Two as One Princesses

121. The Battle Smearia Sees * Smearia Perspective

A tsu cage can be raised in front of you.

Master Siermeer moved out and only a few seconds happened.

It surrounded an army of over a thousand in seconds.

And the bloodshed went up.

Tsu moved like a creature, crushing the people who were trying to kill Master Siermeer.

Until this time today, the wax - Smearia couldn't help but be anxious, but I understood that was worrying.

That day, the mansion was only a little more generous than usual.

More than usual, though, the wasp has only been coming to the mansion for a few days. Though I don't think I know "always" properly.

I wonder what happened, and when I see what's going on, I'm carrying what's outside into the mansion.

I don't know if I'm going to change the pattern, but I'm going to speak to Mr. Mosa.

"Is there something today?

"Smearia with a lady didn't let you know, did she?

Apparently, a group led by Triadle will attack tomorrow morning. They might break it then, so they're putting it in the mansion. "

The same goes for Mosa with the lady, and for Luna, who is nodding next door. Still, I guess the only reason the wasp doesn't know is because the wasp is a rookie.

Maybe he took into account the wax everyday was full of things to remember. Nevertheless, it is not calm to be attacked.

Again, the people doing the work don't have a serious look either...

It looks kind of soothing.

"You can attack me, right?

"The safest place in the world is this mansion."

"Besides, there are Siermeer ladies now.

Surely Lady Fiyanamia will cover the mansion with a bond and the ladies will deal with the thieves. "

"Is that okay?!?

I can't hear the unforgivable Mr. Luna, and he shouts a little louder.

But it's incredible to deal with the Siermeyer people alone.

Although there were a few at best when I was a fool before this, there are probably more of them in this raid.

Hundreds, maybe four digits.

Triadle doing something nasty, but not incapable. If they are going to attack, they will come after they are ready to prepare.

Something about the amulet should be gathering quite a few people, even if the time is up.

Hundreds to one - hundreds to two because we have Lady Einsel - normally, it's not a winnable number.

If their opponents are all miscellaneous. Or, I don't think, Triadle would use just such a means of making it look like it.

"I know you're anxious, but it's disrespectful not to trust your husband too much,"

"Yes. But...... Has Mr. Mosa ever seen the ladies fight?

I wondered why I could stay so calm, so I asked.

If you've actually seen that strength, maybe you can be sure it's okay.

But Mr. Mosa shook his head left and right.

"I don't. But it is the people that Fayanamia chose for her child. Master Fiyanamia says if you want to defeat Master Siermeer, you have to destroy the earth."

"And they have a proven track record of destroying demonic floods alone."

"Alone with the demon flood..."

I'm worried about what the hell kind of experience you've had with that little body.

But if you do have that kind of track record, you might also know you're relieved.

"Smearia should take a look tomorrow too"

That's what Mr. Mosa told me, but I still couldn't wipe my anxiety off somewhere, and it was the next morning.

I remember you had that conversation.

Sure, Master Einsel's connections are excellent. I couldn't destroy it with a wasp, and I thought even an A-level hunter wouldn't be able to help alone.

Still, if you push it in numbers. Or, I expected, but there are only so many attacks that are able to reach the juncture in the first place.

No, no.

This in front of me, it's not a fight or anything.

This in front of me, it's a stage, a show.

Tsu's cage is not about capturing the opponent, it's about showing itself off.

It's like showing off rare creatures, fierce creatures.

But it's not those creatures that are being shown, it's dancing.

In a cage. That would be a good look.

I'm a little envious of that. But I don't want to go in there.

Master Siermeer stretches out his hands and feet as supple and stretchy as if the plant represented a beautiful and at the same time powerful adoration.

Movements such as those conscious to the nerves of the fingertips would be a level common to even the so-called aristocracy. No, more beautiful than a lousy aristocrat.

That is what seems to have reached the level that the royal family will need as well.

Even if you look at an individual, it's a move that takes your eyes away, but when you look at it as a whole, it's different again.

That's what makes the scene float just in motion so that the plants can grow blue during the warmer months and blossom beautifully.

Step lightly like a little bird, and the wasp can't keep an eye on the poor move like a flower.

At the same time, what is happening in the tsu is a futile resistance.

As Siermeyer moves, Tsu moves.

Even if a few jump at me, if I extend my arm from the bottom up, the Tsu wall blocks my way.

If you storm it, your whole body will be scratched, crushed as it is, even if you can stop.

Even if they manage to attack at a distance, they bounce back easily to the junction.

All I'm saying is it's worse to get close, but in the first place, it's that one that suddenly attacked me, so I can't help being fought back. Even if that's what you're going to lose your life for.

Besides, it's wild life that gets in the way of this dance.

If you look closely, there are those who are being attacked and those who are not.

I've made further observations, and apparently no one has been attacked who is still solidifying without attacking.

Because of this, Triadle is stunned, unattacked.

Dancing, dancing, choosing an opponent to attack.

How much skill would it take to do that?

Then the wasp just stared at Master Siermail, who seemed to dance with pleasure.

Tsu's cage collapses as it falls inward.

It was impressive that Siermeyer's expression didn't seem to be enough at that time.

In the battle so far, the only one standing is already Master Siermeer.

In the end, I killed them all, not all of them, but people who were still conscious passed out the last time they fell in.

I don't think anyone probably died from it.

Still, about 30% seemed breathless, and before this happened, countless people were shouting to get away from Tsu's cage.

But Tsu, even if he cuts it, can't go back to normal, can't burn it, and in the end, no one has escaped as one.

Unilateral battle. No, no. It's not even a fight.

Master Siermeer was dancing. That's all.

Depending on the way you look at it, it might look like a death dance that took a lot of lives.

But it didn't look that way to the wax.

Sometimes it would be that I wasn't in a position to unconditionally say that killing people was bad.

Sometimes if you actually want to stand on top of people, you have to cut off the little ones and protect the big ones.

I wasn't fortunate that the wasps made those decisions, but I've only been mindful.

Besides, this time I had to weep. It may not have been a small one, but a clear enemy that has been after this one's life.

Anyway, the wasp didn't let go when Master Siermeer's dance captured his heart.

Seen from the side, it would have been something I couldn't help but notice.

It would have been an inadvertent, feverish eye.

And again, you would have looked smiling.

Because Master Siermeer, who dances, always seemed to have more fun.

If you found out even at one end of Master Siermail's origins, you can see how irreplaceable that smile is.

"This way, Siermeer, the only thing you've ever seen a lady dance is thank you to Triadle.

You never get tired of seeing a lady dance again and again. I can watch you forever. "

"Yeah, you sure do. But that's what I knew, unfortunately."

Mr. Luna tells him like he's a little excited, while Mr. Mosa gives up and speaks out in the mix.

I didn't know why I could look at that and say sorry, and I couldn't help but say, "Too bad...?" and went sideways into the conversation.

"You didn't know Smearia," responds Mosa, not looking particularly concerned.

"I think I've just seen it and figured it out, Master Siermeer is good at dancing...... dancing"

"Yes. It was as if they were going to take my eyes off me"

"Master Siermeer's dance is definitely a first-class product. As for those aesthetic eyes, though Smearia seems to have them better than I do.

Master Siermeer does the dance, whereas Master Ayncel is good at singing.

The singing was as beautiful as if my heart were to be washed. There are countless songs you can sing. "

"Is it true that Mr. Mosa wanted to hear Lady Einsel's song?

"That's true, but it's probably not what Smearia imagined"

What does it mean to be different? Though I think it means no less singing than Siermeyer's dance.

Even if the wasp can't put on A and B, it's not surprising that Mr. Mosa is serving the Lord because it's Lady Einsel.

If I thought of something, Luna gave me the answer.

"I can't seem to do it anymore, but I've only had Siermeer and Einsel for one day at the same time. That's when you saw Siermeyer dancing to Einsel's singing voice."

"Yeah. I still remember that day. I wish I could see that sight again someday."

That's, that's... What do you say? Very jealous.

I've never heard Dear Einsel sing, but I guess it still looks good if it's nothing less than Siermeyer's dance.

That's not all, I'd like to see Master Siermeer and Master Einsel together.

Those people care about each other, so I'm sure they'll give you a smile you've never seen.

"Could it be that Master Einsel's song was heard by Master Siermail, who was dancing?

"Maybe. Because the ladies seemed to be able to talk at any time without seeing each other.

Thinking about it, I'm a little jealous of Master Siermeer. "

As I look at Mr. Mosa, who laughs at me, I realize there is a good chance.

Siermeyer's profession to be able to dance that far, and Einsel's profession to sing no less than that.

If the wasp imagination is correct, it's like one of the reasons for Siermeyer's strength has been unraveled.

But that also means that by then, the two of you who are so proficient in witchcraft do not have the profession of witchcraft.

Why... I stopped thinking.

"Well, shall I go clean up, too? Luna asked for Siermeer."

"Yeah, sure. Smearia, let's go."


The wasp followed Luna as she walked out.

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