Two as One Princesses

120. Operation Triadle * Triadle Perspective

Everything was going well.

Abolishing Fiyanamia, I - Triadle Quintan - will be at the top of the center.

The plan was going well.

The beginning in the first place was the application for the development of a central gold mine.

There are many untouched places in this centre, and it is visible that they can be further developed if used.

It's not just gold, it's iron, it's copper.

Furthermore, the forest range is wide.

The quality of the tree is also good and it would be expensive if sold.

In addition, in the center, there is also a nest that can be described as a treasure trove of demonic resources.

Yet the nest is the only one in use.

Other than that, the rules are clearly set, and if you go against them, they kick you out of the center without question.

That's why I filed an application, but it wasn't allowed.

I did all the research, made sure it was safe, and also calculated how profitable it would be. I applied again on top of that, but I couldn't even put it on my teeth. "The center is not a place for people," he said.

I understood at this time.

Fiyanamia doesn't want the center to flourish.

It didn't bother me that Fiyanamia was controlling the center in the first place.

Fiyanamia does nothing.

And I won't let anything happen.

with power, but only use it for stagnation.

Then it would be more useful for me to have it.

It is supposed to follow the strength of Fiyanamia formally, but it is largely questionable.

Anyway, ever since I was born, I've never heard of Fiyanamia having any major consequences.

Now he says he's never even heard of his late father.

If you string up a history book, there's talk of knocking down thousands of opponents by yourself, but there's no way you can do that. It sticks better to think of it as bullshit to keep Fiyanamia in power.

Even if it's strong, it would be about an A-level hunter. Even if it was an S-class hunter level, there's a way to do it. Even if you can't hire an S-level, you just need to collect a few men and a large number of soldiers with A-level strength.

No matter how powerful it is, it's pointless in front of numbers.

Fact Even a Class A demon can't beat a Class B hunter if it takes a bunch.

After the abolition of Fiyanamia, the ground for me to be at the top is almost ready. If there's one more powerful house here, you can say it's a stone's throw.

After you're at the top, you just have to surround the beauty while you rule the center. That's all you do, so there's nothing wrong with it enough to surround the woman.

While I was doing so, I had contact with a man from the Amulet family.

But the eldest daughter in that house had a reputation for being beautiful. I have quite a few things as the power of the house, and they are just right for the last push.

So instead of having my oldest daughter daughter-in-law, I put the story together by putting her in the right position after the plan was achieved.

And the Amulets were Fiyanamians. With the house attached here, we can also sharpen the momentum of the Fiyanamians.

You can call it a second reading until you get rid of Fiyanamia.

That's what I thought. Everything went well.

But it collapsed.

A man of the Amulet family was challenged and defeated by the righteous daughter of Fiyanamia.

I've never actually seen it, but she says it's less than 15 girls.

If it was the average person who was defeated, the girl would just be mocked for her strength to the point of losing, but the Amulet family is bad. And the way you lose is bad.

No matter how alarmed I was, a girl with no hands or feet as home as amulet became a righteous daughter.

Isn't Fiyanamia stronger?

It's hard to pay off the doubts you were born with once.

"Damn, they do extra things..."

Something I should have done nothing for.

I guess I was in a hurry to do my work anyway and didn't even try to be particularly prepared.

I don't know how the public sees it, but it's the kind of child Fiyanamia would make her righteous daughter. I can imagine having some strength.

Besides, rumors say it has the power of a class A hunter class.

A grade is amazing in a kid, but one opponent. If you don't fail to prepare, you're not supposed to lose.

If Amulet did nothing, all he had to do was gather a house that would support me to be at the top of the list.

So I should have kept quiet.

I know there are a number of houses that are thinking about breaking away from anti-Fiyanamians, for the first time since I found out Amulet lost.

In case you think about it, I want to avoid less war power.

I can't say I'm ready, but do I have to attack?

"Is anybody there?

"is here"

"Attack Fiyanamia in a few days. Tell the anti-Fiyanamians and the hunters who hired them."

"Yes, sir."

I ordered a butler who could use it for generations, and then I called one of my wives in order to quench my frustrations.

The morning of the day of the decision. Before the sun still rose, I gathered the men to participate in the operation in the town square.

The hunters hired and the private soldiers held by the anti-Fiyanamians will dominate.

That number goes over 1000, and it would be unlikely to be the first to say that we will lose with this.

They think so, too, with a reassuring look as if there was no amulet endless the other day.

The hunters I hired, though powerful, are the ones who can't raise their rank because of their tyranny.

Nevertheless, they are easy to handle working without complaining as long as they pay for it.

This time he also participates in the operation in two replies, subject to giving money to the woman.

In terms of strength, some guys are comparable to A grades.

"Gentlemen, this day is finally here.

With today, the history of the centre changes.

Abolish the incompetent Fiyanamia and create a new era for us. "

Speech just before the operational decision. If I raise my voice, everyone will speak up and cheer.

That appearance does not seem to call into question the victory ahead, and its high morale is reliable.

"It's a waste of time now. Immediately enter the operation. Begin acting!"

We gathered early in the morning to strike a surprise.

And yet take the time, it doesn't make sense.

In conjunction with my decree, my army moved out simultaneously.

It's not far to the mansion. Surround them before they are enlightened and set them up in unison.

Men kill, women capture.

Fiyanamia is no exception to the woman who captures her.

She is an incompetent woman, but her appearance is more beautiful than any other.

If you teach me what I want, you can always keep me around.

As for my righteous daughter, you can make it mine if you have enough skill to serve me.

Otherwise, I'll just give it to my men as appropriate.

As the sun began to peek into his face, he finished surrounding the mansion.

Do the scouts just in case, and then the operation begins. I was supposed to, but the scouts I sent came back with a bitter face.

"What happened?

"Boundaries are stretched throughout the mansion. It's not enough that you can't break it, but it's going to take the right amount of time.

Only the entrance can't confirm the junction. "

I can't have it take long.

If you just give them preparation to fight back, there's still a chance they'll get away with it.

Then should we go from the front with no boundaries?

It would also be easy to master the mansion if you entered through the front door and let it scatter immediately.

The question is, could this be a trap?

Moving exactly what the other person thinks can also put you in an unexpected situation.

But I also think it's unlikely that we're setting a trap.

Fiyanamia will never know she's going to raid today.

Today's raid is unexpected, even here, after the best care has been taken to keep the Fiyanamian hands out of the way.

There is no way that we can perceive it beforehand and put in place measures.

So that junction is something I use from time to time, and it's more natural to think that there's no junction just on the front to keep the entrance and exit blocked.

And if it was a trap, you just have to put one of the right guys ahead of you.

"Just make sure there's a trap on the front."

"... front, but it looks like there's just one girl"

"You think it's a girl?

"A girl with less than 15 white hair, standing in front of the door like a gatekeeper"

I don't know why you didn't say that sooner.

Rather, the girl - who came back without a hand on Fiyanamia's righteous daughter, let's appreciate it.

At the same time, the expectation that today's raid has not been discovered is discarded.

I don't know where it leaked from, but they knew it would raid within the last few days.

"Did you notice the presence of this one?

"I was facing the front with a jig, so I don't think you noticed"

For example, it is also an option to compare patience as it is.

But this one also has a mix of short-tempered hunters, so I don't have enough minutes compared to patience.

What about the fact that my righteous daughter is protecting me by herself?

Is that all you're making fun of this one?

Nevertheless, this situation is wishful or fulfilling.

Capturing your righteous daughter will also make you more likely to beat Fiyanamia.

"Tell the whole army. Capture the girl as these guys pop up on my signal.

Then we go in from the front, and then we hold down the mansion as per the operation. "


Take the instructions, drop off the scouts running instantly, and gauge when to give the signal.

Never give a signal before the instructions have been given. If it's too late - especially because of hunters who are likely to get short temperatures - it can be morale.

It's about time, Hunter's Leadership - I give instructions to the man who would be the strongest of these to "go".

The man laughed deeply at Cook and then said, "I get it," in a disgraceful manner, taking the people around him and jumping out.

I'll follow after that, too.

I came to the point where I could see the girl late to the hunters.

It does have a girl standing about 11-12 years old.

Still blue, but looking forward to the future.

That's how I observed it in the distance, and I felt like the girl turned this way...

I'm surprised about that, but a large number of people are already running towards the girl.

I can't even afford to watch this one in there.

The first blow of a popping hunter man approaches the girl. But the girl didn't look frightened, she didn't say she wasn't interested in the murder blade looming in front of her, but she didn't change her expression and extended her hands loosely.

Then reproduce how the flowers open with both hands.

The hunters snagged at her like they were in love and stopped moving.

But as soon as he regains his sanity, each wields his weapon against her.

But they never reached her, and instead a big spine-grown crawl crushed the hunters.

When I looked around to see what was happening, Tsu cages were made to surround the entire army.

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