayed like little people, helping people, playing pranks, and there are so many kinds of them. "

Somewhere different from what I thought, I hit the wall.

It's pretty hard to explain a fairy.

Ciel, who is trying to understand me somehow in my explanation, is roaring "hmm......"

"The Spirit has a lot of looks, too, maybe something like that?

"I think it's good like that. One of them is Einsel.

At the same time, it means' myself 'in some part of the world where I lived.

One day the Einsel fairy showed up to the boy who was playing near the fireplace.

Einsel introduces himself, and the boy returns, "I'm Einsel."

The two were playing friendly, but the boy's carelessness caused the fairy to burn.

Fairies call out crying parents. The parent who came is crying to my child: 'Who did this?' I asked.

Besides, the fairy returned "It's Ayncel," because the boy introduced himself to Ayncel, but the parents got in trouble and left the child with them.

I think we were talking about something like, "

Though I don't think the details are the same, it was largely like this.

If I look at it again, I don't have to think Einsel looks pathetic. Depending on the theory, my parents must have been mad at me.

"We know where Ayn's name came from. But why did you keep your mouth shut?

"Because Einsel is the switch that I disappear."

"You can't let Ayn disappear. I promised you no!

Ciel overreacts as expected. He put his strength into the arm that he had turned around his neck, only to let me escape, and kept his whole body close together. I gently stroke Syel's arm to calm him down.

"Yes, I decided to talk to you because I don't think you need to disappear anymore."

"Really? You're not lying, are you?


When I respond, my strength falls out of Siel.

Still keep the body you snuggled in. Your cheeks are sticking together.

Unlike a bath, I want to leave myself intact in contact with each other's skin without anything pinched between them.

"It's how it disappears in the first place, but Einsel means' himself 'in short.

Even Ein would mean as much as' himself '.

So no matter how many times Ciel calls me Ein, it's no different than it's referring to Ciel himself, and you can tell from the side that it feels that way. "

"Even though Ayn is putting the line on me, it's like he said he did."

"I meant half-heartedly, or I wish I could.

You know it's going to cost you something to use magic. "

Thanks to this, I cannot use offensive magic.

Probably can't even use healing magic. Although I can cover the recovery with a singing princess.

"So I was thinking of magic that would pass on all the magical skills I possessed to Ciel.

Because then you'll be able to tie the line with Ciel himself.

The price for this is what I say I am. It doesn't even leave a trace that I was there to erase it.

It also occurs that the memory is altered, and I'm suspicious that it could be done, but it seemed to work out because I used the name Ayncel (myself).

That is, activate the magic, and all that I have done will have been done by Ciel.

Ciel is the only one who knows the name of Ayncel, or who called me Ayncel, other than the man in this mansion, right?

I think Master Fiyanamia will remain uncomfortable that the maid who took care of me would have taken care of herself, as she excluded it because it is God's use, but later I would have disappeared from everyone's perception without any particular major problems.

No one I've met before I came to this mansion knows Ayncel, so there's no need to alter my memory. "

I didn't know if I could really do it.

I wish I could. It was so boring, but I guess this makes it magical that I got tattoos from the Supreme God.

I mean, it might have been possible because there was so much power in the Supreme God.

At any rate, I was going to disappear with this magic when Ciel didn't want to be a god, couldn't accept my identity, or judged me unnecessary.

"So you're still using that magic?

How can it be unusable?

"Give me a different name and you won't be able to use it."

"... that's troublesome. You're in trouble. Ein feels like Ein, and the other names are uncomfortable."

Well, I knew the height of the hurdle in getting Ciel to think of a name.

And I know how uncomfortable it is. Even now I feel uncomfortable being called in the name of Yumemura.

Even so, if Ciel can't come up with it, he'll be sure to have it called in his previous life's name.

Because even the supreme god didn't speak.

But it doesn't suit me to say that it's a dream village pity because of the way it looks right now.

"Then just call me Yume for once"

Leo also thought about it, but I feel like Yume is more of a girl.

Though Ciel puts his neck upon my words, because of his proximity to his face, Ciel's head hits me.

Touching that pretty head for now, Ciel narrowed her eyes as she tickled.

"Is that the previous name?

"Is it one of the nicknames in the previous name......? Because I think it's what it looks like right now."

"You are.

... Hey, Yume. I like yume. Love it. So don't be gone, okay?

"Yes, of course."

I also tilt my head toward Ciel. Contact over hair, but kind of very restful.

At the same time, I knew by my senses that the magic that I disappeared was no longer available.

"I can't use it anymore," he snapped as he complained with his eyes about what happened to Ciel.

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