Two as One Princesses

103. Daughter and Nest of Fiyanamia

"So you didn't mean it when you fought the eagle."

"I think I did everything I could then, because I wasn't the one who was fighting"

"The battle is part of the Siermail."

"That's what you're saying. I support you while you fight."

'That's fine with Ayn. What I fight for'

"I mean, when I was fighting Freele, I guess it was Cielmail."

"Right. Until then, I was the one who dealt with it."

Ciel and I were switched before the simulation started.

When I tell him that, Mr. Carroll turns to face after all.

It's sloppy because even if a beauty looks at her face, she doesn't look so weird.

Well, Ciel's cuter though. And though I'm supposed to be the same face as Ciel.

I didn't have a face until a while ago, so I feel a little dull around there, or loose, or something like that.

"May I double check?

"It's good."

We've talked so far, and Celia wants confirmation that she understands. I don't mind anything, so I nodded.

"Mr. Siermeer's body is filled with the souls of Mr. Siermeer and Mr. Einsel, and you can be freely replaced."

"Yes, you can have a conversation without being asked around. You can't be two."

"And you're saying that each has a profession (job), right?

"Right. If there is a profession in our souls, it should come as no surprise that we each have a profession."

"In fact, it was Mr. Einsel who was the singing princess, and the Lispergia family, Duke of Estoke, said that Mr. Siermeer was perceived as another profession"

"So you know the right profession. I was given a professional appraisal right in front of me."

Without that, I think Ciel could have fought more dignified, but without that, I wouldn't have had a chance to know the profession.

Still, it may have worked out, but that would have reduced what Ciel could have done, and it would have been a different relationship.

I guess this is not limited to just with Ciel, but it is now a relationship after an experience like the outline.

The happiness of being with Ciel now could have been gone if I had taken a wrong step.

So mercy. Take care, take care, don't lose it.

How alone I was in my thoughts, the weight added to Celia's voice.

"So you're saying that the Lispergear experiment might show up with more than one profession."

"Uh, you certainly will"

I don't think the Duke of Lispergia has done the same experiment. Even if I had, I don't think the Supreme God would ever give a man's soul to play again.

Considering from the story of the Supreme God, it would be best to blur the remnants of the power drifting there for involvement in the divine world.

But that's right, let's not talk about this. I just can't tell you to believe it.

"But isn't Rispergia doing the same thing because she saw us as a failure?

It's a 10-year plan. "

"That's true."

While returning it, Celia shows the same bare gesture she thinks.

It's hard to accept guilds. Reception or staff? Perhaps Mr. Celia can't ignore my words because she has quite a position.

"They told me to give my A-level credentials to people who don't visit the Hunter Union, but that's what you said."

'Of course I do! Ein and I are together!

'Right. You'll be partying all the time.'

"You want me to give you my credentials, too.

Because there is no need for me to be more hidden than I need to be, than out of Estoke. I'm sure you do, but don't even tell Mr. Raveld about this. "

"Yes. I promise."

"Right. If you think about it, you're in a better position than the Grandmaster."

"What is a Grandmaster?

'I don't think you mean Mr. Raveld. It would be like a compilation of guild masters'

Ciel questions Mr Carroll's remarks.

It's really good to be a Grandmaster. I was just expecting it to look a little bit like that in these words over here, so I'm just a little happy with Dompisha.

Mother Fi will be at the top of the sequence placed in the center, and we, the daughters, will come directly below it.

I don't know where I'm going from there. He's probably the head of each guild, and he's got a nobleman-like presence.

That said, it doesn't matter to us, it doesn't matter.

"But it's also hard to be the daughter of Master Fiyanamia."


"Master Fiyanamia's stance is a weak and forceful diet. If you want to be at the top in the center, you're telling me to take myself down.

You might get involved. "

"That hasn't happened here in a long time."

Ms Celia supplements Mr Carroll's remarks.

Fi, Mother would be like that. The question is who can defeat Mother Fi?

Or would the central land be devastated before defeating Mother Fi?

Says Ciel - he seems to be similar even when he tries to defeat me.

"Even if you get caught up in it, you can't think of a existence that can do something about you.

A bond that endured the pale purgatory of Freele, isn't it all?

"Right. I made it consciously wondering if I could withstand the attack of a Class A demon.

The hardest thing to protect is I still use it. "

"Yeah, I know. It doesn't matter if you're out of town, you can take a nap."

I'm not wrong, but it's kind of subtle when they say so.

'I can sleep even if it's not just noon. Ein's connections are amazing, amazing stuff!

"Yeah, I'm always protecting Ciel."

'Hehe, it's not just when you're asleep. Thank you for everything, Ein.'

Yeah, yeah, it's not for napping, it's the junction that protects Ciel.

If Ciel understands, I don't need Mr. Carroll to understand.

More than that, let's also make sure that we were in the conversation a little bit.

"With that said, Mr. Carroll was up to A grade, wasn't he? Congratulations."

"Is that a compliment?

"I mean, you're complimenting me, we're celebrating, right?

"You don't seem interested."

"Rank was for us to escape from Estoke, and now it's just convenient to achieve a different purpose.

Fi, if you put Mother's daughter forward, she's going to make a fuss just by moving. "

As much as I've been bothered so far, I'm going to use it for good.

I just wish I was working properly.

If that's what you think, Karol's face, which I was dissatisfied with until just now, was somewhat nibbly.


"What is it, are you complaining?

"You don't? I just thought you were a proper daughter."

Why is there so much embarrassment when there's nothing wrong with it?

Mother Fi... Sure, I don't have to say it and think it's a bit arrogant, but I think it's better than calling it Fi.

I don't even feel like a mother.

The laughter Ciel dulls in her head is also a factor that accelerates her embarrassment.

Mmm...... he said something like happy to see you in trouble, but is this what this is all about?

When one was moaning, he suddenly put his hand on his head.

"What is it?


If I speak in a grumpy manner, Mr. Carroll says without hesitation and hands off his head.

What the hell was that?

I don't know, Carol says, "I did."

"Just because you've become Fayanamia-sama's daughter, it's a big problem, so be careful."

"Right. I think you should tell him that."

"What do you mean? It doesn't feel like getting involved, does it?

"When you are a child of Master Fiyanamia, you are likely to be seen as your successor, so that's the only reason why people make noise.

It's about rumours, but some people don't seem to feel comfortable already. "

"Well, I don't think you're gonna get killed."

Oh...... sounds like a pain in the ass.

Something went wrong on my way home yesterday, Fi. I want to believe that what my mother was saying is mind-blowing, but irrelevant.

Mother Fi would know everything, but if that means it's rumored, then she would know the situation with certainty. If so, is it a rumor without roots or leaves, or do you dare leave it alone?

Whatever happens in return, you may only be fortunate to have the power to be forgiven.

Worst of all, do you even ask Mr. Ricil for anything? When I turn my gaze, I have eyes, and I wave, so I smile back.

Hey, I'm a little too much on the table. I need to take care of the opportunity for Ciel to have a conversation with someone other than me. I said a word to Ciel and remembered that I was in the middle of talking to Celia at the Hunter Union, although I wanted to replace her.

"Mr. Celia, this is a continuation of my story at the Hunter Union, what kind of activity does a central hunter do?

"If you put it that way, you did. There's a lot of demons in the center called nests.

We know that the nest is a cavernous place that goes underground, somehow the more shallow the layer, the weaker the demon, the stronger it gets to the back, and somehow never travels from each tier.

So hunting demons and bringing back that material will be the hunter's main task "

"There are some strange things about it. Do you have a chest or something?

…… No, there just seems to be a demon. Did Carol ever hear you say that?

"You don't. Well, some people call it a chest about a dead hunter."

I thought it might be a so-called dungeon, but it seems so different.

But I just don't have a chest, and I also feel like a dungeon.

How can there be such a thing... Fi I feel like if I ask my mother or the supreme god I would know, but would you tell me?

"Mr. Carroll's been there, hasn't he?

"It's easy to go to the nest if you're going to hunter here. It's not a request, so it'll be a little cheaper, but it'll be a lot of money if it's a Grade B A"

"As a hunter union, you're in the state of wholesale it to a commercial union.

So commercial unions are even more going to sell it to countries. There will be no more demand for weapons than demons. "

As Celia added, I guess I can sell as many weapons as I have.

Demon flooding (stampede) has also occurred in this country, and it is no surprise that there is a country to be vigilant. Besides, there will be considerable demand within the centre.

"Einsel...... or is Siermail going to dive too?

"What do you think? I'm not having trouble with the money, and do you feel like going with interest?

"Does Ayn want to go?

"You're a little interested."

Even if I intend to set it apart, I still have a feeling of previous life.

Dungeons - although nesting - are a common setting in games, so I would like to go in a tourist mood. But what about taking Ciel in a tourist mood?

Think of it as Ciel later if you want to go. I remembered why I went to the Hunter Union more than that.

"With that said, I was calling for Mr. Raveld, would it be okay to leave him alone?

"Are you the Grand Master..."

"It's okay. It's what caused Freele to fight and sell. I mean, you guys are in a better position now, so maybe you don't have to worry about that much?

"That's true, but I'm curious for once"

Although I can't say I valued it because I've forgotten it so far now.

But, well, if you're okay with it, okay? Let's face it when we're done talking here.

"Well, it's time to go back to Ciel."

"I don't like it."

'Er... yes. You're going to switch with Ciel.'


I returned the lead to Ciel, thinking this kind of place in Ciel was a little smiling.

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