Two as One Princesses

102. Talk to Carol and Home

On the way back to the Hunter Union, Ciel was nodding because Ciel asked Mr. Carroll if it was good to tell him his rank.

I didn't disagree either, as I think it would be easier to say that I am a Grade A in the center than it would be to be a child of Mother Fi's.

Though I do not disagree, even if Ciel wants to say it elsewhere.

Sometimes talking makes it easier, sometimes takes care of things.

For all I do is bear the trouble together. Though if you think you're obviously a bad hand, you'll stop.

And leave us alone, he looks like a child that Mr. Carroll tries to prank.

Mr. Freele, you'd be surprised... because you think it's a B grade...

"You don't know Freele, but he's a class A hunter."

"... could I have a moment?

Where Mr. Freele puts his hand on his head and begins to think about something, the pursuit of Mr. Carroll begins mercilessly.

"Then he became the daughter of Fiyanamia."

"I'm telling you to wait... I knew you'd give me a minute"

"I'm glad you didn't fight and sell. One wrong step, I couldn't stay in the center."

I think Mr. Freele's complexion got a little worse on Mr. Carroll's words......

You're good at hiding it, it's hard to gaze at your complexion.

"Carol, you know we've become Fi's children, right?

'If you don't tell them, it's the Hunter Union that's in trouble when mistakes happen.

Looks like it was before I could tell Mr. Freele. Or maybe he was quick to pass it on, considering that we and Mr. Carroll knew each other. '

'You are. But it helped me not to explain. "

"You saved me a lot of trouble."

Watching Mr. Carroll and Mr. Freele comic talent, I arrived at the Hunter Union when I was chatting with Ciel.

After returning to the Hunter Union, he was somehow to be taken to Mr. Carroll's house.

When Ciel asked him why, he said, "I promised to invite him to the eagle's house when he reached the B level."

Then I added, "It looks like a grade A now, but it's an error," but I don't think grades B and A are exactly errors.

Though I won't tell Ciel either because I know what you're trying to say.

He breaks up with Mr. Freele at the Hunter Union and joins Mr. Celia instead.

I wondered if the job was okay, but they were sending me out that it should not take precedence over Dear Fiyanamia's daughter.

Well, then yes. That's how much power I had.

Here's the thing...... when I'm shown the power that Ciel - me too - has where I can't imagine what to say, I get a little uncomfortable.

Ciel doesn't do that, but unfortunately, I'm a small citizen.

That's how Mr. Carroll's house was taken, but he looks like a nobleman's house.

Is that what you call a mansion?

I don't think it's the house where Mr. Carol, the magic geek, lives.

I would have imagined it was more of a lab tick.

'It's a big house, but is Ain't got anything to worry about?

'No, it's not a big deal, I just thought it wasn't like the image'


'I thought there was going to be a creepy vibe about what to say and what's more horrible'

'Hehe, that's what Ein thinks. Why not? I don't know!

Oddly enough, though Ciel has eaten it, is it true that researchers or images like Mad Scientists are because they have images from previous lives?

I don't really know what researchers in this world are like, so Siel naturally doesn't either, so it may be normal to wonder.

"When I say researchers in the previous world, or people who admire research live in the building, that's what the atmosphere was. It's like thunder or something."

"Has Ayn ever been to a house where he says that?

'... you don't have to say that. I'm starting to feel like a scientist's image of a story.'

I've never been there to say a real life research institute, but I feel that safety measures are solid and neat to say one way or the other.

I mean, you don't know much about the last life. It's what lived in a narrow world.

Once inside, the entrance is quite luxurious.

High ceilings, decorated with pots and stuff. Although the reception room is lined with furniture that looks expensive in the large hall and dining room, it doesn't look like Mr. Carroll's hobby after all.

"I knew it wasn't what I imagined."

'I can see that, too. Either that or I didn't think I was good at this.'

As we passed through several rooms, we finally reached a room that was as scattered as we imagined.

I knew this place would settle down.

"Again, say that... even though Mr. Siermail is here today"

"You did. Welcome to the eagle castle."

That's what I'm saying and showing you is a messy room with books and magic formations.

It's not so much that there's no foot trail, but I don't know where or what it is.

Ciel slaps his neck a little against proud Mr. Carol.

"What about the other rooms?

"Make it look good. You were pushed by the union when you became an A-level hunter, weren't you?

I told him I don't need it, but he's going to be in trouble if he doesn't live in this much more than an "A" grade. "

"There are also interactions with those who are so noble if they become A-level. You have to at least care about the way it looks, beyond the possibility of inviting you home."

Ciel's expression is slightly distorted by Celia's supplement.

"That's a hassle."

"This has nothing to do with Siermeer. Your house is going to be Fiyanamia-san's house, so it's impossible for someone to visit."

I think he said something about our first customer in a long time.

How can it not be so easy to say aristocracy to ask the House of Being, which can be the king of one nation?

Besides, the center is like Mother Fi's dictatorship. Speaking of which, I don't like to go through.

"Well, now that the disturbers are gone, and you're here to calm down, you can ask me now, right?


Mr. Carol, who stretched his back, speaks to Ciel like he finally said.

It's like I've been wanting to hear what you say and nodding, such a reaction.

"Have I met you before? Or maybe it's been a while?

"Don't you have to hide this anymore?

'I think it's good.' Cause even if I was sickling, I was gonna talk to you from the beginning. '


"Nice to meet you, Carol"

"Does that mean you're not Cielmail anyone? Or maybe you're the Siermeyer?

"Right. I'm Siermail. Greetings."

"I see, I see. That's what you're saying."

Next to what Mr. Carroll is convinced, Mr. Celia is strangling him.

But I guess what I'm not breaking into is listening to you for now.

Though neither Ciel nor Mr. Carroll seem willing to explain the current situation.

"And I was talking to the eagles in Sanois... is it among you?

"Do you want to change?"

"Would you do that once? Because Celia is about to have a headache next door."

"May I?

It's good.

While Celia is having a headache, I think she'll have even more headaches if she switches to me. But I think it's easy to explain the situation, so I'll replace it.

Though I wondered what to do with the color, I decided to keep it dark hair with an emphasis on clarity.

"It's been a while. Or is it a pleasure to meet you?

"Different colors, but you can just siermail the eagles were meeting, right?

"Right. The colors can be changed recently. Isn't it easier to understand?

"Right. Can I ask your name?

"I am Einsel. I don't know what to say, but right.

Please understand with those who coexist with Siermail. "

Next door to having this conversation, Celia is trying to figure it out.

And Mr. Carroll proceeds without considering Mr. Celia like that.

"So the body belongs to Cielmail, right?


'No! It's our body!

At least until Ein's body is ready!

Ciel argues in my head, and I kind of want to laugh.

Ignore the conversation with Mr. Carol for now and forgive Ciel.

'The original owner is Ciel.

It's hard to explain our relationship and our feelings. '

'Well, right. Ein and I are the only ones who know, right? Yes, it's just Ein and me!

'That's right. So rest assured'

I think it was just some momentum, but Ciel shut up satisfactorily, so it's a good idea.

"So what is it?

"... you weren't listening to the eagle..."

"Yeah, because we were talking about something important."

"... good. You can talk to each other normally."

"So what happened?

When I rehearse the obvious, Mr. Carroll looks at me as if he was frightened.

Because Ciel is more important, so you won't have a choice.

Suppose there's something more important than Ciel...... yeah? I don't think so.

If such a natural thing were to be taken into account, Mr. Carroll would speak with one sigh.

"You have your own profession, don't you?

"Right. Or I showed it to you.

By the way, can you tell me why you noticed us?

"For once, do we need to talk?

"Mostly for Mr. Celia"

I can't get into the conversation from now on. I want you to know what's going on so I can talk to you.

Although I may speak, I also want to know why Mr. Carroll was convinced.

"I get it. Cielmail in the first place, no. Einsel, right?

There's a tip Ayncel gave me to the eagle. Do you really know that magic resides in your soul?

I didn't know that existed in the first place.

As a possibility, I even thought that if my soul could leave my body, I would know. Though I don't know how that will happen.

And you didn't actually hide that you were singing princesses, did you?

Rather, you felt like you wouldn't mind spreading it well. Though basically it seemed like he was trying to hide it. "

"I wonder if that felt like it too"

Mr. Celia finally enters the conversation.

Or does that much information come in when you're in the center?

Or were they able to connect us with the information that came in fragments because they knew about us?

Looking at the reaction of the people in the center, it's probably the latter.

"It's a strange story to say that a singing princess is such a prominent profession, yet it doesn't hide it thoroughly. If you want to stand out, you could still be being chased.

The singing princess and her name, that's all we have, and we can almost personally identify her. But it didn't happen because the person in the position to pursue recognized you as a different profession.

It's just speculation, and it's all holes, but it sticks strangely. "

"Because it is, in fact. I am the singing princess."

"Well, if you're Ciel Mail..."

"It's a violation of manners to ask that, isn't it?

Laughing back, Mr. Carroll looked frigid.

Well, naturally because we fought an unwilling battle to hide being a dance princess.

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