Two as One Princesses

119. Magic Bags, Words and Greetings

'That's why this happened'

'Ayn is amazing after all! It's amazing!

In the morning, for now, I told Ciel the results of my magic bag experiment, but I was very impressed with why.

Even though something amazing was done, it failed - although I think it's in the middle of research at best.

Is it good because we don't have a problem with what we use?

'You have to be careful how you use it.

'Cause if someone uses it by mistake, it's gonna be a big deal.'

'Shouldn't that be a mistake?

'Sure, I don't think you can go wrong with a magic bag, but you honestly don't want to see something alienated...'

Although I'm used to blood and stuff, alienation would be different again.

I don't know what will happen, but I don't think I've ever moved on to not seeing it.

Even if we deserve it for burglary, we want it done out of our sight.

'Perhaps you are. I'm a little interested, but if Ein doesn't want to see it, he doesn't want to see it.'

Though Ciel says so, let's just stick to crime prevention because we could get stuck in a sleigh.

Though I'll just protect you in the juncture.

"Oh. You made something really amazing out of this."

"It is! Ein is amazing!

"Right, right. Ain't Ain't the only one on the ground who can make this?

Tell Mother Fi about the magic bag at the breakfast table.

You mean tell him, that he was finding out, that it's weirder not to find out.

In the meantime, I was called by the Creator God to say, "How could I have been called?" I was stuck, so I didn't cover it up and talk to him.

There's no point in hiding it, and I'd rather not talk about it. It's going to be a hassle to find out later.

For now, I just hope that "I'm the only one who can make it" doesn't mean "I'm the only one who can make something this halfway.

It's amateur work, so there's something I'd be curious about, although it actually has an effect that doesn't make sense to alienate...

Yeah. The magic bags that the creatures I put in alienate will certainly only be made by me.

Anyway, it is a restrictive effect of my inability to use magic and divine powers to attack.

'Speaking of which, Mother Fi doesn't seem to know exactly what I was doing last night'

"If you ask me, yes."

I knew I was called by the Creating God, but when I saw the Modified Magic Bag, I usually seemed surprised.

Though I made it silently and silently, I think Mother Fi would have known if it had happened in this mansion.

"Did Fi not know Ayn was making this?

"I knew you were doing something, but it's impossible to explore when you're within Ein's boundaries. Whatever's on the outside, the inner junction is fine."

"Does that mean you don't know Fi in our room?

"It means more to you than to the room. Though I know if it's about voice when I'm not soundproofed.

You'll soon know where you are for that matter. "

"You are. Okay."

Mother Fi said, "I don't mind if you guys don't worry about it," but I think Siel's eyes glowed suspiciously.

Maybe I came up with something that wasn't good.

It's something Ciel does, so I'm not willing to disagree if it's not so much, but I'm a little scared because I know that Ciel likes to get me in trouble.

Though Syel doesn't seem to seriously bother me either.

I feel quite spared against the line I don't get angry with...

"Could you lend me a little of that magic bag?

Mother Fi tells me to give it to you even as Ciel clenches her neck.

Mother, who was still watching the magic bag, tried to get her hands in, pulling those hands in like they had been bounced.

"It seems tough for me to use it."


"When it comes to defense, Ein is the one up there. No, it may not be defensive or anything in this case."

"Anyway, Ain't Ain't that amazing?

"Yeah, yeah. Yeah, Ein is amazing."

Something just told me it was strangely amazing.

Being aware of that was going to make me uncomfortable, so I decided not to care and asked him to replace me with Ciel.

I just replaced the accessories, and Mother Fi can talk to me.

"I wonder what's wrong?

"I wanted to check something out."

As far as the expression goes, she seems to know what I want to ask, but Mother Fi won't answer unless she asks.

When it comes to the part where we seem to be able to do something about it, it doesn't tell us properly unless we look into it.

There are exceptions, but that seems to be Mother Fi's educational policy.

"When will the faction against Mother Fi attack you?

"When do you think Ayn is?

"I don't know the original plans so I can't say anything, but I think the amulet thing has spread so much that I can't hide it already, so I think it's going to move quickly or see how it goes for a while"

It would also be a rumor if we took our next lord that way.

No matter how many upper classes you try to wipe out, there are limits.

In short, the fact that the "Amulet family lost to the righteous daughter of Fiyanamia" spreads to the public.

The anti-Fiyanamians make the claim that "Mother Fi doesn't work," but in the end, they gather because they have the idea that Mother Fi is actually weak.

If that premise breaks down, it is visible that its composure will be lost.

It became widespread that Ciel's strength was enough to allow him to leave the Amulet family lightly in this case.

For example, there could also be cracks in the claim that Mother Fi is weak. They say the Amulets are influential houses too.

I think it would be a choice between striking out to increase my courage in it, or retreating and gaining strength once, but I think it might be the former.

If you're someone who thinks the latter is smarter as it stands, but can make that decision, you won't try to drag Mother Fi off.

"Right, right. I'm already starting to move. With so many of them, we can't seem to act instantly, but maybe they'll attack us in a few days? That's not what I expected.

Thank you very much then. "

"I knew we'd get out."

"Something I think will make it easier for you guys later."

'That sounds kind of troublesome. But if you're asking for Fi, what choice do you have?

"There's no reason to say no."

Ciel also accepted, so I do not intend to reject him either.

But it bothered me that there was a fuss.

"Speaking of which, what are the motherhood people doing?

"You haven't done anything.

When these things happen, they don't move badly. "

We'll start fighting each other's habitats, and we'll have trouble if there's damage.

"Damage to the land."

"Just because it's a battle, I have trouble wasting resources, and even if they drill holes in the ground, repairs are a hassle.

Heh, you knew Ein too. "

"Fi, I'm not talking about my mother being here for people."

Moving to prevent the collapse of the world is not a moving being for the extinction of mankind.

A mother who laughs with a dull, clean face is fundamentally different from a person.

Though I feel similar.

"If so, we should consider it around when we move, right?

"Yeah, yeah. But I don't mind just doing what I can.

The spirits can fix it in one place. Besides, when you do weird tricks, you can do whatever you want, because it's something that gets you back on track. "

"Yes, I'll think about it"

Although it is Ciel who executes it. All I have to do is tie the line.

Even if we can lock it up, we can't do any more.

Is locking it up useful? But there are times when Ciel should be locked up.

"So what are we going to do today?

'What shall we do?

"Is there anything about Ayn?

'Yesterday and yesterday were the nests, and how about we take a break?

Mr. Smearia will be here. '


"I'm going to take the day off and stay in the mansion for a day."

"That's good. Take it easy."

So I finish the conversation, and I get up.

When he was replaced with Ciel, Ciel went straight back to his room.

And then I said, "Sleep twice! Sleep Twice 'and dived into bed.

Since Ciel woke up from bed twice, she had a relaxing time singing to Ciel's dance in the garden, Mother Fii calling me to make tea, and Mr. Smearia in the meantime.

Speaking of things unusual, Mr. Smearia behind Mosa and Luna - would Mia have been added?

Even with the addition, it's basically the two of us who always take care of them, and Mia helps with that.

The first time I greeted him lightly - that's when he told me to call him Mia - I never spoke after.

Or was replaced with Ciel before Mia came, so I have not met Mia.

At the end of the day, Siel, who was grumpy, loses her drowsiness and falls into the world of her dreams. After seeing it through as I sang, I figured out what the servants who didn't try to leave the room wanted, so I decided to borrow Ciel's body.

"Dear Einsel, I apologize for the inconvenience"

"I don't mind. I don't want to be here long, do I?

"Of course it is. Thank you."

Sitting back on the bed and responding to Mosa, Mosa bows her head respectfully.

Because Ciel's body wants to give him as much rest as possible. What a good thing. Though I feel like I was on my own yesterday.

"I said hello to Lady Siermail, but not yet to Lady Einsel, so could you meet Smearia face-to-face?

I think we're already seeing each other because we're in the back, but do we have to follow the format?

I'm not face-to-face at the moment and I can't speak from over there. I guess that happens.

"I don't mind. It's like I brought you here."

When I respond, Luna pushes Mia's back softly.

I also saw this situation during the day. Although it may be natural because it is the same greeting.

"My name is Smearia. Call me Mia. It is an honor to meet Master Einsel.

Please tell us everything in the future. "

"It doesn't even feel like I'm new.

It's shaped like I've brought you here forcefully, do you have any problems?

"No, thank you for your concern"

Is that what it is?

I don't think Mia, in particular, was on the respected side until yesterday, and never served anyone.

If you don't have the person, I guess you're willing to do something about it even if you have trouble. It's only my first day. Should I see how it goes and then ask again?

I don't have anything else to talk about, and if I thought this was the end of it, Mia would look at me with a nagging look.

"Is there something wrong?

"No, um... Can I talk to you for just a minute?

Moses tries to say something to Mia, who asks him, but I will stop it.

"It doesn't matter. It's my first day, and you'll want to hear it.

I don't even know how much you know about me. "

"If that's what the lady will say. I only talk a little bit about the lady to Smearia. Changes in personality and color."

That's all we have to talk about, I guess that means it's okay for now.

"So what do you want to hear?

"I'm using the junction, Dear Einsel... Would it fit?

"How did you know it was me?

"I told Viviana you were Siermeyer's protector."

Yeah, I said. Yeah. A guardian means he's protecting Ciel, so what an easy-to-understand example of this is the kingdom.

I was a little surprised, though I didn't have any difficulty with it. I thought you were at a level where you could see the difference in our magic.

"Right. It's my bond."

"How can we create such a beautiful bond?

Oh, this guy, he's the same type as Mr. Carroll. Mia's eyes are shining.

It's not in the direction that the junction is magic, or you can tell me otherwise.

Or maybe people who can use magic feel it thin.

"All you have to do is thoroughly circulate magic and manipulate magic"

"You still are..."

"Thank you for talking to me," he bowed his head when he thought something Mia had begun to delay.

Was this what you wanted to hear?

Though I wondered who I was or in that direction, would that be otherwise good?

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