Two as One Princesses

101. Mock Battle and End * Freele Perspective

To be honest, I didn't expect it to end with the Ethereal Purgatory, Blancé Fegelium.

Ethereal purgatory, like the spear in (...) of ice (...), originally uses A-rank demons against them, not normally on people.

But I also know about ice. So if this magic is going to kill you or make you suffer an injury that would contradict the rules, you should have stopped it.

Failure to stop means that Ice's was convinced that the current blow would not render Siermail irreversible.

Instead, all that euphemism before the simulation meant that Siermail thought he could beat me even if he received Ethereal Purgatory.

That's why I did everything I could to win a mock fight.

To end the mock fight with this blow if possible, to the extent that it will be advantageous in the future even if it is not.

Magic succeeded. The pale flames of high temperatures swallowed Siermeer, and the aftermath sank the area into the sea of fire.

There was no way to avoid it, so you took a direct hit.

If so, even if grade A was the opponent, it could do a lot of damage...... it should have been.

But I don't care, Siermail is pimping in my sight right now.

I haven't broken all the boundaries in the first place.

If you look closely, the junction doesn't seem to be completely intact either, so if you can release Ethereal Purgatory again, you might be able to break it, but there won't be exactly a second time.

I wanted to distract you, but you wouldn't even be able to use the magic that would freeze a strip of ice. That's how skilled Cielmail is.

In order to measure strength, it is also considered an option to look at the situation.

That's why this one waits is the pinnacle of stupidity. At the time of first releasing Ethereal Purgatory, there was not enough of my magic left to fight a lasting war.

Anyway, I'll fold it in now.

Barrage and blind with low-power sorcery, while eating a powerful blow.

Don't give me room to attack this one.

Immediate action when you decide to do it.

"I hope the first barrage breaks the line... all the time"

Unleash countless small chunks of fire towards Siermail.

If it's about a weak demon, it has the power to defeat it lightly, but it's undeniably powerless to break that junction. But this much, I can keep using it for a while.

If that's what you think, Cielmail moved out.

If you do, you can feel nobility.

That was enough dancing to forget the battle and fall in love.

It's a relaxed movement, and when you wave away my magic with the smallest movement, it turns as if you can play with fire.

My head is going to be confused by the humiliation as if my magic were used as a production and the beauty of the dance in front of me.

Siermeer's dance attracts attention not because she makes flashy moves, but because every single move is graceful.

Just reach out, just walk, just go around. It's such a simple move that I see the difference.

No, not if you're thinking about it.

This is a place for mock warfare.

The next hand, the magic to destroy that junction.

Take the spear a little short of two-thirds of my height from the magic bag I hid on my hips.

The flaw of fire magic is that there is no entity. Even if you can burn something, it's not right to break something.

If it's wind, we can tear it apart. Needless to say, if it's dirt, if it's water, you can make it top ice.

In contrast, fire magic alone is the main thing to burn wherever you go.

It's hard to do that during a fight, although there are ways to blow it up.

Unlike the flames you've created yourself, the explosion will bounce back damage on you if you take a wrong step, and even if it's easy to use to destroy walls or something, it's not good enough to break something small and hard.

What an understandably small and stiff Cielmail junction.

Ethereal purgatory doesn't matter what you said, what you burn down anyway. If hit directly, it can be dissolved, be it metal or stone walls.

But still, the Cielmail junction prevented me.

So squeeze the shock into a single point and break it from there.

The spear taken out is made of Wyburn material, which keeps its hardness without super high temperatures, melting or burning.

Heat this, heat it, and cast it into the nucleus of my flaming sorcery.

Doing so makes up for the flaws of fire magic that I specialize in.

That's why I've trained spear handling as well. Now with spear handling, you can do it 10 times and beat the ice 10 times. Though I'm not happy to win with that.

Anyway, a blow with an emphasis on penetration, with flaming magic and spears that can withstand it.

But you let it specialize too much in penetration, and using it on demons won't bring it down in one blow, will it?

To defeat it with a single blow, that's what you have to shoot through your heart and head. I, who am not in this position, can't give my moving opponent that much hitting accuracy before.

At best, it's enough to aim at your body and let it penetrate your arms and feet. Though I still have enough use for it.

When I finally try to get someone to throw me, this time the spear is too hot for anyone but me to hold.

But not this time. You just have to break the junction.

I'd rather avoid getting a clean hit on Siermail.

The opponent is a man of strength. You will avoid spears to my extent, and if you hit and penetrate even the edge of the junction, it will collapse from there.

So also use physical enhancement and throw as much as you want.

Of course, keep the barrage of fire bullets intact, and make sure you have the gaps to deal with it.

That's what I thought, but the moment the spear left my hand, I got eyes on Cielmail.

I'm looking straight at this one as much as I don't see it in my eyes, such as a firebomb.

A sharp gaze can be pointed at this thought.

But the spear has already left my hand.

The spear, which flew straight away, approaches her at an inevitable rate in the sierr mail of slow movement.

But Siermail, who was definitely looking at this one, shows no way to avoid it. That's how my spear ended up hitting her line.

The momentum was weakened only slightly, but the spear through the junction goes straight to her.

So finally Siermail moved.

As before, in an elegant and useless move, pulling himself to attract the spear, he grabbed the spear with his hand, which was supposed to pass next to that little body.

Though the spear should boast the calories necessary for a major burn just by grasping it.

But the thought blew up in an instant.

Cielmail uses the momentum of the spear to wield the spear.

Like shaking off all the impending fire bullets.

As the butterfly flickers.

It's like a familiar gain, but I don't use it as a weapon.

Spears as props for dancing.

There is no way to defeat an enemy, he seems to be swinging by a seemingly overly long spear and has tight control. The movement is like running water.

After waving all the flare shells out, he spun the spear around and stuck it to the ground.

All the movements were very natural and noticeable. The short time felt even shorter and at the same time very long.

It was like a dream time.

Until I saw a sticking spear freeze.

Then I wondered if I felt cold, and a sharp pain runs around my neck. When I lowered my gaze with my eyes alone, a thorn made of ice stretched out of the ground to my neck.

If this hadn't been a mock fight, the ice thorns would have penetrated my neck.

Are you alarmed?

Sure, there might be that, too. But it made me realize that there was more overwhelming power difference than that.


(Einsel Perspective)

Mock battle with Mr. Freele. Ciel gave up his first hand by showing his spare time - naturally because Ciel is rankingly superior - but from that first hand he was surprised to unleash a magic comparable to Mr. Carroll's ice spear (Gracio Renzo).

Unlike the ice spear, which I managed with a single blow, the effect time was long and very troublesome.

For that matter, I guess ice spears can be fired in a row.

Because of that sorcery, it disappeared except for the innermost junction, which is the usual junction covering the surface of Ciel.

The inner junction I was making because I was wondering if the A-rank demonic attack would be tolerable was quite hurtful, and I honestly thought it was intolerable.

That's all I'm getting serious about, so this one decided to show some strength.

Specifically the lifting of the ban on singing and dancing princesses.

Fire was burning around in the aftermath of the first sorcery, so I dare to cover it with the ice stage Theora Elisinary.

Though it was Ciel who made the choice. Because I'm singing and I can't talk.

I dared to leave the wounded junction intact and let me measure the endurance of the junction.

Unless they used the first sorcery again, I was wondering if it would ever break, and I was pierced by a spear that had been thrown dispersed by a barrage of fire.

I don't know what you thought. Ciel caught that spear and started using it for dancing, but the mock fight is over safely.

Ciel swinging spears was a good thing too. Ciel seemed to have a lot of fun, especially this time because she was in a state where she could fully use the power of Mai.

With that being said, I think it was the first time Ciel had ever shown someone to fight using a dance princess.

The fact that the opponent you're fighting is attracted to Ciel's dance may be out-of-the-box interesting information.

I don't know if I was really attracted, but I guess that's what you're saying because obviously the hand in the attack stopped.

In a way, maybe this is the right way to look as a mahjong.

'You're done in jeopardy. Good luck.'

"Ayn is the one who's good luck. I was surprised when Ein's bond broke, but it was so much fun!

"If Ciel enjoyed it, I'm glad."

"That and you're curious that Carol wasn't surprised to see my fight"

'You sure didn't look surprised. Instead, he looked like he was thinking a lot.'

After Mr. Freele declares his loss, he tells such stories with Ciel on his way to Mr. Carroll.

Now Mr. Carroll would have noticed that he had more than one profession, and possibly even further ahead. It's like I showed it to you because I was going to talk to you later, and although it's better because it's easier and more helpful to explain it to me.

"That was a brilliant mess."

I have just arrived at Mr. Carroll and she incites Mr. Freele as a delight.

When Mr. Freele distorted his face in a grumpy manner, he hummed his nose.

"Yeah, I'll honestly admit to losing this time, you're a complete loser"

"I'm a little surprised here, too"

"The junction must have been broken, right? Still, you surprised me only a little..."

Is Mr. Freele honestly an acceptable person for a place like this, although he seemed to have high pride?

But I certainly don't mean to say "high pride = don't admit to losing," or maybe it's because of high pride that you obviously lost to younger people.

When I was convinced by one, Mr. Carroll had mixed up with the stories of Ciel and Mr. Freele.

"Can we talk about this now?

"It's not good. What's with the ice?"

"It means I can't play with Freele forever.

Cielmail wasn't there in the first place to have a mock fight with you, was he?


Ciel answers Mr. Carroll's question instantly.

Because of Ciel's prompt response as well, Mr. Freele's momentum weakened and he said something, but it felt like he couldn't say anything.

Mr. Carroll walks out ignoring it.

Ciel walks off about it, too.

"I get it! I'll definitely make you cry one day on the ice!

I didn't have to wonder if Mr. Freele and Mr. Carroll would actually be very close to each other as I said so.

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