Two as One Princesses

100. Ethereal, Flaming and Ice * Freele Perspective

My name is Freele Iazzyk. Born to the second daughter of the Iazzyk family, she is now made aware of her name as a young B-class hunter.

My parents vehemently disagreed with me when I initially said I was going to be a hunter, although it was now my name. He couldn't agree to go down a road that he didn't know when he was going to die, even though he had how much professional talent.

Besides, the Iazzeeks are houses that, in other countries, would hit the aristocracy - and sometimes they would have the same aristocratic daughter in their disciples, but they would love it - so they may have become anxious that I would not do something about it.

Then I guess it was also worth using as a child of nobility.

But thanks to having a brother who was an excellent sister as a nobleman, he was eventually recognized.

I wanted to be a hunter because I thought it was a simple story, the closest thing to getting that status in a woman.

Speaking of hunters, a large organization with influence in each country at the same time as it is a place where the lower-level ones without jobs come together.

Low ranks are treated like sweeping and discarding, but higher ranks also make it possible to be treated on an equal footing with nobility.

Especially if you are above A level, you can say that you have more power than the Iazzyk family.

I didn't want to end up with a nobleman, that's all if I told you.

Even though I might not have aspired if my profession (Job) had not been a "senior flame magician", the Iazeeks have also favoured me as a result of my youthful ascent to a B-class hunter.

My hunter life, which seemed like a smooth sail with two perfect names for me, "The Burning Beauty Princess," but one thing I couldn't convince myself of.

That is the presence of Carol, the "Ice Witch".

I've never been able to beat the ice yet, though I've been a hunter at the same time and I've increased my ranks to compete.

I'm always one step ahead. She was also quicker when she got to grade B, and finally got promoted to grade A. At least five more years. Normally, it was supposed to take 10 to 20 years to think about it, but they left me.

The enthusiasm for ice magic is commendable. I cannot study magic that far.

Basically, I don't like details, do I?

Instead, I've focused on practice...

Lately, Viviana, my disciple, has come to the point where she wonders if she can reach me.

There is also a rush on me of boulders for the rapid growth of the same generation. I'm getting enough results that I shouldn't have to rush, but it's this.

Something I'm not comfortable with being left any more on ice.

That's when Viviana told me about the kid running up Hunter's rank the fastest.

At the same time I was reminded that there was a top up there, I had a feeling it was taking on one end of the leap in the sync.

And I found his presence.

A luxurious body with white hair. Though I have been concerned about beauty, I have cleaner skin than I do. Although there are differences in age, there will be an increase in armaments for her even compared to the same age.

A junction that protects a girl who looks far from such a hunter is obviously not cute as it looks.

It covers her hemispherically in triplicate. The outermost. So if it's about the attack of a C-rank demon, it looks defensive enough to play.

Then it's hard to understand, but they're up in defense according to the inside.

If so, how long will that be on the innermost side?

And the beautiful thing about that junction.

There is no unevenness of magic. The only way to break through this junction is to exceed it with pure aggression.

That's even the ice, because you can be uneven in the junction, so that means you have that much skill.

At least you're not the kind of guy who can do something about the little thing that's stuck around right now.

Wouldn't it be a good study not to judge strength just by its appearance?

Though I don't know how much that cost will be.

Nevertheless, I cannot keep my mouth shut if I am shown such a bond.

But if I sell a fight because I care about my strength, I'll be pissed off at the Hunter Union and the Iazzyk family.

So, uh, I came up with a good thing.

To do this, it's good to get to know each other for now. Because you should be able to cut out the story without being alert.

So bad for the trinket there, but I'll try to get her opponent to take her place.

Take the study from someone else.

"It's not someone you can handle with your hands. If you don't want to die, lower your hands immediately."

Just because I say so, I run away. A hunter would like you to show some more temper, but naturally, if you know me.

I hear you don't normally want to do things with a superior hunter.

Though I have crushed them all from the front.

"Nothing. It was okay."

Where the man was gone, I heard a girl who didn't bluff.

I have the impression that I am less interested in others than I have something to include.

"I know you're okay. If you look at that juncture, you know you're a B hunter.

Viviana said it was you who broke the youngest grade B promotion record?

Confirmation is important. You saw it hurt once before, didn't you? I think it was how I met that ice one, but it's abominable just to recall.

No, that's good now. I'm just wasting my time worrying about such a woman.

"You, Viviana's associate?

"You haven't introduced yourself yet!

I am Freele Iazzyk. Two names on a B-class hunter are called the burning princess.

Your relationship with Viviana is right, that kid's master!

It is very important that you remember your name. That is no different for hunters or nobles.

Because I named him, or the girl in front of me opened her mouth a little troublesome.

"I am Siermail"

"Cielmail, isn't it? I don't care about the trinkets or anything like that earlier, but could I ask you for one?


"Why don't you do a mock fight with me?

If you shouldn't be selling fights, you can make a request. If you're paying to do it by mutual agreement, there must be no problem.

I used a little praise hand to get it to me, but this is acceptable.

Cielmail thought he'd been staring at the void silently for a while, "What's the condition?" I answered briefly.

"Thank you for taking it. Let's talk about the reward first. How about 50 gold coins, whether you win or lose?

"Too many B requests"

"Right. But it's worth it."

I don't see any chance of doing a mock fight like this in the first place with a Class B or above.

If I could buy that opportunity for money, I wouldn't hesitate. Something that will be a great opportunity to be strong.

Besides, this time, I feel that Viviana's growth is triggered... so I'm just going to spare you.

"Hunters use the game a lot. There will be no killing, and I won't let you bear as much as you can with the major injuries.

Admit losing, make it out of battle, or win if you decide you've got an effective hit in. How about this?

"Okay. Who's in attendance?

"Celia, nice to meet you."

Celia, who knows her and has a proven track record, would be perfect for a sitter. That's what I nominated him for, but I heard an abominable voice from behind saying, "I'll do the eagle."

I wonder why you're here.

Are they fighting or selling? I would never buy it.

"What are you doing here, Ice?"

"I've been looking for him. Long time no see, Siermeer."

"Carol, long time no see"

They still knew these two.

Besides, it seems like a pretty cheap pattern.

The expectation that this girl - Cielmail - is involved in the leap in synchronization is likely to be correct, while the presence of ice is depressing.

"I'll talk to you later. It'll be nice to bump the red one over there first."

"Are you selling fights? You don't have to buy it."

"Yes, sir. You do it with that kid, don't you? It's a good opportunity to lose without skin."

"If you say so much, I'll win and show you. Don't bark at me later!

You really are an abominable woman. I'll definitely let you apologize later.

"So if you resent it, resent the ice there."

Yeah, yeah. I'm sorry, but I can't help you anymore. Though I didn't want to do it from the beginning.

Move the location as you play mock warfare.

There should have been about a place in the Hunter Union where we could have had a mock fight, but somehow we got out of town.

Guided by the Siermeer, he was taken away from the town by a wide meadow.

Unlike the rest of town, I wonder if I can do what I want here.

As long as you're happy to say it's a place where you don't need to put a limit.

Me and Siermeer stand opposite each other and look at this one where the ice one is away.

It might not have been a bad choice if the ice one meant it wouldn't fall to the heart to be a witness, but it wouldn't kill you to get involved.

"Are you ready?


That's what Cielmail said, but he doesn't try to move by looking at this one.

Does that mean we'll give in first?

Or maybe he's after you at the counter, too?

Either way, you're inviting a blow to see how things go, aren't you?

But today I'm out of hand. It'll take a little while, but if you're going to give me the lead, do your best.

In the sorcery that I use, in the sorcery that I have created, the only sorcery name has been given to me.

A blue and white world that burns, burns, and reaches red flames.

A total of 4 points slightly higher than my shoulders. Float a lump of flame that has turned blue and white.

Even if you are a senior flame magician and chant discard, it takes a few seconds to prepare. This is rarely usable.

Because those few seconds often divide the battle.

But its power is impeccable.

I'm sure you'll burn this part of the field, but let's leave the fire to the ice.

When he was ready, Siermail was looking at this one without changing his expression.

I'll give you that spare look now. And why don't we get some noise on the ice?

"If you want to avoid it, do as you please"


"So you have nothing to talk about. Fine. Eat." Purgatory of Heaven. "Blancé Fegelium."

A sphere of flame flies to surround the Siermail according to the magic name.

Siermail has no way of avoiding it, he's just looking at the flames.

There's no such thing as a philosophy. You think it's just a flame? If that's the case, I'm not expecting it.

Ethereal purgatory, contrary to its appearance, is infused with immense magic.

No, I can burn the Wyburn because it makes a huge amount of magic. Flames with so much heat that they don't make sense, such as semi-subsistible resistance.

That flame hits the Cielmail junction and burns the junction down.

That's how it burns in an instant.

A place that was meadow becomes an ocean of fire in an instant.

You don't have to worry about this flame because it won't do me any damage, but I don't care that the ice one is protecting itself well either.

Wouldn't it burn a little?

And when I looked at the key opponent, the junction was still burning.

How many eyes is that?

No matter how many eyes you have, you can't burn them down in Ethereal Purgatory.

That's what I believed.

But the next moment.

I felt the cold air.

The remnants of the pale purgatory, there was so much ice space to cover the burning flames.

the center of that ice space. its source.

Cielmail was looking at this one, as if nothing had happened.

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