Two as One Princesses

104. Occupation, growth and certification

"The color's back, so now it's Siermail, huh?


"As soon as you can talk to me, you'll know, but surely Ayncel can imitate Siermail."


"If that's the case, then the way you talk won't be the deciding factor in discernment either.

Is there anything else?

When Ciel and I are replaced, Mr. Carroll responds with a savage response and asks.

Changing the color scheme, changing the way you talk, isn't that much trouble from me, and you can fool as much as you want to fool me.

I don't think my acting is perfect either, so I guess when someone gets used to it comes out, they'll notice.

If you thought it was something else... Ciel answers Mr. Carroll.

"Magic changes"

"... yeah, that's true. If your soul changes, so does your magic.

But no one can sense it. It's hard to distinguish between individuals, although you can't even weasel them.

And because of that junction, it's getting harder to understand. "

This juncture. Did it also have such an effect?

I wasn't aware because it was about Mother Fi who had ever mentioned the quality of magic or personal magic.

But I thought you said Ciel's magic was covered up in my magic.

Mr. Carroll gave me a strange face to explain, but as far as I'm concerned, this is all I get.

There's no way to break the line.

"Well, that's good. Even if the contents are Ayncel, if it's like Siermail, it's just treating it that way."

"That's fine."

"By the way, could it have been Einsel? Weren't we talking about wanting to see the eagle research?

"You did say that,"

"Would you like to switch again?

'No, you can keep doing this. But that's right. Ask how you can apply the power of your profession to your witchcraft. Please.'

'Okay! Leave it to me, leave it to me!

Ciel answers with tension.

Were you so happy that you did every favor?

And then it's kind of very smiling.

That said, I think I've done it before if it's about every favor.

Is it because it is my personal thing?

"How to apply the power of the profession to witchcraft?

"I see. That junction is still going to harden..."

Mr. Carroll looks away.

But I guess it's already a few hundred times stronger than Mr. Carroll knows.

Because God's power has mixed in.

I don't have to wonder if that would be excessive if they told me that I could further strengthen that juncture.

But it won't hurt to know.

"Fine. First of all, you're not a magician, are you?

"No, but why?

"When you're a magician, it's easy to apply to magic.

There's no certainty, is there?

"Good. Tell me."

When Ciel asks, Mr. Carroll nods.

"In conclusion, talent and accustom, and then the growth of the profession."

"Occupational growth?

"Continuing to use the power of the profession can expand your abilities.

Suddenly someone with a swordsman's profession will be able to do something about physical strengthening.

With talent, it's easy to apply. If not, I'll have to use the power of my profession to capture my senses. "

"Ayn, is this a good idea?

"Yes, thank you"

Talent, accustom and growth. Growth is well, I can't help it.

Even though we have a lot of opportunities to use it, we have had a profession for 2-3 years.

If things changed this often, the elderly in this world would be full of supermen. I don't think that's just it.

If so, do I have no talent? Although I am confident in the handling of witchcraft, that in my profession means an exception.

It might be a problem to say that it's a story while you're singing.

Because I'll stick around and watch Ciel dance or concentrate on singing.

'If Mr. Carroll is right, Siel's taste is amazing'


"Ever since the first battle, you've been using Mai and Magic together, haven't you?

I still can't use the power of the singing princess to strengthen my bonds. So Ciel is amazing. I envy you. '

Besides, he also makes an effort without losing his talent.

Running through the sky is a result of Ciel's hard work, and besides water, ice, and wind, the stage (elicinery) can be used.

Fire or something, though I don't know when I can use it.

Even if it's not as good as Mr. Freele today, it's a sea of fire around.

Still, my bad praise.

Still, it seems Ciel cared for me, and he reacts with a bright voice.

'I'm glad you told Ayn that. I'm glad.

But Ein is even more amazing!

'Yes. Thank you.

May I ask Mr Carroll, if you don't mind, when the profession will grow or something?

I'm just ignoring the people I'm with and talking too much.

He said something about Mr. Carroll. He's watching Ciel.

"Are we done talking?

"Yeah. Tell me when the growth of your profession will rise"

"Oh, I see now."

In Mr. Carroll, he makes a sound like something has begun.

I know how you feel, but I want you to forgive me, because it would still be a long way to go to be able to use the minds Ciel said that.

And I've forgotten how to use my mind around it.

"I'll tell you all the basics about the growth of my profession.

So if you're curious, ask later. "


"I said first of all the growth of the profession, but that direction is not single.

Some of the same sorcerers are good at shooting great sorcery, while others are better at shooting smaller sorceries in a row. Consider this to be the difference in growth.

Neither of us has ever been able to do more than do magicians, but to put it simply, it's like this. "


"Then it's time to grow up, but this is for each person.

Fast people are fast, slow people are slow. But could it take about 5-10 years?

Though some people of old age who are seen by old people don't grow up. "

"Oh well."

"But well. You guys don't have to give it up."


Though true, Mr. Carroll is laughing bitterly because Ciel nods too clearly.

Or does Ciel's princess feel like she's growing up, but what do you think?

Because you've grown up, and fanfare won't sound like it did when the level went up in the game, or maybe you just haven't noticed.

"If so, you don't know when the singing princess will be able to use it for her marriage."

'Wouldn't that be nice? Something that's good enough now. "

"It sure is."

"Is this a good idea?

"Yeah. Thanks for the help."

"It's okay. Because I heard about Einsel in the first place, and that's why I've been checked out so far.

It's also because of this that the eagle has risen to A status. Even more powerful than that, the Ice Spear (Gracio Renzo)... "

"I can't. I can't break Ein's bond"

"I guess. I feel like I've seen it all the time, and although I can get to the junction that Freele broke critical of, its inner junction is as if I don't see it"

Mr. Carroll stands still and sees Ciel - or the connections that Ciel is putting together.

Then I gave up "refreshing."

I'm covering it up, I've been mixing divine powers lately - and because of that, it's easier for the Spirit to come by - and I don't know what to say myself, but I think it's more amazing to know.

He seems to be good at elves and sorcery, so will he see it or not?

Will I be able to come to the center and meet again with people of other races who were where they were first taken?

Well, does it matter now?

Besides, I thought Ciel was my bond, but I don't care about this one.

There's nothing you can do where you know it's me.

What's more, until I'm 15, I have the supreme god correction, so I probably won't die if they break the line.

"With that said, what are you going to do?

The first thing you wanted to do was come to the center, right?

"I'm looking for an artificial god."

"A golden wolf, for example. Was it created by Rispergia?

"Probably. Likely"

"You're not sure. Is there something special about it?

"Are you wearing special magic on some parts of your body?

I think it's the remnants of divine power that haunts me, but when I say it, it adds to the annoying explanation.

Unfortunately, it seems that Mr. Carroll was not regarded as the person to do it.

There seems to be a reason why you agreed to teach us things because I said so.

"Okay. If you get any information, I'll let you know."

"You did ask for the same thing at the Hunter Union, didn't you?

Is it okay if I tell you what the features are right now?

Mr. Celia enters the conversation and Ciel briefly returns it as "okay".

Then I promised to see him again, and I left Mr. Carroll's house behind.

Hunter union for the second time today.

Totally in the evening, the hunters are getting together quite a bit.

Without worrying about that, Ciel walks all the way to the reception.

I forgot about it because of everything, but I was wondering if I would be able to see Viviana today.

And I was trying to tell Ravelt so he could tell me when I had to, but I don't feel like chores are too much.

Well, because I thought Raveld was the only one who knew him at HQ.

Has it spread even as a result of a mock battle with Mr. Freele, although it has been seen flickering?

Or maybe he's been stabbed with a nail.

Whatever it is, it's a good thing you're out of the way.

Once in Ciel's order, the receptionist looked surprised and began guiding him to the back.

What was put through was a room that was put through yesterday with my mother.

Raveld comes as soon as Ciel sits in the chair.

"We apologize for the inconvenience we caused you today."


"That would help if you said so.

By the way, what can I do for you today?

"Tell me about Viviana's house"

"Viviana...... Oh, you're from the Amulet family. From here..."

I remembered for a moment that I thought "personal information" because Raveld said it without hesitation, but I gained the power not to care about that.

This is it, he's a better guy to watch out for when you do a full favor.

I'm just going to say it on the assumption that I'm going to be rejected, but I can't believe they can't say no.

When Mr. Carroll is the other person, he's going to say no to anything unpleasant, but I can't say no first if someone is very close to him and knows only where he stands.

This time Ravelt - or Hunter Union - is the opponent, though I don't think he did.

"When Viviana comes back, tell her about me.

He said he wouldn't get a chance to use it. "

"Oh, yes, I did."

"That's all for today. Did you find the person you were talking about yesterday?

"Already. How about disposition?

"I'll take care of it. But judge me properly."

No matter what they tell you to do, if you don't come up with some good way to do it, it's not like you're strong and you want money.

So it is not easy to leave it to me. That said, if this isn't the center, I won't let you judge me inside.

I can make these decisions because I'm under Mother Fi's watch.

Or since I could do the same as Mother Fi?

That concludes my errands here. If that's what you think, Raveld lined up the cards on the table.

A few that look familiar. First time to see one.

"These will bear witness to the new hunters"


There are 2 sets of grades A and below, with everything except grade S.

It must be Ciel's share and mine.

Speaking of which, this may be the first time that I have ever had something of mine.

To put it in detail, although the appearance of dark hair may be mine, Syel and my belongings will largely be shared, so it seems that there was no such thing as mine, which has my name on it.

When I told Ciel about it, he said, "You're going shopping tomorrow! Yeah, absolutely!" He was somehow burning a sense of confrontation.

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