Two as One Princesses

115. Play, Sleep and Difference

I've been playing with Ciel for a long time, but one line of Yumen is stuck in the class B junction.

Take a break, attack with all your might, take a break, attack with all your might. You've been breathing in repeatedly, maybe it's time for this junction to be destroyed.

Then though the junction for Class A is just waiting.

"Then the next thing I know, I'm gonna goo out."

"Then I'll serve you a choke."

You're used to grandpa, and you're starting to have this kind of insane psychological battle.

As long as it is age appropriate and pleasant as far as I am concerned.

"" Grandpa, Ken, Pong ""

hands at the same time. What I put out is goo, and what Ciel put out is par.

Yeah. I think it's Ciel around here.

Sweet to me, or this is how you try to make me beat you from time to time. Though it's decent when it's decent.

But I want Syel to win, so I dare to give him a hand to lose.

"Ayn, you lied to me! It's not a choke!

"Even Ciel isn't goo."

'Yes, but yes!

Disgruntled Ciel smiles.

This is how I'm now exploring a lot of ways to do it, but until a while ago, I was turning and hoeing over there.

I should have taught you that you have to face the winning side and in another direction, but Ciel rejoices that it is the same direction I have shown you.

They're glad they picked the same one.

If they say so, I have nothing to say.

"Is it time for dinner"

"Is it that time already?

'Cause you've been playing a lot. Why don't you take a look at the clock?


Enough to say if the sun will generally drop when Ciel takes out the clock.

Yeah. How many hours have you been playing?

I'm hoeing over there by myself - it looks like - and the good guys look at Ciel in surprise, and they were saying something, but it's pitiful that it hasn't reached Ciel's ear.

But beside me, I mean, I'm playing alone, or I wanted to stop by a girl doing something and a few grown men are attacking me, and that would look terrible.

'Speaking of which, is it okay if I don't go home?

"For once, Mother Fi seems to know what's going on, so she'll be fine."

Into the nest, Mother Fi's magic is becoming a little less perceptible, but it still reaches this level of hierarchy.

Though I don't think I've got it all figured out, the general situation should be telling.

Though I feel that neither I nor perhaps Ciel completely forgot the idea of going home.

Then you'll be fine.

'By the way, does Ciel's magic look okay?

I should be continuing to consume it because I keep using the Tsu stage.

I haven't used magic at all since, so I don't think it's that big of a consumption, but it's time, so maybe it's time to run out.

'I can afford it. Wouldn't it be okay if we had a few more days?

Though I think it will be shorter all at once as we fight. '


Ciel's magic is also abundant in boulders.

Although sometimes magic consumes the most magic when it unfolds.

For the same reason that Tsu will not disappear, even if I do not continue to sing.

I can't move it, but I can maintain it.

Start dinner with something like that.

From the magic bag, remove preserved foods such as dried meat, hard bread, and dried vegetables, and magically add water to a small pan, similarly by magic.

Season appropriately, add dried meat and vegetables and simmer for a while and siel starts eating while soaking bread in the finished soup.

Flavour of nostalgic preserved food. Not bad, but it still tastes less than what you eat in the mansion.

But I don't care because I think this kind of tastes good because I eat in these places.

Ciel also eats with little regard. In other words, because Ciel eats it, it conveys the flavor to me as well.

A bunch of honorable men looked at Ciel resentfully and grabbed his steadfast bread and meat.

I don't think things will change that much, but whether or not you can apply your hand may still make a big difference.

But, well, it was surprising that he was bringing the food right.

I didn't mean to starve you to death, but I thought it would be easier for you to pass this opinion on if you were weak.

It would also be torture, in a sense, to be able to show a siel eating deliciously before a meal that does, however, look yummy.

I'm going to sleep when I'm done eating, but I noticed one problem here.

"Was Ciel able to maintain her witchcraft while sleeping?

'You can't. I'm in trouble.

Sometimes I don't think I'm going to sleep. "

"That's no good."

All night at my present age or whatever, I will not forgive.

You were a little strong in my way, and I nod, 'Okay,' as Ciel was a little surprised.

'In the meantime, I will do something with my kingdom.

It's not as good as what protects Ciel, but if it's enough not to be broken by those people, it'll be fine. '

'Can I take care of it?

"The only thing I can do is keep it locked up."

I know I can't suffocate you, etc., but can I starve you to death while you're locked up or something?

Though I won't do it because it's going to take me a while to try.

Good night, Ayn.

"Yes, good night"

Say hello to Ciel, who took the sleeping bag out of the magic bag, and create a bond on the outside of Ciel's tsu.

After all, when you leave Ciel, your defense drops.

Spend more magic. Still, if this was all I had, though I would be able to make it hold on a year-by-year basis.

The men are also making noise while Ciel is finally trying to sleep this way.

It's not so much a fracture, but it feels rather sinister.

I suppose you were going to take down one little girl and just go home. Even if I didn't, I wouldn't have planned to be restricted in my actions like this.

In sleeping, it was saved that Ciel's sleep could not be prevented because he was adding soundproofing to Ciel's junction.

It's been a few minutes since Ciel started to take a nap - I'm working a little hard not to show Ciel's sleeping face - and he just came over saying that there were two good guys and two guys.

"Hmm, don't make me laugh through the shame of sleeping in a place like this.

No matter how strong magic can be used, it's just a little girl. "

I nod to a good man who speaks to me like I tell him.

Normally, when you go to sleep, magic is solved. In fact, Tsu's stage disappeared minutes after Ciel went to sleep. Instead, I think it's amazing that I let you have a few minutes after bed.

"If you resent me, you resent yourself for showing me some room and doing a ritual that doesn't make sense."

Throw up a threesome dialogue and try Ciel's neck with a knife that was hanging on her hips.

The one who thought it was some sort of ritual that didn't make sense, but was playing with Ciel in general? If someone doesn't know anything about it, maybe it does look like a ritual.

The knife directed appears to have stopped in the air, inhibited by the junction for Class B.

Yu man looked back stunned.

One of the guys in the line was trying to secure his way home, but he probably wants to see you there.

"I can't, I can't get out," said the man who was ahead of Yu Man's gaze out loud.

I was blurry to think that if Ciel woke up, it would be over, watching as Yu's face changed from stunned to pale.

When I asked Lisil if she would tell Mother Fi how things were going, she took it with pleasure.

Yeah, Mr. Ricill was a pretty strong spirit. Are you glad I asked you to use me like this? The person took it on comfortably, so I'll make sure it's okay.

I can't tell you anything because I don't know the time when it's the nest, but probably Ciel woke up in the morning.

Good morning, Ciel.

"Yeah, good morning, Ein."

I'm sure from my wake today.

I guess you're properly aware that it's outside the mansion.

I'm fine with anything happening right now with this.

"Could something have happened while you were asleep?

'I've attacked you, but I was blue-faced to see you held back by the junction'

'Really? Why not?'

'Didn't you finally notice the difference in level?

Or difference in identity. Even if we do a coup and chase them down, we're officially Mother Fi until we chase them down, and we're better off.

No wonder you've been told what treatment you've been given so far.

The only way to do something is to seal Ciel's mouth, but I can't do it more than that originally. Complete stuffing.

'Whatever it is, it's time to go home, so let's talk about it and go home'

'Right. The rice in the mansion tastes better. "

Yeah. I slept through the night, and Ciel's anger has subsided.

I crawled out of my sleeping bag, and I woke up to Ciel, and a good man who built a neighborhood under his eyes - they haven't been properly sleeped - spoke to Ciel.

"What do you want?

Apparently, he didn't notice any difference in identity.

Or do you dare to talk like this after realizing it, but either way, will it change the way things are going forward?

You will eventually be made aware of the difference.

"What can I give you back? If you say sister, you don't know which one Viviana is, do you?

'Wouldn't it be nice to have an older sister or something?


"Your sister above you."

"Why! Why do you name Smearia, too!

Suddenly I got angry. I know you stepped on a mine, but does it feel like a brother rounding up jealous of his brilliant sister?

Mr. Viviana's sister - wanting Mr. Smearia - could also be taken as craving for that competence.

Maybe he thinks that wanting a sister instead of the person in front of him saw himself under his sister.

Normally, I don't think I want to be the one who attacked me all of a sudden.

Hi. Before I make a decision around there, it seems that something called anger reflexively makes a face.

Wouldn't it be out as an upper class?

Though Syel is also angry when he despises me. Though I think I would be angry if I were to denigrate Ciel, too.

"There's no way I can give it to you. Smearia is set to go to Triadle for the future of the amulet. Rebellion will discredit the Amulets."


Apparently, Ciel's word was very different from what he expected, and Yu Man opens his mouth with Pokan.

But in fact, we have enough power to pass the demands, regardless of the circumstances of the Amulet family.

It's like it's already hostile, and I don't feel the need to take account of it, although that might make it hostile to the Triadle family.

Naturally, I know about the Amulet family's credibility. I don't know. It would be like Mr. Viviana isn't here anymore.

For if I were you, I would be nothing but a wicked man who attacked Siel.

I'm starting to hate it when Ciel talks to someone like that.

'May I have it replaced?

"Good, but what is it?

'I had a few thoughts, and I was wondering if Ciel needed to deal with this'

"Yeah, all right."

That's how I was replaced with Ciel, and the color pointed a white gaze at Yu Man without changing.

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