Two as One Princesses

123. Takeover, assassination and reasons

The next morning. Rather than say morning, we head to Ciel and Mr. Shy, who woke up close to noon.

It seems that yesterday's raid has already spread all over town, and I felt more bothered than when I came forward.

And there are quite a few people who see Ciel, one of the central figures, but no one talks to him just to be made far-fetched.

Though it may be obvious because anyone looking at Ciel will know that "righteous daughter of Dear Fiyanamia," and to the extent of rumors about strength.

Still, there are exceptions to some of them, where a platoon in high-looking clothes tells an upper-class man, "Are you going out?," he asked.

I don't know this man who's a veteran butler and boasts a mustache.

I'll give it back if I ask Ciel and she doesn't know, so it could be a numb.

Though I think there are too many age differences in boulders.

Ciel asked me what I would do, so I told him to return it appropriately.

Ignoring it could make a bad impression.

Even if you're dangerous, you can handle it.

"To pick up my clothes"

"I'm looking forward to that."

When a man wonders if he did, he laughs haha and passes next to Ciel.

I've been monitoring him for a while, but he's not going to do anything to Ciel to the extent that he used some sorcery.

I told Ciel for once, wondering what the hell it was.

Then as I walked through town, I noticed just a few things that had changed.

Though the store where I was kicked out because I tried to buy clothes before and couldn't even put them on my teeth was gone.

I remembered, so I checked, but Ciel passes without looking like she cared at all.

The other one survived, but from what I saw, I felt like the clerk was changing.

I feel uncomfortable coming to the front of Mr. Szczy's shop and tell Ciel to stop.

"I wonder what happened?

'You have a few inside. It's not an atmosphere where shoppers…'

Can I help you?

'I think so. Mr. Szczy seems to be down.'

"He's alive, isn't he?

"You're alive."

To say you feel magic would not be dead.

Or maybe it doesn't make sense to kill him.

"Looks like we're after it."

'Then shall we go inside? Ein, can I ask you something about Szczy?

'Okay. There are about six of us, do you sing?

'Right. If we're going to fight, can we ask for it? I think you should stop using magic. "

If we were to meet in the store, magic would be too powerful.

I don't sneak getting my clothes wet with water, I don't like fire, and the wind is like throwing a blade if you use it to attack.

Though Ciel seems to think that something is more of a problem with the clothes he receives than with the damage done to the store.

Remove the sword that had long been locked from the magic bag, and Ciel approaches the door.

Then I didn't hesitate to open the door and walked all the way inside.

In no time, two swords from behind loom before Ciel says anything.

No raising your voice, minimal noise.

As a surprise, my boundaries easily bounce back an attack made at the perfect time.

It doesn't seem to be that high as an offensive force, as it also left a 30% and outer junction.

While you're at it, I'll keep Mr. Shy in the junction, apparently asleep in the back room.

A little far from Ciel, but would withstand even an A-class offense about once.

There was one old man with a knife near Mr. Shy, but he was through.

Apparently it's not an atmosphere for discussion, so I decide to sing a song.

Not of the Spirit, but of ordinary songs. Something short among them.

Ciel begins to move as she begins to sing.

When he uses his sword, Ciel moves in line with my song.

Cut it up when it goes from low to high, and vice versa.

Some of them are moving according to their opponents, but if they are big enough to come off, they get bored with the junction and spoil the attack.

It has an atmosphere as if it were manipulating Ciel into a puppet, but no matter what I think, if I manipulate it, I can't move like Ciel right now.

Because if you think you've bent your knees lightly, you jump over people lightly.

Even though it fits the song, it moves fast, and in the end it cannot be imitated by me.

I can make similar movements once, but I can see them coming out of balance and somewhere.

Because he's a princess or because he's the owner of his original body, he's basically better at moving it.


Cut off the first two necks that attacked me - the blood vessels - and cause them to bleed out.

Leave it alone by saying that one of these days you will die, then jump backwards to avoid one more spin of the knife that flew in from three directions.

I may have targeted Ciel's gap, but I don't get distracted when I knock two people down because I'm telling them how many are in advance.

Even if I was distracted, though I'd just bounce back in the junction.

Apparently the opponent sees he can't win from the front and is going to assassinate him.

Assassination, or suddenly being able to throw a knife, kind of reminds me of where I was in Rispergia.

I didn't have enough magic back then, and after I protected Ciel, I was out of my mind.

I couldn't distract myself because I couldn't keep using the magic of detection at all times either.

I'm not going to be distracted now, but it would have been better than it was back then.

Whatever it is, memories in Lispergia are not pleasant.

Siel's movements stopped for a moment when what he remembered on the pretend had been passed on to Siel.

Without missing that gap, those after Ciel throw the knife again.

Without regard to the dimensions, the three knives that flew over Ciel's forehead, heart and throat are stopped and bounced in front of Ciel.

That was the blade looming in front of him, but Ciel threw it in the direction it flew as it grabbed the played knife in the air without showing how upset it was.

The aim came with the Princess Mai correction and was enough to hit the target, but somehow all three of them hidden fell and suffered.

Even if it wasn't, was it poisoned?

That's five for now. All you have to do is one person at Mr. Shy's, so stop singing.

"One more is in the back room."

'That's good, but what happened?

'I was remembering a little bit about it in Rispergia because he said he was going to be targeted from where he didn't look like this'

'You are...'

'Don't worry about it. I don't really want to remind you,' cause I'm not even that serious. '

'... ok!

I let Ciel worry about me.

Reflections change the subject to change your mind now as later.

'It's a man in the back, but if you can, can you capture him without killing him?

'If Ayn says so, I will. But why not?

'To make you take responsibility...... is it? I thought I'd let Mr. Szczy decide what to do with you.'

It's a disaster, isn't it?

'After that, you collect information. I want you to know why you've been after me, and what position people have been after me.'

Though the person who raided me today is bad, I think Mr. Szczy looks just as pathetic after being suddenly tainted with the store after being raided.

Actually, I tried not to use the junction to splash about the blood, but the blood congestion is made, so I will have to clean it.

Or should I replace the floor?

If people were dead, I feel like that's not the case in this world, although it's a fine accident property in previous lives.

'Then what do we do with magic normally?

"Maybe that's easy."

Mai Himei is not fit to capture people.

I decided to leave it to Syel because I had a role to play in protecting Mr. Shy, even though I could do so in the kingdom.

I've also decided to do it, so I open the door that leads back to Ciel at his usual rate.

The man inside makes a rattling noise as if surprised and leans closer to Mr. Shy.

"There are times when Fiyanamia just chose to bend."

"Who? Why would you do this?

"How did you know that?... revenge. It's a grudge that killed my son."

Whether you were surprised or scared at first, the man who was all over hears Ciel's question and then reveals his anger like it was switched on.

Though I thought you were related to yesterday's guy, are you a flesh parent?

Fi, my mother had ordered me to leave, but was it just about herself?

Or do I dare to just miss this man?

Ciel, then for my experience, it may be predominant that I am missing out.

I think it's a resentment, but that's certainly what some people do.

"Yes... so?

When Ciel started approaching, seemingly uninterested, he said, "Stay away!" The man exclaimed.

"I don't care what happens to this woman?

"If you can do something about it"

When Ciel gets closer, a man puts a knife on Mr. Shy's neck... and he's on the line with intent.

Don't you realize that? Is that all you're feeling?

Will either be the same?

Perhaps even if this were a situation that could not protect Mr. Shy, Ciel would not surrender.

Even if I hit my hand to help, I won't be the first to take my place. I'm not willing to let that happen either.

While I was thinking about it, I waved the knife down to Mr. Szczy after he said "fuck" and evil that the limit had come to something of the man.

But I'm inhibited by the junction, and I drop the knife. Asked Ciel, the knife he dropped got him kicked in the distance.

The man who saw it opens his eyes.


"I don't know. Spiramote, take him."

To the man's zero words, Ciel cast a spell with his palm against the man as he responded to the clutter.

Suddenly a tsu emerges from the floor wraps around a man and inhibits his behavior.

Both hands and feet, then his mouth was also pressed and he sat down on the floor. I think it hurts to tie it up or something, but I don't care if it doesn't kill me.

A man caught unexpectedly laughing at me when I thought it would be better to wake Mr. Shy for now.

Those eyes aren't Ciel, they're looking across the door.

Once I followed the end of that gaze, the butler who had spoken before I came here was aiming at Ciel's neck.

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