Two as One Princesses

124. Post-processing and relationships

The butler's knife, which was sneaking in without sound, hits Ciel's neck and stops.

Stopped, to be precise, by my bond.

He had a winning eye, both the man captured by Tsu and the butler who had been after his neck round his eyes as surprised.

Without the juncture, it would have been dangerous... not that it was.

I was aware of the approach. It's just that presence, right? It was a little difficult to understand the proximity that I would normally clearly understand.

'You were silent after you noticed, weren't you?


'It's terrible, it's terrible! Oh, my God.

But why not?

"For Ciel's training, is it? It was a little hard for me to figure out, so I wanted you to know that there are other people like this. '

'Right. Haven't you noticed? I don't think there was a sound, but why not?

'I can't say for sure, but I think the profession has something to do with it'

The profession is innumerable, and its number is increasing.

Sometimes the profession that I once saw quite a bit stopped showing up recently.

Then it is not surprising that there is a profession specialised in assassination and infiltration.

Besides, I don't know if it makes sense to manipulate magic to keep it from sensing magic - because few people can sense it - but I might be able to move without making a sound by doing it or training.

But what I do is spatial grasp. If you want to do it, you can even count how many stones and how many grasses are growing in the space.

You can't escape as long as it exists there.

The fact that you tried to mislead it is likely to be an effect of your profession.

I rather think it's something I haven't even met before.

I don't know how many assassinations I've been about to be assassinated, but it was crude to the extent that even I used to know.

Is it a small number or was it not a full-time job? Well, considering the aim was to try a child under 10, doesn't it also have to be in the main position?

'You have that profession, too. No, I'm not surprised.'

'Yes, but it's time for a blind eye, so why don't you deal with it?

"So is that."

While Syel and I were talking, the butler was attacking Syel without stirring up, looking between them and putting out his hand to rescue the man captured by Tsu.

Though neither has achieved much.

Perhaps the attack power is low to see where Tsu hasn't been heavily damaged.

I mean, it's harmless, but it's time for a boulder.

Ciel takes the sword for the dance out of the magic bag, and when he drops it, including the butler's knife, he picks it up and cuts it.

Again, his combat skills seemed low, and he could easily do things without the support of a singing princess.

Apparently the knife was poisoned, and the cut butler is suffering, and eventually stops moving.

"Is Ciel okay?

'No problem. Is Ein going to be okay?

It was probably the first time I had killed a person directly, not by witchcraft or dance princess, so I spoke out worried, but on the contrary, I was cared for.

I don't have a problem. I don't see how you can do it from the looks of things like that.

I said, "It's okay," too.

He seems to think it's more like a monster there than he's attacked for his life.

Bandits are treated similarly.

I'm fine now, too. Though I might have been exhausted in the old days.

Try to explore the surroundings, see how Tsuman is, and tell Ciel that the raid is over.

Nevertheless, Mr. Shy did not wake up, happy or unhappy, until the raid was cleared up.

Maybe he's an outgoing big guy.

When I asked Ciel to wake me up, she said, "Just a little more..." so I'm sure he's a big guy.

"Oh well, so this is what happened. Shall we take the day off already?

Mr. Szczy woke up and was just looking at a man who was losing his mind at Ts, so Ciel briefly informed him of the situation.

While Mr. Szczy is asleep, he's cleaned up once, except for Tsuman, as he put the body in a magic bag and Ciel washed his blood out with hydromagic and pushed the body back to the Hunter Union.

I mean, I think it took me about an hour all the time, but Mr. Szczy, who slept all that time, may still be off somewhere.

I'm afraid the reaction, which I didn't really care about, was after I told him that I had killed a raider in this store.

I'm a class A hunter, and I guess I'm splitting up around there.

Especially this time, it's like being attacked by a bandit if you try it on Mr. Shy, and if you look at it as a hunter, it's included in the crusade.

"Why did Shy lose?

If he was a Class A hunter, he might have been able to deal with it, but Mr. Shy shook his head left and right at Ciel's inquiry.

"I'm unintentionally vulnerable, aren't I? If demons are opponents, they often fight from the front, so they can fight at all."

You mean the typical sorcerer type.

I wonder what that means.

'Is it like a rear guard, weak to physics, weak to be hit...?

Then maybe he's also less capable of detecting.

I think the goal was to stun him this time, so maybe he doesn't have to kill him or something?

Yeah. I don't know the details.

In the meantime, if you fight the demon opponent from the front, you can fight the A-level opponent too, but I guess that means...

"I don't think you'd have been killed by that."


"Because the Spirit protects you"

Will you even do that when you are in a covenant with the Spirit?

Maybe that's why I didn't quite wake up.

It would be a guy named Secure Being Protected.

Though the Spirit doesn't seem as overprotective as I am.

But I'm not going to overprotect Ciel either.

By the way, is Mr. Ricill going to help us when we're in danger?

"But I guess. Maybe the store was completely destroyed by then. Because spirits are all around them."

"Too much?

"That's right..."

Mr. Szczy has a distant eye, but could he have done something about it before?

Somehow, at the time of taking Mr. Szczy hostage, Tsumao had almost lost as well.

At the time of the blade towards Mother Fi, though it may be.

If you were my dear son, you should have persuaded me not to blade Mother Fi.

"What do we do with this?

"Hunter union...... I wonder. So I think you can make this request and leave the rest to me."

To Ciel, who had just asked Tsuman, Mr. Szczy said so, squeezing it out, remembering something.

"Is there a demand?

"Will you never engage with us again?

'Right. What I want is not something I can get from a man like this.'

'What do you want?

"Don't tell me."

When Ciel dulls, he makes a laugh.

The voice seems to kind of tickle my ears, and I'm going to laugh this way.

That said, Mr. Shy doesn't sound like him.

"What does Shy want?

"Money. I just want you to have it for now... I'm just kidding."

Correct me like I panicked, Mr. Shy, but I won't be deluded by the boulders.

I guess that's roughly everyone who wants money, and I don't think they have to care.

All the more so if you're running a store. If you can afford the money, you'll be able to do whatever you want, and the store will become a hobby.

"I think money is good"

"Oh, yeah?

I'm picking the edge of my mouth with a relieved look from the reassurance of being affirmed or from the imagination that maybe I'll get a lot of money.

'Because of this, and should I ask Mr Szczy if he would recommend a product and buy it'

"Good, but why not?

'Cause it's like this place was raided because of us.

And an apology, is it?

"But we're not bad, are we? Though I think that man is the cause of all this. '

You're right when you ask me. I still don't think we need to apologize if we're going to apologize to the man.

Sometimes an apology can make things worse.

Besides, we're not in a good position to apologize easily.

Though that's why I'm taking it in the direction of buying a product instead of putting it into words.

From Ciel's point of view, that means we don't have to do that either.

Well, how did you explain it?

'What does Ciel think of Mr. Shy?

"Much more than normal people, I guess."

'Then ask me for a relationship.

I'm not actually apologizing, and I'm concerned that you've had a rough time, because you can feel as good as that. '

'If Ayn says so, I will. But it's hard to get along.'

'Right. There's no right answer, and it's hard.'

If I have the right answer, I want to know too. For one minute in my previous life, I'm doing something advisory because I had more opportunities to deal with people than Ciel, but there's no guarantee that's right.

Think about it, the world is different, and previous lives are only domestic stories.

In the same world, if the country is different, the way we hang out changes.

"Uh, Master Siermail?

I was talking to Ain.

"Ah, yes. Dear Einsel, Sorry to interrupt."

"Not out of the way"

Because he was talking to me, he was speaking to Ciel like Mr. Szczy was in trouble.

I suddenly shut my eyes, so I can't help it.

"Shh. Do you have any recommendations for the store?


... er... are you paying attention to me?


"Never mind. Yeah, never mind really."

Mr. Szczy forcefully accepts Ciel's offer.

Like I'm in a hurry, like I'm scared.

Mr. Szczy spoke out, as he had noticed, as Ciel had his neck clenched.

"These shop Siermeisters even cleaned me up, didn't they?


"That's enough. Or so many, nonetheless. Yet if she cares, I'll be mad at your sister.

So don't worry, you're going to help me. "

Biscuit, Mr. Shy bows his head in momentum.

I see what you feared was that Mr. Yunmika would piss you off.

And I feel like there's a tough side of power out there.

'What should we do?

'If that's what Mr. Shy wants you to do, you may not have to worry'


"I don't care about Szczy. So, what about Ein's clothes?

Hear Ciel, who stopped caring in an instant, do something outrageous.

Even under these circumstances, they're willing to buy my clothes.

But earlier, Mr. Szczy said the store would be closed. That's why I thought you might say no, but for some reason, Mr. Szczy moves out with a good smile and says, "Wait a minute".

Is this... is something wrong with my senses?

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