Two as One Princesses

122. The aftermath of the raid and the power of Fiyanamia

With a skirt hem, where Ciel bowed, Tsu's cage falls inward.

Of course I'm trying not to hit Ciel, but I asked him to be as careful as possible not to hit anyone else.

I still wanted to dance, but Ciel looked dissatisfied, but I've already lost my opponent's will, and it's not sneaky to do any more and get dirty in front of the mansion.

So I stopped singing and spoke to Ciel.

I wanted to dance more, but Ain't gotta dance.

'Sure, this is the first time I've fought so lazily in public, but even if I do this any more, there 'll just be more bodies.

It's going to be hard to stay behind. '

'That's right! Is Ein gonna be okay?

As I recall something, Ciel raises her voice.

It sounds like you're worried, but did something happen to me?

"Ayn doesn't really want to see people die, does he?

"Uh...... In that sense, I'm feeling a little nasty, but it's not enough to care. '

Because the people who have come to kill Ciel, or who have tried to comfort him, are the opponents.

There is no need for mercy. Perhaps if this place were in a forest I don't know where, the number of bodies would have increased more.

Perhaps I did not stop.

Ciel probably worried me because I was scared the first time I preceded a man's death.

Not as good as it is now. Was my spirit simply broken because I had dwelt in the power of God?

But I don't think I want to see someone I know die.

Probably not judged by the brackets of people.

As Ciel separates me from the rest. And then simply because this world is light on life, we may also be able to see that it has been stained.

I don't know how many times Ciel was about to be killed, and I don't count anymore. Although many of them are packed in the five years since birth.

"Dear Siermail, I picked you up."


"Cleanup will be done by the servant, so please rest in your room, Siermail"


Luna, who came, then was taken by Mia, who refrained by her side, and Ciel returned to the mansion.

Then they lead me to my room.

I guess Mosa is a cleanup team. I'll never be on the table, and I'll have manpower.

If I thought so, someone showed up approaching this room.

Well, Mother Fi is the one who's on the lookout.

After the knock, the door opens, making sure it's Mother, and then dropping the alert one step at a time.

"Good luck."

"Is it good to be like that?

"Yeah, yeah. No problem. There was less damage to the mansion than I thought, and there's nothing to say."

"That would have been nice."

This time it is also the purpose to show the power of Ciel, so I guess it is good that we have done enough.

Though Ciel seemed to lack it.

Come to think of it, if you wipe it out, no one will ever tell you how strong Ciel is, and I think you were right to stop it.

"I wonder what will happen now?

"Oh, it's so unusual for Ciel to be interested in someone else."

"I'm not interested. In some cases, I just wondered if I'd be in a situation where I couldn't get out of the mansion."

I was curious too, so I appreciate you asking.

Although Ciel's statement that I'm not interested will be true, I'm not very interested in people either. I'm just worried about what's going on.

And where I wasn't informed, there's nothing to be said about it.

"Heh heh, well, yeah. Don't worry, your actions won't be restricted.

The attackers woke up and left town within a day. Then you'll have the central land after you in three days. "

That's my mother, or they just cut me off.

Even though I feel like throwing it away.

Rather, you haven't thrown it away well before, I don't even think.

"What would you do if someone wasn't leaving?

There's a bunch of people today who don't just ask, right?

"I'll force you out. I know where it is and... well, I'll call you when my leader Triadle wakes up, so why don't you come with me?

"Can you even see something interesting?

"I don't know if it's funny, but I think I know what I'm gonna do."

"Then I guess I'll go."

Wouldn't Mother Fi start to see that something she does is magic - is it magic? - other than constant surveillance all over the center?

I know you're strong, but I've never seen you do anything specific. Though maybe that's why raw people like Triadle show up.

Mother Fii, who heard Ciel's reply, nodded satisfactorily before leaving the room.

I don't know the time, but mostly in the evening.

We destroyed a bunch of people that Ciel raided today, but it was early in the morning, and the date hasn't changed yet.

Because Ciel likes to sleep, she doesn't move early in the morning, but when she moves this way, I think it's a long day.

Until I came to the center, I used to get up early for it, but I also feel like I slept as much.

Mostly because of my connections, I suppose, because I can sleep all the time anywhere.

But is it sometimes because I borrow Ciel's body in the middle of the night that Ciel likes to sleep?

I asked Ciel as a possibility because I was curious, and she said, "If Ayn is going to use it, it's fine."

Instead, they get angry when they care about it and change their behavior from before. I decide not to worry weirdly.

In the meantime, if Ciel doesn't stay up too late as far as I'm concerned, I'll make it good.

Okay, evening. Mother Fi called me, and I came outside the mansion.

There is one of us who made a payback today.

I don't know what happened to anyone else, but I guess it has come to be.

Around there, it's like I'm not interested.

That this man in front of you is the leader, Triadle?

She looks kind of expensive, and I'm pretty sure she does.

Ciel stands to hide in the shadow of Mother Fi and looks at the man as he sees even in stone.

Although the man looks remorsefully at Mother Fi and Ciel, he has nothing in particular to do with it.

He's about to pass out in the battle with Ciel, and he seems to be stained as much as what happens if he hands on this one.

"I'll tell you again, the leader.

Get out of town within a day now, and get out of the central land within three days. "

"I can't," Mr. Leader shook his neck left and right, wondering if he had smashed his tongue small.

I don't think so as far as I'm concerned. You'll need to get ready or something, and the more upper-class you are, the longer it'll take to get ready.

Nevertheless, it was there that sold the fight to us, and this situation is our responsibility there. There is no reason for us to consider the area.

I don't care if Ciel and I are thrown out by ourselves.

I just have a one-day prep period. I wonder if I could just pack it in a day, pack food in a magic bag, and live on a yearly basis? I can do some local sourcing.

"Is it because you're ready?

Then don't worry about it. "

When Mother Fi said that, I heard something explode in the distance.

When I see the sound, there's kind of smoke up there.

The leader, who noticed it, opened his eyes and let his mouth fill.

I see, I see.

Is it Mr. Leader's house where the explosion sounded?

"Oh, you figured out what happened. Now you don't have to prepare. No, maybe a little more?

That said, the same sound keeps ringing about twice.

Mr. Leader sees his mother as if he sees something incredible, but was there a secret safe house or something like that?

If you're an upper class, sure, maybe you have one.

Fi, there's no way I can hide it from my mother.

"I know you do, but if I violate the order, it's for you now."

Fi, a man collapses into Mother's words.

He's kind of laughing in a small voice, and he's pretty scary.

And leave it alone and my mother goes back to the mansion.

Ciel also enters the mansion about later.

So Ciel finally opened his mouth.

"Maybe Fi can attack anywhere in the center?

"Yeah, yeah. That's what I'm saying. I can sense it, so there's nothing I can't attack."

"I knew Fi was amazing, too."

"All this is something with different lengths of life.

Ciel will be able to do it someday. "

Although the scope is narrow for once, I can do something similar to Mother Fi, although I thought so, I can't do anything about each person on a boulder.

Would it feel like something like that if I could get around it?

Though I cannot attack in the first place.

I usually don't know what it means to keep using detection throughout the center.

Anyway, as long as you're in the center, you can always say that Mother Fi holds my life.

It seems that the use of God is truly out of standard.

Fi, if you can protect yourself from Mother Mother's attack, though, I wouldn't be talking about it.

"Besides, Syel's gonna be a god because Ayn pulled her off too, right?

"You can stay with Ayn forever!

"Wouldn't you be able to do better than me?


"I am only what God used to be."

Sure, there would be such a side to it, but it's like I can't imagine.

Could it be, but isn't Mother Fi, who was the Creator and used by the Supreme God, more capable than a lousy God?

Though I am God of Creation and the source of power. Maybe that means we can get over it.

Well, you won't even have to hurry.

I'm just getting better than Mother Fi, and it's not like there's anything.

I know it's still excessive when it comes to defense.

"So you can do whatever you want after tomorrow."

"Sounds like it. What are we going to do?

"Aren't you able to do your clothes?

'That's true! Shall we go?'

When I told him about Mr. Szczy, who couldn't make it because of the raid, he came aboard as Ciel remembered.

I've had quite a few days, but will you be all right?

I know you won't say no, but let's hope you have some idea of what's going on here.

Speaking of which, I don't know what kind of clothes I can wear after all... Any clothes that Ciel thought of for me would be fine. You won't be able to wear anything weird.

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