Two as One Princesses

91. Future Policies, Beds and Lullabies

Get out of the bath, wipe your body, and then wear the negligee that was ready.

I was wearing it when I woke up, mysterious Negrije.

What the hell is this? I also feel like God made something, or maybe he was dressed in a normal negligee at the service.

It is also possible that Master Fiyanamia noticed my flesh-receiving and dressed me.

Whatever it is, I still have clear shoulders, so I want a stall.

If I wear Negrije, I'll call Ciel.

Ciel was also finished wearing it and approached with her neck clenched.

"Ayn, what's going on?

"I thought I'd keep my hair dry. Can you sit in the chair, please?

"Yeah, all right."

Pull the chair that was at the end of the strip room towards the center and ask Ciel to sit down.

Moist, damp, bright white hair wouldn't hurt to leave it like this otherwise.

I can dry anything right away, but this time I use magic to dry it using a hairdryer.

Gently massage Ciel's hair with your hands.

Ciel is very easy to do because he keeps his eyes closed and stands still.

Think about this, isn't it kind of like sisters?

Although I don't know how to interact with my sisters.

In the meantime, I'm satisfied as far as I'm concerned, because Ciel is loosening her mouth in a way that makes her feel good.

"It's over," I let go of my hand when I finished drying it, and I looked at this one a little too bad with my eyes open, Ciel.

"You're done. Too bad."

"You can't keep it dry forever."

"Yeah. Thanks Ain. That felt good."

"Good for you, then."

That's what I say, I give you my hand in front of Ciel.

When Ciel took my hand and stood up, he decided to head for dinner.

Dinner was pretty good, too.

Though I was wondering if I would talk to Master Fiyanamia about something, he immediately sent us to our room because the time remaining was short.

How many times in one day would I have thanked Master Fiyanamia?

I wish I could repay something at a later date.

But now I have to concentrate on my time with Ciel.

"You're going to end another day..."

"We have a little more time, so you can do what Ciel wants, right?

"Right... what's going on with Ayn's body right now?

That's what Ciel says, touching my arms with hunnies.

Interestingly, though, it gently fumbles, but it's kind of funny.

"Do you feel that you covered your soul with the power of God?

So with this body, you don't need a meal or anything. "

"Does the power of God mean that if I become God, this is how I can make Ein's body?

"I think so, but I can't say absolutely"

"I see you are."

Syel joins hands with me and begins to think niggly.

I kind of miss the hands of those who aren't holding hands, so I decided to stroke Ciel's cheek.

He was kind of very happy just to say that he was touching the skin of a yawdy siel with a salad, but with even more siel empty hands.

That's how I smile happily so my chest fills up.

"I am, Ayn. You've been thinking about Ein's body since she couldn't make it?

That's why. I'm so happy that my chest is about to rip open, even though this is how I found the possibility of being with Ein. Really? "

Saying so, and Ciel sits me in bed, he brings my head in.

Beyond the soft feel, Ciel's heart was certainly hitting the early bell.

I only imagined vaguely that one day I would be able to make contact with Syel.

Instead, before my body could do anything about it, it might have thought that it should disappear.

So how happy Ciel is, you won't be able to do that right.

Because I'm sure Ciel has been thinking for a long time about the opportunity to have the Supreme God make his wish come into contact with me. It's not the same period of time I wanted.

If the time period is different, that's all it takes to change your mind again.

But I knew. the happiness of being in touch with Ciel. Happiness that should be casual.

And I didn't get it all the time, take it for granted.

So I want my body, too.

It doesn't have to be every day, but it's hard to say just today.

"Our deification takes a long and ten years to set foot in immortality.

It will take even longer to fully deify from there. "

"Right. That's what you said."

"But there are ways to shorten this."

"Well, I kind of noticed that. That's what Ein was talking about.

What am I supposed to do?

"You're going to use a lot of divine power. Basically, even if it's just mixed into the juncture, I think it'll go faster."

Now, although we can't always keep using it, we'll be able to do it once some of the magic is converted into divine power.

I don't know how fast that will go, but I guess it will be about a few years faster.

"Then Ayn, you're gonna leave it to me, right?

"Ciel won't be able to handle it yet, will he? I don't know from which stage it will be available, but I think it will be my main one either way because it will only be pulled by me"

"I'd like to help if I could..."

There's one thing I have to tell you, though Ciel thinks about it.

"I also want to make contact with Ciel.

But if you hurry too fast, you'll be immortal before Ciel finishes growing up.

Keep that in mind. "

Ciel is almost 13 years old. Growth stops at 22-3 years of age, even in the 10 years that are the maximum.

If deification is accelerated by progress, it is possible to reach the realm of immortality in a few years if all efforts are made.

17-8 years old when I'm half way there. Maybe you'll stop growing at about 15.

Although still attractive enough, it's hard to say it's an adult woman.

"Do you think Ayn can't be me right now?

"No. Ciel is cute now, too. Ciel has always been adorable."

"Then you don't mind. So I want to do my best to be a god soon."

Ciel, slightly reddened, declares.

Because I guess I'm thinking about it right. Yesterday I made a mistake.

If that's what you think, Ciel adds the words.

"Because it's what Ein wants.

I want to be free to make contact with Ain as soon as possible. If so, there's no reason to hesitate. "

My cheeks just loosen a little. But I immediately pull myself together and respond with perseverance.

"Okay. I will use my divine power with all my heart."

"Besides, I don't know how much God can do, but God who had Ain is free to change his appearance, right?

If so, would you be able to do enough to change your age?

"Perhaps if you ask me, yes."

It's only possible, although it's certainly possible for Ciel to say so.

But making contact with Ciel is my happiness, and if we are to be happy on our own, we move so that we can get my body as soon as possible. That's what I decided.

Unless Ciel is unhappy, I too, seek my happiness.

"If that's what you're saying, you might want to look for 'artificial no god no baiyi'"

"That's true. Having defeated that Wolf, Ein could be a god... Was it?

"To put it bluntly, yes."

"If we defeat the same artificial god, the goddess, the goddess may proceed once and for all."

"I think it's worth a try. Is there any other problem..."

"In the meantime, you should check it out.

It's about that guy, so he might be messing with something else. "

It won't start unless it moves. It's a good thing I was able to do it because although I came to the center, I didn't plan on doing anything about it.

I'm not willing to step into Estoke again, but maybe I'm fleeing to another country, and just because I couldn't find it doesn't mean I can't deify it.

"If that's what you decide, I'll use Ayn as a pillow today, you will!

Whether it was because of a future policy or because Ciel found out what he wanted to know, a satisfied facial Ciel pushed me down.

In bed. We are facing each other hand in hand.

At first it was Ciel, who was gaining momentum when he turned it into a pillow, but when he actually tried it, he found that people's bodies were not suitable for pillows, and this happened after many attempts.

Ciel, they also negatively rated my face invisible when I turned it into a pillow.

Ever since my current attitude, I haven't spoken from either side, especially without doing anything.

With the feel of a connected hand and the face of the other person in the eye, we confirm each other's existence.

His gaze crosses, his eyes snap at each other, and he laughs at Couscous both ways.

That alone kind of filled me up very much.

As to how long he had been doing so, Ciel's eyes gradually began to tron like he was sleeping.

I would blink more often and fall asleep right now.

Still, my heart pounds when I think I'm trying so hard to wake up to make contact with me for a little while longer.

Bullying and loving.

"Hey Ein."

"Yes, what is it?

I can hear Ciel for drowsiness or prolonged.

"Could you sing for me? I'd love to hear a song while I feel Ayn in my current state."

"Is it good in the form of sitting in bed? Because it's hard to sing while you're asleep."

"Will you hold hands?


That's what I said, get up once and sit on the edge of the bed.

Then I grab Ciel's left hand with my right hand and take the empty left to Ciel's shoulder.

Close your eyes and sing it out.

Thinking of a day like a dream. But I did get to touch with Ciel, so that today would be something a little special in Ciel.

I remember some. One lullaby I've sung many times before, politely and politely.

Gently and gently. Now, as it certainly reaches Ciel's ear.

Rhythm with tonnes and your left hand so you can fall asleep.

Gradually, the power falls out of Ciel.

I start hearing regular sleeping breaths.

I totally stopped singing where Ciel fell asleep.

Ciel's sleeping face illuminates in the moonlight.

A familiar face that is adorable as if it were a fairy reminder and at the same time conceals the beauty of a goddess.

If you take your hand on that cheek, you look happy to stay asleep.

I am healed to this point by an innocent look that my usual ciel doesn't show.

stroke her snowy hair to comb "Good night. Siermail," he muttered.

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