Two as One Princesses

116. The Amulet family, the Lord and the Daughter

"So... because? Who do you think I am?

Apparently the freeze was lifted. A good man mentioned that.

Probably said, "I'm the next Amulet owner, you're great. Do you know what will happen if I defy you" I think you want to say something like that.

"The next head of the Amulet family"

"If so..."

"Is that better than Master Fiyanamia's righteous daughter?


"Is that stronger than me?


In the center, it's a basic weak predator.

It's better to fight and lose, and if you win, up. Though I guess there are guilds, nobles, and autonomous organizations that simply don't.

But when it comes to dealing with Mother Fi and us, it's better to win. So if you beat us, there would have been nothing wrong.

Yu man, depressed with remorse, had decided to do something and stared at him with animosity.

I guess we should see it reopened because we won't be able to go back already.

"In the first place, it's bad that Fiyanamia doesn't rule properly!

If it's enough to keep the lazy guy at the top, it's better to have something more competent at the top. A king should be for the people!

"My mother is not a king. The center is in my mother's house in the garden.

You're staying. Residency talks about the house?

"Give me a vague quote. There can't be any way!

"So, what are you doing to Mother Fi?

Are you offering something? Are you paying taxes? Naturally, it is the landlord who has power. "


My complexion turns blue to see if I remembered anything after Yu Man turned into a pocan. I can't deny the feeling now, but I guess I noticed where I wasn't seeing it.

He is king and country because he is the head of a settlement called Central. Power and taxes are given to the people in order to make the country better. Was that what you thought?

Maybe that's what it would be if it were a normal country.

But the center is not the country.

Mother Fii is not a king.

In a long time, it must have been morphed and forgotten with the strength of Mother Fi.

"It's a strange story for a guy who doesn't even pay rent to give an opinion to Mother Fi"

"But Fiyanamia gives him a seat that can control the center if he beats himself..."

"So, did you win? Can you beat me?


There is no more power in the words of a good man. However, I decided not to worry about it and to continue my mouth blow.

"Why are you doing this? I don't ask. I just wanted to confront my excellent sisters anyway. Such a tiny unfortunate story."

"He said it was tiny!?

Absurd my voice again like a star. They still have emotions ahead of them.

"Your misfortune, my misfortune, is one of the misfortunes common in the world"

Something that feels greater unhappiness if it comes down to you, even if it's a common misfortune. But it wasn't something that got caught up in doing something about it.

Though I won't say anything. I don't have the right to tell you.

"By the way, you were attacked against the house above, in return.

I'd like a sister on your house, what's your response?

"... Whatever you want"


"... please, take me with you"

I got the approval of a good man who crushes without power, so all I have to do is go to the Amulet family later.

But I realized I hadn't thought about how to get these trapped men.

"Ayn was kind of mean earlier."

"Something's upsetting me."

'I was kind of dressed up. I don't know, maybe I should call it a little charming?

I'm in trouble, I'm in trouble! I don't know what to say!

Though I think that's a little too biased.

But I admit these scenes have been around for a long time, and additions and subtractions were obscured.

We need to think about it to the extent that Ciel won't pull us off in the future. I mean, it's best to lose these occasions.

In the end, the men are tied with rope and pulling.

I left it to each one of us to walk or be dragged, but now they're all walking on their own feet, so it's easy.

Though it's Ciel who's pulling. Because it didn't drag well in my physical strengthening.

Ciel, who is pulling the men, was very noticeable, but this time I decided not to worry in particular because I feel like I should stand out.

Ciel doesn't care from the start.

'It's fine to let it out of the nest, but then what do we do?

'I'm glad Mr. Viviana picked you up.

But it's already been one night, so it'll be hard.

Hunter, why don't you just take me to the union?

'Right. I will.'

Young man - or only Mr. Viviana's brother, though I think it would be smoother to take him to the amulet.

I could see the exit quickly and the light of day was entering. Even though it's not dark in the nest, the light of day feels bright.

When I went outside, I saw someone coming here looking desperate.

"Viviana, what's wrong?

If Ciel asks, Mr. Viviana, who came, looks musty.

"I didn't come back overnight, so I came to see how things were going.

But you don't have to worry about it. Once we had all gathered the fools. "

"Then take me out of your way"

"Hunter, can we have a union?


Where Ciel nodded, Mr. Shass is called.

It still looks like this kind of standing around. "They want you to take those men to the Hunter Union," Viviana says.

Even though he looked troublesome to Mr. Viviana, Mr. Shass took it on with a good-looking smile of people when he found Ciel.

"Where's the amulet?

"Yeah, right. I don't know, do I? Though I wish I had asked my brother there."

"I don't trust you"

The story proceeds with a good man called a fool's brother by Mr. Viviana, who stares at Mr. Viviana but is completely ignored.

"So is that. Fine, will you follow me?


I chased after Mr. Viviana, who walked out.

"By the way, what happened?

"I locked him up because he attacked me. Then I tied him up with a rope this morning."

Tell him that Ciel was concise, while Mr. Viviana sees Yu Man and then asks him.

"It attacked me" in this case, you just have to pass it on.

If it were in return for attacking Mother Fi's righteous daughter, there would be no escape.

Amulet's over.

"What... eh. In the first place, Viviana. Why are you..."

"It is true that the amulet ends.

In other countries, you keep your hands on the king's daughter, and you think nothing will happen?

And me and Master Siermeer have known each other for a long time, so there's nothing strange about being shoulder-to-shoulder like this. So now that I know what's going to happen, I'm telling you. "

A good man who lost his word stares at Mr. Viviana.

But Mr. Viviana didn't look like he cared at all, rather he just kept on laughing with his nose.

"You were brilliant to the point where you left your father, but when it unfolded unexpectedly, it wouldn't be the same for a long time.

It's easy to get emotional, and I can't pull it off. That's why they say you're inferior to your sister. "

I watch Mr. Viviana change his tone every time a good man says something, but I don't say anything because of exactly what caused the situation he's in right now.

So satisfied, Mr. Viviana took her eyes off the honorable man.

Mr. Viviana's home, where he was taken, was a large mansion that must be called a mansion.

Still, what looks smaller than Mother Fi's mansion would be the guy with the difference in character.

As much as I think my mother's mansion will be a hotel, it's odd to compare it.

I don't know how many servants there are, and a handful of them know their names.

Apparently, our opponents are limited to a certain extent.

Because I am on my guard, I suppose.

"Big house"

"Thanks...... so is that good? I'm about to leave this mansion, and I think Fiyanamia-sama's mansion is bigger."

Ciel nods and Mr. Viviana convinces him, "I guess so".

When he knocks at the larger door and Viviana speaks out, "I'm home," a man like the old man bows his head respectfully, "Welcome home."

But when I find the next Lord who is tied up and taken, I say, "Is this...!?" I opened my eyes to my surprise.

"Brother Fool did this to me. I'll go to your father for now.

Be careful if you crude your neck on this girl. "

"What about...?

You don't have to answer that.

At least a more grammatical presence than the Amulets. When Mr. Viviana discards all that would be enough to know, he slowly proceeds to the back of the mansion.

Ciel doesn't have the wind he cared about, he pulls the next Lord to follow it.

When Mr. Viviana opened the door without knocking, the magnificent man inside looked at Mr. Viviana in a grumpy mood.

"What's going on? Noisy. Have you forgotten your manners?

"You can't afford to care about courtesy, Father."


Where does Mr. Viviana respond to a voice that does not hide her frustration with all the wind she blows?

When a man gave a surprised look at that attitude, he noticed that he existed outside of Mr. Viviana, and he circled his eyes.

"What happened? Why is Conrant tied up!

"A fool's brother was after Fayanamia-sama's righteous daughter, and it was just payback.

A (...) mi (...) u (...) li (...) u (...) - (...) t (...) Dear Lord (...),

"... oh my god"

"The Amulets are losers. Master Siermeer wants your sister, but is there anything?

Mr. Viviana continues to talk to his own father, who said something and bared his voice, seemingly uninterested.

I guess I really hate this lack of respect.

And the LORD saw the next LORD bound unto something.

"Is it true, Konrant?"

"Fact, sir."

Probably the next time I brought him in to make him say just this. Mr. Viviana was there, so I think I put him in Amulet's mansion without him.

Or is the name Konrant? I've never known it before.

He's convinced to see what Ciel looks like, and the face of Conrant, who is about to be tied up and repented, and our Lord's face looks old for about 10 years, whether it's because of shock or something.

"Was he so powerful..."

The Lord looked up into the sky and crushed it without strength.

Around not being drastically elevated here, I think he's more aristocratic than Conrant.

Though I don't know anything about nobility.

"I thought you, the Fiyanamian, were a good listener. Viviana."

"More than that, could you answer me?

I'll take your sister, won't I?

"Make yourself at home"

"Well, thanks for your help so far. I don't know what will happen to the Amulets, but you're well."

Mr. Viviana concluded so with an unseen smile of aristocratic emotion.

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